Friday, 31 January 2014

Story 81 Nude Bull Rush.

Hi, Mike here next.
       As you will understand, Shanti hasn’t been in the mood for writing recently. Her father passing away hit her harder than we expected it would. We all knew it was coming but then it's different to when it actually happens, I suppose.
       Everyone else here sends their love and greetings.       

       Since Shanti didn’t want to write I decided to do the next story for you in India. This story comes from our nude camping holiday. It’s a bit different since it involves an ordinary game made sexier by the fact we were all playing it in the nude. Maybe there is no sex going on, but playing with a group of people like this was sexy enough, well I think so, anyway.
       Let me explain what happened. One day while we were still camping, I was approached by a man from another large group, about playing a mixed sports day. It sounded like fun so I when I got back to our camp, I suggested it to everyone.

Story 81 Background.

Index of Letters          Return to Story 81

                                                                                                                        Posted by Allan

        This story was written in 2013, about the same time Kim completed Letter/Story 73, the mud story. We were extending this section and splitting it into two volumes, so a number of new stories were written and add during this period. This one, Nude Bull Rush, was one of the new ones.

        Nude Bull Rush – now there is an interesting idea. The game, bull rush was popular when I was going to school but of course, we never played it nude. It was a rough game; often people would get minor injuries, in some cases broken bones too. Almost always, it was played by a mixture of boys and girls, with kids of all ages too. That is probably why eventually the schools began to ban it.
        Usually, the game started with one of the larger boys in the centre. He would quickly catch some team members to help him as they worked towards tagging all the runners. By catching a couple of younger children, they would catch the smaller children their own age while he could concentrate on the older children.  Another effective method I used with to select catchers and taggers. Us older, stronger ones would catch, then a smaller child would rush in and tag for us.  You will notice that I used both these strategies in this story.

        I also wanted to work on the idea of naked men and women in close contact with each other as they caught each other. Although there is no way this would lead to sex, there were some strong sexual undertones. Take for example Mike catching that woman and ending up with his head between her breasts. Was there something sexual going on there? Of course, there was. They both knew it too. Shanti did as well.
         I also wanted to inject humour into this story too. Take for example Mike catching his little daughter Kathy or Joseph catching that six-year-old. There is nothing sexual there. It was all part of the game for the kids too.

        Nude Bull Rush. If you hear of a game, let me know. I’d be in for it too.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Story 80 More Sexy Indian Fun.

Hi from India.
            It is Amita again. All of the India Team send their greetings and regards to our New Zealand friends.
            We are sorry to be hearing about your father Shanti. We just received your E-mail before I was ready to send this to you and so I am knowing about it before too. I know that he was with a lot of pain and it was also very hard for your mother to see him with the suffering like that so I can understand how through all this grief you can also be feeling some of the relief as well.
            We have relayed the news to all your friends here in India and they are sending their wishes and regards to you also. We are all thinking of you here as well. Please send our regards to your mother and to Greeshma who we know is upset too.
            I am sure that for those last few months having those two fine women looking to him for his needs must have been a great comfort to him and I am glad you and Mike have been able to be close to your parents also. Also, we send our regards to you Lizamoa because I am knowing in many ways Shanti’s Dad had become the father you never had. I am sorry you did not get to know him for longer too. 

Story 80 Background

                                                                                                                                  Posted by Shandra

       We were writing the stories for this section during the final build-up for the nude resort stories when we realised that most of these stories were about New Zealand where we had developed the series set in the nude camping ground. There was nothing much about India. Something needed to be done about this, so Anne called a writers meeting.
         Two stories were decided upon at this meeting, this one here about what was going on in India and the second is the massage story, which will appear in two weeks’ time. At that time Anne has been working on another story which included that crocodile again. We were able to add two more stories here, building towards her story which will appear much later. The first tells us about Shanti’s Hideaway, and the second is about the girl who is riding on the crocodiles back in this new attraction at the Game Reserve. Have a look at the Index Page, you’ll see what I mean. You will find her story “Shanti’s Hideaway” in Vol 12. At the same time, we added a mention of the new tourist attraction in Story 78 as well.
          I think this story would be useful in a printed book where it was originally intended but it does not fit so well on our blog. It is not the first time we have used a transition story like this and it probably won't be the last. Anyway, it's part of the build-up for the Nude Resort so for that reason alone it made it into the blog.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Story 79 Nude Camping.

At the Nude Camp.
            Hi from New Zealand. Shanti here.
            The New Zealand Team once again sends our greetings to our friends in India. We hope you are all doing well and our letter finds you all in good health. Here in New Zealand, we are all well too. We are all looking forward to seeing you all again. I know I am going to enjoy catching up and hopefully having some fun together too. I think going to this resort is the best idea we’ve had in a long time. 

            Now, thank you Mootie and Hansini, Mega and Brian for two very good stories. I am glad you all have now broken the ice and joined in with the sexy fun. The first time you swap partners is always a bit exciting, but a bit scary too. I can understand you being a bit nervous too but I am glad how it worked out that you all could relax and have fun. That it what it is all about, isn’t it – having fun? Are you planning to try with some more partners when we all get to the resort? I hope so, as we want you guys to join in the fun I know we'll be having.   
           As for the start of your story Mootie. You did a good job for the first time. But crocodiles shouldn't be scary. Just call me to help you. LOL 

Story 79 Background.

                                                                                                                    Posted by Susan
         You have already seen in earlier stories that Joseph discovered a camping ground that was clothing optional. This ground is supposedly set in the Te Henga Valley backing on to the Regional Centurial Park. This is completely fictional and as far as we know there is no park like this in that area. Many years ago there was a nudist club in the area but that was only open to club members I believe.
        The original goal of this story was just to introduce the camp and set the scene for the stories that will follow. I wanted to just describe the camp layout, letting you know the location of lakes for swimming, the mainstream, the playing field, the main admin block and the arrangement of camp sites.  The reasons for this will become clear when we reach some of the other camp stories. For many years that was basically how the story was left. 

        But then much later in 2012, we began the second series of camp stories, which will be found at the beginning of Volume Eleven. Here Greeshma gets involved in some rather naughty fun herself. We decided to go back to this earlier series and give her a slightly sexier role here. That is why the second part of this story we find Greeshma goes swimming topless. As Shanti tells Joseph, she had stepped out of her usual comfort zone to do that.
        The main theme behind this second part was Greeshma actually going topless and then Joseph coming to terms with it. I think the little conversation between Shanti and Joseph helps here too as she tells him Greeshma is not just his mother, she is a woman like Lizamoa. If topless is ok for Liz then its ok for Greeshma too. Joseph seems to see the reasoning of this but we can still see he is not entirely comfortable with it.   

         The sickness of Shanti's father is based on a real event that happened at this time. Reshma & Shandra's mother - Allan's step-mother became very sick with cancer. We all knew it was bad but for a few weeks, she seemed to recover. She wanted to visit her family in Wellington but the trip proved too much and she went quickly downhill after that. In a way, this theme in our stories is in memory of her.

Index of Letters          Return to Story 79     

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Story 78 An Evening to Remember – Part Two.

            Hi again from India. It is Amita again here.
            So what an interesting letter. That was a good story Lizamoa. Thank you, Shanti for letting us share in what must have been a hard day for you. I remember while you were in India, one day at our house we sat around the pool and had the story night. (see Letter 56  Part B)
           I remember how confident you both were that your parents had never found you both out. It must have been a big shock finding that they even knew it all. 

            First off for our plans. It is looking good for us in February. I think we will all be able to make it. I just am not sure about Mootie, if he can get the time off. It seems like they are going through some changes in the Game Reserve. They are building something at our little lake. I hope they don't ruin the peacefulness there with bus loads of tourists. Anyway, back to Mootie, he is hopeful he can come with us so we will see how that works out.
            Katrina and I went onto the internet and saw the website for the resort. The photos look so good. I am thinking this must be a very beautiful place. I know I am looking forward to going there. I am also looking forward to seeing you all once again.  
            Sarvesh wants to speak with you before you book. He has some connections for international travel which could give us a very good discount. So please don't book anything until you contact us, OK?

Story 78 Background

                                                                                                                    Posted by Susan

         So when Hansini and Mootie decided to swap partners with Brian and Mega we needed a writer to cover the second story between Mootie and Mega. At that point, we decided on Mootie as his wife Hansini was already involved in writing. So to add interest, in the first story, Story 76, we added that conversation between Amita and Hansini as to who would do it but we were careful not to say who. Finally, at the start of this letter, Amita reveals the person’s name as Mootie.
       Most of this story was written in late 2008 but in 2013 when Rajah began writing his first story he was having trouble getting started as he explained in his background notes for Story 74. We decided that Mootie, being an outdoor man might have the same trouble. Rajah came up with this interesting paragraph about writing being hard work, which we added as the opening to this story.
       The first thing I did was develop that conversation between Hansini and Mega which led to partner swapping. The approach I decided on was them discussing playing a game, then talking about Letter 57 where a game was played for sex. In this case, the game never actually took place since there were only two couples anyway, but it was a good way to start a sexy conversation, a way which to me sounded like it may happen. Notice how I allowed the girls to arrange it all with both guys remaining silent, just listening. This is how it often happens here in this house for real too. 
        While I was doing all this opening stuff, Shandra had already started working on her sex scenes in Story 76, so after reading what she had written I began on my sex scenes. There is nothing too unusual about the sex. It had to be fairly good but not outstanding, it also had to appear to have been written by a guy. One thing I did add, was both admitting they had never had sex with anyone other than their spouses.
       Finally, we come to that last bit about the new tourist attraction at the Game Reserve. This was added in a lot later in 2012 when Anne was writing a story from Vol 11 called Shanti’s Retreat. That later story involves the crocodile again. This is the crocodile which Shanti killed back in Letter 54. So even though he has been dead a long time that crocodile still keeps coming back into our stories.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Story 77 Mothers Know Everything

Hi from the New Zealand Team. Shanti here. 
            We all send our regards to the Indian Team. Most of all we want to say a big thank you to Hansini for another good story. We all enjoyed it a lot.
            That evening you, Hansini and Brian were together, I hear Mootie and Mega were together as well, also having a separate sexy adventure. I understand this is coming in your next letter, but there is one question we are all wondering about. Who will write that story, Mootie or Mega?           

            I did some looking for an adult – clothing optional resort that could cater for smaller children, but they are almost impossible to find. Obviously, adult resorts and children do not go together and so I had almost given up on the idea.
           Then I got a phone call from Sharon. It seems Steve has also been doing some research on the internet and we think we have found a resort in Australia, which caters for families and children but also has an adult side as well. They advertise very good childcare services, so parents can get away and relax as well. Sounds like just what we are looking for doesn't it.
            We have sent an e-mail to them asking for more details and the possibility of booking a large group in February next year. At present, we are waiting to hear back from them. As soon as we do, we will contact you. So are you guys OK for us to book in February?
            Now over to Lizamoa who has a story to tell you. 

Story 77 Background

                                                                                                     Posted by Anne
         This is one of the feature stories of the Letters Series. There has been an amazing amount of work spent on it for such a short story. I believe the original version was written in mid-2008 then it had a major rebuild in 2010. More recently in 2013, more work was done.

         You could say this is an addition to our earlier Letter 43 Shanti was Painfully Shy. Certainly, I believe it would be worth reading that one before you continued with this one here. You might also like to read Letter - 56 Story Night in the section talking about Letter 43 where Mike and Shanti are still sure her parents never found out about their sexual relationship.  
         Basely the story is about Shanti discovering her parents knew about her and Mike’s sexual relationship almost from the beginning. We learn how they decided not to confront her about it when they realised how happy she was and how much this had improved her speech problems. They sound like fairly modern Indian parents if you ask me. I'm not sure Shandra's parents, certainly not her mother, would have been so understanding. This story is also unusual in that there is a small poem included as well.  

        The major changes made in 2010 was the scene where Shanti retrieves her ‘treasures’ and the idea of Greeshma going to live with Shanti’s parents. The reason for this second change will be revealed when we get to the other 2010 stories in Vol Ten. The poem was added at this point too,
        Later, in 2013, some of us had another go at the story. Our intention was to make it into a story that flowed better when read aloud. Not much was changed in the basic structure of the story but there were many minor changes, particularly to the conversations etc.
       Finally, Kim added that piece where Greeshma admits she watched Lizamoa and Peter having sex in the mud. In his story, (Letter/Story 73), Joseph had wondered how much she knew. Kim wanted to keep the fact Greeshma was watching secret in her story and then get Greeshma to admit she was watching, here in this story.