Letters Timeline.

Hi, Anne here.
         This page is a timeline of the Letters Project. As far as we know it is correct although we have had to guess at a few dates. It gives you an idea of how the Letters Project developed and when the various letters were written. It also is a good summary of how the writer's team came together. I will be updating this page as time goes by and we feel new entries are required.

1993.                       Anne arrives in New Zealand.

1994.                       Susan and Shandra arrive in New Zealand.

1998.                       Susan leaves school and starts working in an office.

1999.                       Birth of Letters!  The first letter to Joseph was written. See Letter 1.

1999.                       Shandra gets a job at a share broker.

2000.                       Anne starts working for her father's restaurant business.

2000.                       Anne and Allan meet. Soon they begin dating

2000.                       Anne stops dating Allan. Susan dates him a few times. They girls keep in touch with him.

2000.                       Kevin first sees the Letters Book. Gives the girls Letter 9, supposedly written by him.

2000.                       Letter10 written by Shandra.

2001   June.            Allan first sees the Letters Book. He suggests some improvements and then agrees to help with the project.

2001   Aug.           Allan invents the game called "Strip." He helps Anne put it into Letter 13.

2001   Nov.          Rochelle and Allan begin chatting online.

2002   Mar.           Anne and Allan begin dating again.

2002   Jul.             Anne and Allan write Letter 17 together.

2003   Sept.          Susan begins dating Brian.

2003   Nov.           Brian first hears about the Letters Project when Letter 20 was read out one afternoon by Susan and Allan.  

2004   Jan.             Ohope nude holiday.  In a week long brain-storming session Brian and Reshma help write Letter 23. Leftover story material saved for Letter 36.  For more see the background notes for both these letters. For a more about this holiday see Brian's Page. 

2004   May.           Susan ends with Brian.

2005   Jan.             Kim arrives in New Zealand from Thailand to study as an Accountant.

2005   Apr.            Allan is unexpectedly promoted to a farm manager.

2005   June.          Things turn sexual online between Rochelle and Allan.

2005   Dec.            A trip to Christchurch.  See background notes for Letter 46.

2006   Jun.             Letter 37 & Letter 38 written.

2007   Jan.             Letter 43 written.

2007   Dec.            After a very productive year, Letter 62 written. They decided to continue Letters.

2008   May.           First attempt at establishing the blog. It does not work out and is left a few months later.

2008   Dec.            Letter 75 written. The idea of going to a beach resort.

2009   Jan.             Susan and Brian begin dating again.

2009   Jan.             Letter 88 is written. First night at the resort on the Great Barrier Reef.

2009   May.           Anne decides to move to the farm and live with Allan. Her parents are shocked and she was almost disowned by her family.

2009   June.         Letter 95 is written with Brian helping do the chess game.

2009   Nov.           Anne stops working for her father and gets a part-time job at a nearby café. She also works on the farm part-time for Allan.

2009   Dec.            Letter 102 completed.

2010   Feb.            Susan and Brian break up again. Brian leaves the Letters Project for good. (Or so we thought. See Sept 2013.)

2010   Apr.            Letter 105 is written.

2010   Dec.            Letter 118 is written.

2011   Sept.          Rochelle and Marceau visit New Zealand for the Rugby World Cup and to visit Allan and Anne on the farm.

2011   Nov.           Shandra shows the blog to Kim and asks for her help. Kim visits the farm and is given a printed copy of Letters to read.

2011   Dec.            Letter 131 is written. Decide to continue Letters into a new volume. Major rebuild at this time.

2011   Dec.            Kim completes reading the Letters and agrees to rebuild the blog. Over next month Kim spends her weekends at the farm working on the Letters Project.

2012   Feb.             Kim decides to become involved in the Project doing the on-line admin and then later writing. New look blog is re-launched.

2012   Feb.            Letters is now 13 years old. First weekly publishing begins. One story and one background each week.

2012   Feb.            Shandra meets Rajah.

2012   Mar.           Shandra decides to move to the farm. Rajah learns about Letters and becomes involved taking over the on-line work from Kim.

2012   May.           Shandra replaces Anne in the café. Anne begins working for Allan on the farm full-time.

2012   May.           When Susan learns Shandra is living on the farm she decides to move there too.

2012   May.           Work on the next generation letters started.

2012  June.           Susan forms a long-term relationship with Anne and Allan. They decide on a 12 month trial period.

2012   July.            Susan gets a job at the winery. Shandra begins working full-time on the farm. Big new step for a city girl.

2012   July.            Major rebuild of Letters begins. This continues through until Feb 2013. This project is driven by Anne and Rajah.

2012   July.            Allan is promoted to Regional Manager. Anne becomes the Farm Manager.

2012   Aug.            Kim moves to the farm and joins Susan at the winery.

2012  Oct.             Susan has an accident at the winery and burns most of the skin off her face. 3 weeks in hospital.

2012   Nov.           Rajah moves his business to West Auckland. Move to live on the farm in an apartment behind the big shed.

2012   Nov.           Ayaka, Anne's cousin, arrives in New Zealand.

2012   Dec.            Ayaka arrives on the farm to help Anne over Christmas. She first gets involved in Letters doing admin work.

2013   Feb.            Been posting letters on-line for one year.  The Letters Project is now 14 years old.

2013   Feb.            Ayaka begins working full-time for Anne. Is now helping with the writing, (7 writers now)

2013   Mar.           Susan leaves the Winery to work full-time for Anne.

2013   May.          Shandra and Rajah get married.

2013   June.         Anne discovers she is pregnant.

2013   June.         Vol Ten, up to Story 147 is completed.

2013   June/July.
                             Shandra and Rajah visit India. 

2013    July.         Kim leaves the winery and begins working full-time as a Rural Portfolio Financial Controller for the investment company which owns the farm.

2013   Aug.          A major turning point in publishing the story is reached when Lizamoa and Joseph move to New Zealand. In Vol 5 the writers decided to drop the address and recognise the 'letters' as they are 'stories.' (See Letter/Story 62)

2013   Aug.          Susan is pregnant too.

2013   Sept.         Ayaka, Anne's cousin, publishes her first story. (See Letter/Story 65)

2013   Sept.         Brian does a Goggle search and rediscovers the blog. After discussions between him, Susan and Anne he begins to start adding background material to stories he helped write. 

2013    Sept.        Anne completes Letter 148 which is a major milestone in the story when Sarvesh and Katrina finally spend a night together.

2013   Oct.          Reshma, begins working directly on the blog by helping her sister to prepare the first Katrina story for publishing. She has taken over editing the page called Katrina's Story. (See Letter/Story 70)

2013  Nov.          Kim publishes her first story on the blog. (See Letter/Story 73)

2013  Nov.          The team work on the early stories of Volume 7 about the adult resort. Three new stories are added and the new writers are involved in writing them. Rajah completes the opening story of this volume which had been left half finished by Susan.

2013 Nov.          Rajah publishes his first story on the blog. (See Story 74 Part A)

2013 Dec.          Asami, Ayaka's younger sister arrives in New Zealand. She becomes involved in the Letters Project doing computer coding. The company offers her a farming position.

2013 Dec.          We publish our 200th Permanent Post. The event is marked with a Special On-line Post and a large party.

2014 Jan.           Asami leaves to take up a farming job in Cambridge where she will undertake training for a  full-time role later in the year. She is continuing doing work on the blog. 

2014 Jan.        Shandra and Rajah announce they are expecting a baby as well.

2014 Jan.         Anne is working on Story 168 now.

2014 Feb.         Anne has a little boy called Robert.

2014 Feb.         Story 82 - Teaching Katrina Massaging, is published.

2014 Feb.        Shandra is offered a 'new command,' manager position on a new farm. With a shock, they realise she will be having a baby as her first milking season begins.

2014 Feb.         We have been publishing stories on-line for two years. The Letters Project is now 15 years old. This event was marked with a party and with changes in the navigation links and index.

2014 Mar.       In a redesign of the blog, the Pages Index is moved to a bar under the Blog Header and the main Story Index is split into two parts.

2014 Mar.       We have started publishing the stories from the resort. These stories are from Volume Seven. The first was Story 88.

2014 May.       Susan has a little girl called Rebecca.

2014 May.      Asami moves back to Anne's farm where she will live until she moves to Shandra's farm in late in June.

2014 May.      The Story 95 - Grand Strip Chess and Story 97 - The Nude Cruise is published. A writers meeting is held to decide how we will celebrate 100 stories.

2014 June.      On June 20th, Story 100 is published in front of around 40 friends and family of this blog. We held a party that night to celebrate this big event.

2014 June.      Shandra and Rajah move to their new farm. Their stock arrives and they begin setting up for the season. Asami goes to work for them.

2014 June.     Ayaka is promoted to Dairy Manager by Anne. That role used to be held by Shandra.

2014 July.       A sudden fall in readers worries the writing team. We don't believe people have stopped reading but just that our New Zealand readers are not being recorded.

2014 Aug.  Kim buys a small factory and announces she plans to move there with her family from Thailand.

2014 Aug.  Shandra has a baby boy called Navya.

2014 Aug.  Kim ends up moving in to live with Allan's father. That surprised us all!

2014  Oct.  Due to the drop in readers we have been debating whether to finish the Letters Series at the end of Vol 9. It was finally decided to continue and see what happens.

2014 Nov.   We continue to publish 1 story and 1 background each week. There have now been 300 posts published.

2015 Jan.  Our Readership is still low but holding steady at about 1,000 per month. We believe we have a core of regulars so we have decided to continue as planned for them.

2015 Jan.    Anne announced that she is pregnant again. (Likely cause - Too much celebrating at Christmas.)

2015 Feb.  Letters is now 16 years old. We have been publishing for 3 years now. Just published Letter 132 Part A. A party was held with a Ripper Stripper Party theme.

2015 Feb.  Just received word that BlogSpot is reviewing sexual content in blogs. Not sure what will happen to this blog.

2015 Mar.    Friends of Letters party.

2015  Mar.   Ayaka announces she is engaged to her b/f.

2015  Apr.     Ayaka takes her b/f, Geoff, to meet her family in Japan. Others go along with them.

2015  Apr.     Shandra is pregnant again. (She must have got horny from reading too many Letters stories.)
              (Yeah sure, Ayaka! - Shandra.)

2015  May.     Behind the scenes, there is a major change to the next few volumes. Now we have 14 Volumes. It means a lot more stories will need to be written. (See updated Index 88 - ???)

2015  June.     Susan goes to visit her family in Perth. Allan & Anne go along too.

2015  June.     Story 148  Work Out! is published. It's a story written by Kim and Allan snr.

2015  Aug.      Volume Ten has been completely published. Since Anne is now busy with the farm and Allan snr Postage Stamp Blog, Ayaka is now driving the Letters Project.

2015 Aug.     In Ayaka's first Writers Meeting a rebuild was planned for the trip to Perth. More stories are to be written with the existing ones being completely re-written to fit the new master story-line.

2015  Sept.    Anne has a little girl called, Raelyn.  The 4th child of Letters.

2015  Dec.     One of the best New Year Parties ever.

2016  Jan.     We are no longer able to keep to the weekly publishing schedule. It was decided its better to take more time and produce better stories.

2016  Feb.    Letters is now 18 years old. No party because of the wedding in March.

2016  Feb     Story 177 Completed and published.

2016  Mar.    Asami is given command of the Dairy Beef support farm with her boyfriend Rodney helping. This won't take effect until June. Meanwhile, intensive training is planned for both of them.

2016  Mar.   Rochelle and Marceau are among the overseas guests who arrive for Ayaka's wedding. They become involved in everything going on.

2016  Mar.   Ayaka's wedding. A big event on the farm. Many online friends visited too. Following night there was a very naughty party too. 

2016  Apr.    Rodney begins working for Anne. Asami leaves for Hamilton for further training.

2016 June.   Letters has stalled. A meeting is held with the intention of dropping the whole project but Susan fights to keep it going. She takes over running it.

2016 July.     Asami and Ayaka visit Japan with their partners Rodney and Geoff. Ayaka discovers she is pregnant.

2016 July.    Anne restructures the farm management team. Susan becomes Pasture, Health & Safety Manager. Ayaka takes over Manager of the Home Farm. Asami starts her job as manager of the Dairy Beef Support Farm.

2016 Aug.    Susan establishes a two story a month schedule.  This more relaxed program is intended to take the pressure off the writers and create better stories.

2016 Aug.    Story 186 is published - the Last story in Volume 12.

2016 Oct.    Rochelle and Marceau arrive in New Zealand. 

2016 Oct.    Susan is working to get some of the half completed projects in Letters finished. Rochelle begins work on her story although nothing gets published on the blog. She is also looking at completing the poem. Ronnie and Mary add more to their page. Meanwhile, the writing team are beginning to build up a stock of stories waiting to be published.

2016  Oct.   Mary begins writing her first letter which is expected to be published early in 2017.

2016  Nov.   Anne takes over Shandra's farm and she begins working for Anne as a manager of her old farm.

2016  Dec.   Rochelle has her baby. By the end of the month, she is working part-time again.

2016  Dec.   Under Susan's control, with the guidance of a reader called Moa, the writer's team begin to lift the standard of their writing. This is well received by our readers with an increase in hits and strong comment streams.

2016  Dec.   Rochelle publishes three more sections of her story during December.     

2017  Feb.   Mary begins publishing her five part story about Betty and Tom going to India. 

2017  Feb.   Letters turns 19. I can't believe it has been so many years!   

2017  Mar.   Ayaka & Geoff have a baby girl.

2017 Mar.   Anne & Reshma begin publishing the story on Katrina's Wedding. 

2017  Mar.  Weddings are in the air at the moment as Asami and Rodney get married. 

2017  May.  We begin publishing Volume 14 - stories regarding the nude weekend after Katrina's Wedding.