Hi again. It is Allan here.
While the girls continue their work on the main letters series and their background stories, I have been asked to start a new page of background information for the "Letters of Shanti and Joseph." This page is going to be an index of the cast, a list giving a short introduction to each of the named characters who appear in the letters. Those listed here are not real people, just characters from our stories.
We will be creating this page by adding the people as they appear in the published letters. I will also continue to update background on people already listed as more their personal details are revealed to us. Over time we expect this page will build into a very useful resource for readers of the Letters series.
(Note that characters from the Letters who are said to have written in this series, appear in their coloured fonts while all other supporting characters remain in black font.)
Amita. (Sarvesh's Wife)
A good friend of Joseph and Lizamoa. Amita first appears in Letter 18 when she and her husband Sarvesh play the game called "Strip" in India.
She and her husband Sarvesh are very wealthy. They live in a very large house on a hill over looking the town and the river. This house is the setting for many of the stories from the letters as Amita and Sarvesh get involved in the sexy adventures and even start organising nudie weekends at their house for their friends. (See Sarvesh)
Amita begins to appear in many more stories once we reach Vol Three where the New Zealanders travel to India. Some of the early adventures she gets into include Letter 48 Part B - the nude massage. Letter 49 - doing a sex show with her husband for their friends in the Game Reserve. Letter 51 - taking part in the second threesome with Lizamoa and Mike.
Later, in Vol Four Amita starts writing some of the letters as well. Her first story is helping Peter tell about the sexy night they spend together, see Letter 57 Story One. By Vol Five, she has taken over coordinating the Indian side of the correspondence after Joseph and Lizamoa move to New Zealand.
Some of Amita's adventures through Vol Six, include Story 74 Fun in the Guest-House and Story 82 Teaching Katrina Massage. When Amita gets to the Resort in Australia she begins to play with some of the European guys from New Zealand. As early as the first night Katrina tells us about a sexy show Amita has with Steve and Peter in Story 89. A few stories later in Story 92 we find Amita and her husband Sarvesh joining with Steve and Sharon for a sexy four-some evening. Later she takes part in the Beach Girl Contest of Story 94 and the game of Grand Strip Chess Story 95 where she gets to meet Jeremy. Donald also comments on how hot she looks naked too. Towards the end of Vol Seven, Amita gets together with her friend Hansini to "teach" Steve a lesson. See Story 100, Story 101, Story 103 Part A and Story 103 Part B.
Amita and Sarvesh have two children, Steven / Vishva and Nisha, both of whom appear in and also write stories for Vols 11 & 12 Letters - The Next Generation.
(Note that any writing by Amita in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 204,0,0" )
Bernadette. (Bernie a friend of Shanti).
A friend from Shanti's work. She only appeared in Letter 9. We did plan to include Shanti's three work-friends Bernie, Kelly and Linda in other stories but this never happened.
Betty. (Aunty Betty)
Mike's Aunty Betty and her husband Tom have a farm near Warkworth. The whole group go to stay there in Volume 8. We first meet Betty in Story 107 where she is invited to dinner and offers to wash Hansini's dirty clothes.
Brian. (Mega's Husband)
When Sarvesh began his Nude Days, Brian and Mega were the second new couple he invited. Brian used to work for Sarvesh as a Head Gardener. When the big house had just been completed it was Brian who designed and laid out most of the gardens. With Sarvesh's help, Brian and Mega established their own business selling plants and landscaping.
We first meet Brian and his wife Mega in the second half of Letter/Story 66 Part B where they attend their first Nude Day. Brian and Mega take their next big step when they decide to partner swap with Hansini and Mootie. He is with Mootie's wife Hansini in Story 76 An Evening to Remember. Brian and Mega both join the group at the Adult Resort and they join Peter and Jenny is the sexy partner swapping Story 99.
(Do not confuse Brian with the real Brian who comments on this blog from time to time and has his own page Brian's Page.)
Carol. (One of the Twins)
Carol is one of Jenny and Peter's twins. She is a bit quieter than her older sister Kirsten and a bit shy too. She is first mentioned by name in Letter/Story 67. She also is named a few time during the resort stories.
Caroline. (The Dental Nurse)
Caroline only appears in Letter 41 although she is mentioned in two or three other letters and stories. Caroline's only importance to the Letters Story is the fact she was the first woman Mike had sex with. She goes down to a waterfall with five young teenage boys where she gives them their first sexual experience, taking them on one after another. The sex is wild and the sex is aggressive with her only thought being to satisfy her own sexual desires. (See Mike, Peter, Harry & Jeff)
The Cook.
This lady is employed by Sarvesh as a cook in his large house. She is responsible for the kitchen and all meals both for Amita and Sarvesh and for the staff.
The Cook is a good friend of Katrina's and she appears in the first two Katrina Stories. We see her as a larger lady, with a happy smile and always concerned for those around her. She first appears in Letter/Story 70. She appears in other stories but never plays a major role.
The Crocodile! (Ask Shanti, she got me into this story!)
Hi, I am The Crocodile who first appears is Letter 54. There I was, minding my own business, having a nice sleep in the sun, when along comes this silly woman, Shanti and she shoots me. I can tell you, I was highly pissed-off by that, you could say it completely ruined my day.
I get mentioned in the next few stories as they treat this woman as some kind of a hero until I drop out of the Letters Series for a while in Letter 58. In Vol 6, in Story 78, I am back again being given a new home as the star attraction in this new tourist attraction. You hear more about me and my new home in Story 84 and Story 86. (Why did you put THAT woman on my back? Hasn't she done enough already?)
Much later in Vol 11, I will return again in Story 155? Shanti's Hideaway. (Writers - I think that title needs to be changed to The Crocodile's Hideaway.) LOL
David. (Nephew of Donald - Boyfriend of Katrina)
David works for his Uncle Donald in the importing/exporting business. We first hear of him writing to Katrina in Story 88. In Story 95 Grand Strip Chess, David is one of the players on the opposing team. He sees this beautiful Indian girl about his own age and wants to meet her. We hear in Story 97 that he actually asked Amita about Katrina. Now Story 97 on the Nude Cruise, David does get to meet Katrina and ask her to have dinner with him. They agreed to exchange letters after the holiday and Amita tells us there was a letter waiting for Katrina when they got back to India. In Story 102 Katrina tells Mike that she likes him and is hoping to invite him to visit India.
Deanna. (A Friend of Mike & Shanti)
Mike met Deanna, her husband Simon, and their daughters Rachael and Roxanne while playing Nude Bull Rush in Story 81. Mike and Shanti become friends with Simon and his wife.
Later in this series, Shanti's daughter Kathy, will go to school and make friends with Roxanne. They will eventually have some sexy adventures together. At this point, we are unsure if Simon and Deanna will appear in any more stories.
(Do not confuse this Deanna with the real Deanna who makes comments in this blog.)
Donald. (A Business Partner of Sarvesh)
We first hear of Donald in Story 88 where he is mentioned as being in business with Sarvesh and Jeevan in their importing/exporting business between India, Australia and New Zealand. Donald first meets the team at the Adult Resort when he leads a team against them in a game of Grand Strip Chess, Story 95. Two stories later in Story 97 he is with his party on the Nude Cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef. During that story we see him and Sarvesh begin working on doing business between them.
(See Paula, David, Jeremy and Joyce.)
Elizabeth. ( A Friend of Katrina)
When Katrina started working over the special weekends she got her friend Elizabeth to help. She only attended two times before she decided she didn't like the nudity so she drops out of the story. Letter 70 Part A, Letter 70 Part B, Letter 70 Part C.
This is not the last Katrina sees of Elizabeth. She will come back into the story in Volume 11.
Greeshma. (Joseph's Mother)
We briefly see Joseph's mother along with his father in Letter 40. Later after Joseph's father dies she decides to move in to live with Joseph and Lizamoa. When they decide to move to New Zealand she, of course, goes with them.
By the time we get to Vol Five Joseph's mother is with them in New Zealand and she appears in a few of the stories of that volume. In one of these later stories that learn that her name is Greeshma. She catches them all in the nude mud orgy of Story 73. Later in Story 79, she goes to the nude camping ground and actually goes swimming topless. After that, we do not see her for a while until she appears again to play a major role in some of the stories of Vol Ten.
We never learn the name of Joseph's father. He only appears briefly in a few stories then later we learn he becomes very sick and dies.
Hamza. (Kalki's husband)
Hamza and Kalki are friends of Hansini and Mootie. They first appeared in the Letters Stories in Letter 172 and by Letter 173 they were joining in the fun of Sarvesh's nude weekends. They play important roles when everyone gets together India for Katrina's wedding.
Hansini. (Mootie's wife)
Hansini is Mootie's wife. The first time we meet her is in Letter/Story 63 where she first meets Joseph and Lizamoa and then later, she and Mootie attend they're going away party. During the evening after this party, she wears a bikini for the first time and then becomes bold enough to actually go topless.
Hansini will become an important letter/story writer later in the Letter Series. Her first story is Letter/Story 66 where she gives her view of how she became involved in the Letters story. Hansini and Mootie take their next big step when they decide to partner swap with Mega and Brian. She almost joined the fun in the Guest House in Story 74 but finally, she is with Brian in Story 76 An Evening to Remember. Hansini has a strong, outgoing personality and she will play an important role in many of the stories coming up.
Hansini gets dragged into playing with Steve the first night they are at the resort, feeling his muscles and playing with his cock in Story 89. Then the second night she reveals a fantasy of having a cum shower which she gets from 6 guys in Story 93. Later in Story 95, Hansini leads her team to victory in a game of Grand Strip Chess. Towards the end of Vol Seven, Amita gets together with her friend Hansini to "teach" Steve a lesson. See Story 100, Story 101, Story 103 Part A and Story 103 Part B.
(Note that any writing by Hansini in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 116,27,71")
Harry. (A school friend of Mike)
Harry is one of Mike's friends from school. He only appears in two stories so not much is known about him. He was one of the five young guys who took Caroline (The Dental Nurse) down to the waterfalls for a swim. see Letter 41. This turned into a wild sex session, the first time for all of these boys. (See Caroline, Peter, Jeff & Mike.)
Harry's second appearance was only a couple of stories later in Letter 43 "Shanti was Painfully Shy" where when Shanti's sister Hasina catches him teasing poor Shanti, she attacked him and he is left with a black eye, sore ribs and a bad cut just under his eye which took a long time to heal. (See Hasina)
Hasina. (Shanti's Sister)
Hasina, Shanti's older sister, only appears briefly in two Letters so not much is known about her except her relationship with her younger sister. In Letter 43 "Shanti was Painfully Shy" Mike tells us how different Hasina's appearance is compared to her younger sister Shanti. He also tells us about how she came to her sister's defence when Shanti was being teased by a boy called Harry. She left Harry with a black eye, sore ribs and a bad cut just under one eye. (See Harry.)
Later in another story Letter 77 "Mothers Know Everything" we will see Shanti's mother talks of questioning Hasina about her younger sister's relationship with Mike. In that story she refers to her sister as "that little mouse" but when her mother asked her to keep Shanti's relationship with Mike to herself, it appears that out of love for her sister she kept this promise. (See Mary -Shanti's mother.)
The House Manager.
This man is employed by Sarvesh to run his house and manages the house staff. We see him as being a stern man who expects the work to be done right. He is employed for that purpose so Amita and Sarvesh can get on with other things.
The Manager appears in a number of stories playing an Administrative role where the house and staff are concerned. We first find him in Letter/Story 70, the first Katrina story.
Jeevan. (Mandara's Husband)
A good friend of Joseph and Lizamoa. Jeevan first appears in Letter 18 when he and his wife Mandara play the game called "Strip" in India.
Jeevan and his wife Mandara run a little rice shop in the middle of the town. He is a slightly tubby and always telling jokes. (See Mandara) Later he goes into partnership with Sarvesh in an exporting/importing business.
Jeevan and his wife Mandara are a bit new to the partner swapping scene but they do a good job putting on a sex show at the picnic by the lake in Letter 49. During some of the sex scenes of Volume Four, they are both a bit nervous about having sex in front of their friends or with another partner. (See Letter 57 extra Story Four) In this story Shanti discovers sex with Jeevan is very different and very exciting. We do not see much of him until he gets together with Amita in Story 74 Part B "Fun in the Guest-House" where Jeevan surprises her too with some more exciting sex.
Jeevan and Mandara are at the resort in Vol 7 where he takes part in Hansini's cum shower of Story 93, then plays with Sharon's large breasts in Story 100, before becoming Steve's lawyer in the trial of Story 103.
(Note that any writing by Jeevan in Letters will appear in this font colour. RGB 127,96,0")
Jeff. (A school friend of Mike)
Jeff is one of Mike's friends who only appeared in one story, so not that much is known about him except he was one of the five young guys who too Caroline (The Dental Nurse) down to the waterfalls for a swim. Letter 41 This turned into a wild sex session, the first time for all five boys. (See Caroline, Harry, Peter & Mike)
In Letter 56 - Story Night, when Peter is talking about the story from Letter 43 he mentions Jeff's name again as they were watching what Shanti and Mike were doing each lunchtime.
Jenny. (Peter's Wife)
A very close friend of Shanti and Mike, Jenny first appears in Letter 13 when she and her husband Peter play the game called "Strip" in New Zealand. She and Peter then accompany Shanti and Mike to the first Ripper Stripper Party in Letter 23 where they get up to a lot of fun and enter some sexy contests. Jenny also attends the second Ripper Stripper Party in Letter 36 where she gets into a live sex act on the stage with Joseph and Sharron.
In the third domino story Letter 57 Extra Story Three Jenny spends the night with Joseph and then helps him write the story next morning but she doesn't actually write anything herself.
Jenny is Shanti's best friend she met her husband Peter through Shanti since Peter and Mike grew up together. (See Peter) Jenny also helped Steve and Sharon when they first moved to New Zealand too. She introduced this couple to the others in the New Zealand group. (See Steve and Sharon)
In Letter/Story 67 we find Jenny is very pregnant, expecting twins. By Letter/Story 69 she has had two daughters Kirsten & Carol.
Jenny and her husband Peter went to the resort on the Great Barrier Reef with their friends. They came to have fun and party and they started from the beginning. In Story 91 Jenny and Peter write about some fun they have checking out other people. Later in Story 100, they will have a sexy evening with Brian and Mega.
(Note that any writing by Jenny in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 56,118,29")
Jeremy. (Related to Donald and Paula.)
Jeremy and his wife Joyce were members of Donald's group from Perth which the combined group of Indian's and New Zealanders met at the resort on the Great Barrier Reef. He first appears in Story 95 Grand Strip Chess, then he and his wife are in Story 97, the Nude Cruise story. Read how he knocked the limbo bar off.
(Do not confuse this Jeremy with the real Jeremy who makes comments on this blog.)
Joseph. (Lizamoa's Husband)
Joseph is the man from India who placed an advert in a pen-friend magazine which started everything off. When Shanti wrote to him, he replied to her letter and their friendship began. (See Letter 2.) As time goes on this friendship evolved and develops as their correspondence continues. Joseph writes some of the better stories during this early period, Letter 10 Lizamoa in the Court-Yard, Letter 14 Nude Photography by the Lake, and Letter 20 I Become Lizamoa's Sex Slave.
Joseph has a close relationship with Shanti. I think he is attracted to her since she is so different to other Indian women in that she stands up to him, argues with him and challenges him. The first time they have sex together is in the partner swapping stories of Letter 37 Part A and Letter 38 Part A. In Letter 47 he gets together with Shanti again, for some more hot sex and in Letter 50 he joins with Sarvesh to give Shanti a sexy three-some.
Joseph grew up in a small town in Southern India. (For more about his mother and father see Greeshma.) After he finished schooling he moved to another town near a Game Reserve. He first started working in this Reserve as a cadet, then became a ranger and finally head ranger. Joseph is married to Lizamoa. (See Letter 40) They had four children. Ragesh, Sabeena, Namrah and a younger boy whom we never learn his name. (See Lizamoa)
Later in Vol Five, we find that Joseph and his family move to New Zealand where he begins working for the Forest Park in the Waitakere Ranges, West Auckland. Once they settle in New Zealand we do not get so many stories from Joseph as other writers take over in India. Towards the end of this volume, Joseph adds two interesting stories, Letter/Story 71 Tree-House Voyeurs and Letter/Story 73 Mud, Rain and Sex.
Joseph is there at the resort on the Great Barrier Reef but we don't see much of him. He is there for Hansini's cum shower of Story 93 and he takes part in the Nude Cruise of Story 97. Of course, he also takes part in the trial of Story 103.
(Note that any writing by Joseph in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 120,63,4")
Joyce. (Married to Jeremy.)
Joyce was a member of Donald's group from Perth which the combined group of Indian's and New Zealanders met at the resort on the Great Barrier Reef. She is married to Jeremy and related to Donald. Joyce first appears in Story 97, the Nude Cruise story.
Kalki. (Hamza's wife)
Hamza and Kalki are friends of Hansini and Mootie. They first appeared in the Letters Stories in Letter 172 and by Letter 173 they were joining in the fun of Sarvesh's nude weekends. They play important roles when everyone gets together India for Katrina's wedding.
Kathy. (Shanti's Daughter)
Kathy is Shanti and Mike's eldest child. She first appears in Letter 54 but is first mentioned by name in Letter 55. She appears in Story 79 The Nude Camp where she is having lots of fun and encouraging Joseph's mother Greeshma to go swimming. Oh and don't miss that lovely little scene in Story 81 The Nude Bull-Rush game where she is caught by her father Mike who tags her with three playful smacks on her bum.
Later Kathy will become a writer in The Next Generation Series but her font colour has not been decided yet.
Katrina. (She works for Sarvesh)
The first time that Katrina appears is at the end of Letter 52 Part B where she catches the group swimming nude. Katrina is the daughter of one of the men working for Sarvesh. She works for Amita and Sarvesh as a maid/house keeper. It was a shock catching Mike on standing there naked on the diving board but she seems to have got over it.
At the beginning of Letter 56 Part A, we again see Katrina when she delivers drinks and snacks to the group beside the pool. There is a short exchange where Mike apologises for giving her a shock. She replies she is OK about it then, to everyone's' surprise, she adds she thinks he is handsome.
In Letter/Story 70 Part A Katrina begins to tell her story of how a shy servant came to be a sexy member of the letters group meeting for weekends at Sarvesh's house. In Letter/Story 70 Part B we read about the first special weekend she was involved in and then in Letter/Story 70 Part C we learn how she began going nude herself. We don't see much of Katrina, just mentioned a few times until Story 82 when she joins into a sexy massage evening. We read about her first orgasm in Story 87 when she makes herself cum while reading the Letter's Books.
As the group of both Indian's and New Zealanders meet at the Resort in Australia, Katrina goes with them. In Story 89 she tells us about her trip to Australia and her first night at the Resort. Katrina takes part in Story 95 Grand Strip Chess where she is the Queen, then she goes with the group on the Nude Cruise in Story 97 where she meets a young man from Perth called David. The final part of her story comes when she spends an afternoon Story 98 and night Story 102 with Mike where she loses her virginity. Katrina is asked by Mike to become a court official in Story 103.
The complete story by Katrina can also be found on it own page Katrina's Story.
During the stories of Vol 8 Katrina plays a leading role. She takes to sex easily and quickly becomes good at it. She is popular with the men too. Stories include Story 108 Playing Strip XX, Story 109 Fun in the Sand Dunes. Then there is that story she wrote herself, Story 116 Nude at the Hot Pools.
(Note that any writing by Katrina in Letters will appear in this font colour. "fuchsia")
Kelly. (A friend of Shanti)
The sister of Bernadette. She only appeared in Letter 9. We did plan to include Shanti's three work-friends Bernie, Kelly and Linda in other stories but this never happened.
Kirsten. (One of the Twins.)
Kirsten is the older of Jenny and Peter's twins. She is bolder and more out going than Carol, her younger sister. She is first mentioned by name in Letter/Story 67. She is also named a few times during the resort stories.
(Do not confuse this Kirsten with the real Kirsten who makes comments on this blog.)
Linda. (A friend of Shanti)
A friend from Shanti's work. She only appeared in Letter 9. We did plan to include Shanti's three work-friends Bernie, Kelly and Linda in other stories but this never happened.
Lizamoa. (Joseph's Wife)
Lizamoa is Joseph's wife. We first hear about her in Letter 6.
Lizamoa grew up in a convent in a small town in southern India. She never knew her real parents. (We learn more about her childhood in Letter 40 and Letter 42) After she married Joseph she moved to the small town north of the Game Reserve where she worked in a small school as a teacher. She stopped working after their first child.
At the end of Volume Four, Lizamoa and her husband Joseph moved to New Zealand where they live close to Shanti and Mike, and they continue to be involved in the sexy adventures of the Letters Books.
The first time Lizamoa writes anything in Letters is in Letter 38 B where she tells the story of her night with Mike but there is an add-in from her which appears at the end of Letter 27. She and Mike get together again in India where she spends a night with Mike in Letter 47 and then joins with Amita in Letter 51 to give Mike a sexy three-some.
Joseph and Lizamoa had four children. Ragesh, Sabeena, Namrah and a younger boy. (See Joseph) The personality of Lizamoa is closely based on the personality of one of the writers of the Letters Series, Shandra.
(Note that any writing by Lizamoa in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 180,95,6")
Mandara. (Jeevan's Wife)
A good friend of Joseph and Lizamoa. Mandara first appears in Letter 18 when she and her husband Jeevan play the game called "Strip" in India.
Mandara is slightly plump and short like her husband. She helps run their little rice shop they own in the centre of the town. (See Jeevan)
At first, she is a little nervous about getting into the more sexy things like public nudity and partner swapping but later once her and her husband get over this, they took part in a number of sexy adventures. See Letter 48 Part B - having a nude massage. Letter 49, putting on a sex show. In Letter 57 Extra Story Six Mandara and Mike spend a night together with some sexy adventures. Late in Story 74 Part C Mandara and Sarvesh get together for some sexy fun.
At the Resort in Australia Mandara gets to live out her fantasy of swimming naked on a nude beach, Story 90.
(Note that any writing by Mandara in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 191,144,0")
Mary. (Shanti's Mother)
Shanti's mother is called Mary although we will not find this out until much later in the Letter Series. She first appears in Letter 43 Part B where she and her husband are wondering what caused the change in their daughter.
Mary does appear a few times in the earlier letters (see Letter 77 "Mothers Know Everything") but she will play a more important role in a couple of the much later stories in Vol Ten. Her husband, Shanti's father becomes very ill and dies young.
Mega. (Brian's Wife)
When Sarvesh began his Nude Days, Mega and Brian were the second new couple he invited. Brian used to work for Sarvesh as a Head Gardener. They now have their own business selling plants and landscaping gardens.
We first meet Mega and her husband Brian in the second half of Letter/Story 66 Part B where they attend their first Nude Day. It takes Mega a second Nude Day before she decides to join them and go nude herself. Mega and Brian take their next big step when they decide to partner swap with Hansini and Mootie. She is with Mootie in Story 78.
(Note that any writing by Mega in Letters will appear in this font colour. "Orange")
Mike. (Shanti's Husband)
Mike is Shanti's boyfriend/husband. We first hear about him in Letter 5 when he is Shanti's boyfriend. By the time we get to Letter 11 he is married to Shanti. We read about how he and Shanti first met Letter 43. After getting married to Shanti they had three children, Kathy, Michael & Petra. (See Shanti)
Mike grew up in the small town of Waitakere, north-west of Auckland City. He went to high school in Henderson and then went on to become an offset printer. Later he left the printing industry to join his best friend Peter in a car sales business. (See Peter)
The first time Mike actually writes in Letters is in Letter 37 Part B where he tells us about the night he spent with Lizamoa. In Letter 41 he tells us how he lost his virginity with the dental nurse Caroline. (See Caroline, Harry, Jeff & Peter.)
When Joseph and Lizamoa came to visit New Zealand, Mike and Lizamoa quickly developed a special relationship. While not being the threat to their own marriages it was still a close, intimate relationship. They first had sex together in the partner swapping stories Letter 37 Part B & Letter 38 Part B. Late when Shanti and Mike travelled to India they were together for a night in Letter 47 Part B and then in Letter 51 Lizamoa and her friend Amita arrange a hot sexy three-some for Mike.
In Letter/Story 70 the servant girl Katrina, tells us about her first meeting with Mike and the beginnings of a special relationship between them.
Mike is a smaller man than some of the other men such as Steve and the two Indians, Joseph and Mootie. One feature many of the women, particularly the girls from India, are fascinated with is that he has a lot of body hair.
The writers, particularly Anne, say that when they write about Mike they think of me (Allan). They think I am very like Mike in the way I talk, the way I am laid back but will take control when required. They even say I have sex like the way Mikes does but I'm not so sure about that last bit. I even have a lot of body hair like Mike does in the stories. (Looks like they might as well have just called Mike in the stories Allan, since we are so similar.)
(Note that any writing by Mike in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 11,83,148")
Mootie. (Hansini's Husband)
We first see Mootie in Letter 14. He is the guy watching Joseph and Lizamoa during their nude photography session. At that time we have no idea who he is. The next time we see him is in Letter 54. He is the man who talks with Mike and Shanti on the back of the truck. At this point, we learn his name is Mootie and that he is a Park Ranger although we don't connect him with the man in Letter 14. We next hear about Mootie in Letter 56 Part B where Lizamoa learns that this man was employed by Joseph and that she had actually seen him at the Game Reserve that very day.
Mootie and his wife Hansini finally become involved with the Letter Story after they invite Joseph and Lizamoa to dinner in Letter/Story 63. By the time we get to Letter/Story 66 we find Mootie and his wife Hansini are joining in the fun weekends in India. Mootie and Hansini take their next big step when they decide to partner swap with Mega and Brian. He is with Mega in Story 78.
(Note that any writing by Mootie in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 76,17,48")
Paula. (Wife of Donald)
We will not hear of Paula for a few weeks but since I've added in Donald, I decided to start her entry as well. Paula takes part in the game of Grand Strip Chess Story 95, although she is mentioned by name. We first meet her in Story 97 when she is on the Nude Cruise.
Payam. (Sairu's Husband)
Payam and Sairu are friends of Hansini. They first appeared in the Letters Stories in Letter 172 and by Letter 173 they were joining in the fun of Sarvesh's nude weekends. They play important roles when everyone gets together India for Katrina's wedding.
Peter. (Jenny's Husband)
A good friend of Shanti and Mike, Peter first appears in Letter 13 when he and his wife Jenny play the game called "Strip" in New Zealand. The second time we see Peter is in Letter 23 when he and his wife Jenny go to the Ripper Stripper Party with Shanti and Mike.
Peter and Mike went to school together and have been close friends for a long time. In one of the early stories of Volume Three Mike's Letter 41 takes us back to when they lost their virginity together during the skinny dipping session with the dental nurse story. (See Caroline, Harry, Jeff & Mike.)
Peter is always telling jokes and making everyone laugh. His witty comments will appear all through the letters coming up. He works as a sales man in a car yard but his goal is to open his own car yard. With Mike's help, he manages to do this.
The first time that Peter writes something in one of the letters is in Letter 57 Story One where he tells us but a hot sexy night he spent with Amita.
Peter and his wife Jenny join everyone at the Resort in Australia. From the start, he was getting into trouble with his friend Steve. In Story 89, Katrina tells us about what they did to Amita on the first night, then in Story 91, they get into trouble taking two girls over to the nude side of the Resort.
(Note that any writing by Peter in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 39,78,19")
Rachael. (Daughter of Simon and Deanna.)
Rachael is the older daughter of Deanna and Simon, a couple Mike meets while playing Nude Bull Rush in Story 81. Mike and Shanti become friends with Simon and his wife. Rachael has a younger sister Roxanne.
Later in this series, Shanti's daughter Kathy, will go to school and make friends with Roxanne. They will eventually have some sexy adventures together.
Ragesh. (Joseph's son)
Ragesh is Lizamoa and Joseph's eldest child. He is first mentioned by name in Letter 54. His name comes up in other stories following this but since he is just a baby, he plays no part in the story. Later in Story 79 he and Kathy are encouraging his grandma Greeshma to go swimming at the Nude Camp.
In the Next Generation stories, Ragesh will get into some sexy adventures with others about his own age.
Rosemary. (The Vet)
Rosemary is the vet in the Game Reserve. She appears in two letters. The first one is Letter 49 where she tells Joseph about the small herd of elephants near where they planned to have a picnic. Then she appears in Letter 54 where she gives first-aid to Shanti. We do not see her again after that.
Roxanne. (Daughter of Simon and Deanna.)
Roxanne is the younger daughter of Deanna and Simon, a couple Mike meets while playing Nude Bull Rush in Story 81. Mike and Shanti become friends with Simon and his wife. Roxanne has a younger sister Rachael.
Later in this series, Shanti's daughter Kathy, will go to school and make friends with Roxanne. They will eventually have some sexy adventures together.
Sairu. (Payam's Wife)
Payam and Sairu are friends of Hansini. They first appeared in the Letters Stories in Letter 172 and by Letter 173 they were joining in the fun of Sarvesh's nude weekends. They play important roles when everyone gets together India for Katrina's wedding.
Sarvesh. (Amita's Husband)
A good friend of Joseph and Lizamoa. Sarvesh first appears in Letter 18 when he and his wife Amita play the game called "Strip" in India. They quickly become involved in many of the other sexy adventures and stories.
At first, Sarvesh is introduced as the local bank manager but as time goes on more and more is revealed about him and his business dealings. It turns out he is a very wealthy man with lots of businesses and investments. Sarvesh likes helping his friends where he can by assisting them to set up in business or employing them in his own projects.
Sarvesh and Amita live in a very large house over looking the town and the river. This house features in a number of stories as it has a large swimming pool, spa pools, and even a fully self-contained guest house. They employ a number of servants to run their house, including a house manager, cook, maids, gardeners, and drivers. (See Amita)
Some of the early adventures he gets into include Letter 48 Part B - the nude massage. Letter 49 - doing a sex show with his wife for their friends. Letter 50 - the first three-some.
The first time Sarvesh actually writes anything into a story is in one of the stories after the dominoes game. In the second partner swapping story Letter 57 Extra Story Two, he spends the night with Sharon.
Sarvesh and Amita have two children, Steven / Vishva and Nisha, both of whom appear in future letters. Both Steven and Nisha also write stories for Vols 11 & 12 Letters - The Next Generation.
(Note that any writing by Sarvesh in Letters will appear in this font colour. RGB "153,0,0")
Shanti. (Mikes Wife)
Shanti is the Indian girl from New Zealand who started everything off when she replied to an advert in a pen-friend magazine. (See Letter 1) Shanti was born in New Zealand to Indian parents. She is very western in her out look, wearing western clothing, western ideas about marriage, relationships, and men. Her character is based very closely on the real life Anne (See our Writers of Letters" page.)
She has a very out going personality and can be stubborn and strong willed at times too. But she wasn't always like this. When she was at school she had a very bad speech problem which caused her to be very shy and with drawn. We learn how she overcame this problem in Letter 43. When she left school, she worked in a share broking company where she did very well becoming very skilled at her work. She also started her own investment portfolio which steadily grew as the years went by.
We never learn much about her father although he does appear in a few later stories before he finally becomes sick and dies young. Her mother Mary briefly appears in some early stories (see Letter 77 "Mothers Know Everything") but has an important role to play in a couple of stories in Vol Ten.
When we first meet Shanti she has a boyfriend called Mike who becomes her husband by Letter 11. We can learn more about how Shanti and Mike they first met and began dating in Letter 43. After getting married to Mike they had three children, Kathy, Michael & Petra. (See Mike)
Shanti is one of the main letter writers from New Zealand. We learn she is a fast writer and likes putting some humour into her letters and stories. (Very much like the real Anne)
(Note that any writing by Shanti in Letters will appear in this font colour. "Blue")
Sharon. (Steve's Wife)
(Sometimes written Sharron).
A good friend of Shanti and Mike, Sharon first appears in Letter 13 when she and her husband Steve play the game called "Strip" in New Zealand.
Sharon and her husband Peter attend all the Ripper Stripper Parties and get into some very sexy contests too. One of the best is when Sharron joins Joseph and Jenny for a live sex act in Letter 36.
Sharon often goes to the gym to work out and so she keeps her body in good shape. One feature which all the guys notice is that she has very large breasts. As far as we know her and Steve never had any children. (See Steve)
The first time Sharon actually writes anything into a story is in one of the stories after the dominoes game. In the second partner swapping story Letter 57 Extra Story Two, she spends the night with Sarvesh.
(Note that any writing by Sharon in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 69,129,142")
Simon. (A Friend of Mike & Shanti)
Mike met Simon's wife Deanna, and their daughters Rachael and Roxanne while playing Nude Bull Rush in Story 81. Mike and Shanti become friends with this couple.
Later in this series, Shanti's daughter Kathy, will go to school and make friends with Roxanne. They will eventually have some sexy adventures together. At this point, we are unsure if Simon and Deanna will appear in any more stories.
(Do not confuse this Simon with the real Simon who makes comments on this blog.)
Steve. (Sharon's Husband)
(Sometimes called Stephen by his wife when he is in trouble.)
A good friend of Shanti and Mike, Steve first appears in Letter 13 when he and his wife Sharon play the game called "Strip" in New Zealand. (See Sharon)
Steve works as an instructor in a gym. He is very fit and well built from working out a lot and many of the girls are fascinated by his muscles. He likes joking with Peter and Mike but often gets himself into trouble with his wife for doing so. In Letter 36 at the second Ripper Stripper Party, Steve does a sexy double strip-tease with Lizamoa but he made a mess of taking her sari off much to the amusement of his wife and friends.
The first time Steve becomes a writer is when he helps Lizamoa in Letter 57 Extra Story Five where they tell about their night after the domino game.
Steve goes on the holiday to the resort with the rest of the group. In Story 92 he and his wife Sharon spend a night with Amita and Sarvesh and in Story 96 he finds himself baby sitting with Amita.
Later Steve gives up his job at the gym to run the New Zealand side of Sarvesh's importing/exporting business. (See Sarvesh)
(Note that any writing by Steve in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 19,79,92")
Tom. (Uncle Tom)
Mike Uncle Tom and his wife Betty own a farm near Warkworth. In Volume 8 the whole group take a holiday there. We first meet Tom in Story 107 where he goes goat hunting with Mike, Lizamoa and Hansini. He takes a liking to Hansini and even admits to her that he thinks she is sexy.
While the girls continue their work on the main letters series and their background stories, I have been asked to start a new page of background information for the "Letters of Shanti and Joseph." This page is going to be an index of the cast, a list giving a short introduction to each of the named characters who appear in the letters. Those listed here are not real people, just characters from our stories.
We will be creating this page by adding the people as they appear in the published letters. I will also continue to update background on people already listed as more their personal details are revealed to us. Over time we expect this page will build into a very useful resource for readers of the Letters series.
(Note that characters from the Letters who are said to have written in this series, appear in their coloured fonts while all other supporting characters remain in black font.)
Amita. (Sarvesh's Wife)
A good friend of Joseph and Lizamoa. Amita first appears in Letter 18 when she and her husband Sarvesh play the game called "Strip" in India.
She and her husband Sarvesh are very wealthy. They live in a very large house on a hill over looking the town and the river. This house is the setting for many of the stories from the letters as Amita and Sarvesh get involved in the sexy adventures and even start organising nudie weekends at their house for their friends. (See Sarvesh)
Amita begins to appear in many more stories once we reach Vol Three where the New Zealanders travel to India. Some of the early adventures she gets into include Letter 48 Part B - the nude massage. Letter 49 - doing a sex show with her husband for their friends in the Game Reserve. Letter 51 - taking part in the second threesome with Lizamoa and Mike.
Later, in Vol Four Amita starts writing some of the letters as well. Her first story is helping Peter tell about the sexy night they spend together, see Letter 57 Story One. By Vol Five, she has taken over coordinating the Indian side of the correspondence after Joseph and Lizamoa move to New Zealand.
Some of Amita's adventures through Vol Six, include Story 74 Fun in the Guest-House and Story 82 Teaching Katrina Massage. When Amita gets to the Resort in Australia she begins to play with some of the European guys from New Zealand. As early as the first night Katrina tells us about a sexy show Amita has with Steve and Peter in Story 89. A few stories later in Story 92 we find Amita and her husband Sarvesh joining with Steve and Sharon for a sexy four-some evening. Later she takes part in the Beach Girl Contest of Story 94 and the game of Grand Strip Chess Story 95 where she gets to meet Jeremy. Donald also comments on how hot she looks naked too. Towards the end of Vol Seven, Amita gets together with her friend Hansini to "teach" Steve a lesson. See Story 100, Story 101, Story 103 Part A and Story 103 Part B.
Amita and Sarvesh have two children, Steven / Vishva and Nisha, both of whom appear in and also write stories for Vols 11 & 12 Letters - The Next Generation.
(Note that any writing by Amita in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 204,0,0" )
Bernadette. (Bernie a friend of Shanti).
A friend from Shanti's work. She only appeared in Letter 9. We did plan to include Shanti's three work-friends Bernie, Kelly and Linda in other stories but this never happened.
Betty. (Aunty Betty)
Mike's Aunty Betty and her husband Tom have a farm near Warkworth. The whole group go to stay there in Volume 8. We first meet Betty in Story 107 where she is invited to dinner and offers to wash Hansini's dirty clothes.
Brian. (Mega's Husband)
When Sarvesh began his Nude Days, Brian and Mega were the second new couple he invited. Brian used to work for Sarvesh as a Head Gardener. When the big house had just been completed it was Brian who designed and laid out most of the gardens. With Sarvesh's help, Brian and Mega established their own business selling plants and landscaping.
We first meet Brian and his wife Mega in the second half of Letter/Story 66 Part B where they attend their first Nude Day. Brian and Mega take their next big step when they decide to partner swap with Hansini and Mootie. He is with Mootie's wife Hansini in Story 76 An Evening to Remember. Brian and Mega both join the group at the Adult Resort and they join Peter and Jenny is the sexy partner swapping Story 99.
(Do not confuse Brian with the real Brian who comments on this blog from time to time and has his own page Brian's Page.)
Carol. (One of the Twins)
Carol is one of Jenny and Peter's twins. She is a bit quieter than her older sister Kirsten and a bit shy too. She is first mentioned by name in Letter/Story 67. She also is named a few time during the resort stories.
Caroline. (The Dental Nurse)
Caroline only appears in Letter 41 although she is mentioned in two or three other letters and stories. Caroline's only importance to the Letters Story is the fact she was the first woman Mike had sex with. She goes down to a waterfall with five young teenage boys where she gives them their first sexual experience, taking them on one after another. The sex is wild and the sex is aggressive with her only thought being to satisfy her own sexual desires. (See Mike, Peter, Harry & Jeff)
The Cook.
This lady is employed by Sarvesh as a cook in his large house. She is responsible for the kitchen and all meals both for Amita and Sarvesh and for the staff.
The Cook is a good friend of Katrina's and she appears in the first two Katrina Stories. We see her as a larger lady, with a happy smile and always concerned for those around her. She first appears in Letter/Story 70. She appears in other stories but never plays a major role.
The Crocodile! (Ask Shanti, she got me into this story!)
Hi, I am The Crocodile who first appears is Letter 54. There I was, minding my own business, having a nice sleep in the sun, when along comes this silly woman, Shanti and she shoots me. I can tell you, I was highly pissed-off by that, you could say it completely ruined my day.
I get mentioned in the next few stories as they treat this woman as some kind of a hero until I drop out of the Letters Series for a while in Letter 58. In Vol 6, in Story 78, I am back again being given a new home as the star attraction in this new tourist attraction. You hear more about me and my new home in Story 84 and Story 86. (Why did you put THAT woman on my back? Hasn't she done enough already?)
Much later in Vol 11, I will return again in Story 155? Shanti's Hideaway. (Writers - I think that title needs to be changed to The Crocodile's Hideaway.) LOL
David. (Nephew of Donald - Boyfriend of Katrina)
David works for his Uncle Donald in the importing/exporting business. We first hear of him writing to Katrina in Story 88. In Story 95 Grand Strip Chess, David is one of the players on the opposing team. He sees this beautiful Indian girl about his own age and wants to meet her. We hear in Story 97 that he actually asked Amita about Katrina. Now Story 97 on the Nude Cruise, David does get to meet Katrina and ask her to have dinner with him. They agreed to exchange letters after the holiday and Amita tells us there was a letter waiting for Katrina when they got back to India. In Story 102 Katrina tells Mike that she likes him and is hoping to invite him to visit India.
Deanna. (A Friend of Mike & Shanti)
Mike met Deanna, her husband Simon, and their daughters Rachael and Roxanne while playing Nude Bull Rush in Story 81. Mike and Shanti become friends with Simon and his wife.
Later in this series, Shanti's daughter Kathy, will go to school and make friends with Roxanne. They will eventually have some sexy adventures together. At this point, we are unsure if Simon and Deanna will appear in any more stories.
(Do not confuse this Deanna with the real Deanna who makes comments in this blog.)
Donald. (A Business Partner of Sarvesh)
We first hear of Donald in Story 88 where he is mentioned as being in business with Sarvesh and Jeevan in their importing/exporting business between India, Australia and New Zealand. Donald first meets the team at the Adult Resort when he leads a team against them in a game of Grand Strip Chess, Story 95. Two stories later in Story 97 he is with his party on the Nude Cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef. During that story we see him and Sarvesh begin working on doing business between them.
(See Paula, David, Jeremy and Joyce.)
Elizabeth. ( A Friend of Katrina)
When Katrina started working over the special weekends she got her friend Elizabeth to help. She only attended two times before she decided she didn't like the nudity so she drops out of the story. Letter 70 Part A, Letter 70 Part B, Letter 70 Part C.
This is not the last Katrina sees of Elizabeth. She will come back into the story in Volume 11.
Greeshma. (Joseph's Mother)
We briefly see Joseph's mother along with his father in Letter 40. Later after Joseph's father dies she decides to move in to live with Joseph and Lizamoa. When they decide to move to New Zealand she, of course, goes with them.
By the time we get to Vol Five Joseph's mother is with them in New Zealand and she appears in a few of the stories of that volume. In one of these later stories that learn that her name is Greeshma. She catches them all in the nude mud orgy of Story 73. Later in Story 79, she goes to the nude camping ground and actually goes swimming topless. After that, we do not see her for a while until she appears again to play a major role in some of the stories of Vol Ten.
We never learn the name of Joseph's father. He only appears briefly in a few stories then later we learn he becomes very sick and dies.
Hamza. (Kalki's husband)
Hamza and Kalki are friends of Hansini and Mootie. They first appeared in the Letters Stories in Letter 172 and by Letter 173 they were joining in the fun of Sarvesh's nude weekends. They play important roles when everyone gets together India for Katrina's wedding.
Hansini. (Mootie's wife)
Hansini is Mootie's wife. The first time we meet her is in Letter/Story 63 where she first meets Joseph and Lizamoa and then later, she and Mootie attend they're going away party. During the evening after this party, she wears a bikini for the first time and then becomes bold enough to actually go topless.
Hansini will become an important letter/story writer later in the Letter Series. Her first story is Letter/Story 66 where she gives her view of how she became involved in the Letters story. Hansini and Mootie take their next big step when they decide to partner swap with Mega and Brian. She almost joined the fun in the Guest House in Story 74 but finally, she is with Brian in Story 76 An Evening to Remember. Hansini has a strong, outgoing personality and she will play an important role in many of the stories coming up.
Hansini gets dragged into playing with Steve the first night they are at the resort, feeling his muscles and playing with his cock in Story 89. Then the second night she reveals a fantasy of having a cum shower which she gets from 6 guys in Story 93. Later in Story 95, Hansini leads her team to victory in a game of Grand Strip Chess. Towards the end of Vol Seven, Amita gets together with her friend Hansini to "teach" Steve a lesson. See Story 100, Story 101, Story 103 Part A and Story 103 Part B.
(Note that any writing by Hansini in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 116,27,71")
Harry. (A school friend of Mike)
Harry is one of Mike's friends from school. He only appears in two stories so not much is known about him. He was one of the five young guys who took Caroline (The Dental Nurse) down to the waterfalls for a swim. see Letter 41. This turned into a wild sex session, the first time for all of these boys. (See Caroline, Peter, Jeff & Mike.)
Harry's second appearance was only a couple of stories later in Letter 43 "Shanti was Painfully Shy" where when Shanti's sister Hasina catches him teasing poor Shanti, she attacked him and he is left with a black eye, sore ribs and a bad cut just under his eye which took a long time to heal. (See Hasina)
Hasina. (Shanti's Sister)
Hasina, Shanti's older sister, only appears briefly in two Letters so not much is known about her except her relationship with her younger sister. In Letter 43 "Shanti was Painfully Shy" Mike tells us how different Hasina's appearance is compared to her younger sister Shanti. He also tells us about how she came to her sister's defence when Shanti was being teased by a boy called Harry. She left Harry with a black eye, sore ribs and a bad cut just under one eye. (See Harry.)
Later in another story Letter 77 "Mothers Know Everything" we will see Shanti's mother talks of questioning Hasina about her younger sister's relationship with Mike. In that story she refers to her sister as "that little mouse" but when her mother asked her to keep Shanti's relationship with Mike to herself, it appears that out of love for her sister she kept this promise. (See Mary -Shanti's mother.)
The House Manager.
This man is employed by Sarvesh to run his house and manages the house staff. We see him as being a stern man who expects the work to be done right. He is employed for that purpose so Amita and Sarvesh can get on with other things.
The Manager appears in a number of stories playing an Administrative role where the house and staff are concerned. We first find him in Letter/Story 70, the first Katrina story.
Jeevan. (Mandara's Husband)
A good friend of Joseph and Lizamoa. Jeevan first appears in Letter 18 when he and his wife Mandara play the game called "Strip" in India.
Jeevan and his wife Mandara run a little rice shop in the middle of the town. He is a slightly tubby and always telling jokes. (See Mandara) Later he goes into partnership with Sarvesh in an exporting/importing business.
Jeevan and his wife Mandara are a bit new to the partner swapping scene but they do a good job putting on a sex show at the picnic by the lake in Letter 49. During some of the sex scenes of Volume Four, they are both a bit nervous about having sex in front of their friends or with another partner. (See Letter 57 extra Story Four) In this story Shanti discovers sex with Jeevan is very different and very exciting. We do not see much of him until he gets together with Amita in Story 74 Part B "Fun in the Guest-House" where Jeevan surprises her too with some more exciting sex.
Jeevan and Mandara are at the resort in Vol 7 where he takes part in Hansini's cum shower of Story 93, then plays with Sharon's large breasts in Story 100, before becoming Steve's lawyer in the trial of Story 103.
(Note that any writing by Jeevan in Letters will appear in this font colour. RGB 127,96,0")
Jeff. (A school friend of Mike)
Jeff is one of Mike's friends who only appeared in one story, so not that much is known about him except he was one of the five young guys who too Caroline (The Dental Nurse) down to the waterfalls for a swim. Letter 41 This turned into a wild sex session, the first time for all five boys. (See Caroline, Harry, Peter & Mike)
In Letter 56 - Story Night, when Peter is talking about the story from Letter 43 he mentions Jeff's name again as they were watching what Shanti and Mike were doing each lunchtime.
Jenny. (Peter's Wife)
A very close friend of Shanti and Mike, Jenny first appears in Letter 13 when she and her husband Peter play the game called "Strip" in New Zealand. She and Peter then accompany Shanti and Mike to the first Ripper Stripper Party in Letter 23 where they get up to a lot of fun and enter some sexy contests. Jenny also attends the second Ripper Stripper Party in Letter 36 where she gets into a live sex act on the stage with Joseph and Sharron.
In the third domino story Letter 57 Extra Story Three Jenny spends the night with Joseph and then helps him write the story next morning but she doesn't actually write anything herself.
Jenny is Shanti's best friend she met her husband Peter through Shanti since Peter and Mike grew up together. (See Peter) Jenny also helped Steve and Sharon when they first moved to New Zealand too. She introduced this couple to the others in the New Zealand group. (See Steve and Sharon)
In Letter/Story 67 we find Jenny is very pregnant, expecting twins. By Letter/Story 69 she has had two daughters Kirsten & Carol.
Jenny and her husband Peter went to the resort on the Great Barrier Reef with their friends. They came to have fun and party and they started from the beginning. In Story 91 Jenny and Peter write about some fun they have checking out other people. Later in Story 100, they will have a sexy evening with Brian and Mega.
(Note that any writing by Jenny in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 56,118,29")
Jeremy. (Related to Donald and Paula.)
Jeremy and his wife Joyce were members of Donald's group from Perth which the combined group of Indian's and New Zealanders met at the resort on the Great Barrier Reef. He first appears in Story 95 Grand Strip Chess, then he and his wife are in Story 97, the Nude Cruise story. Read how he knocked the limbo bar off.
(Do not confuse this Jeremy with the real Jeremy who makes comments on this blog.)
Joseph. (Lizamoa's Husband)
Joseph is the man from India who placed an advert in a pen-friend magazine which started everything off. When Shanti wrote to him, he replied to her letter and their friendship began. (See Letter 2.) As time goes on this friendship evolved and develops as their correspondence continues. Joseph writes some of the better stories during this early period, Letter 10 Lizamoa in the Court-Yard, Letter 14 Nude Photography by the Lake, and Letter 20 I Become Lizamoa's Sex Slave.
Joseph has a close relationship with Shanti. I think he is attracted to her since she is so different to other Indian women in that she stands up to him, argues with him and challenges him. The first time they have sex together is in the partner swapping stories of Letter 37 Part A and Letter 38 Part A. In Letter 47 he gets together with Shanti again, for some more hot sex and in Letter 50 he joins with Sarvesh to give Shanti a sexy three-some.
Joseph grew up in a small town in Southern India. (For more about his mother and father see Greeshma.) After he finished schooling he moved to another town near a Game Reserve. He first started working in this Reserve as a cadet, then became a ranger and finally head ranger. Joseph is married to Lizamoa. (See Letter 40) They had four children. Ragesh, Sabeena, Namrah and a younger boy whom we never learn his name. (See Lizamoa)
Later in Vol Five, we find that Joseph and his family move to New Zealand where he begins working for the Forest Park in the Waitakere Ranges, West Auckland. Once they settle in New Zealand we do not get so many stories from Joseph as other writers take over in India. Towards the end of this volume, Joseph adds two interesting stories, Letter/Story 71 Tree-House Voyeurs and Letter/Story 73 Mud, Rain and Sex.
Joseph is there at the resort on the Great Barrier Reef but we don't see much of him. He is there for Hansini's cum shower of Story 93 and he takes part in the Nude Cruise of Story 97. Of course, he also takes part in the trial of Story 103.
(Note that any writing by Joseph in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 120,63,4")
Joyce. (Married to Jeremy.)
Joyce was a member of Donald's group from Perth which the combined group of Indian's and New Zealanders met at the resort on the Great Barrier Reef. She is married to Jeremy and related to Donald. Joyce first appears in Story 97, the Nude Cruise story.
Kalki. (Hamza's wife)
Hamza and Kalki are friends of Hansini and Mootie. They first appeared in the Letters Stories in Letter 172 and by Letter 173 they were joining in the fun of Sarvesh's nude weekends. They play important roles when everyone gets together India for Katrina's wedding.
Kathy. (Shanti's Daughter)
Kathy is Shanti and Mike's eldest child. She first appears in Letter 54 but is first mentioned by name in Letter 55. She appears in Story 79 The Nude Camp where she is having lots of fun and encouraging Joseph's mother Greeshma to go swimming. Oh and don't miss that lovely little scene in Story 81 The Nude Bull-Rush game where she is caught by her father Mike who tags her with three playful smacks on her bum.
Later Kathy will become a writer in The Next Generation Series but her font colour has not been decided yet.
Katrina. (She works for Sarvesh)
The first time that Katrina appears is at the end of Letter 52 Part B where she catches the group swimming nude. Katrina is the daughter of one of the men working for Sarvesh. She works for Amita and Sarvesh as a maid/house keeper. It was a shock catching Mike on standing there naked on the diving board but she seems to have got over it.
At the beginning of Letter 56 Part A, we again see Katrina when she delivers drinks and snacks to the group beside the pool. There is a short exchange where Mike apologises for giving her a shock. She replies she is OK about it then, to everyone's' surprise, she adds she thinks he is handsome.
In Letter/Story 70 Part A Katrina begins to tell her story of how a shy servant came to be a sexy member of the letters group meeting for weekends at Sarvesh's house. In Letter/Story 70 Part B we read about the first special weekend she was involved in and then in Letter/Story 70 Part C we learn how she began going nude herself. We don't see much of Katrina, just mentioned a few times until Story 82 when she joins into a sexy massage evening. We read about her first orgasm in Story 87 when she makes herself cum while reading the Letter's Books.
As the group of both Indian's and New Zealanders meet at the Resort in Australia, Katrina goes with them. In Story 89 she tells us about her trip to Australia and her first night at the Resort. Katrina takes part in Story 95 Grand Strip Chess where she is the Queen, then she goes with the group on the Nude Cruise in Story 97 where she meets a young man from Perth called David. The final part of her story comes when she spends an afternoon Story 98 and night Story 102 with Mike where she loses her virginity. Katrina is asked by Mike to become a court official in Story 103.
The complete story by Katrina can also be found on it own page Katrina's Story.
During the stories of Vol 8 Katrina plays a leading role. She takes to sex easily and quickly becomes good at it. She is popular with the men too. Stories include Story 108 Playing Strip XX, Story 109 Fun in the Sand Dunes. Then there is that story she wrote herself, Story 116 Nude at the Hot Pools.
(Note that any writing by Katrina in Letters will appear in this font colour. "fuchsia")
Kelly. (A friend of Shanti)
The sister of Bernadette. She only appeared in Letter 9. We did plan to include Shanti's three work-friends Bernie, Kelly and Linda in other stories but this never happened.
Kirsten. (One of the Twins.)
Kirsten is the older of Jenny and Peter's twins. She is bolder and more out going than Carol, her younger sister. She is first mentioned by name in Letter/Story 67. She is also named a few times during the resort stories.
(Do not confuse this Kirsten with the real Kirsten who makes comments on this blog.)
Linda. (A friend of Shanti)
A friend from Shanti's work. She only appeared in Letter 9. We did plan to include Shanti's three work-friends Bernie, Kelly and Linda in other stories but this never happened.
Lizamoa. (Joseph's Wife)
Lizamoa is Joseph's wife. We first hear about her in Letter 6.
Lizamoa grew up in a convent in a small town in southern India. She never knew her real parents. (We learn more about her childhood in Letter 40 and Letter 42) After she married Joseph she moved to the small town north of the Game Reserve where she worked in a small school as a teacher. She stopped working after their first child.
At the end of Volume Four, Lizamoa and her husband Joseph moved to New Zealand where they live close to Shanti and Mike, and they continue to be involved in the sexy adventures of the Letters Books.
The first time Lizamoa writes anything in Letters is in Letter 38 B where she tells the story of her night with Mike but there is an add-in from her which appears at the end of Letter 27. She and Mike get together again in India where she spends a night with Mike in Letter 47 and then joins with Amita in Letter 51 to give Mike a sexy three-some.
Joseph and Lizamoa had four children. Ragesh, Sabeena, Namrah and a younger boy. (See Joseph) The personality of Lizamoa is closely based on the personality of one of the writers of the Letters Series, Shandra.
(Note that any writing by Lizamoa in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 180,95,6")
Mandara. (Jeevan's Wife)
A good friend of Joseph and Lizamoa. Mandara first appears in Letter 18 when she and her husband Jeevan play the game called "Strip" in India.
Mandara is slightly plump and short like her husband. She helps run their little rice shop they own in the centre of the town. (See Jeevan)
At first, she is a little nervous about getting into the more sexy things like public nudity and partner swapping but later once her and her husband get over this, they took part in a number of sexy adventures. See Letter 48 Part B - having a nude massage. Letter 49, putting on a sex show. In Letter 57 Extra Story Six Mandara and Mike spend a night together with some sexy adventures. Late in Story 74 Part C Mandara and Sarvesh get together for some sexy fun.
At the Resort in Australia Mandara gets to live out her fantasy of swimming naked on a nude beach, Story 90.
(Note that any writing by Mandara in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 191,144,0")
Mary. (Shanti's Mother)
Shanti's mother is called Mary although we will not find this out until much later in the Letter Series. She first appears in Letter 43 Part B where she and her husband are wondering what caused the change in their daughter.
Mary does appear a few times in the earlier letters (see Letter 77 "Mothers Know Everything") but she will play a more important role in a couple of the much later stories in Vol Ten. Her husband, Shanti's father becomes very ill and dies young.
Mega. (Brian's Wife)
When Sarvesh began his Nude Days, Mega and Brian were the second new couple he invited. Brian used to work for Sarvesh as a Head Gardener. They now have their own business selling plants and landscaping gardens.
We first meet Mega and her husband Brian in the second half of Letter/Story 66 Part B where they attend their first Nude Day. It takes Mega a second Nude Day before she decides to join them and go nude herself. Mega and Brian take their next big step when they decide to partner swap with Hansini and Mootie. She is with Mootie in Story 78.
(Note that any writing by Mega in Letters will appear in this font colour. "Orange")
Mike. (Shanti's Husband)
Mike is Shanti's boyfriend/husband. We first hear about him in Letter 5 when he is Shanti's boyfriend. By the time we get to Letter 11 he is married to Shanti. We read about how he and Shanti first met Letter 43. After getting married to Shanti they had three children, Kathy, Michael & Petra. (See Shanti)
Mike grew up in the small town of Waitakere, north-west of Auckland City. He went to high school in Henderson and then went on to become an offset printer. Later he left the printing industry to join his best friend Peter in a car sales business. (See Peter)
The first time Mike actually writes in Letters is in Letter 37 Part B where he tells us about the night he spent with Lizamoa. In Letter 41 he tells us how he lost his virginity with the dental nurse Caroline. (See Caroline, Harry, Jeff & Peter.)
When Joseph and Lizamoa came to visit New Zealand, Mike and Lizamoa quickly developed a special relationship. While not being the threat to their own marriages it was still a close, intimate relationship. They first had sex together in the partner swapping stories Letter 37 Part B & Letter 38 Part B. Late when Shanti and Mike travelled to India they were together for a night in Letter 47 Part B and then in Letter 51 Lizamoa and her friend Amita arrange a hot sexy three-some for Mike.
In Letter/Story 70 the servant girl Katrina, tells us about her first meeting with Mike and the beginnings of a special relationship between them.
Mike is a smaller man than some of the other men such as Steve and the two Indians, Joseph and Mootie. One feature many of the women, particularly the girls from India, are fascinated with is that he has a lot of body hair.
The writers, particularly Anne, say that when they write about Mike they think of me (Allan). They think I am very like Mike in the way I talk, the way I am laid back but will take control when required. They even say I have sex like the way Mikes does but I'm not so sure about that last bit. I even have a lot of body hair like Mike does in the stories. (Looks like they might as well have just called Mike in the stories Allan, since we are so similar.)
(Note that any writing by Mike in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 11,83,148")
Mootie. (Hansini's Husband)
We first see Mootie in Letter 14. He is the guy watching Joseph and Lizamoa during their nude photography session. At that time we have no idea who he is. The next time we see him is in Letter 54. He is the man who talks with Mike and Shanti on the back of the truck. At this point, we learn his name is Mootie and that he is a Park Ranger although we don't connect him with the man in Letter 14. We next hear about Mootie in Letter 56 Part B where Lizamoa learns that this man was employed by Joseph and that she had actually seen him at the Game Reserve that very day.
Mootie and his wife Hansini finally become involved with the Letter Story after they invite Joseph and Lizamoa to dinner in Letter/Story 63. By the time we get to Letter/Story 66 we find Mootie and his wife Hansini are joining in the fun weekends in India. Mootie and Hansini take their next big step when they decide to partner swap with Mega and Brian. He is with Mega in Story 78.
(Note that any writing by Mootie in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 76,17,48")
Paula. (Wife of Donald)
We will not hear of Paula for a few weeks but since I've added in Donald, I decided to start her entry as well. Paula takes part in the game of Grand Strip Chess Story 95, although she is mentioned by name. We first meet her in Story 97 when she is on the Nude Cruise.
Payam. (Sairu's Husband)
Payam and Sairu are friends of Hansini. They first appeared in the Letters Stories in Letter 172 and by Letter 173 they were joining in the fun of Sarvesh's nude weekends. They play important roles when everyone gets together India for Katrina's wedding.
Peter. (Jenny's Husband)
A good friend of Shanti and Mike, Peter first appears in Letter 13 when he and his wife Jenny play the game called "Strip" in New Zealand. The second time we see Peter is in Letter 23 when he and his wife Jenny go to the Ripper Stripper Party with Shanti and Mike.
Peter and Mike went to school together and have been close friends for a long time. In one of the early stories of Volume Three Mike's Letter 41 takes us back to when they lost their virginity together during the skinny dipping session with the dental nurse story. (See Caroline, Harry, Jeff & Mike.)
Peter is always telling jokes and making everyone laugh. His witty comments will appear all through the letters coming up. He works as a sales man in a car yard but his goal is to open his own car yard. With Mike's help, he manages to do this.
The first time that Peter writes something in one of the letters is in Letter 57 Story One where he tells us but a hot sexy night he spent with Amita.
Peter and his wife Jenny join everyone at the Resort in Australia. From the start, he was getting into trouble with his friend Steve. In Story 89, Katrina tells us about what they did to Amita on the first night, then in Story 91, they get into trouble taking two girls over to the nude side of the Resort.
(Note that any writing by Peter in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 39,78,19")
Rachael. (Daughter of Simon and Deanna.)
Rachael is the older daughter of Deanna and Simon, a couple Mike meets while playing Nude Bull Rush in Story 81. Mike and Shanti become friends with Simon and his wife. Rachael has a younger sister Roxanne.
Later in this series, Shanti's daughter Kathy, will go to school and make friends with Roxanne. They will eventually have some sexy adventures together.
Ragesh. (Joseph's son)
Ragesh is Lizamoa and Joseph's eldest child. He is first mentioned by name in Letter 54. His name comes up in other stories following this but since he is just a baby, he plays no part in the story. Later in Story 79 he and Kathy are encouraging his grandma Greeshma to go swimming at the Nude Camp.
In the Next Generation stories, Ragesh will get into some sexy adventures with others about his own age.
Rosemary. (The Vet)
Rosemary is the vet in the Game Reserve. She appears in two letters. The first one is Letter 49 where she tells Joseph about the small herd of elephants near where they planned to have a picnic. Then she appears in Letter 54 where she gives first-aid to Shanti. We do not see her again after that.
Roxanne. (Daughter of Simon and Deanna.)
Roxanne is the younger daughter of Deanna and Simon, a couple Mike meets while playing Nude Bull Rush in Story 81. Mike and Shanti become friends with Simon and his wife. Roxanne has a younger sister Rachael.
Later in this series, Shanti's daughter Kathy, will go to school and make friends with Roxanne. They will eventually have some sexy adventures together.
Sairu. (Payam's Wife)
Payam and Sairu are friends of Hansini. They first appeared in the Letters Stories in Letter 172 and by Letter 173 they were joining in the fun of Sarvesh's nude weekends. They play important roles when everyone gets together India for Katrina's wedding.
Sarvesh. (Amita's Husband)
A good friend of Joseph and Lizamoa. Sarvesh first appears in Letter 18 when he and his wife Amita play the game called "Strip" in India. They quickly become involved in many of the other sexy adventures and stories.
At first, Sarvesh is introduced as the local bank manager but as time goes on more and more is revealed about him and his business dealings. It turns out he is a very wealthy man with lots of businesses and investments. Sarvesh likes helping his friends where he can by assisting them to set up in business or employing them in his own projects.
Sarvesh and Amita live in a very large house over looking the town and the river. This house features in a number of stories as it has a large swimming pool, spa pools, and even a fully self-contained guest house. They employ a number of servants to run their house, including a house manager, cook, maids, gardeners, and drivers. (See Amita)
Some of the early adventures he gets into include Letter 48 Part B - the nude massage. Letter 49 - doing a sex show with his wife for their friends. Letter 50 - the first three-some.
The first time Sarvesh actually writes anything into a story is in one of the stories after the dominoes game. In the second partner swapping story Letter 57 Extra Story Two, he spends the night with Sharon.
Sarvesh and Amita have two children, Steven / Vishva and Nisha, both of whom appear in future letters. Both Steven and Nisha also write stories for Vols 11 & 12 Letters - The Next Generation.
(Note that any writing by Sarvesh in Letters will appear in this font colour. RGB "153,0,0")
Shanti. (Mikes Wife)
Shanti is the Indian girl from New Zealand who started everything off when she replied to an advert in a pen-friend magazine. (See Letter 1) Shanti was born in New Zealand to Indian parents. She is very western in her out look, wearing western clothing, western ideas about marriage, relationships, and men. Her character is based very closely on the real life Anne (See our Writers of Letters" page.)
She has a very out going personality and can be stubborn and strong willed at times too. But she wasn't always like this. When she was at school she had a very bad speech problem which caused her to be very shy and with drawn. We learn how she overcame this problem in Letter 43. When she left school, she worked in a share broking company where she did very well becoming very skilled at her work. She also started her own investment portfolio which steadily grew as the years went by.
We never learn much about her father although he does appear in a few later stories before he finally becomes sick and dies young. Her mother Mary briefly appears in some early stories (see Letter 77 "Mothers Know Everything") but has an important role to play in a couple of stories in Vol Ten.
When we first meet Shanti she has a boyfriend called Mike who becomes her husband by Letter 11. We can learn more about how Shanti and Mike they first met and began dating in Letter 43. After getting married to Mike they had three children, Kathy, Michael & Petra. (See Mike)
Shanti is one of the main letter writers from New Zealand. We learn she is a fast writer and likes putting some humour into her letters and stories. (Very much like the real Anne)
(Note that any writing by Shanti in Letters will appear in this font colour. "Blue")
Sharon. (Steve's Wife)
(Sometimes written Sharron).
A good friend of Shanti and Mike, Sharon first appears in Letter 13 when she and her husband Steve play the game called "Strip" in New Zealand.
Sharon and her husband Peter attend all the Ripper Stripper Parties and get into some very sexy contests too. One of the best is when Sharron joins Joseph and Jenny for a live sex act in Letter 36.
Sharon often goes to the gym to work out and so she keeps her body in good shape. One feature which all the guys notice is that she has very large breasts. As far as we know her and Steve never had any children. (See Steve)
The first time Sharon actually writes anything into a story is in one of the stories after the dominoes game. In the second partner swapping story Letter 57 Extra Story Two, she spends the night with Sarvesh.
(Note that any writing by Sharon in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 69,129,142")
Simon. (A Friend of Mike & Shanti)
Mike met Simon's wife Deanna, and their daughters Rachael and Roxanne while playing Nude Bull Rush in Story 81. Mike and Shanti become friends with this couple.
Later in this series, Shanti's daughter Kathy, will go to school and make friends with Roxanne. They will eventually have some sexy adventures together. At this point, we are unsure if Simon and Deanna will appear in any more stories.
(Do not confuse this Simon with the real Simon who makes comments on this blog.)
Steve. (Sharon's Husband)
(Sometimes called Stephen by his wife when he is in trouble.)
A good friend of Shanti and Mike, Steve first appears in Letter 13 when he and his wife Sharon play the game called "Strip" in New Zealand. (See Sharon)
Steve works as an instructor in a gym. He is very fit and well built from working out a lot and many of the girls are fascinated by his muscles. He likes joking with Peter and Mike but often gets himself into trouble with his wife for doing so. In Letter 36 at the second Ripper Stripper Party, Steve does a sexy double strip-tease with Lizamoa but he made a mess of taking her sari off much to the amusement of his wife and friends.
The first time Steve becomes a writer is when he helps Lizamoa in Letter 57 Extra Story Five where they tell about their night after the domino game.
Steve goes on the holiday to the resort with the rest of the group. In Story 92 he and his wife Sharon spend a night with Amita and Sarvesh and in Story 96 he finds himself baby sitting with Amita.
Later Steve gives up his job at the gym to run the New Zealand side of Sarvesh's importing/exporting business. (See Sarvesh)
(Note that any writing by Steve in Letters will appear in this font colour. "RGB 19,79,92")
Tom. (Uncle Tom)
Mike Uncle Tom and his wife Betty own a farm near Warkworth. In Volume 8 the whole group take a holiday there. We first meet Tom in Story 107 where he goes goat hunting with Mike, Lizamoa and Hansini. He takes a liking to Hansini and even admits to her that he thinks she is sexy.