Saturday, 31 December 2016

Story191 Our Visitors Steve & Sharon (Part Three).

Part Three  -  Payam & Sharon.

Hi from Payam & Sharon
         When my wife Sairu decided to write about the sexual side of having visitors from New Zealand it was suggested I contribute to this too. Being unsure how this would go, I talked with Sharon online. She quickly agreed to help me. Therefore, as my wife Sairu mentioned in her first section, you must consider this next section to be a collaboration between us even though it all appears written under my name.
         When it was suggested we take a couple to accommodate within our house I was quick to agree. I knew our good friends Sarvesh and Jeevan were in complete support of this. I have also seen the many stories from when overseas visitors had stayed previously in India. Having an Indian couple from New Zealand would have involved no problems at all. Even the mixed couple would be fine although I did consider and wonder about Shanti’s strong personality. But then I came to know our couple would be Europeans from New Zealand. My wife Sairu was in the panic so I counselled her to fully discuss this with her friends Amita and Hansini. But I, myself, was with full confidence they would not be assigned unless Sarvesh and Amita were entirely assured this couple would be suitable with us.

Story 191 Part Three Background.

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                                                                                        Posted by Shandra.
         When I had just about completed my story I began to wonder what those other two, Payam and Sharon did. Finally, sitting down at my laptop, I decided to find out. It’s not detailed or long but considering it was an extra add on I think it gets the job done.  
        The idea is that Payam and Sharon had to be busy as well. It has to be asked what an Indian guy would do when he was with a woman like Sharon. She was a bit older than him, European, blonde with bigger breasts and a shaved pussy. Sure that would have been an attraction, something different for him. I’m also sure Sharon would have been interested in him too. 
        But the major factor between them would have been culture. She was an out-there western woman while he was a more traditional Indian man. There would have been differences between them, particularly in their expectations on a woman's role during sexual activities. 

        I know it has been done before but the most obvious thing they would try is a tittie fuck since Sharon is a big girl. This has already been mentioned in Part Two where Steve and Sairu walked in on them so now it was just a matter of expanding on and building a sex scene from there.
        The story which followed is not my best work by far but this is also partly intentional since Payam would not have been a good story writer, therefore we can't expect a superbly written story can we? Having said that, I do admit that more could have been done here while still keeping in with Payam writing his section of the story. 

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Thursday, 29 December 2016

Story191 Our Visitors Steve & Sharon (Part Two)

Part Two  -   Knowing Steve Very Well.

Forward to Story 191 Part Three.

Hi from Sairu again.
         I was outside waiting when the huge bus pulled into our street. Yes, it attracted attentions of many of our neighbours too. They observed Amita dismounting from the bus and saw a western couple of Steve and Sharon enter into our house before the bus left again. When I told Payam of it that night when he came from his office, he laughed that it would give them all something to talk about.
        After greeting them and welcoming them to our house I showed them the room which would be for them and the bathing room so they could refresh. I then returned to my cooking and food preparations as they would be joining us for eating that evening.
        Later Payam arrived home from his working place. I introduced him to our guests so he could greet them. I was interested to see that Sharon stepped towards him and gave him a brief hug which included full contact of her chest against him. I sure he would have enjoyed that too. I was left wondering why Steve hadn’t done that to me. That thought inspired me to comment.
       “I didn’t get a hug like that,” I told, looking directly at Steve.
       He grinned back to me. “Does Sairu want a hug too?”
       “Well, you didn’t when you arrived, Steve.”
       “Ok then, if that’s what Sairu wants.”
       “Yes, Sairu wants,” I said with a cheeky grin.
       He stepped up to me and grabbed me, pulling me toward him. There was no chance of holding back. This was a full contact hug, my breasts pressed hard against his chest. I felt his arms wrap around me and began to realise just how strong and fit this man actually was. It wasn’t a short hug either but rather long lasting.
        Then I felt his hand move down my back, down the curve of my back and onto my bum. Yes, he gave my bum a feel and a squeeze.

Story 191 Part Two Background.

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                                                                                        Posted by Shandra.
       I was thinking how I was going to play this second part. It’s obvious they were going to partner swap but throughout our stories, this had happened so many times that I was looking for something a bit different. Either I could try and follow both couples with two parallel sex scenes or I could follow one couple in much more detail and let you guess what happened with the second pair. I decided for the second idea and then later I added a shorter third part following the other couple. (Story 191 Part Three.)
       I went back to read about Sairu. She has been written in earlier stories as being a little bit cheeky and a bit daring. I discovered they had a little swimming pool in their backyard so I could use this. Get the girls in the pool in their bikinis and then I'm sure the guys would get them naked. After that, I’m sure nature would take its course.
       Now this story actually contains three separate sex scenes. The first two are concerning oral sex on the side of the pool. Actually, it works very well with the giver, standing in the pool while the receiver is sitting on the poolside. Yes, in case you are wondering, I’m speaking from experience here. I’ve sucked more than a few cocks like that and a few pussies too. My pussy has got the treatment like that too. It’s a good position as almost the full genital area is open and exposed. It’s also a great exhibitionism pose too, as everyone else, both in the pool and on the poolside can see what’s going on, or should I say going off.

         They then walk in on a tittie fuck before finding a bedroom of their own. The third sex scene takes place here. This is one of the longer stories on our blog so I hope you don’t feel I ramble and drawn it out too much.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part Two..

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Story 191 Our Visitors Steve & Sharon. (Part One)

Part One – Getting to Know Steve. 

     (Payam & Sairu with Steve & Sharon.) 
Hi from Sairu,
       I will be writing this story and Sharon will be helping me later. It was rather a different experience writing a story with someone on the other side of the world but we did it and I really like the end result. I’m proud to present this story to all of you in the Letters Teams.
       Now Amita has already told you how she asked us all to attend a dinner up at the big house. From the start, it was obvious this was not a sexy occasion as she had told us to dress up for a formal dinner. So I dressing in a beautiful green/blue sari, Payam wore trousers and a sports jacket. We picked Hamza and Kalki on the way; they also were dressed for the occasion as well.
       We were met at the door by a driver and a doorman. While the driver took our car to park it, the doorman guided us up to the house. I’m not sure he knew that we had already walked these steps many times before. Inside we were met by a maid who showed us through into the formal lounge in a wing of the house below the master bedroom, an area of the house they usually didn’t use during our nude weekends. I had once asked Hansini about this closed off wing but her explanations it was the more formal reception rooms of the house that really didn’t mean much to me then. I knew Sarvesh was a rich and powerful man but I am still learning just how.
       Katrina, Hansini and Mootie were already there. Soon Jeevan and Mandara also joined us. This was so formal with everyone so dressed up like us. I began to realise that Amita and Sarvesh were going all out for us that evening. Hansini whispered to us that as formal guests in this house the staff will treat us as such. Just go along with it until after the dinner. She said this event was also intended as a test practice and training for new staff they had employed.
       Soon Amita and Sarvesh arrived. She wore a most beautiful sari in white and gold while the white jacket he wore was also embroidered with gold too. They seemed a nice match like that. Their entrance was announced by a house butler as we stood to greet them. As staff stood back watching, ready to attend if required, Amita and Sarvesh moved among us, greeting us as honoured guests. She did manage to smile and whisper to Kalki and me, not to feel uncomfortable by this but to enjoy this evening.
       Drinks were served with the staff seeming to know exactly what each of us preferred. Then small finger snacks were offered as well. This room was a surprise. I thought I knew their house, but this was nothing like what I expected. We wandered around the room, admiring paintings etc, the staff ever present, ever alert and ready for our needs. They politely moved aside to allow us to observe items around the room. I saw Katrina talking with a couple of them and they seemed more relaxed with her. I’d heard Katrina once worked for Amita in this house. Yes, the Letters Books telling of this too.
       Three large paintings caught my eye. As I was looking at them Sarvesh came over to join me. One was of him and Amita standing in a forest setting looking through the trees to a large city. This he said was Auckland in New Zealand near where Shanti lived. The second was them both standing in what looked like a desert landscape. This he told me was near where David, the man who is going to married Katrina, grew up. See that river in the background and he told me it was somewhere there that they got engaged. I remembered that story from the Letters Books and mentioned it to him. He just smiled and passed on to the next picture. The third showed them standing with a beautiful lake scene in the background. I recognised it as the smaller lake from the Game Reserve, where some of the stories from the books had taken place. Sarvesh told me these paintings represented the three teams he and Amita were involved with for business.
       I couldn’t help giving a giggle as I asked, “What business?”
       He smiled back and said quietly, “Sairu, behave yourself!”

Story 191 Part One Background.

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                                                                                        Posted by Shandra.
        The first part of this story has the purpose of setting things up for the wedding stories. We also took the chance to build on one of the popular couples in Letters Sarvesh & Amita. It has often been said they are very wealthy so we wanted to show some of this. It was decided there should be a meeting of the India Team and a video conference between all three teams. It was decided to combine this into one evening up at the big house. I was given the task of covering this meeting in my story, like another view of what Joyce said back in Story 187 Part Two

        When then move on to the sexy scene where Steve & Sairu talk on video webcam.  
        A French girl, Rochelle, recently arrived in New Zealand with her husband. While he has taken a job at a local winery, she with be working part-time as a dairy hand for Anne. How Rochelle came to know us is an interesting story and she will be telling it on her own page (See above). One part, concerning an online stripping session, caught my eye and I asked her if I could use that idea in this story. Yes, story ideas have to come from somewhere and more often than not it's from real life experience.
       Would an Indian woman have gone as far as that with a stranger online? I’m not sure but surprising things have happened between strangers online. Anyway, Steve and Sharon were going to be staying with Payam and Sairu in a few weeks so that may have been the reason why Sairu loosened up a bit. She had played with some of the Indian guys, particularly Sarvesh so there is the potential she would be interested in playing with Steve too.
       Sairu admits almost from the start she intended on getting topless, if not naked with him, but I wanted her to play games with him, tease him and play a bit hard to get. This is mainly done with what I hope is fun, punchy conversation. I hope this works for you. Let’s put this another way; if a guy has to work hard for it, the pussy is much sweeter when he gets it.

       So this part could be considered as an introduction to my second part when the New Zealanders arrive in India. (To be published on the 30th Dec,)

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part One.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Story 190 Sarvesh and the Maid.

(Sarvesh and the Maid. 
This story is dedicated to our friend Moa 
who suggested the idea for this story in her comments under Story 189.

Hi from Sarvesh.
         You could call this a separate story or you could consider this as an addition to my wife’s story about us having a full house. All has been said regarding the accommodation arrangements concerning our guests so no more will be added here, instead, I intend to get straight into my story. I just want to highlight the fact that, with a number of extra new employees in our house, it is possible unusual things could happen.

         I was waiting for my bedroom guest to arrive when there came a knock on the door.
         “Sir, I’m the maid,” a voice called, “I’ve come to clean your room.”
         “Come! Come!” I replied a bit confused.
         'This was most unusual!' I thought. 'A maid, cleaning rooms at 10pm at night!' 
         The door was opened and a maid walked in pushing a trolley of cleaning things. She was new. I had never seen this ‘maid’ before. She was not wearing the usual uniform we supplied to our staff. Her uniform was a lot more interesting. Very short skirt and blouse low cut and partly open showing lots of the cleavage of full breasts. If all our maids wore this, I’d take a lot more interest in our staff.
        “Sir, sorry I am late. We have been busy all day,” she said, (continuing the role she was playing.)
        “Ok…… Hurry with your cleaning……Then you can go,” I said playing her game.

Story 190 Background.

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                                                                                        Posted by Allan.
Hi everyone,
        Under the comments for Story 189, our friend Moa made the suggestion of another story. It had been mentioned in Julie & Brian’s story that the Australian woman Paula had left to visit Sarvesh for the night wearing a sexy maid’s uniform. In the comments, Moa and my father picked up on this, both asked what happened. Moa went further by suggesting a story too.
        Some of us met to consider it and I offered to do one. It was a tight schedule, a tight publishing deadline because really, this story needed to follow straight after Story 189. Anyway, the ideas seemed to flow and I did it in a few of days. So here it is. A completed story, all my own ideas and my own work.

         Now, if Paula was going to turn up at Sarvesh’s room dressed as a maid, perhaps she might roleplay with him too. That sounded like fun so that is how I wrote it. You don’t find out who it was until Sarvesh writes a job reference for Paula at the end, but along the way I did leave you a couple of hints. All of you who have read Story 189 would have figured it out anyway.
        Allowing herself to be talked into washing him was a bit weak but then they would have both known that somehow the roleplay maid / employer relationship had to turn into a bed-partners relationship. As for the sex, partly it was ideas from other stories and partly it was from my own experience, things I have done. 
        Susan has a vivid imagination and we have done roleplay sex together on a number of occasions, sometimes by ourselves and sometimes with others involved too. When a conversation is involved you have to be quick and think on your feet. Often the conversation and reasons for doing things are a bit lame, as in this story but that is all part of the game. The main problem is deciding when you break from your roles. In my experience, it is never planned in advance but usually, it happens when the sex gets underway. In this story, Paula picked up the roleplay briefly in the morning again. Even Amita played along with it too.  
        Finally, I had the idea of Sarvesh writing her a job reference. This was a fun thing and a good way of showing the maid was actually Paula. Later, I went back to read that part again and thought I’d like to employee a maid like that. Well so does Sarvesh, hence that ending, 'don’t bother as I’ll have got there first.' Got there! I hope you've caught that double meaning.
       Looking forward to reading your comments.


       There is one last point not been mentioned by Allan, probably to respect my privacy. Part of this story involved a build up to the main sex scene where Sarvesh explored the Maid's face and her mature body. When I saw this it seemed very familiar and then I realised he was describing the first time I had a chance to be with Allan. He used this to help me get over my nervousness of being with another man. What appeared in this story is very close to what he did with me. Reality and fiction again.       

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