Friday, 24 February 2017

Story 194 India - Part Four - The Wedding.

Part Four – The Wedding.
         The day of the wedding was a complexed day for us with a number of functions we had to attend. First, there was an early breakfast at the restaurant in the Game Reserve. This was a private function before the park opened to the public.
         A beautiful location on a deck overlooking a large lake, it was very early as we wanted to catch the sunrise over the lake; the water was still, hardly a ripple. We watched birds diving over the water, catching small insects that had come in to drink. Hansini pointed out one of the small cabins on the far side which was where the couple would spend their first married night together.
         Of course, David was the guest of honour at this breakfast as it was his big day. His family and all of us from the Letters group were there. There were also a few others from India I didn’t know. Katrina’s father was there too since he couldn’t be with his daughter for her special breakfast on the train.

Story 194 Part Four Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part Four.

                                                                                        Written by Reshma.
          Yes, I know, I didn’t write or publish this story, our new writer Mary did but we’ve decided not to burden her with the extra writing of backgrounds, instead just concentrate on getting her story sections ready.
          By the time Mary got to this section, we were well underway with the writing of Katrina’s Wedding. She was able to read our notes and parts we had completed and she used that to write Betty’s view of the wedding. That took up the first part of her story, the non-sexy part. What she wrote here, also had an effect on our story, we found ourselves making changes to our work as well. For example, we had written that the wedding train had arrived in the main town. Mary and Susan made it into a temporary station on the other side of the river. Remember we had always had the club/hotel placed in the town too until Asami moved it across the river in Story 187 Part Two.

         Now came that big sex scene where these two horny older women managed to arrange a night with a hot, sexy younger guy. In Mary’s case, she worked from her own experience again. One night, Mary and a friend called Deanna arranged to spend their night with a guy called Paul. You'll know Paul from the comments he makes in this blog. What appears in this story is said to be closely based on that night. I even hear that Mary consulted but Deanna and Paul as she wrote this section. Once again the end result was cleaned up with the help of our sex scene expert, Susan (Sexy Sue). 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part Four.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Story 194 India - Part Three - On to India.

Part Three – On to India.
         Our flight to India was also with Singapore Airlines. It was really an early flight, still dark when we left the hotel for the airport. It was a bigger group now but didn’t take too long to get through and ready to board our next flight.
        This flight took us out over the Indian Ocean and on to India. This time Mike was sitting beside us and he said he was hiding from Shanti. I wasn’t sure what he meant by that until I read their story about the flight from New Zealand. (Story 187 Travelling to India - Part One.)

         Our first landfall in India was a very large city called Hyderabad. I hadn’t even heard of it until a few days before our trip and it is one of the largest cities in India. Shows how much I know! We’d had been flying over India for quite some time before we came in on final approach, preparing for landing. As we came around towards the airport I caught sight of the city, a cluster of very tall buildings in the distance, surrounded by many small buildings and houses. It looked to be a huge city. We came in fast and low over a busy road and we were down.
        The airport was modern and efficient, we were processed quickly. Once we had our bags we headed towards our smaller flight. Others seemed to know where they were going so Tom and I just followed along with the group. I had Carol, one of the twins, with me again. She seemed to like being with me as long as her mother and sister were close by. Part of the time she walked and partly I carried her.

Story 194 Part Three Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part Three.

                                                                                        Written by Shandra.
          Mary had enough with getting her story sections together without the burden of writing extra backgrounds, we each took a part of her story and provided background notes.

         Mary quickly wrote the first part of this section getting Betty and Tom to India and settled into Jeevan and Mandara’s house. It is not the first time that this journey has been described so I did suggest she jump over it but Mary thought Betty would want to tell us about her first impressions of a new country. So I pointed out two other stories where this had been done before so she could read them before writing her own version.

        Now one day Mary was over at Anne’s place and we were discussing the sex scene. She wanted them to start outside on a deck overlooking the town before moving into the bedrooms. Now we were a bit concerned about this because two couples sitting together had been done a few times and we didn’t want her to repeat this.
       She also wanted Tom to be involved in the story by telling what happened to him as well. So that led to this sort of parallel story where they both gave their account of the conversation leading to Mandara ending up topless. I mentioned that more often than not, two people will give different accounts of the same event. She took this on board too.

       Now finally came that sex with Jeevan. On a few occasions, we have written about how he takes things slowly and builds up to some amazing, mind blowing orgasms for his sex partners. I suggested that perhaps Betty will experience the same thing. Mary loved that idea and what she wrote was really good. There was not much I thought needed changing except in a couple of places where she tended to repeat herself a bit. With Susan’s help, she got these problems sorted, cleaned up so the scene flowed better and here it is Part Three complete. 

        Mary tells us that part of these sex scenes are based on when they invited Bill (Susan's father) and his girlfriend Sally over for the evening. So like most of our stories, there is a true story somewhere in the background. Most likely, it is not the same as you read here but still an inspiration for the writer. 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part Three.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Story 194 India - Part Two - Our Singapore Stopover.

Part Two – Our Singapore Stopover.
Hi Betty again,
          Our trip came up fast. Before we knew it we were in the last few days before we would leave, packing and preparing to go. Since it was almost the off-season, we dried off the cows a bit early so there was no milking on the farm. One of our sons brought his young family up and they stayed to keep an eye on the place, feed the animals etc.
         The day before our trip we drove down to Auckland and stayed with Mike and Shanti. This was to make it easier getting to the airport the following morning. Shanti and the three children were there but Mike was at work. It was nice spending time with them and before long Mike arrived. Shanti had cooked dinner for us that night then we spent a lovely evening with them as they told us about some of the final details of our trip and showed us photos of the town we would be visiting in India.

Story 194 Part Two Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 194 Part Two.

                                                                                        Written by Susan.
          We didn’t write or publish this story, our new writer Mary did. We’ve just taken over the backgrounds so, she can concentrate on getting her story sections ready.

          So Mary had to get Betty and Tom to Singapore and do whatever they were going to do there. We all thought she would write them straight through to India but she didn’t. She wanted Betty and Tom to have some fun in Singapore, soon getting distracted with that sex scene with Donald and Paula. When we heard she was writing that, Allan added a short comment into Story 187 Part One that Betty and Tom did something with Donald and Paula. I like the idea of linking stories together like that. Somehow it makes them feel just that little bit real.
         I thought Mary was quite daring dividing her story into two with a second account of what Tom and Paula did. Writing as a man can be challenging, men don’t think like normal people (LOL), but for the most part, she did well. We just advised and helped a bit as she needed it. So here was are, two stories under her belt and she hasn’t even got Betty and Tom to India yet. But then, it's not really about them just getting to India, is it? It's really all about the fun and sex they have along the way.
         I’m really pleased that Mary tackled this and so proud of what she has done. We have considered her and Ronnie as part of our team for a while now but I want to say to you Mary, “You really are a Writer of Letters now. You can hold your work up and stand proudly beside us.”
         Big hug from me!
                       Sexy Sue.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 194 Part Two.

Friday, 3 February 2017

Story 194 India - Part One - Wedding Invitation.

Part One – A Wedding Invitation.
Hi from Betty.        
        I’m new at this. Been enjoying the stories but never tried writing one myself. Now Shanti and Amita want me to tell you about our trip to India. They are helping and advising me with it too, of course.
        I didn’t know where to start with this, so many things have happened, so many things I could tell you. Shanti suggested I start from the very beginning and build my story from there. She said, they would be happy with whatever I could write. Long or short, it wouldn’t matter. So if you enjoy my story then I wrote it. If you are bored out of your tree because it rambles and goes on like, forever, then it’s all Shanti’s fault.

       So before we get to India lets back-track to how Tom and I got involved in all this. My husband Tom is Mike’s, father’s brother, Mike’s uncle you would say. We have a small dairy farm just north of Warkworth. It doesn’t make us much but we are happy, comfortable here. We have a good life. We enjoy having visitors, particularly when Mike and his lovely wife, Shanti come to visit. They often bring their friends with them for camping, fishing and hunting which livens the place up a bit. 
       We have known for a long time that Shanti and Mike had sexual things going on with their friends. Once, long ago, they had all been camping on our farm. We took a walk down to see them one hot afternoon to find most of them down at the river, skinny dipping. They didn’t see us so we backtracked past their camp to go back home. As we passed, Shanti and the Indian man, Joseph emerged from a tent. They were also both naked and by the way she had her arm around him, more than friendly too. Again, lucky they didn’t see us. From then on, we warned them when we were going to visit their camp.

Story 194 Part One Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 194 Part One.

                                                                                        Written by Anne.
          Yes, I know, I didn’t write or publish this story, our new writer Mary did, we’ve decided not to burden her with the extra writing of backgrounds, instead, she can just concentrate on getting her story sections ready.
          Susan gave Mary an open brief for writing this story. The only thing she had to do was fit it in with previous Letters stories. She decided to take it from when Betty and Tom first got involved in the stories so really this first section is about building up to their trip, not the actual trip itself. I told Mary, it didn’t need to be sexy but she insisted she wanted to try some sex scenes.
         Now it has worked out that her story is actually divided into five sections. We said she could combine them but she wanted to leave them as separate short stories. Susan and I were ok with this and they will be published as five short stories. It’s even better that each section has worked out having its own sex scene too.

         Mary tells me the sex scene in this first section is closely based on a night Mary spent with Brian. He is very fit, trains at a gym and does a bit of running too. Mary quickly discovered that her fitness level, even with doing some walking most days, was nowhere near a match for him. Yes, I hear that it was a very physical night for her and like Betty, in this story, Mary was sore and tired next morning after her workout. But, like Betty said in the story, Mary also told us that she had a wild night and wouldn’t have missed a minute of it.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part One.