Friday, 13 September 2013

Letter/Story 66 Part A Background.

                Part A   -   Meeting Lizamoa.

                                                                              Posted by Shandra
Hi Shandra
          I was involved in Anne’s story back in Letter 61 I had helped write about how Hansini had first found out about the Letters Series and how she and her husband became involved. That letter was supposed to have been sent by Joseph and so since they left for New Zealand straight after that they could only tell us part of Hansini’s story. We needed to write the other half, a task which was given to me.

         When we came to write Hansini’s story, I was wondering where I should start and how I would do this. We began with the idea that Amita had asked Hansini to write her story before she had a chance to read any of the others, it was obvious that this her story was going to have to overlap Joseph’s earlier one. While reading that other story again I was looking for ways I could tell this same story but from Hansini’s viewpoint instead of Joseph’s.
        Here is the result. Is there too much-repeated material? I hope not but maybe there is. Part A really covers most of what has already been covered to some extent in other stories but I hope from a fresh viewpoint and from a new character in the Letters Series.  

        Next week in Part B Hansini will continue with her story to cover events we have not seen before. Keep in mind that all through this period we are building towards the big story of this volume where Katrina the young servant-girl begins writing her series of stories. A lot of what we cover in these stories is setting the scene for Katrina to build on.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Letter/Story 65 Nudist Exhibitionism.

Hi, it is Shanti again.
          Thanks for that great letter Lizamoa. I agree with you, things are going well for you guys. I also want to add that we enjoyed having you all staying in our house. I know it was a lot of people in one house but it all went well. Of course what happened between Joseph and Jenny at the hot pools was fun too. A total surprise for all of us but sexy fun. It set things for Mike and me swapping with them for the night which was a pleasant surprise too.
          Finally, before I get on with my story I want to say you have found a very nice house, set in the bush like that it is very beautiful and nice inside too. 

Letter/Story 65 Background

                                                                               Posted by Ayaka
Hi from Anne.
         When we rebuilt the old Vol 5 into two volumes we added a number of new stories. To help with these we invited the three new members of our writing team to do a story each. This is Ayaka’s first attempt at a full story herself. Later in this volume, we get to read Kim’s story then Rajah opens the new Vol 6 with his story. But for now, let me hand over to Ayaka. 

Hi, Ayaka here.
          I wanted to try a complete story for myself. I had done a lot of work, adding to and improving other stories but never done one myself. When I brought this up at a meeting everyone was keen for me to have a go. As Anne mentioned above, the rebuild in early 2013 gave me this chance.

          I have always liked the story Shandra wrote about Lizamoa putting on a sexy show for that guy in the Game Reserve. This was back in Letter 14. Doing that I have always thought it would be so hot.

          One day I was talking to a friend of mine on-line in a chat program. He is a very lot older than me but I like him and so I was thinking about some sexy idea for some fun for him. I told him a story of us being at a beach being nude and I was giving a sexy display for a stranger walking by. This was very sexy for both of us and it led to us doing the cyber-sex and both making the good orgasms. He told that this was one of the best he had in a very long time. I was so happy for that too. So happy I had made him do that.

          When Anne said I could do a story I suggested this to her. She liked the idea but did warn me not to copy that other story but instead do something different for myself. Of course, I had to change the names to people within the story and later needed to make a few other changes as well. 

       Now my story was completed and we were wondering where to place it in the series. Because of the way I had written it without any reference to other letters it really could have been placed almost anywhere within the Letters Series. Like Anne said above, they needed a couple of extra stories to build Vol 5 up a bit and so to my surprise it was placed here even though the surrounding stories had been written long before I ever heard about the Letters Project. 

         So I want to dedicate this story to my online friend. He will know who he is when he reads this. It is not what we did on-line, I know this, but it came from that idea so to my friend I want to say thank you twice. First for the two great orgasms you gave me and second for the great story idea too. Big kiss to you!

Friday, 30 August 2013

Letter/Story 64 Joseph & Lizamoa in New Zealand.

         Hi from me to all of you. It is Lizamoa here.
         As you will be knowing, we have now arrived in New Zealand and now we are under the kind care of Mike and Shanti living in their house. It is very good of them to do this for us.
         When we arrived at Auckland we were very tired. It had been a long flight even though we had arranged a stop-over in Singapore. On the flight the baby, Jagesh wouldn’t settle and this kept us awake. My mother-in-law, Greeshma, was also very tired as well. But we are here safely and we are thankful for that too.
         Now we are settled in here and we are working on the many arrangements which must be made before Joseph, my husband, must report to his job at the Waitakere Park Centre. First off Peter had a car here waiting for us so we have our own transport. Shanti had contacted a friend who has a beautiful house which is available to rent. We went to visit this house and we are very happy with it. We have paid the deposit on it because we must keep it but it means we will need to pay the rent for almost a month before we can move to the house. Mike says in this area finding a house to rent at a reasonable price is very hard, so we must do it.

Letter/Story 64 Background

                                                                               Posted by Allan
Hi, Allan here.
         Vol 4 ended with Joseph and Lizamoa about to move to New Zealand. Anne and Shandra were writing a great story about how they left India with a big farewell party but we also needed a story about them settling into New Zealand as well.
        My original intention was to write a non-sexy story here about how they arrived in New Zealand. They stayed with Mike and Shanti while they waited for their furniture to arrive and they could settle into their new house. But then I came up with an idea of having a sexy trip to the hot pools.
       So that is how I wrote it with Lizamoa becoming distracted from her story and telling us about an interesting sex session between her husband Joseph and one of the European girls, Jenny.
        This story is different in a number of ways:-
                  First – It happened in a public place.
                  Second – It involved a very pregnant woman.
                  Third – Everyone present was totally surprised by what happened, including Joseph himself.
                  Fourth – The group were sitting around making funny jokes while they watched these two having sex. 

        I have to add that once I began writing the sexy bit Susan joined in and we worked on the sex and jokes together. We work well together, feeding off each other with ideas. I know it is not that sexy but I believe we achieved a nice balance of fun and sex.          

         You might notice that most of the stories around here came from New Zealand. It just seemed that we had more stories like that at this point so let us just say it took the Indians a while to get organised with their stories. When they start they will have a couple of big ones.
         In the meantime, next week we have a surprise for you. A new member of the real writer's team will publish her first story on this blog.

        It is interesting that the theme of Jenny being pregnant came up for publishing just at this time when two of the writers, Anne and Susan are now pregnant too. This story and most of the surrounding ones were written a long time ago in early 2008. (See the Timeline Page) 

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Letter/Story 63 We Are Coming to New Zealand. Part B.

Part B – The Farewell Party.
            On the day of the party, we had arranged to stay at Sarvesh’s house afterwards so we took our overnight gear as well.
            It was a big party and of course, many people from the town were there too. Sarvesh and Amita really know how to throw a good party. After the grand meal, all the guests began to leave about mid-afternoon. We asked Hansini and Mootie to stay back and soon there were only eight people left.
            These were four couples, Amita and Sarvesh, Mandara and Jeevan, Hansini and Mootie, and of course Lizamoa and myself.
            Sarvesh suggested that we go out to sit beside the pool for some drinks. It was nice under the shade by the pool and soon Jeevan suggested we go for a swim. Everyone agreed except Mootie and Hansini who did not have swimming gear.
            “That’s OK,” said Amita “I am sure Mootie can borrow something from Sarvesh and let’s see if we can find something for you too, Hansini.”

Letter/Story 63 Part B background.

Part B  - The Farewell Party.
                                                                        Posted by Shandra.
Hi, I am Shandra and I am going to be your guide for Part B of this story.
       When we knew where we were going with the new letters series we all burst into action. Susan began working on the opening story of Vol 5 as an introduction to the new series of stories and Allan began writing the second story about Joseph and Lizamoa settling into New Zealand.
       Meanwhile, I was helping Anne complete this story and doing a small one myself on the visit to the Taj Mahal.  

        In this story, the actual farewell party which many of the people from the town were invited to attend is hardly mentioned. What we are more interested in was what happened after all the other guests had gone.
       After sitting beside the pool for a while they decide to go swimming. The next part where Hansini didn’t have a swimsuit and borrowed a bikini off Amita is based on what happened to me. Let me explain:-
        I didn’t own a bikini because still living at my parent’s house it would have caused problems. I thought it was sexy seeing Anne and Susan wearing their bikinis and one day I mentioned this to Anne. Next time we went swimming she offered to loan me one of hers. It was at a beach and I was a bit nervous but I went through with it. Soon I was wearing a bikini almost every time I went swimming.  I’d just get my old one-piece wet to make it look like I wore that. Before long Anne had sort of given me that green bikini. She said it looked better on me because the emerald green went with my darker skin.
       Of course, later we were doing a lot more than wearing bikinis. The part where the girls stage a fight in front of Hansini was also something we did as well. We were at the beach one day and further along, a couple of girls were swimming topless. Susan and I got into a fight trying to take each other’s top off. It was a bit sexy and a bit fun too. Of course, we both ended up topless and then we turned on Anne too but before we could reach her she had just taken her top off. Spoilsport! It would have been fun to rip it off her! So we began going topless and then later nude whenever we had the chance. Now I would say I swim nude more often than I swim wearing any kind of swimsuit. 

        The story ends with the suggestion of playing the game Strip but Mootie wasn’t sure Hansini wanted to do it so they left to go home. Joseph tells us the Lizamoa is sure she will do it next time and she teased him about it too. We thought about doing a story about her playing 'Strip' but then decided we'd covered this theme enough already.
        Joseph also tells us that Amita and Sarvesh intend having other fun times with Mootie and Hansini joining them. This now sets up the Indian side of the story too. They will use these special times at Sarvesh's house for many future sexy adventures.      

        Next week we get to read how Joseph and Lizamoa settle into New Zealand. It might not seem like a very sexy story at first but wait until you read what happens in the spa pool.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Letter/Story 63 We Are Coming to New Zealand. - Part A

Part A – Meeting Mootie and Hansini

Dear Readers of Letters.
            It is Joseph here. Hi from India.
            It seems like this will be the last time I will be able to write “Hi from India.” Very soon I will need to be writing “Hi from New Zealand.” There are now only four days before we leave India. I am not sure we will get time to complete this story before we leave.

          (Editor Note: - Actually most of this story was completed before they left to move to New Zealand so 'Hi from India' is probably correct. It appears Joseph might have written this opening section about 3 weeks before their departure while the main story was started about four days before departure and finished in New Zealand.) 

Letter/Story 63 Part A Background.

                                                                        Posted by Anne.
         We had decided it was time to end the Letters Series with Joseph and Lizamoa moving to New Zealand. The idea was that once they were in New Zealand writing letters to each other would no longer be necessary so the Story would end there. This story was originally designed to be the big ending for the series featuring a farewell party and their move to New Zealand. But then as I began to write things changed.
         We were talking, over a meal, one night and the subject came up again.
         Shandra said, “I’m going to miss writing when the series ends.”
         I agreed with her saying, “Yes I feel the same way.”
        “Then why are you stopping?” Allan asked us.
        “What do you mean?” I asked him.
        “You do not need to stop writing. You can still continue the story."
        “How can we?” I replied. “We have sort of painted ourselves into a corner with Joseph and Lizamoa moving to New Zealand.” 
        “Not necessarily. There is still a group in India and another group in New Zealand. Why can’t they write to each other.”
        Of course, the idea quickly caught on and we began working out how the series could continue. Our final plan was to form two teams which would begin swapping stories. Susan came up with an opening to this new series in Letter/Story 62 the first story of Volume 5.
       Part of this planning involved coming up with some themes for the next series of stories. We then realised that we had actually started to develop two of these already. The first was the servant girl Katrina and the second was the man from the Game Reserve, Mootie.
       So this story now had two objectives. The first was to move Joseph and Lizamoa to New Zealand and second was to introduce Mootie and his wife as replacements in India. So with these two ideas before me, I set off to write this story. 

         The main part of the story is the conversation which Joseph and Lizamoa had with Mootie and his wife Hansini. It was a bit of a surprise when they discovered Hansini knew about the events that happened at the lake all those years ago. It is obvious Lizamoa was embarrassed by this but then a bit amused when she discovered Hansini thought their adventure was a sexy turn-on.
         Later the subject of nude swimming came up. When Lizamoa asked Hansini directly if she would join in it was once again obvious she was interested. This was not one of your average Indian girls, in fact, it appears she might be quite bold and outgoing.
        The conversation finished with Lizamoa inviting them to the farewell party being held at Sarvesh and Amita’s house. Mootie and Hansini agreed to come. 

        So next week what is going to happen after this big party when most of the important guests from the town had left?

Friday, 9 August 2013

Letter/Story 62 We Need to Change “Letters”.

(From Shanti)
            Hi from me to all of you.
            As you will know The Letters Book originally started as the correspondence between Joseph and I. Over time more and more people have become involved and even added their own stories as well.
            First, we began to involve our spouses Lizamoa and Mike in our letter writing. Later our friends became involved, Jenny and Peter, then Steve and Sharon from New Zealand. While in India the couples, Sarvesh and Amita, Jeevan and Mandara were involved. And I have just come to learn that Mootie and Hansini have now become involved as well. Joseph will tell the story of how this happened in the next story we send to you all.           

            When we were in India we decided to give each couple their own copy of The Letters Book so as soon as I got back to New Zealand I started working on this project but I must admit that I didn’t get very far. As I had to give up work before my baby was born, this project was a good one for me to pick-up and complete.
            I found some beautiful black leather binders which I decided to use. I carefully went back through all the letters editing them and then making enough copies for everyone. So now you will all have your very own copies of the Letters Series to enjoy for your private fun.  
           It was expensive sending these heavy, made-up volumes to India but I'm sure you will agree it was worth it. Once this current volume is finished it will be easier to send the empty binders then you will fill them yourselves. Now I hope this means we will get to read and write many more stories for the "Naughty Letters Book."  Ha! Ha!

            Now to the point of my letter. As you already know Joseph and Lizamoa have recently moved to New Zealand. Since they are living in our house at the moment and soon will have their own house nearby it kind of makes the idea of writing letters to each other a bit obsolete. Our original intention was for the series to end at this point, but we enjoy the story writing and want to continue so this is what we have decided to do.
            We will be dividing into two teams, the New Zealand Team and the Indian Team. From now on both teams will exchange letters/stories instead of Joseph and I writing to each other. As they get a story to tell, any member of a team can then be the writer for all or part of any particular letter.
            There are two team coordinators, Amita in India and me in New Zealand. We will take any stories written by our team, type them up, take copies for our team and then E-mail to the other team. We will also receive and make copies of all incoming letters/stories as well. This means everyone will be regularly updated as new letters are exchanged and they will receive their copies using the correct type fonts.
            I am very happy with this new plan but I must be honest and give credit to who came up with it. Thank you very much, Amita. Because of your good suggestion, The Letters Book will survive and continue to grow. 

            As you know recently we began using the leather binders I mentioned above. Well already we have filled four volumes and so please find enclosed with this letter the binder for the fifth volume.
            To keep with everyone else, since this is a changing point in The Letters Book, you will want to make this the first letter of Volume Five. 

            Now just one last thing before I end. I want to welcome Mootie and Hansini to our letter writing. In your parcel, you will have found the four leather volumes of all of our old letters going right back to the very beginning. Also, I have enclosed the empty binder for Volume Five. There is a trick to attaching new pages so let Amita show you how to do it.
            I hope you both can find plenty of spare time because you now have a lot of “naughty” reading to do. Ha. Ha.
            Now Amita tells me that you are writing a letter/story Hansini, telling us how you became involved with The Letters Book. I know Joseph and Lizamoa have told us some of this story already but I am looking forward to reading your account as I’m sure it will be interesting.
            If you need help, ask Amita to give you a hand with the editing but try as much as possible to keep it in your own words because this adds to the character of The Letters Book.  Also, you might want to try and include conversation in your story. I know it is impossible to remember every exact word which was spoken but you can usually get the general idea of a conversation and fill it out from there. Reading your writing out loud to somebody helps to make it sound right as many of us like reading or hearing the letters being read out loud.  

            Well bye from me now. 

            And all of those living here in this house at the moment send our love.

Letter/Story 62 Background

                                                                               Posted by Susan
        Notice the heading of this story. It reflects the fact that we were now moving away from a record of a correspondence between two people and more towards a collection of stories swapped between two groups of people. Later you will notice that we drop the word “letter” altogether and just call them what they have become stories. In this volume, we also dropped the address at the top of each letter since by now we consider that the letters were being swapped via email rather than postal mail.
        So this story is a major turning point in the Letters Project. Our original intention was to finish the story with Joseph and Lizamoa moving to New Zealand. The assumption is that they lived happily ever after. But as we told you in the last few backgrounds of Vol 4 we didn’t want to stop writing.
       The plan we came up with was to begin this new series of stories by creating a few transition stories which act as a turning point for the letters as Joseph moves to New Zealand with his family. The next two letters will also reflect this change before we settle into a new series and new themes.  (See what Anne says about this next week.)
       So welcome to a new volume and the new letters, which are now more stories than letters. I hope you continue to follow our blog and enjoy our stories.
        Next week we have Joseph tell us about the very last few days they were in India when Sarvesh and Amita throw a going-away party for them at the big house.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Letter 61 The Taj Mahal.

                                                                                                Joseph Kour.
                                                                                                The Game Reserve,
                                                                                                Andhra Pradesh,
                                                                                                     (New Zealand)

Shanti  Wilson,
New Lynn,
New Zealand. 

Dear Shanti & Mike,
            Hi from India (New Zealand) Ha Ha.
            It is Lizamoa here. It seems I will be writing the very last letter for the letters books before we begin living in New Zealand.
            We had a very good journey coming to New Zealand. Yes I know Joseph and I have travelled that trip before but this time we had two extra with us, Jagesh and my mother-in-law, Greeshma.
            But Amita, I will tell you more of our trip in another letter. Tonight I have not got very much time on the computer and I want to write the story which I promised to do. After telling everyone to leave the story of our visit to the Taj Mahal for me, I have then got so busy and with the last week before our leaving for New Zealand, I did not do anything. Here I am doing now.          

            So as Shanti has told, Sarvesh arranged a small tour taking in the sights of the three cities of Delhi,, Jaipur and Agra. The most important sight to see in Agra is the Taj Mahal. The public usually enter by The Great gate (Darwaza-i rauza)—gateway to the Taj Mahal. Once inside you find yourself within the most lovely gardens. Yes we enjoyed seeing these and how well they were carefully maintained.
            Then you come upon that lovely view of the Taj Mahal itself. I am sure you remember that beautiful picture view with that long ornamental reflecting pool., it is most famous. We were taking the photos and it looked like everyone there was also taking many photos too. With the sunlight shining off the dome of white marble it was a very beautiful sight but very hard to take a good photograph too.
            When we were close to the building we could see all the stone work of the building which looked like carving from a distant but was actually inlaid stone work. Mike said it would have taken a long time to do all this work.
            We were able to go inside and if we thought the outside was beautiful it was nothing when we compared with the inside. Again there was very beautiful craftsman work and inlaid precious stones.
            Yes if anyone goes to India they must not be missing this beautiful building. 

            But the lovely work of the building is not the only part of the Taj Mahal. There is also the story behind it too. The story goes that it was constructed by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a memorial to his queen Mumtaz Mahal whom he loved very much. When she died while giving birth, the emperor was grief-stricken. It took one year to plan the building and find the craftsmen to do the job. So one year after her death with his heart still broken the emperor oversaw the beginning of construction of this wonderful project to remember her. It took a large team of workers 22 years to complete (1630-1652 AD).
            Often there is the story told that once construction was finished the emperor had all the architects and craftsmen killed by horrific deaths. This was so another building could not be made like this one. But there has been no evidence found that this actually happened. I can not believe that a man who had so much love for his wife could ever do such a terrible thing.    

         Sarvesh had also organized another visit to the Taj Mahal. This time we went at night to view it under the light of the full moon. It seems that they open up just a few nights each side of the full moon. This was beautiful to see this wonderful building bathed in the softer light of the moon as the white dome appears to glow. If you should ever get to visit the Taj Mahal you should view it under the Full Moon. A most beautiful sight to witness how the white marble dome seems to glow in the moonlight as if it was its own light.         

           They were telling us the building is being affected by the pollution of modern man. It is eating into the marble and leaving a covering of dirt which requires cleaning often. There is a work force of over 550 doing maintenance, cleaning and gardening tasks as well a guiding the large numbers of tourists every day. I was not happy to learn how much damage this building is receiving. It is lucky it was placed at a smaller town and not within a larger city or the damage would be even worse.  

            I have never seen the Taj Mahal before and so I am so glad that I had a chance to see the wonderful sight, the most wonderful in all of India, before it was time for me to leave India to live in another country far away. 

            Now I want to finish this letter with a small poem. I think it is the first time a poem has ever been included in the Letters Book. This poem was written by the Emperor himself when the building was finished and finely he gazed upon its beauty.  

                        Should guilty seek asylum here,
                                                Like one pardoned, he becomes free from sin.
                        Should a sinner make his way to this mansion,
                                                All his past sins are to be washed away.
                        The sight of this mansion creates sorrowing sighs;
                                                And the sun and the moon shed tears from their eyes.
                        In this world this edifice has been made;
                                                To display thereby the creator's glory.

            Well that is all I have to tell you in this story.
                        Bye with lots of love.

Letter 61 Background

                                                                        Posted by Shandra.
       I had the loveliest story to write. I wanted it to be romantic and full of love rather than sexy as most of our stories are. The Taj Mahal is a monument of love so it worked very well for my story. 

Hi it is Shandra here.
       The story behind the building of The Taj Mahal is the story of an Emperor whose wife dies during child birth. In his grief for her he decides to build this monument to her memory. It is a labour of love, the love he has for her. 
        We had always thought about including a visit to The Taj Mahal in our stories of the Indian adventures but when I wanted to include it in a special story we thought it would be a great way to end the Letters Series.
       I discovered a poem which was supposed to have been written by the Emperor himself so I decided to include this as well. I think this is the first poem to be included in the Letters Series which makes this story a tiny bit different too. 

        We heard that the complex is open during the full moon when the white marble of the dome appears to glow in the moonlight. So I added a second evening visit for the group to again visit, this time to view The Taj Mahal under the light of the full moon. 

        But then the Letters Series didn’t end. It will continue with the first letter/story of Vol Five beginning next week. 

        In June 2013 I did actually get to visit the Taj Mahal. It was a surprise for me that my husband had arranged. It was his labour of love for me I think, organizing this without my knowing. I wasn’t disappointed; it was as good as I wrote in my story. I was amazed at the beauty of this building and the whole time it was in my mind that this was a labour of love, by the emperor, in memory of his beloved wife.