Friday, 20 September 2013

Letter/Story 66 Part B Background

                Part B   -   My First Nude Day.
                                                                               Posted by Shandra
Hi, Shandra again.
         Since I wrote this story almost completely myself I will be doing this second background as well. Last week we saw how Mootie and Hansini got into the sexy weekends organised by Sarvesh. Now Hansini continues here story by telling us about the second time they went up to visit Sarvesh and Amita.
         After going topless in the pool the first time Hansini was sure she would do so again. She said as much while talking to Mega although she did say going nude was taking it a bit too far.
        Then came the chess game. It seems for some reason Hansini was very good at chess which is rather unusual for an Indian girl. Well her husband Mootie seemed confident she could beat anyone as he boldly boasted about her to Sarvesh.
        The game was played on a large garden chess board out beside the pool. We once played a game on one of these large outdoor chess sets at a winery north/west of Auckland. I couldn't play back then but I moved the pieces for Susan. Anne did the same for Allan. Of course, we keep our clothes on but that was the basis for the game in the story. Of course, now I've learnt to play I could add more detail to the story. 
        They were just about to start playing when Sarvesh suggested they play strip chess. That was a shock for Hansini but after thinking about it, she felt confident enough that she could beat him. She agreed to play. This is rather bold because she really had no idea just how good he actually was.
        The game was going well until Sarvesh realised he was losing and changed his strategy to take as many of her pieces as he could. Hansini decided she needed to do something in a hurry or else she would end up naked even if she still won the game. Her attack was devastating and almost wiped Sarvesh out but it came at a cost. Hansini was left at the end of the game in only her bikini bottom. Suddenly Amita came up behind her and with a tug had her bottom pulled down leaving her naked. From then on Hansini decided to remain that way.
         I must confess that last bit was a Susan addition which meant I needed to change the end of the story too.  It would take Mega another weekend before she became bold enough to finally go naked as well. In the original version, Hansini and Mega get naked together on the second special weekend. But now I like the new ending better. 
         Next week the New Zealanders reply with a story of their own called “I’m so Horny.”

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