Thursday 10 April 2014

Story 91 Checking Out the Girls.

Hi from New Zealand. Shanti here.
          Amita, that was a good opening story for our resort adventures. I think the way you did that will set the scene for many of the following stories. Your story was also a good one Mandara. We swim nude so much now that we often forget what it was like that first time. Thanks for sharing it with us, honey.
           The best must be your story, Katrina. This is turning into a big one but both Mike and I are enjoying it too. I can just imagine how shocked you must have been at Amita but I expect you know now she can be a wild one, that girl. Why didn't you include that bit of fun in your story Amita?
           Now this story was also not included in our original plan but I think you will enjoy it.

Hi, it is Peter here.
         The trip we took to the resort on the Great Barrier Reef, was one of the best holidays I have ever had. Maybe the only one better might be that trip we took to India. I'm not sure, they were both pretty good.
         It was good to see everyone again and catch up with our friends. I know we are in contact with them regularly but it is not the same as seeing them face to face. I was interested in meeting the new people who came from India. There was Mootie who actually we had seen before but not spoken too. Of course, not forgetting his lovely wife, Hansini. She was really a lot of fun, getting into any adventure going, so outgoing compared to her husband who was so quiet, content to mainly sit back and watch the fun. Although I hear from some of the women, Mootie wasn’t slow when it came to bedroom actives.
           There was also Brian and Mega too. This couple got on very well with Jenny and I, we spend a lot of time together enjoying their company. Again, here Mega is the more outgoing one and I hear she was the one who got them into the sexy adventures of the Letters Book. It seems funny how this has happened like that for many of us – being pulled into the fun and games by our wives. Not that any of us are complaining, mind.
            Oh, and not to forget the lovely Katrina. What a darling she is! A lot younger than the rest of us, but what a beautiful girl, a real doll. She was very shy at times particularly until you get to know her, but when she has a mind to, she can be very bold too. What she did on the boat trip or in New Zealand with that pilot was certainly not shy. I won't forget it for a while either. 
Now to my story;-
           What happened the second day we were at the resort? On this day, we had decided to spend most of the day on the family side of the resort. We were sitting beside the pool and I noticed a couple of girls nearby.
           I know it is the family side but this didn’t stop some of the girls wearing some pretty hot bikinis. This included these two girls as well. Well, why not, they had hot bodies and looked good in a bikini too. Why not show it off a bit?
          They were a lot younger than us, probably about nineteen or twenty I’d say. They came over to the pool and were sitting on the edge not far away from us.
          “You are looking very hot today ladies,” I said.
          They both giggled and then one said, “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
          “Where are you two from?”
           “Oh I’m from Sydney and my friend is from Newcastle. What about you?”
         “We are from New Zealand.”
          “I thought you talked a bit strange.”
           “Not strange! Kiwis speak proper English, not like in Australians.”
           “Yeah! Right!”
           "No it's true," Steve added. "The way you say 'six', I not sure if you're counting half a dozen or inviting me to bed."
          This brought a good laugh from all four of us. Not bad considering Steve is actually an Aussie himself. One of the girls reached into the pool and flicked some water in our direction.
          After talking to them for a few minutes, I decided to make a suggestion.
          “We are just about to go over to the nude side. Why don’t you two come with us and then we can find out if you look just as hot without the bikinis.”
           I thought that would turn them away for sure, being so direct like that, but no I was wrong.
           “We would like to see that side, but we don’t have a pass.”
           “We do so come with us.”
           “Ok then. I’d like to see what it is like there.”
           " Going to lose the bikinis?" Steve asked.
           The girls looked at each other, then they smiled. "Maybe," one replied to us. 

Hi, it is Jenny here.
           When I saw Peter chatting up those two young girls I decided to watch and see what would happen. They seemed to be talking for quite a while, then Peter came over and announced he and Steve were going over to the nude side.
            "What's going on here?" Sharon asked after he had walked away.
            "They are up to something," I said with a laugh.
            “Where are they going?” asked Lizamoa.
            “Oh I think, they are hoping to get lucky with those girls. The ones they were chatting up,” I replied.
            “Well let’s put a stop to that,” added Sharon.
            “No,” I replied “Let’s follow them over there. It might be fun to watch a while.”
            “Hey! That’s an idea,” agreed Sharon. "Then we'll surprise them."
            “What do you going to do?” Lizamoa asked.
            “Come and watch Liz. They won’t be so cocky when they see their wives sitting there watching them.”
           "Yes," I added. "This will be a laugh."
           "Oh!" said Lizamoa as she caught on what we were doing.
            We followed them over to the other side. When we got there, sure enough, they had the two girls with them, there in the pool, but the girls still wore their bikinis. I bet that was a disappointment for the guys too.
            We sat on some seats on the other side of the pool where we could watch them but they were unable to see us in the shade. I could see them chatting with these two girls and they even brought them drinks too.
            Next thing I saw Peter holding one of their bikini tops. He placed it on the side of the pool.
            “Here we go,” I said with a laugh. “Now they think they are getting lucky.”
            “Are you going to stop them?” Lizamoa asked.
            “Yes, but first let’s watch for a while,” Sharon added.
            Then the other bikini top had landed on the poolside as well.
            "Ok guys," I joked to the girls. "That's their tops off. Will you get their bottoms off too?"
           I heard Lizamoa give a giggle.
            Another round of drinks and then a bikini bottom joined the tops on the poolside.
            "Yes, it looks like it," Sharon said.
            Soon they had the other girl naked too. Steve now had one girl with her back to the poolside. He was standing close, facing her. I was sure there was some hand work going on there too.
            “Well Jenny, when shall we end their little game?” Sharon asked.
            “Looks like about time now,” I replied.
            I went over to the bar, purchased drinks for each of them and then asked the barman to deliver the drinks and saying, “Your wives have sent these over.”
            I watch with amusement as he delivered the drinks and then I saw the shocked looks on their faces. It was obvious the two girls were a bit pissed off too as even from the other side of the pool I heard one say, “Are you married?”
            I didn’t hear their reply but by the time I got back to my seat the girls were out of the water and clutching their bikinis they were disappearing back towards the gate to the main family resort.
            The boys looked around but they still couldn’t see where we were sitting and so after a few minutes they got out of the pool and followed the girls, heading back to the main resort themselves.
            “That put an end to their fun,” Sharon laughed.
            “Yes, it did a bit,” I replied. “Those girls sure took off in a hurry.”
            “They looked pretty pissed off too. Surely they must have realised these two were married men. They both had wedding rings on.”
            “Do you think they might have….. You know…,” asked Lizamoa.
            “Who knows? They are guys. Anything could happen.”
            “Yes, Jenny. But it didn’t happen this time.”
            “Are you angry with them?” Lizamoa asked.
            “No, not really. But I think we need to teach them a lesson,” Sharon said.
            “I would be angry if Joseph did that.”
            We returned to the family side of the resort to find Peter and Steve sitting back with the rest of our group.
            “Where have you three been,” Amita asked.
            “Oh,” Lizamoa replied. “We were over at the nude pool to watch some dirty old men chatting up two girls, young enough to be their daughters.”
            “Really?” asked Amita. “What happened?”
            “Oh, some women their own age brought them drinks which kind of pissed the young girls off and spoiled all their fun,” I laughed.
            I looked across at the two guys and saw how guilty they looked.
            “Sorry guys,” I said. “Next time ask your wives first.”  
            Suddenly the three of us burst out laughing.
           When Amita and Shanti caught on who we were laughing at, they joined in too.
           I was waiting until I had Peter alone then I planned to really tell him off but something happened later in the afternoon when some of our group went back over to the nude side for a while. When Sharon told me what she did there, I decided we had got even with the boys.

Peter again now.
           Yeah, very funny girls! Had a big laugh, didn't you?
           But us guys weren’t the only ones looking at the talent either. Some of you girls were checking out the boys too. We were in the pool on the nude side later that afternoon. I was in the water talking with Mike and Shanti. Mandara was with us as well. Just along from us, Sharon was with Mega and Lizamoa.
           I could see they were checking out the naked men who walked past and from that angle in the pool they had a grand view looking up at them too. They were making comments about some of them too. I am surprised some didn't hear.
           Then a younger guy, with a larger cock came by and sat near where we were. I could see Sharon was really checking this guy out, and he knew she was too. He got up from his seat and walked over to the pool edge. He was kneeling on one knee so his cock was fully displayed right in front of the girls. 
           “Nice big tits,” he said.
           “Yeah! They’d go nicely with a big cock,” Sharon replied cheekily.
           “Well why don’t we find out how well they fit together?” he said.
          “I don’t know. Is that thing just as impressive when it’s hard?”
          “Even more impressive,” he assured her.
          “I’d need to see that first,” Sharon said.
          To our surprise, she actually reached up and touched him. With only a tiny bit of her stroking, he began to get hard. Soon he had a full blown on erection. Right there beside the pool, with so many people around, many of them watching her too!
          I could see Lizamoa was very embarrassed by this as she was looking around to see who was looking but Sharon didn't care. She was as bold as.
          “Well?” he asked her. “Does that meet your expectations.
           “I think I’ve had better. My girlfriend’s husband is as good as that.” Sharon replied. Then turning to Lizamoa she went on. “What do you think Liz? Is he as big as your Joseph?”
           Lizamoa was so embarrassed with all this she hesitated, not sure what to say. Before she could answer, the guy continued.
         “How do you know until you try it?”
          “Oh but I have to ask my husband first. See that muscular guy, sitting watch us? He is my husband,” she said pointing.
          As they both looked in Steve’s direction, he gave them a smile and a little wave.
          “Oh!” the guy replied. “Never mind.”
          With that, he stood up and walked quickly away.
          “Sharon!” Lizamoa said. “He wanted you to go with him.”
          “Yes, I know but I am not going with a guy like that.”
          “He was so full of himself,” said Mega. “Coming up to us like that.”
          “I know,” Sharon agreed. “I want a real man! Not all ego like him.”
          The three of them laughed at that, then I heard Sharon say, "But he did have a pretty good cock."
          Lizamoa gave a giggle before they both moved away. 

         I thought I was going to hear about from Jenny later when she got me alone. But nothing was ever said until we sat down together to write this story.
        She heard what Sharon did when we got back to where she was looking after the kids. The girls were making jokes and laughing the rest of the afternoon. They were really enjoying the fun. I know Sharon took some teasing about that comment his big cock going with her big tits too. But she was giving as good as she got, adding to the jokes too. I must admit it was funny listening to them. Like me, I noticed none of the other men would dare touch it. We just remained quiet, leaving the jokes for the girls.
        I am sure this was their way to teach us a lesson. Show us that they can pick up young talent too. I knew their joking was kind of meant for Steve and I, to rub it in a bit too.
        So, that is our addition to our letter stories.
                        From Peter, Jenny and the New Zealand Team.       


  1. Hey! A good story. Funny too. I liked it.

  2. Funny story, Pual, Asami and I had a big laugh.
    Good way of dealing with those boys. A fight so early in the holiday would not be good for anyone.
    Sharon's revenge was good too. But maybe she went too far by touching that guy's big cock.

    1. Yes I agree Kirsten,
      I like the humour. I also like the way Jenny and Peter swapped telling the story like that.
      Some good conversation too.

    2. I know that was a kiwi joke against us Aussies. LOL. But still we had to laugh.
      The thought of going into the shop to by half a dozen apples. "Can I have sex please?" LOL. Nice one girls.
      I don't really think we talk as bad as that. Certainly not as bad as you kiwis talk. Poor Prince William and Kate must be struggling to understand you lot. Never mind they will be Ok once they get over here. LOL
      Aussie Janet.

    3. Janet, why do Aussies dangle corks from their hats? Answer ;- To keep the flies away.
      We don't need them in New Zealand, there's no flies on us. LOL

    4. Why does New Zealand have the Kiwi as their national bird?
      They sit on their bums all day and stick their beaks into everyone else's business.
      Kiwi - all bum and beak. LOL

    5. Why do Aussies wear long sleeved shirts?
      To hide the chain marks on their wrists.

      Do you know Janet that one day New Zealand might allow Australia to merge with us. We will rename Australia the West Island to fit nicely with our North and South Islands. It will be great. There will no longer be any jails or prisons in New Zealand. We will ship all our criminals to Botany Bay (Sydney) where they won't even be noticed among the local people there. LOL

    6. OK! OK! OK!
      Anne & Janet. Lets put the shit down. Stop throwing it at each other. Or otherwise we will be down to NZ sheep farmers with floppy gumboots jokes.
      Anne you must to be nice to the Aussies. They can't help it they are like that. Just love them anyway. LOL

    7. Ah Anne, the old convict jokes. Haven't you got any better? The Botany Bay was a new twist on it though.

      And Allan the peace-maker. There was a fish hook in your words too. So what are us Aussies like, Allan?
      Now the old floppy gumboots joke. LOL I forgot about that one. Why do New Zealand sheep farmers wear floppy gumboots? To put the hind legs of the sheep in when they catch them. LOL.

    8. Ohh nasty Janet. LOL
      Calling us sheep shaggers. At least we get on and do something not like some people who sit around all day playing with their didgeridoos. LOL
      With love from Anne.

    9. OK that's it girls.
      Lets move on now. I'm sure everyone knows Kiwis and Aussies like each other. Just have a strange way of showing it. For those form other countries, sorry for our strange sense of humour. Personally I enjoyed it but I realise it might look a bit bad.

    10. Oh nice one. Very nice to see.
      I see Allan kicking the Arse of Anne and the Arse of Janet. Naughty girls. LOL
      But I am happy to see because it is meaning the Arse of Ayaka is not being kicked.
      Very nice Allan. In my opinion they needed that too.
      LOL from Ayaka.

  3. Oh funny story. I have just discovered this blog. Very interesting but seen only a few stories.
    They all seem good. There is a lot in here.

    1. Hi Andy, welcome to our blog.
      Did you read the page in the list at the top, called "About this blog"?
      This blog is actually a long story told using many letters or short stories. We suggest you read them in the order in which they were published, starting at Letter One and working forward.
      I think most girls do this but I think most guys don't. They just hop around hoping to find the good bits. LOL
