Friday, 29 July 2016

Story 185 – Slippery Slimy Fun.

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Hi from Jenny.
        When Jeevan came from India this time he brought the two hot, sexy girls, Hansini and Amita. And there can be no doubt; they came here ready to play. Yes I heard what you girls did to Mike and Joseph on the way in from the airport. And they used to be such nice boys too, until you two came here and corrupted them!
       Oh well, I decided to have some fun with them too, an all-girl three-some with oil on our water bed?

       I’m sure you’ll remember how Peter and I worked out how we could have an oily sex session on the waterbed without making a big mess. Well I thought, since these two girls came to New Zealand to have fun, why not invite them for some sexy fun with oil. Hansini was staying at our house so I suggested the idea. She thought it was great, she had seen the story Peter and I wrote, (Story 180  Waterbed and Oil) so I decided to push forward with my plans.
       My idea was to start with a sexy all girl three-some with them, then go for some more fun when Peter got home that evening. But with all good plans, they always seem to go wrong somehow. In this case, maybe wrong is not correct, rather it just turned out differently than what I planned.
        When Shanti arrived to drop off Amita, Lizamoa was with her. It quickly became obvious that these two intended staying as well. So my sexy little three-some suddenly became an all-girl five-some instead. Oh well, more the merrier I suppose.
       We quickly got that large sheet up from the garage again, got everything stripped off the bed and a double layer of plastic laid over it. In the meantime Shanti had heated some of the sweet smelling and tasting oil they get from India. Much better than the oil Peter and I had used.

Story 185 Background

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                                                                                   Posted by Kim
        Hi Kim here - Slippery Slimy Fun!  That doesn't sound like me, does it? I'm a good girl!
        We were at the recent writers meeting where Susan was encouraging us to get Letter’s going again. It was being discussed how we could get this current section finished and move on to India, to the build-up for Katrina’s wedding. It was finally decided there would be one more story before the farm visit story that Shandra and Reshma were working on, Story 186 which will end this volume.
        Someone suggested we do another oil waterbed story using the two girls visiting from India. They all turned to me. I suppose it had been my idea for the first one so I might as well do this second one. We were almost a month out from publishing so there seemed plenty of time so I decided to give it a go. Both Susan and Anne said they’d help if I needed it.
       Then Rajah had a very naughty idea. He said if I needed any ‘testing’ before I started writing, I could use his waterbed and he’d be happy to help. Oh, we all knew what kind of ‘help’ he meant too.

         We were staying that night so while others were outside, that afternoon I sat with Susan drawing up a rough outline. I thought having an outline would make things go quicker. Soon Susan and I were working out the sex scenes. Others were listening but not involved. Suddenly Reshma’s husband asked, “Well Kim, are we doing some testing tonight?”
        Well I hadn’t thought about it but a chance to get into some messy fun with some naughty boys. Yes, I’m in for that. In the end most of us went over to Shandra’s farm to use their waterbed. The two Indian boys were in, plus their wives Shandra and Reshma too. Anne agreed to join and then Kirsten said she would too. A bit later Allan and Paul ended up on the bed too. I not sure how the bed was able to hold all of us but it did. Those water mattresses must be pretty tough.
         Susan came along but just recovering from her operation she couldn’t take part. She became our ‘Director’ (her word) and she used the notes we had made to direct proceedings on the bed. It was a sexy session. I enjoyed it (couple of orgasms).
        But what ended up in my story proved to be a lot different to what actually happened on the bed that night.
        Rajah said, “Well at least we kick started your juices, Kim.”

        Now which juices did he mean by that?

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