Friday 14 April 2017

Story 195 Katrina gets Married - Part Three.

A word from writer Anne.
       Sorry for this story. It has got overlapped by the nude weekend stories. In the end, we got bored with it. We would have pulled the whole section but already Section One had been published. Since we had to carry on, Susan and I have rushed to complete it so we can move on to better things. 

Sub-Story E - Breakfast in the Game Reserve.

Hi from Shanti
       It was just getting light as we arrived at the smaller lake. They had set up tables for breakfast out on the viewing decks. It was perfect. A clear, still morning where we could watch the sun rise over the lake.
       The only real formal part of this event came after the meal. Mootie was giving a good speech until he managed to stuff it up at the end.
       “Well, David,” he said. “Your last breakfast as a free man. Now is the time to run.......”
       He didn’t get to finish, the outcry from us women, put an end to any more talking.
       Hansini did manage to add, “You run now David and I’m coming after you with Shanti’s crocodile gun.” That got a laugh from everyone.
       After breakfast, the park landrovers took us back to the main park centre where our bus was waiting. It was only a short trip to the station where Katrina would arrive. Some stayed to wait while the rest of us went on to the club. From what I hear, maybe I should have waited to see the train arrive too.

Sub-Story F - Wedding At the club.

        I remember Sarvesh telling us, Katrina’s father and him, had trouble working out how the wedding would go. You see Katrina was Indian, with Indian culture while David was Western, with Western culture. The result, the most unusual wedding I had ever attended, but a nice blend of Indian and Western culture.
        When the train arrived, it was greeted by a mass of people. Katrina and her mother were the last to get off and they were driven by a car while most of us walked the short distance, blocking the road for a while but this is India, that is what happens here, so nobody seems to mind. The event started in the main restaurant where light refreshments were served and there was a welcome speech by Sarvesh. I noticed both David and Katrina’s fathers were present but took no part except her father to give her away.
        Now many wedding guests from off-station (other parts of India) were staying in the hotel here. Many of them, Katrina had got to know, with her work. There were also two tourist couples there as well, not so good of English, from Germany I think. They were in the restaurant when we arrived. Amita invited them to join us and they got swept up into the events, going on to the warehouse and even the party at the Big House afterwards.

        The actual wedding took place outside in the garden. Katrina’s father brought her forward to David and then they did their vows etc. Very similar to a western wedding but like with anything in India, it took on an Indian flavour. They placed flowers around each other's neck before they exchanged rings. I like that idea.
       I don’t need to go into details as you were all there and wedding details are not really part of these letter/stories. Finally, Sarvesh wishes them all the best and invites everyone to the reception at the warehouse.   

Sub-Story G   Reception at the warehouse.

Hi from Amita.
        We arrived at the warehouse in one of the big buses. I didn’t go to the Game Reserve for the photos so we arrived sometime before Katrina and the wedding party. 
       The place was very busy when we arrived. You could use the word ‘buzzing’. I like that word, fits perfectly here in India. (I must use it more often.) People everywhere. I know a lot of people had been invited but I also know many others were attracted to this special event. Weddings are common enough in India like any other country but this one had always promised to be different. An Indian woman, getting married to a white Australian, the big news in our small town. Word had got around that Sarvesh and I were involved. Word had also got around that a large group from Australia and New Zealand were here too. That was excuse enough for many to just turn up.
       Who could be worried? This is India. It was half expected, well, expected there would be more than those invited so extra seating and tables were arranged and more than enough food was catered. This is the way things happen in India.
       The street outside was busy, partly blocked with parked cars and people. Coming in through the main gate was the large area where lorries could be turned. On the left was the main office block with workshops for assembly of export items below. This was all locked, of course. On the right, between the gate and the railway, was the original Warehouse No. 1. This is where the steam train was sheltered and except for car parking for special guests, it also was locked. Ahead of us was the huge Warehouse No. 2. The main doors were open with people milling around. This was to be the main reception hall with the decorations both on the inside and outside.
       Sarvesh stepped ahead of us. A tall man, wearing the famous white suit, he stood out from the crowd and people parted to let him pass. We followed behind him, a mixed group of Indians and Europeans, attracted attention, causing people to stare. Of course, it made people notice me too as I walked beside Jenny, hold the little blonde girl Carol, in my arms. My son, Steven, in a little white suit, matching his father, walked beside me. He was holding Kirsten's hand which I'm sure many people noticed too. (I don't know why he is so attracted to the twins.)  
       Inside the warehouse, the building looked beautiful. They had done a great job! A low stage with a speaking platform had been assembled at the far end. In front of this was the table for the wedding party, decorated with ribbons and flowers. Other tables nearby, were set aside for guests and then the rest left for anyone to sit. Down one side was a large empty area, wide enough for a car to pass. Down the other side were the tables loaded with food. They were divided into three with vegetarian, deserts and meats. Again, this is India so the vegetarian and meats must be kept very separate. They were loading the food and I watched while one of the whole sheep was being carried in from the spits and meat being sliced off. 
      No long after this, the two wedding cars arrived, followed by the other big bus. The cars drove right into the warehouse, going down one side so the wedding party were delivered directly to their table. Once that happened everyone was pushing in to take their seats, not wanting to miss any of what was going on.
      This event was hosted by Katrina’s father with Jeevan’s help. To my surprise, my husband was not involved at all. He greeted David and Katrina by stepping in and opening the car door for them. That in its self was an eye-opener for many people. Sarvesh shook David’s hand, gave Katrina a kiss on the cheek and after speaking with Jeevan briefly, came over to joined us. It seemed strange he was not the centre of things but I was pleased he could step back out of the way too. "This was for Katrina’s father and it should be left as such" Sarvesh had told me.
       Jeevan opened things with a short welcome speech. Then the people were invited to take their food. I thought there would be a mad rush but some men were directing people into two lines. It was surprising how quickly we all got our food and returned to our table. There was plenty of food for everyone, seconds or dessert if people wanted too.
       Now the more formal part of the proceedings got underway. Katrina’s father gave a speech in Tamil and offered a toast. This was replied in English by David’s father. Each speech was translated by Jeevan which meant everyone present could understand what was going on.
       Now they included the more fun Western bits where the couple cut one of the huge cakes brought from Katrina’s hometown. They took a piece each and held it up for each other to eat. I like that custom. It should be included in all weddings. Then he leant over and kissed her. I’m not sure such a display of affection was planned but he did it and I’m sure would have produced mixed reactions from many of those watching.
       The next person to speak was David himself. When he stepped up to the speaking platform, Katrina was by his side. Part way through, when he was talking about her, he actually put his arm around her waist. Again, probably not planned but I thought it was good. It looked so nice, really proclaimed to all in the building, this to be the love marriage that it was. Yes, I think David did a good job in front of such a large crowd.  
        Now came the big surprise for most people. Katrina, standing beside her new husband David, was giving a speech. The whole hall was silent. This was so unusual in India, the bride speaking. Everyone wanted to hear what she would say. Personally, I think she did very well. One of the best of the day. She was speaking in English while Jeevan was translating into Tamil. She told us how she had first seen David while taking part in the chess game where the players were real people. He was on the opposite team so on that occasion she just noticed and saw him. She then told us how she met him during a boat cruise, sailing out to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
                   (Story 95 - Grand Strip Chess.       Story 97 – The Nude Cruise.)
        “She’s missing out the best parts,” I heard Peter whisper to Steve.
        “Steve!” Sharon hissed.
        A few of us giggled.
        “Well, it’s true Sharon,” Sarvesh added.
        By now Katrina was describing where David had asked her to marry him beside a river in Australia. I think it was a good story to tell as most people there would have been wondering how this wedding came about. 
                         (Story 168 – I StrikeGold at a Gold Mine.)
        “She didn’t say what was she wearing?” Brian whispered with a smile.
        Just a bit further down the table I saw Cathy, David’s sister smile. She knew. She was there when it happened, I remember reading it.
        “Her engagement sari,” Steve replied.
        “I didn’t know she had one.”
        “She doesn’t.”
        A few laughed which attracted a bit of attention. Katrina paused for a moment, looked over at us and smiled. Then to the surprise to everyone in the building she said, “Steve, would you like to say a few words?”
       The whole room looked in our direction. Steve went red and sunk in his seat.
       Oh, you got him, Katrina. You got him so good. I love it!

       No long after that, the event finished. The steam train was outside ready to leave. We watched the people using steps to get on board and soon the train was leaving. Such a beautiful train too. Steve and Peter, you did a good job of that.
       While, for most of the people, it was over and they left, returning to their homes but we had one more event yet. The wedding party left in their wedding cars for the trip up to our house while others followed in the two buses. Our new German friends followed us too.
       Sarvesh and I had a car and driver waiting so we could rush on ahead. I wanted to be sure things were ready. The House Manager and all the staff were all outside waiting for the wedding cars to arrive. They were ready for us, everything was done and ready for the evening.

Sub-Story H   Dinner at the Big House.   

Hi from Sairu,
         At the party, something happened to me. As a punishment for this, they have made me write the whole story. The punishment you are saying Mike and Sarvesh but not for me, I was the one getting to the fun.
         While my story is concerning an event that happened during the party at Amita’s house but before I can be doing the telling of this, we must be returning to the warehouse a few days before, where I was helping get this huge building ready.
         I was working with a team doing the decorations and we were hanging the colour lights to make the darker corners appearing brighter. I had a small step ladder and was up fastening the lights. Meanwhile, I had the Australian man, Jeremy helping by selecting and passing me each light. This man was here to be the best man for the wedding and he seemed close to my own age. We got on well and so for much of the day we had been working together, taking turns as to the one on the ladder.
         I was of course, very aware of him looking up at me. Since this was working, I had elected to wear jeans but they can be showing of the body shape too. Now this man was lower below, looking straight up to me. I was very aware of what he could be looking to.
         I came to climb down and missed one of the lower steps. For a moment, I felt I might fall but recovered OK. Jeremy also saw this and reached up to support me. I know it was an accident but his hand touched the curve of my bum.
         “You touched my bum.”
         “A very nice bum too.”
         I wasn’t expecting that! But this man was becoming a bit naughty as there had been some cheeky comments between us.
         “So, you were checking out my shape with the jeans?” I asked looking him directly in the eye.  
         For a woman to look a man in the eye like that was very bold for India but at that very moment, I was feeling very bold.
         “Yes,” he admitted with a grin.
         “Looking at my arse too?”
         “Yes,” he grinned again. “But I wish you’d been wearing a short skirt Sairu - with nothing underneath.”
         Oh, wow! This man! He was so naughty. I never wear short skirts but the thought of what he was telling me was very sexy. I had experience with Steve being cheeky so I made my mind to not let him beat me.
         “Then you would check my bum?”
         “And other things.”
         I knew what those other things were too.
         “Cheeky boy!” I told to him.
         He just laughed.
        That was as far as things went then since we were working and other people were around but it established a sexual connection between us.
         Later I wondered about taking things further with Jeremy. I even mentioned it to my husband, Payam and admitted I liked him too. Payam said he had noticed us together and he was OK if I wanted to take it further. He also mentioned Jeremy's wife was hot too.

        The party at the Big House started with a special dinner. We were not included in this, not being part of the families of the wedding group so we had our own dinner under a tent beside the pool. Most of the people from the Letters groups were there also. I think only Mike and Shanti and Mootie and Hansini attended the formal dinner.
         After the dinner, a door between the formal lounge and the pool area was opened so we could join them and they could join us. That was how the party began. Soon there was Indian music with dancing and people enjoying themselves.  
         I was outside mostly, although I did go in to have a look inside too. As I was sitting at a small table, Jeremy came over to join me. Since we had been together working in the warehouse I knew him to talk with. Normally, a man like him would never approach a woman like that in India.
         A servant girl placed some Indian snacks on the small table in front of us. I suggested that Jeremy try some and reached for the bowl to pass them to him. As I leant forward I felt the sash of my sari fall away from my body. I knew more of my tight sari blouse and bare stomach would have been seen by him. I passed him the bowl and he took some then I took a few before returning the bowl to the table. Again, my sari fell away for him.
         “I like seeing you Indian girls in saris,” he said. “You look kind of sexy.”
         That surprised me, him telling me I looked sexy but I knew that a sari could look sexy.
         “When I’m showing my blouse and stomach?” I asked cheekily. 
         “Even better then.”
         Oh, this fellow was being naughty again. I liked that.
         “You are a bit cheeky, Mister,” I replied.
         “You told me that at the warehouse.”
         “Well, you are.”
         “I don’t think you mind that.”
         “How do you know?”
         “Sairu, I know you like cheeky boys.”
         I just smiled. He was right.

         A while later, Jeremy offered to get me another drink.
         “Just some juice,” I thanked him as he got up to leave.
         Shanti saw me and came over to sit beside me.
        “You and Jeremy are hitting it off,” she said.
        I thought it was rather forward of her to mention it but I’ve found these people from overseas to be more direct in their speaking.
        “Yes, I like Jeremy. He is a nice man,” I admitted.
        “Well, if you guys want to be alone. You can use our room.”
        Now that surprised me. But it surprised me more when she offered me a key. It was clear what she was suggesting too. I took the key, not sure if I’d use it or not.

        Jeremy arrived back with our drinks and we sat talking again. But things had changed for me. It was like that key was burning a hole in my purse, just asking to be used. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Finally, I made my mind to do it.
        “You remember me on the ladder?”
        “Checking to my arse?” I whispered to him.
        “Yes,” he smiled.
        “Checking me without the panties?”
        “Oh, yes,” he agreed. “I wish!”
        “You can do if you want.”
        “We can’t here,” he replied.
        “Of course, not here. I have the key to Shanti’s room.”
        “Oh wow!”
        “We can do it there. Everything.”
        “How do we get away?”
        “That is easy,” I told him. “Just walk to the other party and run up the stairs.”
        He was smiling back at me.
        “Do you want to try?”
        “Of course,” he replied. “Bring it on.”
        I wasn’t sure what that last bit meant but I knew it was good.

         We left the party by taking the longer way through the house as if we were going to the other party area. We moved so not causing attentions to us and it was all very exciting for me. As we passed the stairs, when no one was looking to us, we ran up to the floor above. There were those two big lions I always like seeing but we turned the other way, down the East Wing. On this area was a faint light burning but as expected, no one was there. I was a bit breathless from our run for the stairs. I was breathless being with him too. As soon as we were out of sight, Jeremy grabbed me, pulling me towards him. Yes, my body made contact with his and yes, it felt good, being a bit sexy, in his arms. I was excited to be holding and kissing to him.
         After a moment, I pulled away from him. “Not here Jeremy. Someone might see.”
         He let me go and we ran down the passageway. Jeremy had not been on this floor so he followed me until we reached the very end door. Here he grabbed to me again because he was excited for me when I was also to him. It could have become intense again but I was worried to be safe inside the room.
        It was locked, of course. (I heard Amita had asked all the guests to keep their rooms locked as there were many in the house they didn’t know so well.) I tried to open it with the key but in the excitement, my hands were shaking. I fumbled and missed the keyhole, the key slipping from my fingers and falling to the floor. In my frustration, I made a word it is not polite for ladies to make. It made Jeremy giggle. He picked up the key and opened the door.
         We entered the room, almost falling through in our hurry to be in there. Inside, the room was dark but with just enough light to see. I went to the window and pulled the curtains, for Jeremy to turn on the lights. I’d never been in this room before. It was a big room with a large double bed. It even had its own bathing room There were some personal things from the couple staying here such as a dress hung over a chair, some man’s clothes on the floor, personal items on the dressing table and a couple of children's toys.
          I turned back to Jeremy. He reached for me putting his arms around me. It felt good in his arms with my body against his. This sneaking away like that was a little bit exciting and sexy for me. I was feeling very sexy and turned-on by it. I quickly felt my body beginning to respond to him.
         “Now I get to see this sexy arse,” he said.
         “Did you just come here to check my bum?” I asked raising my head to look at him.
         “For a start but I have other things planned to follow.”
         “I hope so,” I said pressing my body against him as my face went into his neck. As I pressed against him in a hug, I rubbed the swelling of my breasts against his chest. That was feeling good too.
         After a while, he pushed me away, He reached for my sari, pulling it from my shoulder. Now my whole sari blouse was in view. And his hands went for it too, feeling me, his hands running all over my breasts. I could feel what his hands were up to and enjoying of it too. Now his fingers had found to the front clips and he began to be undoing them. Meanwhile, my hands were working to the buttons of his shirt. I had them open and the shirt pushing back off his shoulders. Now, in my case, my blouse was open and gone and his hands were all over to my bra. Soon the straps were pulled from off my shoulders, the cups pulled away with the bra rested around my waist. My breasts were bare for him and exposed for his eyes to observe.
        There was an urgency now. The excitement was building within us. He had stopped for a moment to view my breasts but soon his hands were back, all over them, even over my hard nipples too. He went straight onto the nipples which are of mine. I was feeling this and liking too.
        “Wow! So, hard,” was all he said, then his head came against me, his lips finding to a nipple.
        I stood there holding to him, holding his head against my chest so he worked and sucked at a nipple. It felt good. He was doing a good job for me. But he didn’t do it long because we were in the hurry for sex.
        There next thing to go was the rest of my sari. He pulled it out and it dropped to the floor. I showed him where the secret tie was to my sari skirt and soon that was gone too. He kneed down to remove my panties while I pulled the bra around and removed that too. Now, I was naked and it was the time he was too. My hands went to his belt. My hands were rushing and a bit shaking too. I was not getting it to be undone until he pushed my hands to do for me. Once that was undone, next came his trousers and zipper. I kneeled to take his trousers and then under shorts so he was naked as I was.
        There he was in front of my face. The part this girl was happy to observe. My hands went for his cock. Oh, it was a nice one. Nice and hard too. I grasped his shaft, rubbed over the head and lower to his balls too. I was looking to him. I like the way Western guys have the foreskin cut back. It makes the cock different and looking good too. I also observed how his colour was different too like I found Steve had been.
        I was getting ready to take him in my mouth when he pulled me up. We were close against each other. A bit of kissing and snuggling, a bit of touching and feeling too. Finally, his hands found to my pussy. I felt the fingers run through the hair, lower to my pussy lips, running along the length. Then he touched me at the top, where my clitty hides. It was too much for this girl, I gave a gasp as my legs became weak. Lucky, he was there to support me. But then if he wasn’t there I wouldn’t have got into that state where I needed him.
        He helped me to the bed. We didn’t get in, just on top. Yes, I know all my nudity was on a show for him but I had no problem with that. I wanted him to look to me, see everything that was of me. There wasn’t much foreplay, just some more feeling and playing to my pussy, getting me even wetter than before.
        He was kneeling between my open legs. We were about to do it and at that moment I felt so sexy for him. I reached down with both hands to my pussy, pulling it each side, pulling it open for him.
        “That’s so hot,” he said. “So, pink inside.”
        He looked for a few moments but I didn’t just want him to look. I wanted him in me. I reached up and pulled him down on top of me. My hand found his shaft and guided him into me and I felt the first thrust as he entered me. Another thrust took him further and then he was right inside me for the fucking to begin.
        From the moment he entered me, I knew I was going to cum. This sex like this was so exciting. Here I was, with a man I hardly knew, fucking him. The idea we had sneaked away was exciting to us and making the sex even more delicious.
        As the excitement was growing stronger he was getting faster. I myself, was also very active in helping with the thrusting up to meet him. It was very active sex and aggressive because driven in our excitement for each other.
        This girl was now so sexy she was thinking to her orgasm when I came to know Jeremy was close too. He was making the powerful thrusting now and I could feel the cock moving within my pussy. Pulling at me then pushing in again, it was affecting to my clitty. She was awakening and enjoying. I knew I was close. Soon this would be on to me.
         The man above me was breathing now from his work. He was pumping of the cock to my pussy when suddenly he broke the rhythm of him. I was knowing this would be it. In moments, he would cum. I bent my back up slightly bring my clitty into direct contact and burst into my cum. My timing was perfect as he was almost straight with me.
         That was it. We were both over and after laying on top of me for a few moments we rolled apart. We were breathless from each other and it took a while to talk.
         “Oh, Sairu, that was good.”
         “You were good also,” I said patting his arm beside me.

         We could not be there for long in the fear it might be noticed we were missing. Still naked we went into the bathroom and cleaned off. I was thinking a shower but wet hair would be noticed. So, it was just a wipe over with a bath cloth for each of us.
         Back in the room, we began getting dressed. I had my bra and panties on and had stepped into the under-skirt. While he was getting the last of his clothes on I started on the sari. He was about to put on his tie when he noticed me and came over to help. I showed him to hold one end tightly while I rolled my way into it. He watched while I folded the pleats and tucked them in at the front. Finally, I put on the blouse and pulled the sari end up over my shoulder like a sash. Then, with a quick look into the mirror, to observe I was looking OK, we were ready to go.
        Turning off the lights we slipped out of the bedroom. There was someone in the hall above the stairs so we hide back in the darkness. When he had gone down the stairs, we followed. It was easy to get down the stairs, go through the formal rooms and out to the pool area. I thought we did that very well with no one to be missing for us. But I was wrong.

        We found a group of our friends gathered talking with Katrina. I think the men giving her some teasing before she left with David. I heard Peter saying, telling her to be gentle with David. This, of course, made them laugh. I took the moment to pull up a seat and slip in between Jenny and Shanti. Jeremy joined the group on the other side so as not to draw attention.
        I had a problem, the key. Saris don’t have pockets so the key still hidden in my closed hand. I reached over to Shanti and her hand slipped under mine. I dropped the key and her hand closed over it. I returned my hand to myself, thinking I had pulled it OK.
        “What was that?” Steve said looking directly at me.
        “Nothing,” I replied.
        “It was something,” he accused me.
        It now brought everyone’s attention at me.
        “Where have you been?” Jenny asked.
        “We were at the other party.”
        I should not have said ‘we’ as that made them look at Jeremy.
        “Where were you both?” Joyce asked.
        “They were not inside,” Sharon said. “I just came from there.”
        “Jeremy, where is your tie?” Joyce asked.
        “I took it off. It was hot.”
        I suddenly realised we had left his tie on the bed when he came to help me with my sari.
        “I bet it was hot, if this sexy little minx was there,” Steve said.
        I felt a hand on the back of my neck. I turned to find it was my husband, Payam.
        “She’s been sweating,” he announced.
        A few laughed at that.
       “Getting hot too, Sairu?” Peter said.
        At that moment, Shanti reached for her handbag. She was about to put her hand in when Mike grabbed her wrist. “What’s in your hand, Shanti?”
        She tried to resist him but I could see he gripped tighter. It must have pained her as she gave a light cry, “Ouch,” and her fingers opened. The key fell to the ground with a clank and everyone was looking to it.
       “Our bedroom key,” Mike said.
       “Oh, so you were having fun with Jeremy?” Peter accused me.
       “Naughty girl, Sairu,” Steve added.
       Joyce was looking to her husband. “Did you two…….?”
       “So, what were you guys doing?” Katrina finally asked.
       We were already found out so I had no choice but admitting it.
       “Well, Katrina,” I said looking to her. “Tonight, you are going to get to groom but I’ve already got to the best man!”
       Now, they all were laughing to that one.
       "Good one Sairu," I heard Jenny say.

Sub-Story I - David and Katrina Leave.

Hi from Hansini again.
        It came time for the married couple to leave for their honeymoon house in the game reserve. Mootie had arranged for them to have exactly the same house as Joseph and Lizamoa had used years ago. Of course, the house has been refurnished and modernised a lot with electricity since then.
        The wedding car was parked at the door. Sarvesh had made sure their bags were in the back. We all went out to see them off. The car turned around past the fountain and down the drive to the gate. It was then that I noticed Amita. She was standing beside the gatehouse with the gate-man. She had operated the gate to see them off. That was a good idea. The car stopped and she spoke to them and then it drove away.
        Soon after the couple had left, the party began to break up. I heard Brian and Mega weren’t coming back with us. They had been invited up to Jeevan’s house by the two naughty ladies, Betty and Mandara. I soon discovered Paula and Mike were coming back with us. How did that work? I’m not sure, it was my husband. I also heard there was some swapping between the other houses. Not that I think Sairu needed it. She had already had her fun. It seems since Jenny wanted the twins to remain settled, Payam and Hamza with their wives, swapped houses leaving their guests behind. That was a surprise but a good idea.        

       So that is our views of the Wedding of Katrina and David. The big event was over and soon she would be following him to Australia. I was going to miss Katrina, we had become very close recently, with all we had done together but I knew she would be happy with David, starting a new and exciting life in that place.
       Now, our thoughts turned to the one last event, the nude weekend. What would this be like with so many people here? I was excited to find out. I know there was going to be a lot of fun and I myself, fully intended being into all of it.


  1. Hi Anne & Susan.
    Good story. You guys are still turning them out after all these years.
    Susan you have not changed a bit. Still naughty and sexy. I remember we did that when we went to Anne's mother's birthday party. We sneaked up and did it on their double bed until Anne's father caught us.
    Delightful memories.

    1. Ha Ha!
      I remember that. He went ape at you didn't he?
      LOL Anne

    2. Anne! I went ape?
      Do you in any way think my reaction was unjustified? Particularly, when after telling them off, Susan asked if they could finish first. Taking one of your favourite sayings Anne - Susan got her arse kicked. And deserved it too.
      Your loving Dad

    3. Dad, after all these years, I would have thought you would have calmed down and seen the funny side of it.
      Your dear daughter Anne.

    4. Calm down Anne! I got it in the neck from your mother for months after that.
      And you lot (Shandra & you) weren't any help either. Laughing about it and raising Susan to hero status. You were damn lucky I didn't kick the lot of you out that night.

      But I have to admit to some pleasure in discovering Susan naked. Even back then in her late teens she was a hot looking girl.

    5. Who me? Dear, sweet Susan.
      How can you think such bad things about me?
      I know you still love me anyway.
      Sexy Sue! LOL

    6. Sexy Sue - LOL????
      Dear, sweet Susan?????
      I wonder that you didn't coke on those words. Naughty, trouble-making Sue, might be more accurate, I think. I knew you would get into this conversation, turn up sooner or later.

    7. What happened to you girls? Did you run away?
      Here I was sitting on my deck ready to get into a good debate with you Anne and you run away. Does that mean I won? Looks like it.

    8. Don't get excited Ryuunosuke. You haven't won anything. Ok

    9. You guys never learn.
      You don't "won" anything where we are concerned.
      Awesome Anne.

    10. My dear Anne,
      I look at that last comment you made and something reminds me of all the money I spent on your education, teaching you English.
      Your dear Dad,
      Ryuunosuke. LOL

    11. Ohh! That was a low one Dad.
      As for my English. Look at this blog and all the stories I have written.
      Awesome Anne.

    12. I am honey.
      Spelling is terrible, Grammar atrocious. Even poor MS Spell Check can't save you.
      Your dearest Dad.
      Ryuunosuke LOL

    13. Concerning what you just said above.
      I wonder you didn't coke on those words. (Read your comment 9:15 above.)
      LOL Yes I am awesome aren't I - Anne.

    14. Have you run away? Have I won?
      LOL Anne

    15. No Anne you have not won!
      That "coke" was a simple mistake and you know it.

  2. Oh, this is good.
    I came in here thinking I would be first and look what is going on.
    Love it!

    Enjoyed the story too. That speech Katrina made, getting Steve like that was good. That sex scene was a bit different. Sairu fumbling with the key in her rush to get the door open. Rushed, exciting sex. Describing putting her sari back on. Mike getting the key off Shanti. Those are the little special bits that make your stories real.

    1. Thanks Janet.
      I believe you are right there. It's those little parts, scenes within scenes you could say, that add realism to our stories.

  3. This was a good story Anne so don't put yourself down. It's not the sex of some stories but it delivers what it promised. See, Katrina had to get married, you've been working towards this ever since David came into the storyline so now it has happened. You didn't labour on the wedding but instead captured many events surrounding it. I liked that.

    Personally I enjoyed these wedding stories. They were different, gave us a chance to see some characters such as Sarvesh and Amita a lot differently. I learnt a lot about the town where they lived too. There was your usual humour, a few good sex scenes and fun thrown in too.

    I am also seeing a new rising star in Letters. First I fell in love with the gentle Lizamoa. Then came a young maid called Katrina. What a sexy honey she was. Both creations of the writer Shandra too. Did you readers know Sairu was also created by Shandra. That story with Steve, on webcam then together in the pool, wow. Now she is caught slipping off with Jeremy. Will we all fall in love with her too?

    Now in this story Susan wrote about Sairu slipping away with the best man. I wonder where that idea came from Susan! Something to do with Rodney's second groom's man at the recent wedding, maybe? The one you were seen chatting-up Susan? Disappearing then arriving back at the same time?

    Well, everyone, that is how I see it.
    Love you all.

    1. What are these big ideas you are having James. That young guy was new to the winery and so I since I'd worked there, I gave him a quick tour. LOL

  4. Oh wow! I didn't see that James. Sairu did come from Shandra. See who wrote Story 172. Story 173 her husband Rajah. Story 174 Kim with the help from Rajah & Shandra. Thanks for pointing that out James.

    1. This idea that Lizamoa, Katrina and Sairu were all invented by Shandra is an interesting idea. Correct too. Shandra has invented more characters in Letters than anyone else. You could say she invents the characters and let's them lose so we can play with them.
      James, Susan is also very amused by your theory about her and that younger guy at the wedding.

  5. Just one day since I posted that first comment and look at this page. You're having a lot of fun Anne, aren't you?

  6. Yes Anne & Susan.
    I know I helped a bit here as others did but you still must take credit for a good story.
    I enjoyed the bit about Sairu. That was a good section. I bit naughty sneaking away like that. I would feel that would be so exciting doing that. So sexy too.
    The best part "You get to be with the groom but I got the best man." That was very clever and funny too.

    1. Does being naughty like that turn you on Rochelle? These is something about having sex like that. Doing something daring is always a bit exciting.

    2. Liked Mary's stories about Betty, now this was another good series too.
      I live in India with my husband but I was born in New Zealand with English parents. I am interested to see the Indian way of doing things coming out in your stories. I liked that remark how in India and thing takes on an Indian flavour. That is true too. But I notice people in the stories are making the most of this and enjoying it.
      Now the feature of all these stories is the sex. I'm not into porn in any way but I enjoy reading these stories. I know sex can only be done in so many ways but here you wrap it in humour and interesting story lines. In some ways it makes the sex more believable.
