Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Story 209 Relaxing Beside the Pool.


Hi from Lizamoa,
        Some say I have not been involved in these more recent letters but I think if you were to explore further with the eyes open, you will discover it is very regular with my appearances in the stories.
        I was one who didn’t get involved much in the chess games. Our team was taken out in our first game so with a little bit of stripping fun it was all over for me. Since I had been returned to naked, which was very Ok for me, I returned to the shade on the other side of the pool to relax. I must confess there had not been much sleep for me during the night, Jeremy had given me a good run for my money. (And no comments about us from New Zealand not appreciating Aussies, Ok!)
        Now, while they were all over watching or playing chess and getting naughtier and naughtier in the process, I intended to sit back and relax. Maybe even get some shut-eye too. I pulled up two of those foam pads we used the night before and took a cushion from a seat. It made a nice soft bed for lying back on. I lay watching the fun across the pool for a while but must have dropped into a pleasant sleep. I must have rolled over with sleep because I had returned to my usual sleeping position, partly on my front when I woke from sleeping.

Story 209 Background.

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Hi, Rochelle here.
       Marceau and I like to play a little game sometimes when we are alone. We like to give each other a massage, relaxing us before a gentle session of lovemaking. One day he wanted to try something different. He produced a headband like one would wear at the gym but instead of placing it over my forehead he placed it over my eyes.
       Now he made me lay face down on the massage mat while he began giving me a full erotic massage. With my eyes covered, it made my other senses sharper and not knowing where he was and what he was going to do next made it even more exciting. Of course, this blindfold effect was even more arousing when I rolled onto my back.
      Once he had finished with my breasts and pussy then we proceeded to full sex. Again I was kept blindfolded so I couldn't see. All my attention was on smelling, hearing and feeling. It was only after our love-making was over that he allowed me to remove the blindfold. It had been different, exciting and I had to admit to him I enjoyed it.
      Now over time, we developed this new game. Sometimes he would do it to me and sometimes I would do it to him. Sometimes fantasy would be included where the person massaging would pretend to be a stranger. Sometime, I would talk about someone else doing the massage as my hands worked over his body. It was all fun and added something new to our love life.

     Now I wondered about including this into a story for Letters. I talked with Anne and Susan and they suggested I give it a go. Susan suggested the couple should be Lizamoa and Joseph. I don't know why she chose them as I was thinking of someone more Western where the English would be easier to write. But I decided to follow her suggestion anyway. 
      So there was the filling out of my idea. I just had to write the story. It didn't go well at first until I called in Marceau and then Anne to help. Once they kick-started my brain again, I finally got it finished.
     So here it is. A short side story for the nude weekend. In fact, it could be said that this story would fit almost anywhere. But here it is and here it will stay.
         Love you all.

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