Sunday, 23 September 2018

Story 213 Betty.


Hi from Mootie,
        Yes, 'Betty.' That is the title of my story. It doesn’t need any more because this is about Betty. Being with Betty, sex with Betty, enjoying Betty.
       You have seen how the sexual attraction was building between us during the sexy game party. (See Story 211 Naughty Games) It was not like something new. I enjoyed being with Betty when my wife Hansini and I had visited them back in New Zealand. She is the very special lady. Now as the evening broke up I was inviting Betty to join me when to my shocking she informed me she had plans with a hot Indian guy. I was disappointed because I immediately thought she meant someone else until she explained it was me. I was very happy for that. But she trapped me, cheeky lady.
        So, the first problem was; where could we go? Well, I should say that was the first problem for me but not Betty, she had it solved already. She led me to the guest house and down into the shower room.

Story 213 Background.

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        When James published his story it took many of us by surprise. I for one, had no idea it was coming. My wife said she had heard something might be coming from our friend Janet, maybe a joint venture with Allan but as for a story from James. We had no idea.
        But when I stop to think now, we shouldn't have been surprised as while James was in New Zealand, he said he would like to try a story. He even mentioned in a recent chat that something more should be done with that statue. Well, he succeeded on both counts. He has written a good story, one that fits very well with this blog and he had done something more with that statue too. Sounds like he might have dug deeper and found out why it is there too. 
       So James caught us all by surprise but also, as he intended, it got us thinking about writing again. Some of us, like me, had stories partly written so it made sense to push on with those first. Also, we have to break through this roadblock and get these Indian stories completed so we could move on to something new.

      My story is sort of a second part to the one Mary wrote about the Nude Games Night. During this story, she wrote that Mootie and Betty were developing a strong sexual connection. I was given the task of completing this by telling you what happened after the party. Of course, my inspiration was Mary. In her and Ronnie's page, she had written about a real sexual connection between her and I. First, in preparation for my story, I went and read her account of this again.
      I had quickly written what I thought was a good story but there were a couple of gaps where the sex scenes were. This is where the project stalled. So when James released his story, this is where I had to start. Susan was over for the night at our house. She likes to spend a night with us married couples from time to time, I must add, always welcome too. That evening Susan and I sat down to look at my story. 
      The outcome of this is I had the outline of the sex scenes as well as improvements to the shower scene too. Later as the story neared completion I added in the titty fuck scene as well. 
      Done deal! It is finished.

      There are a couple more stories nearing completion as well as another few planned after that so look forward to these coming up. For the next few months, our plan will be to take our time, make sure a story is ready before we release it. We think this will result in better stories than if we are rushing to meet publishing dates. Announcements will be made via a few social media platforms and in this blog when a story is about to be released and the publishing date is confirmed.
        That is all from me,

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Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Story 212 Living Statues.


James here. 
          My first time writing a story like this but I certainly had some good help and support. My wife, Raviprabha and I, have become concerned about how Letters has stalled and wanted to do something to encourage them to start writing again. Hope this helps.   
                                                         James & Reshma.

Hello from Payam
        Brian and I were standing beside Sarvesh, outside, before the Big House. Mike from New Zealand was with us too. Before us was the statue/water feature that dominated the approach to Sarvesh’s house. It consisted of three beautiful women, semi-naked, relaxing beside the pool. One of very dark complexion was standing as she poured water from a jar, over herself and friends. A second woman, sitting kneeling had a lighter complexion of brown while the third woman, in a reclining position, was even lighter again. This has been said by many to be an obvious reflection on those from our group being both from India and from Western countries of Australia and New Zealand.
         ‘Is it true what Shanti says about this statue?’ I asked Brian.
         “What does Shanti say?’ he asked.
         ‘That the woman standing is Hansini, the one kneeling is Shanti and the one reclining is Jenny.’
         I was expecting Sarvesh to answer but when I looked at him, he just was with a slight smile.
         Brian laughed at that, repeating what Sarvesh has said. ‘Shanti, you have an active imagination.’
         ‘But, is it true?’ I pressed him again.
         Brian looked over at Sarvesh like he was asking permission. I saw the slight nod Sarvesh gave him.
         He smiled. Then nodded. ‘Yes, it is three women, from among our friends.’
         'Well, almost true,' Sarvesh corrected him. 'The white woman was meant to be Jenny but we changed her face to Joyce at the last moment so she is a combination of both women.'
        'So, Shanti and the girls are right.'
        'Of course, they are smart women,' Sarvesh replied. “But are they right? Ahhh! That is the big question.”
        Was this man admitting it or not? It was hard to know.
        'But don’t tell them they are right or wrong. We are having too much fun with them.'
        I laughed at that. Those men were too. Having a lot of fun teasing the women. 

Story 212 Background.

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Hi from James.
        Sorry, if this post is longer than is usual for background notes but there is a story behind this story that I feel needs to be told. 

The Plot.
       The story is basically a simple one. A young Indian man standing, looking at the statue and day-dreams of when he spent time with each of these women. Each girl leads into a sex scene with her and this young man, Payam.
       Now, we thought Anne would not want the true identities of the girls on the statue revealed so we left it to different characters giving their own opinions as to whom the girls are. Second, I felt that in India the statue should not be too x-rated so coverings were provided over the girls lower bodies and pubic area. Finally, I made small changes so the girls of the statue would take on some of the sexual personalities of Anne, Susan and Shandra. That is why I brought Lizamoa into the story as she is closely based on the real Shandra. Of course, it almost doesn't need saying that these three sections are based on my impressions and personal experiences with these three amazing women.

Hiding From Anne.
        In 2018, my wife Raviprabha and I were becoming concerned about the Letters Project stalling. When nothing had been published for a few months, I came up with the idea of writing a story and getting it published as a surprise for the writers, in the hope that we could inspire them into writing again. I knew it was a big task and it had to be done in a way that would fit into the complex Letter's World. Any story added has to be true to the central storyline and the characters involved. A lot of effort has gone into creating this world and so it can't be allowed to get ruined by one story. I knew I would need some help.
       First, I talked to Janet from Australia and she thought it was a great idea. She said she would help where she could but had no idea how to go about a story. What Janet did do is give me Moa's phone number so I rang her. After Moa got over the shock to me ringing her, she was most helpful. She made two suggestions, first I should get Allan on board as he has access to Anne's diaries. (These are not personal diaries but containing detailed background information on the world of Letters.) Second, I needed someone who could edit and proof my work. She suggested Reshma or Asami. 
      My talk with Allan was very fruitful. The idea of getting one over Anne, Susan and Shandra nothing short of delighted him. But, he did warn me that Anne is very resourceful. If she got wind of anything she would dig it out. He said he would get his step-sister Reshma on board to help me with the writing and Asami to do the publishing and online work.
      Next, we had a meeting of our 'team' online in a special chat room I opened in Trillian. That was when I told them of my plan to use the statue as the central point of my story. Allan offered to search for any information Anne had on that statue. He and Janet agreed to set up an idea of him helping Janet write a story in case Anne got wind of what was going on.
      A week later, Allan and I spoke online and he told me he had found a half-completed story about that statue that would be set far into the future from where my story would be set. I won't tell you more but we agreed that my story would not harm Anne's. 
      So, I started to write. Reshma started too and she soon had a draft of a sex scene for Payam with Kalki and with Sharon. The Sharon part was dropped from the story but much of Reshma's work with Kalki has made it into the first part of the story. Of course, I wanted to do the three parts based on Awesome Anne, Sexy Sue, and Sensational Sandra myself. It was going well with others, including Moa, helping where they could. 
      Then Asami made a slip and Anne suspected something was going on. Quickly, we put the plan about Allan & Janet writing into action. It worked. That took the heat off me as Anne even managed to send Janet word that she was ok with the idea. So we all knew Allan had sold her well on that idea.
      Finally, I completed the project at the end of August. Reshma and Allan liked it with a few little to changes Then I sent a draft copy to Asami. She found some problems and so by September 3rd I'd fixed those and the final manuscript was again in Asami's hands. She uploaded it that night and I began writing this background.
       That is it. Job well done! Hope you like it. 
                 We also hope it will get you, girls, writing again too.
                           Love you all,
                                   James and his team. 

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