Sunday 23 September 2018

Story 213 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 213.

        When James published his story it took many of us by surprise. I for one, had no idea it was coming. My wife said she had heard something might be coming from our friend Janet, maybe a joint venture with Allan but as for a story from James. We had no idea.
        But when I stop to think now, we shouldn't have been surprised as while James was in New Zealand, he said he would like to try a story. He even mentioned in a recent chat that something more should be done with that statue. Well, he succeeded on both counts. He has written a good story, one that fits very well with this blog and he had done something more with that statue too. Sounds like he might have dug deeper and found out why it is there too. 
       So James caught us all by surprise but also, as he intended, it got us thinking about writing again. Some of us, like me, had stories partly written so it made sense to push on with those first. Also, we have to break through this roadblock and get these Indian stories completed so we could move on to something new.

      My story is sort of a second part to the one Mary wrote about the Nude Games Night. During this story, she wrote that Mootie and Betty were developing a strong sexual connection. I was given the task of completing this by telling you what happened after the party. Of course, my inspiration was Mary. In her and Ronnie's page, she had written about a real sexual connection between her and I. First, in preparation for my story, I went and read her account of this again.
      I had quickly written what I thought was a good story but there were a couple of gaps where the sex scenes were. This is where the project stalled. So when James released his story, this is where I had to start. Susan was over for the night at our house. She likes to spend a night with us married couples from time to time, I must add, always welcome too. That evening Susan and I sat down to look at my story. 
      The outcome of this is I had the outline of the sex scenes as well as improvements to the shower scene too. Later as the story neared completion I added in the titty fuck scene as well. 
      Done deal! It is finished.

      There are a couple more stories nearing completion as well as another few planned after that so look forward to these coming up. For the next few months, our plan will be to take our time, make sure a story is ready before we release it. We think this will result in better stories than if we are rushing to meet publishing dates. Announcements will be made via a few social media platforms and in this blog when a story is about to be released and the publishing date is confirmed.
        That is all from me,

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 213.


  1. I think we might have a problem of placing my story before Rajah's. His story is set on the night of the party while my story is set the following day. Asami says the stories could be changed if you feel it is important.

    1. While you are right James I don't think it is worth the effort to do.

  2. Hey everyone, in all the comments for this story, nobody has picked up on the fact that Rajah used Mary as his inspiration for Betty.

    1. That is interesting Anne. Rajah says that in his notes above too. I think most people miss these background notes. I read them because I am a school teacher, understand what is involved in writing a good story. I enjoyed reading about how you guys create your stories, particularly where your ideas and inspiration come from.
