Thursday, 28 December 2023

Story 300 Travelling to the Kai Iwi Lakes.

Index of Letters                  Story 300 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 299.

Forward to Story 301.

        There is a disclaimer at the bottom of this letter. Please read it!

Hi, I am Riya,
        This will perhaps be a shorter story, a connection story you could say. This page will be divided into two parts (Stories). I was asked by Sarvesh to cover our trip from Auckland to the Kia Iwi Lakes and how we set up the campsite. This will be my first story. Following this, there will be another short story about what happened to me the first evening we were at the camp, another more sexual story.

Story 300 Background Notes.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 300.

Hello from Ayaka.

            I've not done a story for this blog recently so at a recent meeting I decided to do one, Story 300 as it turned out. Anne wanted one told by that younger woman, Riya. I enjoy her witty, slightly rebellious writing style. Hope I have captured that in this story.
            The goals given to me by Anne was to get the whole group to the Kai Iwi Lakes in Northland and establish their camp. She also said I was allowed to give Riya some sexy fun that night. A bit of research will show you that Riya has done several of these travel stories. She seems good at getting a mixture of travel facts and sexual fun. I like that.
            My husband wanted me to write about Riya getting bolder and more confident. So we wrote how she was teasing Simon after he asked her for the night. I hope you see that as a turn-on for him too. Keep in mind that Simon was with Riya who is the same age as his daughter Rachael.
            I want Riya to show sexual confidence to match the experience she has gained since she lost her virginity. She is cheeky and witty in her writing which I knew I needed to capture here too. She also has those little comments about other characters, especially her mother which I also wanted to include.
            This story proved easy to write. I bit of research and I was away. I finished it in about a week and then had a few weeks to proofread and improve the conversations before I handed it to the publishing teams.
            But then Mary and Kim began a story covering a similar story and Anne asked me to delay publishing so the two stories could be blended together. In many ways our stories run parallel, covering the same people over the same time period. This led to a lot of changes for my story plus it was lengthened as well but now we are finished. My story gets published today and Mary's story will follow in a few days. Hopefully before New Year.
            Hope you enjoy it.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Ayaka and Geoff.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 300.

Saturday, 9 December 2023

Story 299 All Woman Threesome.

Index of Letters                  Story 299 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 298.

Forward to Story 300.

        There is a disclaimer at the bottom of this letter. Please read it!

Hi, I am Jasmine,
        This story will be very different as something happened between me and my mother that I would never have thought possible. It probably should never have been allowed but then it did happen and we have to accept that it did. But then, something a bit similar had already happened with my father while we were staying in that old hotel in that desert town in Australia. Does this make sense? I suppose it doesn’t so I had better explain myself more fully.

Letter 299 Background Notes.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 299.

Hello from Reshma.

            An all-woman threesome! Where did that come from? It started as I was reading the draft copy of Ayaka's Story 300. (It was numbered Story 299 at that stage.) She mentioned how Riya, Jasmine and Hansini had got into some sexual fun together. I realised this incest was a theme not found a lot in this blog and I asked Anne about it.
            She was OK with me running with a story like that, especially since Ayaka had already mentioned it in her story and Mary had also hinted at it in Story 297 Part Three.
            So I sat down Saturday morning having woken up early with a head full of ideas. It went quickly and I finished the first full draft before I had a late breakfast. Later I talked with Ayaka and she agreed to make some changes to her story so our stories fit together. I also talked with Mary on the phone but she wanted her story left as it was. That didn't change anything for me either.
            So I now had a story ready to go. Rita and Asami took it online and it was quickly coded. The story numbers were changed, see below and I began writing these background notes. Anne said once I had finished she had cleared the story to be published. From beginning writing to publishing in one day. Is that possible? It is certainly looking like it will be since it is still only mid-day here.
            So the result was that I had a story that fitted into the few days between the trip to Rotorua and the Nude Camping trip. Since my story only covered the last night while Ayaka's went on to cover the first night at the Lakes, Anne suggested we change the numbers so my story became Story 299 while Ayaka's story became Story 300. It works Okay except the links to Ayaka's story are a bit mixed up. Rita wanted to delete her story and repost it but Anne said it was fine as it was, don't bother.

            Now, the big elephant in the room. Yes, Riya got drunk and had sex with her best girlfriend and her mother. Incest! Sex between family members. I know someone who did that. She had sex and lost her virginity with her step-brother. Sure, they were not blood-related. Not even the same race but they were still of the same family. So the question remains is; - When is it incest?
            A step-brother and sister? Maybe not as they aren't blood-related. Two sisters? Or bothers for that matter. It happens when teens are experimenting. There is no chance of getting pregnant so maybe it is not so bad. Sex between parents and children? Perhaps that is worse because the parents should know better. But really, it could be argued that any of these cases is overstepping the Taboo line. I've written the story and I leave it for you to decide its merit.
            I decided to write that they were having doubts afterwards. I also wrote that if they had been sober and not sexually excited it wouldn't have happened. As Ayaka wrote in her story drinking and horny, is a bad combination!

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

        P.S. It is now 2:00 pm. in the afternoon. I have just heard from Asami, my story has been published.
                  All done in ten hours. Not bad! That must be a record.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 299.

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Story 298 - Rachael’s First Story.

        There is a disclaimer at the bottom of this letter. Please read it!

A note from Shanti.
        This is Rachel, another new member of our group. She is also new to our style of sexual adventure. She is young, about 19 and has been sexually active with two boyfriends. Suddenly she is in a group situation where there is an opportunity for a variety of sexual partners of a variety of ages and experiences. It would be safe to say that almost everyone she meets will be more experienced than she is.
        The events in this story take place at the same time as Betty and Tom’s story does. In fact, the last part of their story takes place after this one. So, keep in mind that while Betty was having fun at that evening sex party and Tom spent the night with those two young women, Riya and Jaynitha, Rachel and Ian spent the night together at another house.
        Enough said from me – here is Rachel now.

Rachael – My Story.

Hi, I am Rachel,
        I am new to this Letters Group and new to this story writing. It is not the first time I have written a short story so when Shanti asked, I was willing to give it a go.
        As I said, I am Rachael, I am 19, the eldest daughter of new members, Simon and Deanna. They were looking for something more, swinging, the nude lifestyle a bit of both, I suppose. As my story below will lay out, Roxanne, my sister and I had the choice of joining too. We both did but she chose the non-sexual option. I chose the full membership option which meant some changes with my current boyfriend. He didn’t take it that well when I told him I wanted to stop the sex and so he broke off with me. If our relationship was just about the sex then he probably wasn’t worth it anyway.

Story 298 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 298.

Hello from Julie.
            This is a story told by a new member of the Letters Sexy Group. Rachael is the daughter of new members, Simon and Deanna. Like her parents, she joined as a full sexual member. When she helped her mother (Deanna) with a story, some suggested Rachael could try one of her own.
            You will notice that Rachael's writing is not so well organised, she backtracks and repeats herself a few times, and strays from her story at other times. While she struggles to keep teenage girl slang out few still creep in. But she did follow Shanti's advice and included links to other related stories. You will also notice that in a few places, details don't agree with the stories before and after her story. It looks like writing a few months later meant she had forgotten certain details and she didn't know to confirm with other stories being written.
            Yes, some of these were real mistakes but others were purposely added in. We think it adds some extra realism to our writing.

Hello from Nina.
            There were two meetings that afternoon at Anne's farm. My husband Raymond and I were there. In the first meeting, I sat listening to Raymond and those writers discussing a new section of Allan Sr's Science Fiction story. Raymond had some parts to work on there. Next, they moved to Anne's blog and I was asked if I would like to try a story myself. When I said yes, they gave me this one. It is a one-off story fitting in with the period between the Rotorua Trip and the Camping trip.
            Anne told me to try myself and they would help if I needed. So, I got off to a good start and I was happy with my work but then I began to stall. I talked with Anne again and she said she would get someone to help. Two days later, Julie rang me and we arranged for Raymond and I to go over to visit them. After the four of us, Julie and Brian; Raymond and I read what I had written and had a brainstorming session, Julie and I began to write. The story was roughly completed two weeks later and then I had another couple of months to rework, change and improve some sections. Here it is complete, my first story.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Nina and Julie.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 298.