Index of Letters. Return to Story 299.
Hello from Reshma.
An all-woman threesome! Where did that come from? It started as I was reading the draft copy of Ayaka's Story 300. (It was numbered Story 299 at that stage.) She mentioned how Riya, Jasmine and Hansini had got into some sexual fun together. I realised this incest was a theme not found a lot in this blog and I asked Anne about it.
She was OK with me running with a story like that, especially since Ayaka had already mentioned it in her story and Mary had also hinted at it in Story 297 Part Three.
So I sat down Saturday morning having woken up early with a head full of ideas. It went quickly and I finished the first full draft before I had a late breakfast. Later I talked with Ayaka and she agreed to make some changes to her story so our stories fit together. I also talked with Mary on the phone but she wanted her story left as it was. That didn't change anything for me either.
So I now had a story ready to go. Rita and Asami took it online and it was quickly coded. The story numbers were changed, see below and I began writing these background notes. Anne said once I had finished she had cleared the story to be published. From beginning writing to publishing in one day. Is that possible? It is certainly looking like it will be since it is still only mid-day here.
So the result was that I had a story that fitted into the few days between the trip to Rotorua and the Nude Camping trip. Since my story only covered the last night while Ayaka's went on to cover the first night at the Lakes, Anne suggested we change the numbers so my story became Story 299 while Ayaka's story became Story 300. It works Okay except the links to Ayaka's story are a bit mixed up. Rita wanted to delete her story and repost it but Anne said it was fine as it was, don't bother.
She was OK with me running with a story like that, especially since Ayaka had already mentioned it in her story and Mary had also hinted at it in Story 297 Part Three.
So I sat down Saturday morning having woken up early with a head full of ideas. It went quickly and I finished the first full draft before I had a late breakfast. Later I talked with Ayaka and she agreed to make some changes to her story so our stories fit together. I also talked with Mary on the phone but she wanted her story left as it was. That didn't change anything for me either.
So I now had a story ready to go. Rita and Asami took it online and it was quickly coded. The story numbers were changed, see below and I began writing these background notes. Anne said once I had finished she had cleared the story to be published. From beginning writing to publishing in one day. Is that possible? It is certainly looking like it will be since it is still only mid-day here.
So the result was that I had a story that fitted into the few days between the trip to Rotorua and the Nude Camping trip. Since my story only covered the last night while Ayaka's went on to cover the first night at the Lakes, Anne suggested we change the numbers so my story became Story 299 while Ayaka's story became Story 300. It works Okay except the links to Ayaka's story are a bit mixed up. Rita wanted to delete her story and repost it but Anne said it was fine as it was, don't bother.
Now, the big elephant in the room. Yes, Riya got drunk and had sex with her best girlfriend and her mother. Incest! Sex between family members. I know someone who did that. She had sex and lost her virginity with her step-brother. Sure, they were not blood-related. Not even the same race but they were still of the same family. So the question remains is; - When is it incest?
A step-brother and sister? Maybe not as they aren't blood-related. Two sisters? Or bothers for that matter. It happens when teens are experimenting. There is no chance of getting pregnant so maybe it is not so bad. Sex between parents and children? Perhaps that is worse because the parents should know better. But really, it could be argued that any of these cases is overstepping the Taboo line. I've written the story and I leave it for you to decide its merit.
I decided to write that they were having doubts afterwards. I also wrote that if they had been sober and not sexually excited it wouldn't have happened. As Ayaka wrote in her story drinking and horny, is a bad combination!
A step-brother and sister? Maybe not as they aren't blood-related. Two sisters? Or bothers for that matter. It happens when teens are experimenting. There is no chance of getting pregnant so maybe it is not so bad. Sex between parents and children? Perhaps that is worse because the parents should know better. But really, it could be argued that any of these cases is overstepping the Taboo line. I've written the story and I leave it for you to decide its merit.
I decided to write that they were having doubts afterwards. I also wrote that if they had been sober and not sexually excited it wouldn't have happened. As Ayaka wrote in her story drinking and horny, is a bad combination!
Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
Be safe - Be strong.
Be safe - Be strong.
P.S. It is now 2:00 pm. in the afternoon. I have just heard from Asami, my story has been published.
All done in ten hours. Not bad! That must be a record.
All done in ten hours. Not bad! That must be a record.
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