Friday, 25 January 2013

Letter 45 Part B The Photo Albums.

        This is the second part of this story. You will remember last week when they decided to show the photograph albums to their friends. They finished looking through the first album and we pick-up the story again as they opened the second album.

Our Evening Continues.
        We then came to the second album where the photos of you both were kept. We had asked you both before if we could be showing and both said OK. Here were the ones of you Shanti in the swimming togs and the blue bikini. Then we had the red sari series and then we came to the nude ones too. The other couples, they were interesting to see these too.

Latter 45 Part B Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 45 Part B.

Hello, Susan here.
            Like Shandra said last week, I am your guide for the second half of Letter 45. In the first half, we saw how they ended up showing the letters and albums of sexy photos to the two Indian couples. Now in this second part, they open the second album, with the photos sent from New Zealand. I believe it was very bold of Mike and Shanti to allow their nude photos to be shown to people they had never met before. In fact last week we saw how at first Shanti wasn’t happy about doing it.
            The first photos they got hooked up on were the ones when Mike and Shanti were nude at a public beach. One of the girls, Mandara was particularly interested in this. She was surprised but also I think a bit turned on by the idea that they were bold enough to actually go nude on a public beach like that. She was even more surprised when she learnt that Joseph and Lizamoa had done so too. She admitted that she would like to see a nude beach if she ever had the chance.

            The third and final album was about the stories and adventures when Joseph and Lizamoa were in New Zealand. The opening photos featured Lizamoa and Shanti in their tiny sexy bikinis. (See Letter 28 ) Amita, in particular, was very interested in these bikinis.
            Next, they came to the topless ones at the lake (See Letter 30 ) which then led to the Wet T-shirt Contest (See Letter 31 ) where both girls ended up going topless again. The guys were very interested in this.
            Then they came to the photos of the four of them at the nude beach which Mandara again found interesting. (See Letter 33 ) This, of course, led to the photos taken of the massage evening (See Letter 35 ) which Amita was interested in. She asked Mike if he could teach her how to massage. His agreeing to this, of course, has opened the way for yet another sexy letter and story.
            The evening finished with a bikini show in which Lizamoa and Shanti modelled their bikinis. The other two Indian women were so interested in these that they were soon modelling the same bikinis for everyone too. It is a nice little sexy scene to end a story which achieved what we set out to do; opening the way for a new collection of sexy stories.

            As I said above, this letter achieved what we set out to achieve. Now we had several good stories to write. There is, of course, the trip to the lake, the massage evening and not forgetting to play “strip.” Finally, an afternoon or evening was looking at and reading some of the letters. As we now had a whole series of new ideas in front of us we set to work getting them done.
            Keep in mind that all these stories take place within the week before the other two couples from New Zealand arrive, creating another series of stories to be written.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 45 Part B.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Letter 45 Part A The Photo Albums.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        Hello from India. It has now been a week since you both left us to return to New Zealand. I believe by now your Singapore holiday will be over and you will be safely into your own place. We hope you had a pleasant stay in Singapore and you got to see the many good places there. Did Peter and Jenny, Steve and Sharon enjoy it also?
        While you were travelling with the other couples did you get up to any sexy fun and games there? I am hoping that you found the time to do so. It would be sexy to know if you did. Please tell us about if you did. Maybe there is a story for the Letters Book.

Letter 45 Part A Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 45 Part A.

Shanti and Mike Travel to India.

Hi, Anne here.
            This section of Letters contains the first stories of Mike and Shanti’s trip to India. They arrived a week or so before their friends who would be following them later. You will notice that this time they get into some sexy adventures almost from the first day.
            You will also notice that the extra content of the letters continues to drift away from a record of a complete correspondence towards a series of stories being swapped. In a later volume, we will even drop the heading “Letter” and begin using the heading “Story.”

Letter 45 The Photo Albums. (Part A)

Hi, from Shandra.
            We have divided Letter 45 into two parts since it is larger than our usual posts. I will be writing the background for the first part and then Susan will take over for the second part. Actually, we worked together on the whole letter and later we teamed up to write the backgrounds as well.
            The theme of this letter came from Anne. She wanted us to quickly get into the sexy adventures and stories of the India trip. The way we decided to do this was by Shanti showing Joseph the Letters now all included in their own binders. Shanti had got all 44 letters, including the ones which hadn’t arrived in India yet, and put them into binders. She brought these out to show Joseph. He liked them so much that he called Lizamoa in to have a look.
            This ended with Mike reading one of the missing letters. It was the first time they had heard this story, and they were impressed. See Letter 43 - Shanti was Painfully Shy.
            Joseph then brought out their photo albums as well. This is when there was an interesting difference of opinion between them as they discussed showing the photo albums to Joseph’s friends when they came around that evening. Joseph wanted to share the stories and photos as a way to open up new sexy adventures with the two Indian couples. Meanwhile, Shanti didn’t want her sexy, revealing photos being shown to people she didn’t know. Notice how this worked out. During the conversation, Shanti appears to swing from concern for her own modesty to concern about offending these other couples. A subtle way of backing down from a disagreement?

            The story then moves on to when the two Indian couples arrive. This is where we get to learn more about these two couples. Sure we have seen them before when they played the game “strip.” (See Letter 18 ) Now our plan was to involve them in some sexy adventures so one purpose of this story was to open the way for some of the new stories which we had already begun writing.
            After the meal, they settled down to look at the letters and photo albums. One of the first stories to come out was the photography session that Joseph and Lizamoa did at the lake in the Game Reserve. (See Letter 14 ) As they were discussing this adventure Joseph agreed to take them all there. So plans were made for going to that little lake in the Game Reserve.
            Of course, I think you can now see where we were going with this. We are using the stories from the old letters to introduce ideas for new adventures. In this way, I believe this letter works fairly well. Anne thought we could have done more with the storytelling and you will see in a later letter where she attempts a version of this herself.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 45 Part A.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Letter 44 Three Way Swapping.

            From Shanti and Mike,

            To Joseph and Lizamoa,

Hi, Joseph and Lizamoa,
        Well, now it is only a couple of days until we leave for India. I know that this letter was totally unplanned but since we had a story to tell we decided to write it before our trip so it doesn't become lost in the many Indian adventures which I know we’ll have to write about when we return. Since there is no way this letter could ever reach you in time we will just bring it with us and not even bother posting it. I am also not going to waste any time on any other news, instead just get straight on with our story. In fact, this is actually more a couple of stories than one story.

        In its original form, this letter was divided into two parts. First I introduced the stories and told of my adventure with Peter and then Mike took over and told us about his fun with Sharon. Later, after our friends found out about the letters books in India they decided there needed to be a third story in this letter, written about what Jenny or Steve did.
        With some help from Sahnti, this has now been added as a third section, written mostly by Steve.

Letter 44 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 44.

Hi, Anne here.
            There is one final letter which was added later to the period of letters between the two trips. It is a letter which doesn’t really fit into the series of ‘firsts’ although you could say it does since it was the first time the three New Zealand couples started partner swapping together.
            The basic story is actually made up of four sections. First, we have an introduction in which Shanti tells us about their trip to Taupo and how they came up with the idea of swapping. She then goes on to tell us about her sex session with Peter. Mike then takes over to tell us about his sex session with Sharon.
            But then, we shouldn't be surprised because Shanti and Mike had already swapped with Joseph and Lizamoa so they were open to the idea. At the Ripper Stripper Party Jenny and Sharon had sex on the stage with Joseph even if they didn't intend to go that far. Meanwhile Peter and Steve had got into some heavy playing with Lizamoa. So perhaps this was just a natural next step.

            This is how the story was originally left because at this point in the Letters Series neither Steve or Jenny knew about the Letters Books so they wouldn’t have written their story anyway. Later Susan suggested that once Steve and Jenny became involved in the Letters they might decide to write the last section of this letter as a surprise for Shanti. We all thought Susan had a good idea so she went off and wrote the final part of this letter as an add-on.
            In Shandra and my parts, we wanted the sex to be a bit rushed and not so good. The purpose of this story was to break the ice with these three couples and prepare them for the adventures which would follow in India. But when Susan wrote her section she had Steve and Jenny getting into some really good sex which kind of makes an interesting contrast to the first two sex sessions.

            This letter is important in that it sets the scene for the adventures which follow in India. We had already written many of these stories when Shandra pointed out that it seemed a bit bold they way everyone just jumped into the sex like they had done it many times before. We considered it at one of our Letters writers meetings and it was decided that in some way we should show that the New Zealand couple were ready to party in India. The result was this letter.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 44.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Letter 43 Part B Shanti was Painfully Shy.

Part Two - First Date.

Hi from Mike again.
        Here is the second half of my story about how Shanti and I first met. As you will remember, Part One ended just after I asked her out on our first date. This story is what happened on our date that night.
        But before I continue I need to tell you about an incident that happened after school, on the Friday before our Saturday date. I came out of the locker room and headed across the playground towards the back entrance to the school. Suddenly Hasina and two of her friends stepped out in front of me.
        “I hear you are going out with my sister tomorrow,” she said.
        “Yes,” I replied nervously. “Just takeaway and a movie.”
        Suddenly she stepped forward and grabbed me. I would have been delighted to have felt those tits and delicious body against me if I hadn't been thinking I was probably dead! Hasina I might have handled but with her two friends...?
        “I won't go out if you...!” I tried to say.
        “Oh, you take her out! God knows she needs it,” Hasina said, “But don't you hurt her, you little shit!”
        She let me go then and I stumbled away from her.
        “And don't let Shanti or anyone else know about this pleasant little chat. I'm sure our little secret is safe since your life depends on it.”
        She laughed and her friends laughed too as they walked away.

Letter 43 Part B Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 43 Part B.

Hi, Allan here.
            Last week in the first part of this story we saw how Shanti and Mike first met and got to know each other. The second half of this story tells us what happened between Shanti and Mike on their first date. Once they finish eating up at the pine plantation things begin moving pretty fast. As Allan has already told you last week it was Susan who suggested that they go the whole way on the first date. At first, I was against this until Allan suggested that we give Susan her way on this one. She did a lot of the writing for the sex scene and I now think it works well too. Nothing like some good hot sexy stuff to get a story going. Ha! Ha! Of course, we remembered to add in the idea of the sex having a positive effect on her speech too.
            So the story ended with Shanti and Mike continuing to date each other through the rest of their schooling then beginning to drift apart for a while before finally getting together again and getting married which of course happened during the first few letters of this series.

Hi, Anne here.
            I believe this story challenges us in several ways. I think it leaves us with more questions than it actually answers:-
            Would a shy girl like Shanti really go the whole way on her first date? Maybe she was grateful to Mike for asking her out. Maybe it was because someone had taken the time to get to know her and take an interest in her. But it is still a big step to go that far on a first date. I only know one woman who has ever done that!
            What about Mike? Do you think his motives were entirely pure? Do you think he might have been using her a bit too? It doesn’t appear that she feels like he was, in fact, she even says she wasn’t used.
            Mike said he was happy with what had already happened and was prepared to leave things there. We can't fault him for that, most guys would be like that. It was Shanti who wanted to take it to the next level and go to full intercourse. So what do you think? Was Shanti used by Mike or was it like she said, something which happened naturally? Maybe Shanti was using him! Now that's a thought.
            Finally, we get to the big question. Is it possible for a bad case of stuttering to be cured by just having sex? Even if it was a mind-blowing orgasm like I said in my conversation with Allan in his first background last week.
            Too many questions, so I will leave it to you to answer them.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Anne and Allan.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 43 Part B.