Wednesday 2 January 2013

Letter 43 Part B Background

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Hi, Allan here.
            Last week in the first part of this story we saw how Shanti and Mike first met and got to know each other. The second half of this story tells us what happened between Shanti and Mike on their first date. Once they finish eating up at the pine plantation things begin moving pretty fast. As Allan has already told you last week it was Susan who suggested that they go the whole way on the first date. At first, I was against this until Allan suggested that we give Susan her way on this one. She did a lot of the writing for the sex scene and I now think it works well too. Nothing like some good hot sexy stuff to get a story going. Ha! Ha! Of course, we remembered to add in the idea of the sex having a positive effect on her speech too.
            So the story ended with Shanti and Mike continuing to date each other through the rest of their schooling then beginning to drift apart for a while before finally getting together again and getting married which of course happened during the first few letters of this series.

Hi, Anne here.
            I believe this story challenges us in several ways. I think it leaves us with more questions than it actually answers:-
            Would a shy girl like Shanti really go the whole way on her first date? Maybe she was grateful to Mike for asking her out. Maybe it was because someone had taken the time to get to know her and take an interest in her. But it is still a big step to go that far on a first date. I only know one woman who has ever done that!
            What about Mike? Do you think his motives were entirely pure? Do you think he might have been using her a bit too? It doesn’t appear that she feels like he was, in fact, she even says she wasn’t used.
            Mike said he was happy with what had already happened and was prepared to leave things there. We can't fault him for that, most guys would be like that. It was Shanti who wanted to take it to the next level and go to full intercourse. So what do you think? Was Shanti used by Mike or was it like she said, something which happened naturally? Maybe Shanti was using him! Now that's a thought.
            Finally, we get to the big question. Is it possible for a bad case of stuttering to be cured by just having sex? Even if it was a mind-blowing orgasm like I said in my conversation with Allan in his first background last week.
            Too many questions, so I will leave it to you to answer them.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Anne and Allan.

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