Thursday 15 September 2016

Story 187 Travelling to India (Part One).

Hi from Shanti,
         Been a while since I wrote anything for the Letter Books but I am still involved with the writing. Now I’m getting to open Volume 13 with this simple little almost admin story about us travelling to India for Katrina’s big day. But please keep reading because some of these Admin type stories have been known to turn sexy. Is this one of those? Who can know until we get to the end? Ha! Ha! Joyce has agreed to complete this story with her account of the Australian group leaving for India from Australia as well. This can now be found in Part Two.
         We first got word there was going to be a wedding soon after Jeevan and Katrina had returned from their Perth trip. Many of us had been expecting it back even before then. A month or so later we received the stories about this trip including the one where Katrina and David get engaged, while naked at that pool, with his sister and brothers were looking on. Proposing in the nude! LOL Way to go, guys, I like your style!
         We also received word that Joyce had formed a team of writers, new members of our team, more sexy stories to read. Great! I’m all for that. They helped with the Perth trip stories and then a few months later turned out some great stories of their own that you all would have seen by now.
         It wasn’t long before we received official confirmation from India that the wedding was on, complete with dates and invitations for all of us. Now we could begin planning for our trip, booking flights and making other arrangements for being away. It was looking like we would be spending at least a three weeks in India, maybe a bit longer if we travelled around to other places as well.
        As time drew near for our trip Amita held a video conference in which everyone from every team attended. It was interesting to say Hi to old friends and meet a few new ones too. I will not say too much about this as I believe Joyce will be covering this, below in her part of our opening story. I believe some other stories will mention it too.

        Finally came the big day when we had a mid-day flight to Singapore. As we didn’t want to leave any cars at the airport we arranged to meet at Steve’s house, leave our cars there and take airport shuttles to the airport. Betty and Tom had arrived down the day before and stayed with us. Mega & Brian drove into town picking up Jenny and Peter along the way. It all worked out well and everyone made it to Steve’s on time.
       Two shuttle vans with luggage trailers turned up and soon we were off on our trip. The mood in our van was good. I think we were all excited to be off on another trip, off on what promised to be another set of adventures. Sexy ones I hoped too.
       Getting our group through the airport wasn’t so bad this time. E-tickets really make a difference don’t that? Then before we knew it we were walking down the gantry and on to the plane. Steve had taken care of the travel details for us, including arranging seating, as well. We were all placed together is a group with made it easier for the children too. Good job there Steve.
        The flight to Singapore, with Singapore Airlines, was always a long one, mostly daylight but getting into Singapore early evening. I’m not a good traveller. Sitting in those seats for all those hours is a pain in the arse, in more than one sense. I’d like to get up and move around more, be doing something instead of just sitting. My husband Mike is the opposite, just settling down to watch a movie, sleep and relax. That bugged me too, so I must admit being guilty of ‘accidently’ digging him in the ribs with my elbow more than once.
        Anyway, we got there, got through the usual airport hassles and on the way to our hotel. Now that was good. Sarvesh had been involved in arranging where we would stay. Great hotel, overlooking the water, lovely rooms and next day I discovered, great swimming pool too.
        Next morning a few of us returned to the airport to meet Joyce and her team from Perth. It was good to be there to greet them and travel back to our hotel with them. I also took the chance to get to know them better too. Sure we’d talked online, and I knew lots of naughty things they got up to but meeting them in person is always different.
       The next few days were spent either relaxing around the hotel or out sightseeing, enjoying Singapore. I didn’t go out on every trip out as I was just ready to relax. It had been a busy time for me before this trip. It was also the winter in New Zealand so to spend time beside the pool, swimming and relaxing went down well for me. It was also handy to keep an eye on the kids too.
       Some of our group joined me while others followed the boys, going out all the time, doing and seeing as much as they could. Joyce and Jeremy had never travelled before so they were out for doing all they could. 
       A lovely young couple, I really liked them. Which brings me to the next part of our story. I’ll let my husband Mike take over and explain how this happened.

Mike here now.
       My wife has told you about our trip to Singapore so I’ll take over from there. Accidently, you call it do you, Shanti? Waking me up or annoying a good movie. Next time I’ll remember not to sit next to you, my dearest!
       As Shanti said, Lizamoa and her, just wanted to sit around the pool all day. Boring! I wanted to get out and enjoy this amazing city. See the sights and do things. So Joseph and I were off all the time. I notice Joyce and Jeremy were always keen to go with us too. They’d never been to Singapore so wanted to see it all. We had my Uncle Tom and Aunty Betty with us from New Zealand who also wanted to see the sights too.
        It’s hot out in the streets of Singapore so after getting back to the hotel we headed for the pool. I’m sure you guys are all familiar with this pool as it’s been used a few times by some very naughty girls we know. Uncle Tom and Aunty Betty enjoyed the pool. Jeremy and Joyce came down for a swim with us too. As has been said above, they are younger than us, more Katrina’s age and she has a hot looking body. Looks great in a bikini too. She caught me looking when we were sitting after our swim.
       “Are you checking me out Mike?” she asked with a cheeky grin.
       “Not really,” I replied.
       “Sure you were. Checking out my tits and arse.”
       Oh, this girl was bold!
       “What makes you so sure?”
       “Caught you looking a few times.”
       “No, just wondering what you’d look like if the bikini wasn’t there.”
       I thought a direct comment like that would stop her but I was wrong.
       “Hotter than I do with it on,” she replied.
       “Oh wow! I’d like to see that!”
       “If you and Shanti want to come over to our room, I might take it off for you.”
       Until then Shanti had only been listening. I think a little bit amused by this.
       “So do I get to see Jeremy without his shorts too?”
       Jeremy was also listening. “I’ll match what you wear Shanti.”
       “Ok, it’s a deal,” my wife replied. “I don’t want to miss this. What time?”
       To my surprise, they had not only taken over our conversation but were making the arrangements. It was decided we’d go to their room for a ‘drink’ after dinner that evening. I felt sure we would also decide what to do about her bikini too.

        That evening we returned to our room after dinner. We had decided to get changed before going to meet Jeremy and Joyce. I noticed Shanti was putting on a bikini, a rather sexier one than the one she’d been wearing at the pool. She threw a light dress on over the top, obviously to walk through the hotel. I wore some swim shorts and a shirt.
        “What do you think will happen tonight?” she asked.
        “Don’t know. I’m surprised it’s got this far actually.”
        “One way to find out,” she said.
        “What do you mean?”
        “Let’s get over there Mike.”
        It sounded like my wife was keen too.
        “You after a bit of young cock, are you?”
        “Sure I am,” she replied.
        “Think they will?”
        “Yes, I think so.”
        “We’ll just let them take the lead and see what happens.”
        “Sounds good,” she agreed with a laugh.

        Joyce met us at the door, wearing only a blue bikini. This was sexier than the red one she’d been wearing down at the pool but not as sexy as the one my wife was wearing. So she had decided to dress for the occasion too. That was a promising start. Jeremy was wearing just a pair of shorts. We decided to join them so I took my shirt off while Shanti pulled her dress off over her head.
       While Jeremy pulled some beers from the room fridge we went out onto their small balcony. Like our room it had a spectacular view, a bit further around the building from us. There were two seats, each large enough for two people sitting rather close together. I sat in one and to my surprise; Joyce quickly sat down beside me. I noticed the slight smile on Shanti’s face as she sat in the other seat. Soon Jeremy arrived with the beers and quickly taking note of where his wife was, went and sat beside my wife.
       As I said these seats were rather small for two and I was very conscious of Joyce’s hip against mine. It was easier for us if I placed my arm on the seat behind her shoulders. For a moment that gave us some room between us until she moved so her body was against mine again, closer than it had been before.
       The conversation was small talk, about their flight here and Singapore. We also talked about India a bit too. It seems they were a bit nervous what India would be like.
       I moved my arm from the seat onto her shoulder. She didn’t pull away so was obviously ok with it being there. I only rested it there for a couple of minutes when she surprised me again.
       “Come on, don’t be shy,” she said. “We both know where your hand wants to be.”
       Her hand comes up, taking my hand and pulling it down on to her breast. As her hand fell away, mine was left holding her swelling breast through her bikini top. I could feel her nipple through the material of her top, feeling it begin to swell and harden as I rubbed over it a bit. Yes, this girl was getting turned on by this, so I decided to take it a bit further.
        I moved my hand to the inside of her bikini cup where it cut lower across her breast. My fingers slipped in underneath, quickly finding her nipple again, but this time skin to skin. At this point, we moved a bit so she was now sitting with her back partly against me. My hand quickly returned to her nipple under her bikini top. I could see both Jeremy and Shanti were watching this too.
       Soon Joyce wanted more.
       “The boys have their chests bare. I think we should too Shanti.”
       Again I saw that smile on Shanti’s face. She was enjoying this. Nothing had happened over on her seat with Jeremy. I had the feeling Shanti had taken me at my word and was letting Joyce lead things.
       “Sure,” was all my wife said, she reached to take her bikini top off.
       On my side, Joyce wasn’t slow getting her top off too. She then fell back against me allowing my fingers to do some playing with both breasts and nipples now.
       “Well come on Jeremy,” I heard my wife say. “I know you’ve seen Indian tits before. You know what to do with them.”
        Jeremy didn’t hesitate, going straight for my wife’s tits. Soon he was giving her nipples a good work over as she leant back against him. It was clear my wife was enjoying it too.
       Suddenly he pulled his hands back in surprise. There was a drop of white liquid on the tip of her nipple.
       “It’s only milk,” Shanti told him. “I’m still feeding Petra.”
       “Oh!” he said his fingers going to touch it.
        “Don’t touch it. Lick it up.”
        With that she turned, presenting her nipple to Jeremy. For a moment he hesitated, obviously not sure what to do.  We watched him lower his head, his tongue going to her nipple, flicking up the little white drop. It looked sexy; I felt Joyce’s body give a shudder against mine, so she thought so too.
        Shanti’s fingers went to her nipple, gently pulling at it so a few more drops came out which she again offered to Jeremy.
        “Does it just come out like that?” he asked, as he bent down towards her again.
        “No, it can come faster too.”
        The fingers on her nipple gave a hard squeeze and a shot of white milk flew out getting Jeremy on the face. He jumped back in surprise much to the amusement of both Joyce and me.

        By then our beers were finished so we moved back into the hotel room. I noticed Jeremy closed the door and pulled the drapes across.
        Joyce was standing facing me, her back towards the bed, naked except for her tiny bikini bottom. She reached up around me, pulling herself against me, her head coming up close to mine. I thought for a moment it would be a kiss but when things didn’t go that way I decided it was time I made a move. My mouth went down to her ear and I began to nibble on it. Oh, she liked that! Her whole body trembled as I held her.
        I ran my hand down her back, down past her bikini and on to the curves of her arse. On yes she had a tight little arse. It felt as good as it looked. I decided it was time to see more. Breaking away from her I gave her a hard push. In a surprise, she fell back on the bed. I followed in after her, grasping her bikini bottom, taking it with me as I pulled away.
       "Mike!" she gasped in surprise, her hands going to cover her pussy.
       “Well you promised the bikini would come off,” I said. “I just thought I would help.”
       She smiled, lay back on the bed, her legs drifting open.
       “So I’m naked now. Do you like what you see?”
       “Like it? I love it!” I said stepping towards her.
       She put her hands up to stop me.
       “Hold on Mister! Let’s see what you’ve got first.”
       That stopped me for a second. I wasn't expecting that although this girl had already surprised me a few times since we'd been in Singapore.
       “Fair enough,” I replied, my hands going to my swim shorts, pushing them so they dropped to the floor.
       She checked me out for a few moments. Of course, I was hard by then too.
       "Oh nice," she said. "I see you're ready too."
       She didn’t resist when I came down on top of her. I felt her body under me, warm, soft and very willing. We soon adjusted ourselves so we were both on the bed together, and then we started.
       First, there was a bit of necking and then I began to move down her body. Oh, she loved her breasts and nipples being suck, giving little soft moans of pleasure as I did it. Next came her belly-button, sticking my tongue in, tickling her there. She giggled at that. Then it was down to explore the delights of her pussy. She was shaved, completely shaved like Sharon does. It leaves everything open and on view. I knew the Indian guys were going to enjoy that. She loved me eating her pussy, the moans becoming louder, more like little gasps.
        Suddenly she reached down and stopped me. “Want you,” she said. “I want you now.”
       Now that was fast but I already knew how juiced up she was so I moved back up. She reached for me, pulling me down on top of her. I felt a hand grasp my cock, guiding me in. The press against her pussy, some resistance then her lips parted, allowing me in deep.
       Oh, she felt good too. Tight and wet; the warmth of her body enclosing my cock. I gave a few gentle thrusts to wet my shaft as it went in deeper each time. She was a smaller girl but she easily took all of me. Now I began to fuck her. Quickly she began responding to me. First were moans, then her humping against me, finally her legs coming up and wrapping around me. This really presented her pussy to me and I was thrusting into her, going in as deep as I could.
        I felt her legs suddenly relax, her humping slipping out of time. The small body under me gave a huge shudder and she began to cum. Damn! That was quick too!
       I kept going and she recovered quickly and began to pick up with me, her legs came up, wrapping around me again. By now what that tight little pussy was doing to my cock was beginning to get to me. As the cum-juice began rising in my shaft, to my surprise she cums again. Two so close, that was good. But I didn’t have long to think about it before my orgasm hit me. Thrusting in deep, filling her with my cum.
        I lay on my side, she lay back against me as my hand went around over her breast. While I gently stroked her nipple we were watching the couple next to us. Shanti was fucking Jeremy. Oh yes, it was Shanti, she was very much in control. Riding him, partly sitting up, fucking him. She was supporting her body with her hands each side of him, thrusting back at his cock, driving him deep inside herself. Her tits were swinging wildly just over his face until he brought both hands up to take them.
        It was wild and exciting sex; both Joyce and I could see it quickly ‘cuming’ to an end. She had her eyes closed. She was almost there. He was humping back at her, close too by the looks. Yes, he got there first, she realised it. Gave a couple of hard humps back at him and cum too. Both now out of breath as she fell on top of him and he wrapped his arms around her.
        “Well done guys,” I said.
        “That looked hot,” Joyce added.
        Shanti looked over at us and smiled. “You weren’t too bad either,” she said.
        “Why, were you perving at us?”
        She smiled again, “Just a bit. I like to know what my husband is up to.”
        So that is how we got together with Joyce and Jeremy. I didn’t expect they would move so fast but I was also pleased they did. Shanti and I had a great evening with them and didn’t get back to our room that night.
        We were woken in the morning by Peter knocking on the door calling. Jeremy pulled some shorts on and opened it.
        “Have you seen Shanti and Mike?” he asked.
        “Seen a lot of them,” Joyce called out. “They are here now.”
        Peter smiled. “I wondered who was going to get you, Joyce. You sexy little minx.”
        “Do you want some too Peter?” Joyce asked.
        “Oh Temptation!” he laughed. Then added, “Not now honey, but thanks for the offer. I’m going to hold you to that.”
        “My pleasure,” she laughed.
        Oh, this Joyce is a bold one! I had the impression that if Peter had walked into the room she would have taken him on too.
        I was at the door now with a towel around me. Peter was just calling us to get going as we had some things planned for the day. We rushed back to our room, Shanti checking with Lizamoa that the kids were Ok. Then while I got ready to go out she sat on the bed giving Petra a short feed. Not that Petra really needed it now.
Shanti again now.
       Finally, I want to tell you about Tom and Betty. The story about Hansini and Amita’s trip to their farm had only just appeared before we left for India. You naughty girls, going up there and corrupting those nice people!
       Once the girls and Jeevan had left for India again, Steve and Sharon took a trip up to the farm to offer Tom the chance to take the trip to India for the wedding. At first, Tom didn’t want to take Steve’s offer so it was left at that.
       After dinner, a few things happened in front of the fire which led to Betty asking Tom again about accepting Steve’s offer. Those big tits of yours Sharon must have convinced him because this time Tom said yes.
       Tom and Betty came with us on the trip to Singapore. It was all new for both of them as they had never left New Zealand before. I noticed that Steve and Mike were with them going through customs and things. In Singapore they were out and about, wanting to see as much as they could. They both enjoyed the hotel and the pool too.
       Now on the second night, they got together with Donald and Paula, who were about their same age, to do a partner swap. Oh wow! That was fast work guys.
       Betty and Tom continued with us to India and on to the town where our Indian friends lived. They were really amazed at India, enjoying everything they could. We all thought they would stay with Sarvesh and Amita at the big house but Jeevan asked if they would like to stay with him and Mandara. Their new house was only half finished with workmen still busy on it but Tom and Betty were still happy to take him up on his offer.

         So finally we were in India. It had been a good trip. As mentioned above I’d had some fun in Singapore and now I was ready to party in India too. Mike and I were staying at the ‘big house’ with Sarvesh and Amita. I was happy with that although I also hear our friends had some adventures in the other houses too.
        I encouraged everyone to write down notes on any adventures they had so we could put it all together in this new volume.

       So that is about all from us in New Zealand. Let’s see what Joyce has to say about their trip to India.


  1. Hi writers,
    Your comment on the "What is New Here" page was a give away. Just a boring admin story! Maybe. Maybe Not. I knew then that it wouldn't be boring.
    Good story. Achieves what it promised. Our team are now in India. But you seem it have a thing about sex in Singapore. I ask the question - Is it possible to pass through Singapore without sex?
    Putting Joyce and Jeremy together with Mike and Shanti was good - also a bit unexpected. We don't see as much of Mike and Shanti as we used to. I like reading about them. There is a hint that Peter might get with young Joyce too. You make us keep coming back for future stories like that.
    Now I'm looking forward to Part Two.

    I have not had time to proof read yet but I'll do it as soon as I can.

    1. Kia Ora Moa
      Thank you for your words and comments. You have added a lot to this blog and continue to do so. I'm looking forward to how well you will mark our work and what grade we get. LOL
      Yes Singapore has been used a lot in our stories. Like in this story its a chance to have some fun along the way. We also used it as a chance to get the New Zealanders and Australians mixing together. Notice another two couples were mentioned as swapping too. Their story will come later I believe. So why didn't you expect Mike and Joyce getting together? She's a hot younger girl so why wouldn't he be interested?
      Writing this comment is a bit strange as you are sitting across the table from me drinking the coffee I've just made. We feel that a public reply to these comments is seen by others too.
      Allan (Anne's)

    2. Kia Ora & thank you, Moa.
      We are happy when readers like our stories. The feed back allows us to do better next time.
      No it is not possible to pass through Singapore with out sex. Girls in tiny bikinis by the pool, nice hotel rooms with soft beds. Sexy people looking for fun. We are forced to give them the fun they want. You must understand this.

    3. Kia ora my friends.
      I know I'm writing this from your home but we feel I should treat it as if I was in another place as usually I am.
      You have the list of my corrections and suggestions. Again not many mistakes and just a few ideas.

      Now grade Allan is that what you want? Ok then.
      Allan 3 out of 10. Asami 8 out of 10.
      Allan got marked because he is a cheeky white boy. Cheeky to the teacher is not wise at grade time. Asami got marked because of a job well done. I could see the sections written by you. Nice work. Now it's being said this is the first time you've written but this is not entirely correct. You've written whole posts in two other blogs and also added some work to this one too.

      Your story does what it promised, taking the New Zealanders out of their lives in Auckland and delivering them to India. It moves at a good pace and answers everything I'd like to know about their trip.
      The sex scene is good, I don't see it as a distraction in any way. It also meets the goals of the stories being sexy.
      The part at the end about Tom and Betty I do find was a distraction. It backtracks over events covered above. Yes I fully understand that there was a requirement placed on you to get them to India but I feel this could have been worked into the story above the sex.
      Humour was good, two parts standout, Jeremy getting hit in the face with breast milk. That was funny but a surprise. Secondly the two parts about Shanti travelling. She admits that she doesn't like it but Mike confirming it just added to the joke. Well done there.

      Conversation was of a good standard all the way but the part that stands out for me was:-

      Shanti looked over at us and smiled. “You weren’t too bad either,” she said.
      “Why, were you perving at us?”
      She smiled again, “Just a bit. I like to know what my husband is up to.”

      She said after just finishing herself with another man.

    4. That was a good story Allan and Asami. (Your 'teacher' was a bit hard on you Allan. Have you tried bringing her an apple?)
      I don't think any of it needs changing. I didn't find that last section about Tom and Betty a distraction. In fact we should welcome Tom into the India stories. He seems like a lot of fun.
      Now I like that conversation between Joyce and Mike. Its going along well when suddenly their spouses jump in a finsh it. I liked the sudden twist there.
      Yes a good story.

    5. Thanks for the advice Raymond. I'm on to it. I cooked breakfast for my 'teacher' yesterday. Maybe that will help my grades
      Allan (Anne's)

    6. Hi Moa,
      I have completed those corrections but left your suggestions for Allan to decide. Thank you for your help.

  2. Girls in and out of bikinis. This had to come from Allan.
    Nice little sex scene. You did well guys.
    Yes Asami was involved too.

    1. Hey! You think I'm a pervert or something.
      Of course I like girls in bikinis. I like seeing you in a bikini too Reshma. The tiniest one you have or anything less than that will be just fine. LOL

    2. Yes you are right Reshma. He likes checking us in our bikinis even if he sees us often without anything. But there must be considered that if was don't want the men to look we would not wear a sexy bikini.

  3. Allan and Asami - A good story that strayed away from Admin.

    So they are travelling again. All the way to India.
    Yes you seem to like that swimming pool in Singapore. Lot of sexy stories start there.
    I'm now wondering what will happen with everyone in India. Readers I know from personal experience that these writers know how to party so I'm sure the characters in their stories will party too. So I am expecting a lot of good sexy stories.

    1. Hi honey. Good to hear from you.
      I've heard you're coming here next month. Let me know when so I can turn all the lights off and hide. LOL.
      I refer comments on our ability to party on to the girls. They arrange it all, I just grace them with my presence (among other things.)

    2. Keep on going up the valley road. until you come to our driveway. You will always be welcome to stay with Rodney and I.

    3. Thank you Asami
      Let Allan play with his lights as much as he likes. I'll drive past and come to you.

    4. Hello Rochelle. I hear you will be in New Zealand again. Looking forward to seeing you both. How is the lovely daughter too.

      Nice story Allan / Asami. I'm looking forward to all the stories from India. I hear they will be great. My partner and I are happy this blog didn't die.

  4. Good story guys.
    I liked that bit about Shanti not enjoying the aircraft seats. Then getting annoyed with her husband being comfortable and relaxed so annoyed him too.
    Then came one of those one lines we love "I’ll remember not to sit next to you, my dearest!"

    Since I'm a Perth girl I've been interested in the stories set in my city. Now interested in their journey to India too. Next issue - 30th is it?

    1. Sally! Sexy Sally from Perth.
      That bit about Mike and Shanti flying together comes directly from Anne and I flying together. She's a 'pain in the arse' when flying. I just like to relax, chill out, watch a movie or read a book. Oh not Anne! She won't settle, wiggles around, wants to get up and walk around. Complains about the leg room, the food, the movie selection and me. LOL But we love her anyway.

      Yes the current schedule is to publish next on 30th Sept. Then two a month after that. We are beginning to build up a reserve of stories but almost all of the next six months of stories will need to be written as we go. We also want to have a set schedule for you guys so you know when to expect a stories. So its on the due date or a few days before.

    2. Hi Sally
      Thanks for you comments.

  5. Hello all, good to see you writing again Allan and great to see you and Asami getting together. Your line about Jeremy getting a face full made me laugh and brought back memories of a similar situation!
    Good story as always

    1. Thanks Ian.
      You liked that line did you. Again it comes from something real. Susan added that in so you'll need to ask her about it. I had a good laugh when I first saw it too.
      We would like to hear more about your similar situation if you want to share.

    2. Hi Ian
      I am not experienced with milk from my nipples yet. But I have to agree it was a fun line and totally unexpected too.
      It looks like two milk from nipple stories need to be told here.

  6. You guys have started the party without me!
    Even Ian is here too. No warning, no e-mail nothing!

    Good story guys. Liked it a lot. You achieved what you set out to do, getting them from New Zealand to India, with a bit of sex an humour along the way.
    Yes Allan (Anne's) likes girls in bikinis. He couldn't wait for me to get mine on too. But you made a good point above too, Asami. I like guys looking when I wearing a bikini. Checking me out, checking out my tits and arse. It's fun and sexy too. Some guys having a good perv often makes me horny too. Wayne likes guys checking me out too as afterwards he gets the fun. If you know what I mean.
    Now I notice you are splitting people up between houses in India. There must be a plan behind this. As Ian once said, "sneaky, tricky, writers" Looking forward to the next stories as they are promising to be fun.
    I've never squirted anyone in the face with breast milk before LOL, but I have used it as an addition to sex, as some of you will know. Why not? Guys like it. Feels nice for me them doing it. As long as the baby doesn't miss out. Have you noticed how the little boys want to get off breast milk and eat solid food while the big boys want to go back to it? LOL That must tell us something.

  7. Welcome to the party Janet, you are almost as naughty as those girls in Newcastle Zealand, it's a good job I'm an English gentleman or I might have something to say about checking out girls in bikinis!
    Unfortunately my story is nothing as sexy as yours Alan. The memory I have is sitting in a bath with my wife after my daughter was born and both of us taking turns with target practice, her aim was better but I was able to get it further until she squealed for some reason!!!!

  8. Ok guys - my story.
    Its been mentioned in this blog before that I get naughty with Anne's younger brother every time we have a party. Usually just a quick shag somewhere before rejoining the party. But we have to do it in a different place each time which has led to have sex in places you would never believe.
    Now I was just a few days from having Rebecca and here I was bouncing around out top of him with a stomach like a watermelon. Of course he was rather amazed at this and had his hands all over me. Well we both got there but in the process must have woken up Rebecca inside me. She was kicking a bit and he got to feel that too with his hand on my stomach.
    Well Rebecca was born a few days later and of course I began breast feeding. I was still feeding when the next party came around and our chosen place this time was the back seat of the big boss's new BMW. Like in the story, Anne's brother discovered breast milk on my nipple then I squirted him in the face when he bent down for a better look. I gave him a few more shots and a couple of miss shots too.
    We cleaned up as best we could but in the dark we missed a bit. Later I heard Simon was asking about those marks on the back seat in his car. Ha! Ha!
    So that's it guys.
    Sexy Sue.

    1. Sue after that business with Anne's Mum I thought you had given up on that with Anne's brother. Still doing it?
      A good story though. Did your boss ever find out about those marks?

    2. I did think about you Susan, in fact you were my prime suspect, but I couldn't work out how you got into a locked vehicle. So how did you do that Susan?

    3. Ahh But I am a lady Simon and a lady never reveals her secrets.
      LOL Susan.

    4. What? 'Lady' and 'Susan' in the same sentence. Is that possible?

    5. Of course its possible.
      Definition of a lady:-
      A woman who is the object of romantic or chivalrous love who likes a good fuck in the back of posh cars"
      Lady Susan.

    6. Susan,
      Sounds more like a burglar to me.
      Shouldn't this mischievous lady ask the owner first? Or invite the owner?

      Simon's comment become corrupted when published. (Asami)

    7. I looked for you Simon when the urge overcame me to fuck in a shiny new posh car.
      You were busy talking to that blonde girl with the French accent so sadly I had to find a stand in performer.

    8. Oh that is good Susan.
      So just suddenly you got this urge to fuck in my new car? And I believe the looking for me part too. No doubt checking I was busy before getting up to your mischief.
      Just one question - What does Anne's brother think being your stand in performer Susan?

    9. Of course Simon,
      A girls got to get what she needs. We don't want a horny girl becoming bitchy and frustrated do we?
      As for stand in I'm sure he knows that's a figure of speech. Primary would be more truthful.

    10. Oh no!
      We don't want Susan bitchy and frustrated do we? LOL

  9. It seems I missed this party too. Started without us. Sneaky writers!
    Well it seems you've covered about everything. The admin and the sexy. Writing ability has been graded, although I must say was graded rather unfairly in Allan's case. We've covered breast milk and Anne's travelling habits. We even have a confession form Sexy Sue. With a name like that no doubt much more confession is required Susan.
    But everyone has overlooking one thing, that sexy arse in the photo to the right. Susan that is totally hot, you're totally hot too.
