Tuesday 15 August 2017

Story 203 Naughty Farmer.

          It had been an exciting evening for this girl. I had seen many of the sexy things who was done by many people but even more, I myself had been doing also. Yes, I was involved in the playing the sexy stripping game. I was with a game partner called Donald. He was a white man, a director of Sarvesh’s company for the Australian division. It made us to have the most unusual team with both the oldest player and the youngest player in one team.
          Like all these men he turned out to become very naughty to me. I liked that one too. We had been asked to do some very sexy things to each other but also to others too. I discovered Donald was a great pussy eater. What he did for me caused me making two very strongly cums. I was happy for this and when the time came I licked and sucked to his cock until he cum in my mouth. I kissed him like that, making his cum spread over his mouth too.
        It was fun to play this game but now the evening events were almost over. I was sitting to one side watching the last few playing on the mats. Yes, it was full sex with Joyce and Mega involved with some men from New Zealand. Those girls were having too much fun. I am surprised the men had enough to keep going too.

Hi, It's Kalki again,
        It was a sex day for me and now it was over. But I was also thinking of the fun for this girl too. 
        There had been the sexy with Joseph. First, he was stripping me and then we had some very intense love-games while everyone watched. If you told for me doing that before I would have laughed and said, ‘I cannot do such a thing.’ But the time came and I did and it was good for me too.
       After dinner, they had the stripping game with Donald and I stripping off each other. I had done some sexy things with Joyce, then with a couple of men. With Joyce, I had been asked to lick the mango jam from her naked body. My friend Sairu took her breasts and gave me her pussy. I enjoyed doing to her. First, I took all the jam off and then I built her to a couple of powerful orgasms. I, myself was even amazed at how strongly they were for her.
      The big final for me had been what Donald had done to my pussy. I am experienced of sex so I knew the different kinds. I knew how to do oral to both men and also for the women. I also knew the feeling of it being done for me.
       But what this man Donald did was amazing. When he was invited to eat into my pussy he showed how his skills were. I enjoyed all the feelings he was making to my pussy and enjoyed the strong orgasms he made me too. I got the chance to do oral with him and was able to get him to a cum. I was happy to do that.
        It was then that I realised that with all the fun I’d been having and also some good cums too, I had not had a man inside my pussy for that evening. I was surprised it had worked out like that but also, I was Ok with it. I was happy with the fun I had been into.  

       As I have told above, there had been the fun of the game. Now, this girl was calm, just watching them finish. Not far from the poolside where all the fun for me had begun earlier that afternoon. Just quietly watching what was going on.
       Tom, the naughty farmer, arrived and pulled a chair to sit with me.
       “Hello, naughty farmer,” I said, being a bit cheeky for him.
       “Hello, naughty girl,” he replied.
       “How do you know I can be naughty?”
       “Because I’ve been watching you all evening.”
       That surprised me. “Watching me?”
       “Watching all the naughty things you’ve done.”
       “Do you want to be naughty again?”
       “With you, Tom?”
       “Remember what you said in the pool?”
       “Yes, I said, ‘I can try.’”
       “Can you try now?”
       “Maybe. Are you ready?”
       “Yes,” he said.
       “Let me check.”
       I reached over and felt him. My hand going straight to his cock. That was bold for me doing like that to him and I think maybe caught him by surprise but then, he was there to make sex with me so we might as well get into doing it.
       “Oh, you are hard!”
       I was midly surprised he was so ready.
       “I’m sitting beside a beautiful naked woman," he replied. "Of course, I’m hard.”
       That last bit calling me beautiful I liked from him. I think he won me at that point. If he wanted to take sex with me, I was willing to try.
       “Where shall we go?” I asked.
       “Out here is Ok. We’ll just take a couple of mats and go somewhere more private.”
       I was a tiny bit surprised he wanted more privacy. Everyone had been doing in front of everyone else. Now he wanted to be a bit private. I was Ok for that. You could even be saying I was more comforable with it too.
       We took two foam mats, to use like a bed and moved around to a place near the chess board. It was a bit darker there but if anyone looked they could still see us.  
        I lay down on the mat and he came down beside me. This was also strange as this man was much older than me, even older than my natural father, almost like a grandfather and here I was going to try fucking him. He was also a European from another country so in one way I am surprised I was doing this. In another way I was excited to be doing also.
       We started in a normal way with the ordinary feeling and touching of each other and then moving to him doing the oral of me. I was happy with him doing for my breasts and nipples with his hands. He also was doing exploring of my pussy while I played to his cock. I enjoyed what he did for me as he showed the oral sexual skills of an experienced man. He started with my neck, pulling the flesh with his lips and sucking. There was also the nibbling to my ear as well. He moved lower to my breasts and I felt very good with sucking to my nipples. The time he spent over my stomach and belly button was nice too. I don’t often have that involved in my love-games.
        Finally, he came to my pussy. I was expecting this man to be like Donald with lots oral experience that would be used for my enjoyment. As he approached me there I was willing to open for him and present all my pussy for him. First, he touched me with his fingers, stroking down my pussy lips, making this girl feeling nice with the expectation of what was to come. He followed with his tongue, first, working over the open lips of my pussy, pressing in onto the inner lips. I was ready for this, I was in the excited state with my lips being swollen and parted. I had much of the juice too. He moved higher until he came upon my clitty and licked her a few times before even taking to his mouth and sucking. This made a good feeling and this girl could not help her body shuddering with the pleasure.
        I knew there would be more with him building me, even as much as an orgasm that way. But, no, this man didn’t do that. He stopped and pulled back from me. This girl made her eyes open in surprise.
        “What?” I asked.
        “I want you now.”
        I realised this man Tom, was ready to do the sex.
        “We can do,” I said.
        “Of course, we can do,” he repeated from me.
        I didn’t get the meaning of his reply there. I think it might have been a joke, making fun at my saying.

        All this time I had been the passive one, just laying back, enjoying with the eyes closed. Now I was thinking how I could do to him. Also, how we would make the love-games together. He was so small down there? How he would hardly enter me? I wondered what that would be like. But I shouldn’t have been thinking that because this man knew just what to do and he was explaining to me how it would go.
        It seems he wanted me to fuck to him, with me on the top place, bringing my pussy to him. When I did, I followed his instructions to bring his cock to the top end where my clitty lives. The motion to be used was just tiny, more a bumping against him that actual fucking. I tried this and it took a bit of getting used to it. See, it’s the natural instinct to take a man inside and make motions so he will slide in and out deeply. That is how my body was practised to do but now this was differently. I was asking my body to do a new way of sex. At first, my motions were too big and he would slip away from me.
        He gently explained to me, “Slow down and make little movements.”
        I tried his way and soon got the idea how to do.
        When I came to be surprised how it was working. It was really feeling good for this girl. That little bumping caused the hood over my clitty to press open and his cock was contacting directly to me. It began to be feeling nice, then became sexy and I realised I might even make a cum. I looked down to him and he seemed enjoying it too. He was reaching to my breasts and nipples but sometimes reaching for my hips to steady and control my motions. He even slapped my bum when I moved off him and was telling for me to slow down. 
       I love having the man touching to my nipples when fucking in this way. Their touching is exciting how they stroke over the hardness and even can be pulling at them. That is good for this girl, making me feeling more and more sexy. When rolling between his fingers my nipples were having nice feelings. When pinching at them, my nipples were paining but still nice with the excitment this girl was having.
       We continued with this new way of fucking for me. I must be the honest person and admit I was growing to enjoy it. The orgasm feelings were growing now and I knew I was on my way to a climax with him. It was also looking like he was getting there too. I was amazing at how this could be possible but it was.
       In the end, it was even him who got there first. I heard him give a gasp and opened my eyes to look to him. Yes, the look of his face telling me he was under orgasm. I could feel the man-juice from him too. Flowing out of him and over the inner lips of my pussy. It was a bit messy, as much on the outside as in. He finished quickly and then looked up smiling at me.
       “Your turn now,” was all he said.
       He gave a couple of big thrusts up at me, his cock pressing into my clitty. She liked and it was good. The feelings who had been building inside me burst into my cum. I wiggled and bucked on top of him. Completely lost control. Completely lost contact with his cock but for now, it didn’t matter. I was under orgasm too.
       Later, when it was over, I rolled off and lay beside him. For a while we were breathless together recovering from our sex. I was happy but also surprised it had been some good sexy with him. Now I knew what those other girls, Amita and Hansini, even Sharon from New Zealand, had found when they played the love-games with Tom. It wasn't just he joked to them and made them laugh but he performed well for them too. 

       After all the fun that evening, I actually ended up spending the night with my husband Hamza. There was no sex between us, just him holding me in his arms. I think we both had more than enough to want more.
       In the dreamy state before sleep, he asked me, “How was your night, Kalki?”
       “It was lovely,” I replied. Then I thought, ‘lovely’ wasn’t the good word. “I was sexy,” I corrected myself. “Very sexy!”
       “Yes, it was for me too,” he agreed. “I’m happy we came to this weekend.”
       “So am I,” I said as I rested my head against his shoulder.
       I knew he was referring to my being reluctant to come and he had convinced me to try. Now I knew how much I would have missed.
       "How was you night?" I asked him.
       "It was very good," he replied. "Sharon was amazing."
       "I saw you with her. She has the big breasts."
       "Yes she showed me how to do fucking between them."
       "Oh! I would have liked to see that."
       "You were busy with Farmer Tom."
       "Yes, I had fun with him."
       "I didn't know you could. He is so small."
       "I can. He showed me how," I replied. "It was good."

       As we lay there, I felt my man holding me drift into his sleep. I was into that dreamy stage almost ready to sleep too. My mind was thinking of the day it had been. It had been an interesting first for me that day. All in one day I got try the biggest cock I had ever seen and the smallest cock I had ever seen. Both were good for me and both made me horny with cums.
       I smiled to myself for that.
       I was the youngest girl in the group and I had played sexy with the oldest man.
       I smiled to myself as I thought of it.
       I got to play love games with the very naughty farmer and knew of a new way of doing sex.
       I smiled to myself as I thought of that too.

       This girl closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
       Yes, this girl was happy.


  1. I've been waiting for this one. Almost 9:30! What's wrong with you guys? I thought publishing was 6 am!
    My sister Shandra told me this story takes Susan right out of her writing comfort zone. I can see that. The personality of Kalki is totally opposite to her. Well done Susan. There is hope for you as a writer yet. LOL

    Like Kalki said in Story 192 "With a bit of practice, you might make Ok"
    (I can't really hide this as my name is all over it!)

    1. Reshma, while this story is clever, I would no call it amazing or outstanding from many other stories Susan has done. Susan is street wise when it comes to writing in this blog. By that I mean, she's been doing it a long time, she knew to go back and read up on Kalki. (See her background notes.)
      As she says in the notes, her main changes were to rough up the grammar and add that term, "this girl." I'm surprised you didn't pick up on this being a teacher Reshma.
      To tell you the truth, I was expecting more from Susan in this story. It lacks her usual spice which could have been worked in while still keeping Kalki's innocent character. Anyway, the story delivers what was asked of it. (See end of Susan's notes.) For that reason and because it was written by the most sexy woman I know, its a keeper.

  2. This story is so not you, Susan and the previous story is so not Anne. If I didn't know better I'd say the writer names have accidently been swapped. But I was sitting there when Moa challenged you both to 'get into the head of the one telling the story.' As Reshma said above, 'get out of your writing comfort zone.' I'd say you both have done that.
    Good job Susan. Another adventure for Kalki, the new darling of Letters.

    Like the photo too Rochelle but what does Anne think about you sitting all over her kitchen benches.

    1. Thank you, Julie.
      Anne was there when those photographs were taken and she didn't say anything so must be ok with it.

  3. It's all very well talking about Susan getting into someone's head but shouldn't we be more concerned about what goes on inside Susan's head.
    Allan snr

  4. Oh that's a scary thought. What goes on inside Susan's head? My God! I'd hate to think.

  5. I agree. A jungle, a wildness, even worse than the weeds in Anne's garden.
    Who knows what goes on in there.

    1. Of course you do honey. That's what you keep a chainsaw for.
      Your dear Dad

    2. Ryuunosuke we know of one thing that goes on in the weeds of Anne's garden. Your son gets shagged there.
      LOL or as Ayaka might say "Lots of LOL."

  6. Thank you Moa for your email.
    I showed Susan and she has excepted five of your comments and rejected two. I've corrected the five she wanted changed. We're looking forward to your comment here. Allan suggested she should get a minius five out of ten. LOL Shall I kick his arse for you?

  7. Kia ora
    No Asami, don't kick his arse. If there is any arse kicking needed, I'm perfectly capable of doing it.
    Susan, I see you have done the corrections. The remaining two are regarding that first section which I expected you would leave as it is.
    Personally I was a little bit disappointed in this story. I'm sure if you had time you would have thought about it differently.
    As for Tom's "size" I will comment about that in a few days under your background notes.

    1. Hi writers
      Enjoyed the story and enjoying your blog.
