Saturday, 20 January 2018

Story 207 Part Two - The Strip Chess Contest.

Hi, this is Mandara again – for the second part of my story.
        This is to be called “The Chess Contest.”

        I have fully informed you of the adventure for me during the night and at the breakfast table to the following morning. This brings me to the second half of my story, the strip chess contest. Normally on a Saturday morning of our nude weekends, we would involve in playing tennis or other such games but this time nobody seemed interested in that. I think maybe when it was late and getting too hot out by the tennis court. Maybe many of us didn’t have the energy for that either. Ha! Ha! We all just seemed to drift out into the shade beside the pool.
        It was then that Hansini and Sarvesh began to organize her chess contest. The large, outdoor chess set was undercover too so those playing and watching, would be protected from the heating sun. Everyone seemed to be willing for playing so soon teams were forming and a contest was set to find the final champion. I was sure it would be Hansini and I believe she was too, the way she was teasing the men. She is amusing how cheeky she becomes to the men. She gets them to where they feel bound to play her, even when they know most likely they will get beaten. This is how it was this time too.

207 Part Two Background

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 207 Part Two.

Hello, all our naughty readers. It's Reshma again.
       Now, a game of chess. That's a bit boring, had to be spiced up a bit. I play chess, fairly good too if I say so myself. They've had contests on the farm sometimes. Most, like in my story, it is playing Strip Chess. They have the rules well defined now with eight items of clothing equaling eight chess pieces from the back row. When was play pairs then the eight pawns came be used to. They get out of hand a bit and sexy too. Naughty boys!
       For the story, I added the idea of stripping someone from the opposite team. Girls stripping boys and boys stripping girls. Of course, there had to be more than just stripping. They are going to try this idea at our next party.
       Shanti is very similar to Anne. A leader, a strong personality. Likes to be in control and running things. More than once I've seen her cheeking and teasing a guy until a few gang up and take her to a table to get her pussy eaten or fucked. She always fights back. I don't know why. She is the one going to get some fun. I decided on that for Shanti too. It was easy to write, just a case of deciding if she would be eaten or fucked.

      The main theme of this section was the interaction between Mandara and Payam. Yes, they live in the same country. Most likely had the chance to be with each other already but I wanted two different personalities to play off against each other. They had started things in section one. I'd added the tit cleaning bit as I had an idea what was going to happen here. 
       Susan suggested that they defend their patch a bit during the early games. I went for that, including Payam claiming Mandara off Steve and Mandara taking Payam off Sharon. You might say a distraction but a bit of fun too.
       Then came the final sex scene. It has been obvious they were going to get together. It was just how I would play out the sex between them. I had a few suggestions from others (see my notes for 207 Part One) but in the end, decided myself. I would just run with the two of them. I wouldn't focus much on him just tell the whole story through Mandara.   
       I went back over the story as my sister often does and roughed up the English a bit. And we were having, you are learning the story. I like for that one too. Ha! ha!

       There is a new development. Anne and Susan wanted to do the third section. I think my step-brother Allan is in on it too. This is nothing to do with me. I was intending we would end the Strip Chess games here. So their story will hopefully appear in a couple of weeks time.  

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 207 Part Two.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Story 207 Part One - Aggressive Hot Sex


Hello, from Mandara.
         After that sticky, sexy game on the breakfast table, I wondered what would happen next. There had been so many fun things for me during the previous day and into the night that I only knew more good things were in store for me, sexy things would happen for the following day. While I hadn’t played the sexy game the night before, I had become involved in the fun that followed. In the end, I’d taken the hot sexy New Zealand man, Peter, to my bed. I was wondering after all he had done that he could find any more for me but he did and it was good. We played the love-games together and enjoyed. This morning we had woken up together and played again before going for breakfast. Some sexy fun involving Katrina and Jenny occurred on the breakfast table and then we went on to some more sexy fun outside.

Story 207 Part One Background

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 207 Part One.

Hi from Reshma,
        When the making a movie idea fell over, I was left with the only story partly written. I agreed to pick it up and run with it, see what I could do. My goal was the 1st of January and you could say I had made it but they gave me another week to go over and improve some places. This has made for a much better story, well worth the wait in my opinion. So here we are publishing tomorrow morning.

        Now Mandara is a long time cast member, first appearing in Letter 18where she joins a game of Strip. And yes, you've guessed it, another character invented by my sister Shandra. Over the years she has taken more of a supporting role, often there but not often the star. When we came to these stories surrounding the wedding in India, it was suggested we bring Mandara out a bit more, Give her the chance to shine. 

        Mary did this was sending visitors from New Zealand Tom and Betty up to stay at their house. Story 194 Part Three. Remember that hot sex scene Mandara has with naughty Tom. Yes, I don't really need to say it, she likes naughty boys! Don't we all! Ha! Ha! After the wedding Mandara and Betty teamed up to capture some hot cock, Brian, to take back for the night, Story 194 Part Four.
       Now we move on to this nude weekend idea. Mandara and Jeevan were there and she lines up Peter, a New Zealand guy for a night's entertainment. 

      Mandara does not write that often, particularly not in English so you can expect to see that in her story. Starting off a bit confused, maybe English grammar not so good but she does have a good story to tell. The story has turned out to be so big that we've divided it into two sections, so I have more time to work on the second half. 
       The sex which seems to cover much of this story, came from various ideas, stories and experiences. Of course, the second scene of mango jam all over Jenny was a bit confined as much has been set by Kim's Story 206. 
      Well, that's it for me. Now go read the story if you haven't already. I hope you all enjoy it and come back for my next part in a week or so.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 207 Part One.