Thursday 28 May 2020

Story 240 Part One - Background.

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Hi from Mary - Kia ora,
          When Kim and Reshma were busy working on their stories, someone was needed for the final in this series. They asked me if I could help. 
          This story always promised to be a big one. There was a lot to cover and even more that I could include. Already there were three stories leading up to it so while those were still being written I began on this one. Kim gave me a short outline, suggesting the theme of a fantasy-night where the five women are servants entertaining five businessmen. The event was to take place at Sarvesh's house and should involve all of those from the Indian Team. Other than that, it was left open for me to write whatever I wanted.
          I quickly realised that there were a number of different scenes that could be broken down into separate sections, maybe even told by different characters. I like stories like this as you have the chance to explore different scenes or the same scene from different viewpoints. See my series Story 194 Betty - India - Our First Trip Overseas. 
          This is what I decided to do here. As the story evolved, sections were defined, others came in to help me. Towards the end of the writing stage, Allan jun worked over our conversations again for us. The final draft proved too long for what Anne thinks is right for a blog post so she suggested that we cut it in half.

          So this is Part One, where Kalki does a very long introduction to the story. Keep in mind that for much of this story, the characters were acting out fantasy roles. While it may appear they didn't know each other, this was all just part of the game. 
         After Kalki, two men, Hamza and Mootie take over telling the story until it returns to Kalki again in the next section. 

        So thanks to those writers involved include Mary (me), Kim, Allan snr, Reshma and Rajah. After the uploading to this blog, Anne and Susan had some input into parts of the story too. Shandra was consulted concerning her knowledge of the characters involved and Allan jun, our conversation expert, wrote or improved many of the conversations. Finally, let's not forget Asami, our IT expert, who works behind the scenes and does the publishing. That last heading, 'Kalki - Orgy Fun. (Written by Mary.)' was causing me heaps of formatting trouble until Asami performed her HTML magic on it. 

         Regards - Kia kaka,

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 240 Part One.


  1. When I gave Mary an outline to fit in with the work Reshma and I were doing I didn't expect a story this big but then why not? It is the quality of the end result that counts. Mary, you did a great job here.

    1. I love it Mary. I know others of us were involved but the credit must go to you because it was your input made this story happen. I like the sections idea as it gives markers to show another character has taken over the story-telling but I think you could have gone further by changing the font colour too.
      Allan snr.

    2. Those fonts have been changed Allan.
      Writers, the coding issue related to changing font colours has been fixed.

    3. Thanks Asami,
      I have not been through such a hard publishing process as that. You did have a struggle with it but I like what you said afterwards. You learnt a lot. I hope the one next Friday won't be as bad. I see you are already working on some changes ready to prevent yesterday happening again.
      Again, thank you for all the good work you do on our blog posts.

    4. Asami, I'm sorry about suggesting you change the font colour. It seems to have caused you a lot of trouble. Reshma told me what you had to do to fix it.
      Allan snr.

  2. I used the upgaded software to publish this story and it's background and mostly it worked well with only a few clitches.
    One big advantage is that the colour changing problems we had with the font in links are gone. I was easy to change although the default for a new link is a green colour which had to be changed. I think it is more a case of the theme we are using. I'm going to look at changing the default for that.
    But there are some good new features and I think this will be reflected in our posts as we begin to use them.
    Finally, sorry about publishing early but I wanted more time in the evening for the first time we did a publish with this software.

    1. It is looking like we will all be using that new software before long. I can't see Blogspot over lapping software updates for too long.

    2. I already have it on my laptop. It is a bit confusing at first but lots of good things to use. I like the stats on the blog. Much more detailed.
      We tried to edit a post too. Took a lot of time last night but we have a post completely done with the new software. It is a "party" to celebrate 600 posts in this blog. Just waiting for the Big Three to approve it now and it will be published after Part Two of this story.

    3. I like it Rochelle & Marceau.
      My only suggestion is get rid of the two angry cup cakes. This is a happy celebration.
      I just can't believe we've done 600 published posts. But we have as of next Friday when the second part gets published.

  3. Kia Ora Mary,
    Oh well done. A good story. I liked the way you developed your readers interest through that first section. I thought it was good how you used the conversation so we were learning what Sarvesh was planning (up to) as Kalki was. Maybe the writers are as sneaky as they make Sarvesh out to be. Then the dinner was a clever idea that you used well. Of course, a great sex scene to follow. An orgy? Of course, it was. I think 10 horny people is more than enough to call as orgy.
    Errors in this story are quite high and so I suggest you go over it again yourselves before I try to list them.
    Other than thank a worthy effort which we enjoyed reading.
    Kia kaka

    1. Kia ora Naughty Writers,
      This story is a lot better now. I see some improvements with the telephone conversation between Kalki and Sarvesh to show her confusion and between her and her husband Hamza to show him instructing Kalki to follow Sarvesh's instructions then firmly shutting the conversation down.
      It appears you've found all those mistakes I've mentioned above so there is not much more I need to say about that here. I might read it again, later today as a final check.
      This is a good story in the way you made use of strong division of sections with a title and colour change. Swapping between story tellers was a clever idea too. Mary has used that before too. What holds the story together and is a major highlight is the dinner. This stripping during the serving of the various courses gave you lots of potential for play and sexual build-up before the orgy begins. I think more could be done with the orgy but I'm expecting more of this in the second section.
      Well done everyone.
      A fun story that gets sexy as it moves along. I like that.
      Kia Kaka - Mpa.

    2. Kia ora, (Welcome, greetings)
      I so enjoyed this story. I was drawn into the phone call and Kalki talking with her husband. Then to quote and recent story, my eyes were pulled further and further down the page as I couldn't let it go. Flashing pussies, stripping during the meal and then some great sex.
      But what is even better is that I hear its not over yet. Part Two is ready to be published and Part Three is being written by two top writers, Shandra and Susan. Wow! We have had such a feast from this blog recently.
      Kia kaka - Kia kaha.
      (Be careful - be strong.)

    3. Hi Mahuiko.
      Like the ending to your comment. Very appropriate for this current time.

    4. Kia ora,
      Great to see you still creating stories. So many now it takes months to read them all.
      This was a new idea, a new game. Very creative way of getting everyone naked and then comes the fun. I would enjoy an evening like this. As you will know from the photo blog, I'm not scared of getting naked and neither am I of having fun too.
      Keep writing everyone.
