Thursday 9 August 2012

Letter 26 What Will You Do in New Zealand?

Index of Letters                  Letter 26 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 25.

Forward to Letter 27.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        Hi from India. I hoping you are both all OK and in the excellent health. Here in this country, we are both very well too. Lizamoa she is saying the Hi also.
        The time has almost come now. We will be leaving in only two weeks now. We will get to the New Zealand before this letter does if I do not get it into the mail today.
        Thank you for the list with the attractions. We have already given you our interests in the email. Yes, Mike, I would be interested to see the farming show and of course the parks. Is there a place where we can see native animals too? I hear New Zealand has many native birds which I would be liking to view too.
        We liked the story too with the ice cream. So sexy and the guys at the other table knew and were watching too. But there was one little thing which is of a big concern for me. Did you really need to bite it off? I’m thinking maybe that is acting out with the ice cream a secret female fantasy. A hot, sexy woman like you, if you go doing that in front of young school aged guys they will never let a girl near their cocks after witnessing something like that!

        Now I think I just have time to quickly write out a short story we had before I must be getting to the post office. This story is about a conversation we were deeply involved in with our friends when we were visiting within Sarvesh’s house.
        They had been calling us to come to their house for a lunch one weekend and we were willing to go because Sarvesh and his wife Amita are very good friends with us. There was also the other couple which are very good friends, Jeevan and Mandara.

        Now on to my little story. This story is about a conversation so we have tried to remember as much of it as we can.
        The cook who works for Sarvesh had just created a very good meal for us which we were all willing to enjoy. Now during the hot part in the afternoon, we were sitting around beside the pool under some beautiful shade where the gentle breeze coming up off the river was giving the only refreshment we could get. We were enjoying the cold drinks which a staff member had just served to us.
        Lizamoa was telling the two women about our upcoming trip to New Zealand and we men were listening in to the conversation.
        Then Amita surprised us when she asked. “Is this the couple who gave you that sexy stripping game we played?”
        “Yes, that is the one. It is Shanti and Mike who we will be staying with. She is Indian and he is Western,” Lizamoa said.
        “Will you be playing that game with them?” Mandara asked, her voice lowered.
        “I don’t know. Maybe we will,” Lizamoa replied with a smile. “I expect they might want to play.”
        “You will be willing to play that game with them, Liz?” Amita asked.
        “Yes, they are good friends which we know.”
        “But they are strangers. And you are still willing to play that game with them?” Amita said.
        “Yes, I think so. I don’t think of them as strangers.”
        “Really?” Amita said.
        “Yes. I think so. Like I said, they are our friends.”
        “But playing the game will mean you will be taking off all the clothes in front of people you have never even met,” Mandara said. “You will be nude with them seeing you!”
        “Yes I know that but we have known them for a very long time and we think we know them very well.”
        Then Amita gave me a surprise when she asked, “Have you seen a photo of them? You know with both of them in the nude?”
        I have no idea where that one came from. I sipped on my drink and then sat back to see how Liz would answer that.
        “Yes, we have seen both Shanti and her husband Mike fully nude.”
        “Did you send them a picture of you naked too?”
        Wow, I thought. That Amita was really digging deep now.
        “Yes, we did, Amita. We sent them some of both of us.”
        “Totally nude?”
        “Yes,” Liz said.
        “Showing everything?”
        “Yes,” Liz replied. “I even had my pussy shaved.”
        “Oh, Liz. You two are so daring. I am not sure I could be able to do that,” Mandara said.
        “I might,” Amita said. “It would be a bit naughty doing that.”
        I looked over at Sarvesh and saw he had a slight smile. Whatever his feelings on the matter were, he was enjoying listening the the women.

        The conversation moved away from this to talking about New Zealand and some of the places and sights which we might get to see. It was a bit hard telling them about these because we really don’t know what plans you have for us.

        Then suddenly Amita returned to that sexy subject again. “Are you going to do anything else with them, Liz?” she asked.
        At first, Lizamoa was a bit unsure of what she meant.
        “If you play the game “strip” will you be doing any sexy things as well?”
        “I don’t think so. Don’t you think playing that game is sexy enough?”
        “Yes, it is,” Amita agreed. “But maybe they might be wanting to do some other things with you too.”
        “What things?” Lizamoa asked still not sure what she was getting at.
        “Well, maybe they will want to be playing the love games with you. I am hearing in Western countries sometimes people are swapping their wives.”
        Suddenly Lizamoa saw what she was getting at. “Oh, I see what you are saying.”
        “Would you do that with them, Liz?”
        “I am married to Joseph. I only have love games with him. I can not have love games with another man.”
        “I think you might, Lizamoa. What if he allowed you. What if he wanted to play love games with this woman?” Amita asked.
        “I don’t know. I would see at that time. Maybe I would if Joseph was happy, I would be happy too.”
        Lizamoa looked over at me and smiled. I was not sure if she was actually seriously considering partner swapping or just saying to shock her friend Amita.
        It had the right effect too. “Lizamoa! That would be very daring for you to do with this other couple European couple.”
        “I told you, they are not both European,” Lizamoa said. “The woman is actually Indian.”
        Then Amita turned to her husband. “We should go with them too, Sarvesh. This sounds like a fun holiday.”
        I thought that they might seriously consider going to New Zealand with us. I wondered what you and Mike would think of that with another couple suddenly turning up too.
        But Sarvesh said, “No Amita. We cannot be pushing into Joseph and Lizamoa’s plans. This is their friends and their holiday to be having.”
        "But Sarvesh!"
        "Amita we must leave them to enjoy their holiday."
        “Yes, Sarvesh. I know that.”

        Well, that’s all from us here.
                Time for us to be going.
                        Love from,
                                Lizamoa and Joseph.

              PS:- Well, I know this letter is short but I want to get to the mail before they collect because we are having only a short time to get to New Zealand. Liz thinks we might even get to New Zealand before this letter does. That will be interesting, to receive a letter that we have already sent.

Index of Letters                  Letter 26 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 25.

Forward to Letter 27.


  1. Hi Shandra,
    This story has been completely overlooked for comments. And it is a nice little story too. Maybe if you went back again you would improve your conversations. I notice the difference in your writing skills as we progress through these stories.
    But it is interesting how Amita was digging for information. Then they were surprised that Lizamoa said she would be happy to play the game strip. Then later she even admitted she might have sex with Mike too. I can see now why this was done because you were setting up our interest for the letters which will follow.
    A few questions:- Why did you add in that Amita wanted to go too? Why did Lizamoa take so long to realise they were taking about sex? Is there any other ideas which could have been added here too?
    Sakura & Tukiko.

    1. Hi Sakura & Tukiko.
      Like I said in my background, this story was mainly created around a conversation written by Allan. I just took it and built the story around it. Amita and Lizamoa are close friends, now Amita is finding out something's she never knew about her friend. I believe you two did the same with Asami when you found out she was reading this blog. Yes she told us. LOL
      Talking about Asami, did you know she might be staying in New Zealand a bit longer? May even long term.

      Now your questions. Amita want to go to New Zealand because she thought there might be some fun. I wanted her and the others there thinking about doing more sexy things too. Two ideas, Lizamoa might not have caught on to what Amita was asked, or she was playing them a bit by pretending not to understand. I'm not sure what you mean in your 3rd question.
