Thursday 30 August 2012

Letter 29 The Red One-Piece.

Index of Letters                  Letter 29 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 28.

Forward to Letter 30.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph and Lizamoa,
        Hi again from New Zealand. It was good to get your letter and continue remembering the things we did while you guys were here in Auckland. We had a really good time and it was sad when you had to leave for your home in India. Your holiday was so short but we know that you only had a few weeks leave available. Anyway, we sure packed a lot of fun (sexy fun) into those three weeks

        We enjoyed the story about Lizamoa’s first time wearing that tiny green bikini in public. It is always sexy wearing bikinis like that where people will notice you. But you forgot to tell us about the visit to the surf beach that day before we went to the hot pools. This is the very first time that Lizamoa had ever worn a bathing suit except when we modelled them for you guys the night before. Taking it from a private posing session at our house to going out on a public beach was a big step for Liz and Mike thinks that this should be recorded in our book of letters as well.
        The beach we went to was a wild west coast beach and since we knew there were no changing rooms we decided to wear swimming gear under our outer clothes. This way all we had to do was take off our T-shirts and shorts and we were ready to go swimming. I think that Lizamoa was a bit nervous knowing she was going to a public beach where she would be seen in her new swimming costume.
        We arrived at the beach and it was a beautiful day. Surprisingly there were not too many people on the beach. Still, thinking about Liz, Mike chose a spot a little way along the beach where there weren’t any people too close. We laid out our gear on the sand and sat down. There wasn’t any use lying down on the beach for a suntan because being Indians, three of us do not need to get a tan anyway. Getting too much sun makes me go black when I would rather my golden brown colour.
        Soon Mike suggested that we try the water. I knew this was going to be the first big test for Lizamoa. The boys were quickly down to their swim shorts and I was taking off my outer gear when I looked around at Lizamoa.
        She was hesitating, so I encouraged her, “Come on there is hardly anyone around now.”
        “Anyway,” added Mike, “It won’t be half as bad as when you wear the bikini.”
        I don’t know if that was too encouraging but Lizamoa was now slipping her T-shirt over her head and this was quickly followed by her shorts, with just her one-piece swimming costume on underneath.
        Mike had wisely suggested that I wear a one-piece too so it would be easier for Lizamoa. I'm not sure I fully understood his reasoning about this but I did it anyway.
        We were now, all four of us, in our swimming gear as we ran down across the sand towards the water. I looked sideways at you Joseph, checking out what you looked like in swimming togs. You boys had an advantage because they had seen us girls in our swimming gear the night before. I liked what I saw, especially the interesting-looking bulge in front. I also noticed your sideways glance as you were checking me out again as well. I’m sure Mike had taken the chance to check Lizamoa out again too and maybe she did the same. Did you check out Mike, Liz?
        We played in the water for some time. Joseph and Lizamoa, you both hadn’t been swimming in the rough surf before and so you both were enjoying doing something so different. Of course, we had to be careful because Lizamoa said she couldn’t swim but as we didn’t go very far into the water it was safe where we went swimming.
        So Lizamoa that was the first time that you had ever gone swimming at a beach wearing swimming togs. How did you feel doing that? Mike and I thought you looked very comfortable wearing that one-piece. I think the colour suits you too. The style showed off her sexy body but the cut was not too daring. The effect was even better once the red material got wet as the top half was unlined and clung tightly to your breasts and nipples. That made it a bit more sexy.
        Well, that is all for this letter.

        Joseph, I know that by throwing in this story, we got out of step with the list we made. Sorry about that. Please find enclosed a suggested revised list.
        Joseph, If you and Lizaoma do the story of our next adventure at the lake near Rotorua. That was sexy when you went topless with me, Liz. Mike and I are looking forward to reading your account of that.

                  Bye for now,
                          Love from;
                                From Shanti and Mike.

Index of Letters                  Letter 29 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 28.

Forward to Letter 30.


  1. Hi to you Allan
    These stories in this section are all good. We have noticed and like they way they get progressively more sexy until finally these two couple will swap spouses for sex. We also noticed that they have been over looked and carry no comments so now the four of us are going to take turns doing comment for them.
    This red one-piece seems very special. I like the idea it is very sexy. I can see it seems to disappear in the stories after this but then suddenly turned up to be given by Amita to Katrina. Is this swim suit based on a real one or does it just appear as an extra step for Lizamoa in here journey to get more and more sexy?
    Sakura & Kenshin & Tukiko.

    1. Hi Masanori
      Allan has asked me to take over this reply for him.
      Yes this red one-piece swim suit is an important link between Lizamoa and Mike. It was purchased for her by Mike and will play another role in Mike's relationship with another woman in some future stories. No there was never a real swim suit like this.
      Maybe the closest to it would be my real green bikini. This was purchased for me by Allan as my first bikini. It was much too daring for me to wear at that time and so it took me a while to become bold enough to wear it in public. Later he brought me other bikinis so I tended to leave the green one in the drawer. Then Shandra wore it one day. It looked so good on her. The green suited her darker skin and the top suited her larger breasts. Allan asked me one day about giving it to her. I agreed but suggested he could since it was his idea and his gift in the first place. So Allan ended up giving that green bikini to a second girl.

  2. I stand to be corrected here. There was a real red one-piece. It was owned and worn by Reshma on our nude beach holiday when we wrote the big Ripper Stripper Story. When I wrote that comment above, I had forgotten that until Brian reminded us in his story. I've just noticed I made that comment but rather than deleting it I've decided to write this correction below. Anne
