Friday 17 August 2012

Letter 27 Buying Swimming Togs for Lizamoa.

Index of Letters                  Letter 27 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 26.

Forward to Letter 28.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph and Lizamoa,
        So it’s been almost two weeks since you left Auckland to return to India. We both enjoyed having you stay with us. The three weeks you spent with us went so fast but we did have a lot of fun didn’t we?
        It is something we must do again. I believe the next time Mike and I will visit you in India.
        We enjoyed having you both staying with us in our house so much. I also enjoyed getting to know you a lot better Joseph now that we have met and spent those three weeks almost constantly together. It was also good that I got to know your lovely wife Lizamoa a lot better too. I think she and I have grown a lot closer as well. Would you agree to that Liz? I also know that Mike and Lizamoa 'know' each other a lot better too. Ha! Ha!
        How was your trip back? I hope it went well and everything was fine when you arrived back at your home. How was your stop-over in Singapore? Did you get to see all the sights we told you about?

        Well, as we planned while you were here, we need to get all our adventures onto paper so the story can be completed. As we listed them, we are going to take turns talking about our sexy adventures together so to start this, here is my first part.
        (Well, actually, it was my part which Lizamoa added to a few months later.)

        The first sexy part of your stay with us came on the day after you arrived. Remember when we went shopping for swimming togs for Lizamoa. We first selected that red one-piece. I think it was Mike who found it, wasn’t it? He always has an eye for clothes, particularly ladies’ swimsuits and usually, it is his choice that I end up buying. But I must admit, you looked good in those red togs, Lizamoa. When you opened the curtain of the dressing room to show us, we all liked it.
        Next, you purchased the bikini. I saw the surprised look on your face Lizamoa when Joseph picked it for you. You were shocked when you held the tiny bikini top against yourself and it was obvious that the bottom was about as small. But you boldly agreed to try it on anyway.
        When she opened the curtain there was Lizamoa in that tiny green bikini. It was about as tiny as my sexy blue bikini. She looked so sexy in it as most of the upper half of her breasts was bared and the tiny bottom was barely able to hide her pussy hair too. When she turned for us we saw the bottom made no attempt to cover all of her behind either.
        What was extra exciting about that was that while she was modelling it for us, turning around so we could see every angle we didn’t notice another man was standing behind us also looking. He was watching her modelling in that tiny bikini revealing so much of her body. I think Lizamoa was enjoying putting on a show for him too as well as she was the only one who knew he was there until she told us about him afterwards.
        That was a good start to our exhibitionist adventures. I think that was the reason why Lizamoa agreed to purchase that bikini because she had been so turned on by showing off to that other guy outside the changing room. Am I right Liz? I think I am.
        Now the next stage was to get Lizamoa to wear her bikini to a beach or at the public pools. But that is part of another adventure for you to explain, Joseph.

        Until next time,
                Wishing you all the best,
                        Love from,
                                Shanti and Mike.

Buying the Bikini – Extra Added Later.

Hi, it is Lizamoa here.
        When this letter was written it only contained what Shanti wrote above but later we decided it might be interesting to include my feelings about wearing this sexy bikini for the first time.

        When Mike selected the red swimsuit I was happy with it. I thought it gave good cover but still would remain sexy too. Then Joseph selected the bikini. I was expecting to buy and be wearing the bikini type but this was almost a bit too small for me to be wearing. When I was holding it to my body my mind was wondering how much would be showing when I was wearing.
        But I felt brave enough to be trying so I went into the changing room. I didn’t feel I could strip everything there just behind that curtain so I took my bottom half off and stepped into the one-piece and then taking off the top I pulled the suit up to cover me. After modelling that one it was time for the bikini.
        Now I was feeling a bit braver so I just pulled the swimsuit off and standing there nude I stepped into the bikini bottom. I pulled it up to adjust it over my pussy mound the best I could do then I reached for the top half. It took a bit to fit it over my breasts, making them covered as best as I could. When I had the top fastened too I was looking at myself within the mirror. Like I was expecting, this bikini was very tiny, very daring to be wearing and I was thinking sexy too. I liked the way the top covered my breasts and the nipple but left a lot uncovered too. The bottom could not even hide all my pussy and I knew some trimming down there would be needed.

        Then I heard Joseph ask, “How does it look, Liz?”
        Now I knew it was time to show them. I pulled back the curtain so they could see me while I was still in the fitting room. Of course, they all saw the front first but then I turned around to give them the back view too.
        Next, I stepped forward out into the walking area between the fitting rooms and then I saw him. A man was waiting while his wife was changing and of course, he was standing behind Joseph so they couldn’t know he was there watching but I knew he was looking directly at me.
        I was standing before them again showing how small the front was and then I turned around for them. Looking at a mirror I reached down behind me to pull the bottom smooth and so it didn’t pull right into the crack of my bum. Then I noticed the look on the man’s face when I was doing.
        Now I was becoming a bit excited. Now I was posing the bikini even more to him than for Joseph and our friends Shanti and Mike.
        Turning to face him I reached up to adjust the bikini top taking the time to adjust each side so my bump of my nipple would be in the centre of the cover. I even touched my nipple bump as I smoothed over the top. Then I reached down to my bottom. Slipping my thumbs under each side I pulled the bikini bottom tight and smooth. This had the effect of the bikini tightly hugging the shape of my pussy mound but it was also highlighted by my hands like I was inviting his attention to look at my pussy.
        I looked up and saw him looking. He smiled at me. I smiled back. His hand came up with his thumb stretched up. I realised what he was telling me. After that there was no doubt within my mind I was buying that bikini. I was happy to be having that bikini that a total stranger had suggested that I buy.

                          Bye for now,
                                From Lizamoa.

Index of Letters                  Letter 27 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 26.

Forward to Letter 28.


  1. Hi Anne
    This is interesting. This story is written by two people in the story. Was it the same with the real writers too?

    1. Asami, if you had seen the background you would know that Susan was the second writer. She wanted to add Lizamoa's view of what happened so we did that extra add-on below my original story.

  2. Hi Anne
    I did not know you could make a story out of buying swimming suits. Very interesting. It is easy for us as we have done it any time but for someone from a place like India it must be very different. I think even exciting when Lizamoa discovered that other man watching.
    Tukiko & Sakura.

    1. Hi Tukiko
      It just goes to show, a story can be written about buying a swim suit and a bikini. I think we are all much more interested in the bikini but keep that red one piece in mind as it will appear in other stories too.
      Yes Susan suggested that man watching. I was a nice little extra bit too. Kind of turned the story into more of a sexual adventure. Much later we intend to explore this shop changing room idea again.
