Friday 14 September 2012

Letter 31 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 31.

See also Brian's Page for his view of this story.

Hello from Susan.
            The next story in this holiday series was supposed to be going to a nudist beach. This story had already been written by Anne and Allan. We were going to place the nude beach story into the book when Shandra suggested that they should play the game “Strip” first. Then I suggested that they might even try entering a wet T-shirt contest. We all thought these were both great ideas and so we added two new stories for Letters 31 and 32. The first was the Wet T-shirt story written by me and the second was that old favourite of ours, playing the game “Strip” which Shandra wrote. Finally, Allan and Anne’s nudist beach story was fitted in as Letter 33.
            So where did the wet T-shirt idea come from? On the way home from our trip camping at the nudist beach, which we told you about in the backgrounds of Letter 23 (Letter 23A Background Notes), we stopped off for a couple of nights in Tauranga. There was a club which held wet T-shirt contests during the summer months, and since we were there on the night of one of these contests we decided to go and have a look.
            The problem with this was Shandra’s younger sister Reshma was with us. She was too young to get into the club. I thought with a bit of make-up I could get her in, so I gave it a go and she did look older. Well, we thought she did anyway. We warned her not to say anything at the door, just leave the talking to us.
            The man at the door looked hard at her and then asked, “How old are you?”
            “She’s 18,” Allan said.
            “Are you sure?” he asked again. "You look to have too much make-up on for a girl your age."
            I thought we had blown it at that point.
            “Yes, of course, she is,” Shandra answered.
            "Do you have a driving license? he asked.
            Reshma shook her head.
            “Well, OK then.” He then turned back to Reshma and said, “I’ll let you in but I think you are underage. Don’t let me catch you drinking alcohol or I’ll kick you all out. OK?”
            Reshma just nodded and he let us in.

            Well, Reshma stuck to her promise and didn’t drink any alcohol all night. We noticed the bouncer checking up on her a couple of times too. The rest of us just had a few beers. Later they announced they were taking contestants for the wet T-shirt contest. Allan got on to Anne and he was teasing her about having a go. I think that after Anne had a few beers, she was feeling a little bit braver because she agreed to enter. She then turned and asked me to join her. I am always ready for a bit of fun so I was happy to enter too. I did ask Shandra but she quickly said no so we didn’t push it any further.
            They held the contest in much the same way as in the story with two heats selecting the contestants for the final. We both made it through our heats and had to go on stage again for the final. But neither of us was selected as winners. Not that we were too worried because it was fun entering anyway.
            The big difference between our story and the letter’s story is that in the letter all 10 contestants in the final ended up topless while in the real contest, we were told that we had to leave our T-shirts on. That was a pity because I might have been daring enough to take it off considering what the sheer white material was showing. Of course, it would be more fun if the contestants did end up going topless so that was how we wrote the story.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        From Susan.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 31.

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