Friday 12 October 2012

Letter 35 Massage Lessons.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Hi Joseph and Lizamoa,
        Wow, that was a quick reply. I think that you two are doing what Mike and I are doing, having most of each letter already written and ready to go. Thanks for another sexy story and thanks for making our correspondence so much fun.
        Please find enclosed a list of some of the places we would like to visit in India. I know there are far too many for us to do them all and we also know that some are just too far away as well but we thought we would give you a full list so you can do your best to plan as much as you can into our trip.

        So to continue our adventures, the next story on our list is the massage evening. We planned this evening for Joseph as he wanted to learn more about how to massage someone. Since Mike was good at it he agreed to give Joseph a lesson using Lizamoa and me as models.
        After dinner one evening we laid out two soft foam pads on the lounge floor, which we covered with sheets and large beach towels. The mood was set by putting on some soft music and dimming the lights. It was nice and warm that evening as well which was good too. Mike had mixed some jasmine essence into the massage oil which gave off a pleasant aroma when heated.
        While we went to get undressed the boys heated the oil until it was warm for our skin. I stripped down to just a pair of panties and put a bathrobe on. When I returned the boys were waiting for us. They had stripped down to just their undies too. Lizamoa came back into the room and we were ready to begin.
        When Lizamoa took her robe off I noticed she was totally nude as she lay down face to the foam pad. When I took my robe off and Mike said I should be nude as well, I didn’t mind, and so quickly slipped off my panties and lay down as Lizamoa had.
        The music was soft and dreamy. I lay there relaxed waiting as Mike explained to you, Joseph what you both were going to do. I wasn’t really listening so your voices were almost distant in the background to the music. I was sort of very relaxed before the massage even began.
        Then you both began. I felt strong hands coated in slick, warm oil begin to work on my left arm. Gently the hands worked the oil into my skin as they moved from my hand up towards my shoulder. Yes, as I expected, Mike was good at this.
        There was a short pause then the hands were on my other arm. Again the same procedure was repeated working from my hand up towards my shoulder.
        Next, he moved to my legs. He started with my foot and then moved up my leg, first my calf and then onto the back of my thigh. I slightly parted my thighs to give him room for his hands. I knew that this would have exposed my pussy to him but I didn’t worry because I knew it was Mike who was giving me the massage.
        Now he was on to my other leg. Again the same process, starting at my foot, moving up my leg, onto the calf and then on to the thigh. This felt so good so I hoped Joseph had listened to what Mike had told him and he was doing a great job on you Lizamoa as well.
        Now he was working on my back. His hands soaked in the warm oil, long firm strokes with his strong hands, working the oil into my skin. It felt so wonderful. The soft music, the smell of the jasmine, the soft warmth of the oil. It was so beautiful. I was so relaxed, it was almost putting me to sleep.
        The hands on my back were moving lower down now. Along the small of my back and onto the cheeks of my arse. He took his time doing each area until now my entire back was completely covered in oil and then he stopped. I awakened waiting to see what would happen next.
        Then I felt the warm liquid poured onto my lower back so it ran down between the cheeks of my arse, down across the hole of my arse, down lower until it was running down deep between my legs onto my pussy.
        Soon a hand followed where the oil had been. Fingers ran between the cheeks of my arse, pausing at the tiny hole for a moment before pushing lower and lower until they were stoking my pussy. This felt good too, but now different feelings were being awakened in my body, awakened in my pussy. He must have been able to feel that the wetness there now wasn’t just from the massage oil.

        Now he had stopped and then I heard Mike ask you, “We do their other side now?”
        Then I realised that his voice didn’t come from behind me but from across the room, where Lizamoa lay. It hit me that the person who had massaged me was you, Joseph. I realised you had been rubbing and massaging every part of my back, even down between my legs onto my pussy. This was a shock too.
        Before I could think what to do you asked us to roll over onto our backs. I looked across at Lizamoa who had just discovered it had been Mike massaging her. She looked a bit shocked too.
        I thought about it for a moment. It was a surprise that it had been you instead of Mike but then again it did feel good too. I rolled over onto my back and lay there waiting for you to start. I heard Lizamoa moving too and realised she had done the same.
        I knew you Joseph would be continuing the massage. I was thinking about the position I was in. Here I was completely naked. That wasn’t so bad because you had already seen me naked a few times but now you were so close. And even more, you were just about to start the massaging again, this time on the front of my body. Touching my front and knowing the kind of massage Mike did, no part would be missed too.
        Then I realised this was kind of sexy. Yes, there was no doubt now; all of this was really turning me on. I lay back on the pad and with my eyes closed. If this was what was happening then I was going to enjoy it.

        Soon your hands started their work again. Again you followed the same procedure as before. First, my arms taking care to do each arm starting with my fingers and hands before moving up towards my shoulders.
        My legs were next as you started with each foot before moving up onto my legs. Of course, when you reached my thigh your hand was rubbing the inside of my leg as well. I knew you must be seeing every tiny part of my pussy from that position. Not that I minded now. I was getting so turned on I was past caring what you saw. I even wanted you to look. I even let my thighs drift slightly wider knowing it would give you a better look.
        Then your hands had jumped over my pussy and you were working on my stomach from the top edge of my pussy hair up until you touched against the underside of my breasts.
        You changed your position, I felt one knee on either side of my head now. Your hands were reaching down on top of my chest now. Each breast was given the full treatment being massaged with oil rubbed all over them. As you leaned forward I could smell your body so close to me just above my face before you leaned back pulling away from me again.
        As your fingers worked each nipple they hardened under your touch. It felt good. They felt like they were going to burst. The way you worked with the oil, rubbing it into the soft swelling of my breasts. I noticed you took a lot longer to do them than was necessary for a massage but I didn’t mind. I wanted you to touch me. I wanted you to touch my breasts.
        But then you stopped as you changed position again. Now you were somewhere beside me. I felt some warm oil being dripped onto me. On to my pussy! I felt a few drops running down between my legs. This is it; I knew where your hands would be going now.
        Yes I was right, you had moved to the only part of me left. My pussy was now getting the treatment. First rubbing oil into my hair on top and then moving lower down where you must have noticed that the wetness wasn’t just from the oil. Now your hand and fingers were deep down between my legs. Your fingers running up and down the length of my pussy lips.
        Those long strokes running up and down were beginning to have an effect on me. I could feel my pussy lips swelling and parting against your fingers. Suddenly they opened and I felt your finger slip right into me, and then another finger followed. Now with those two fingers pumping into me it didn’t take long before I was past the point of no return as my orgasm exploded upon me. I gasped as it hit me leaving me with a long lingering afterglow.
        I opened my eyes and looked up into your smiling face. “That was good,” I told you, Joseph. “Always a good way to finish a massage.”
        Then I heard Lizamoa moan as she came as well. I had forgotten about Mike and her. Obviously, Mike had copied everything you had done on me. Or maybe you had copied him.

        Well, Lizamoa and Joseph that is the first part of the massage story. After we had recovered enough you boys announced that it was our turn to give you guys a massage. But I won’t go into as much detail other than saying that we didn’t swap partners so I was giving Joseph a massage and Lizamoa was doing Mike. We followed much the same order as you guys had done on us until finally there was only one part left.
        I dribbled some oil down over your erect penis and into your pubic hair. I then began working into the hair and then down onto your balls taking care not to touch your cock although I know that was what you were waiting for.
        Then finally I began working on your cock as Lizamoa was doing the same to Mike. I looked over to see another woman working on my husband’s cock rubbing up and down his shaft wanking him off. I could tell she was getting to him too.
        Mesmerized I watched her suddenly lean forward and her tongue licked a drop of pre-cum off the slit at the end of his cock. He felt it as I saw his cock jerk. I knew he wasn’t far off cumming now.
        Then the cock in my hand jerked and I realised that while I was watching Mike and Lizamoa I had stopped what I was doing to Joseph. I suddenly realised there was a hard, hot cock in my hand crying for some attention as well.
        I could see that Mike was almost there now. Lizamoa leaned forward and took him deep into her mouth as he exploded filling her with cum. She looked over at me and smiled, my husband’s cum running down her chin.
        Now the cock in my hand was jerking. I could see pre-cum on its tip so I leant down taking him into my mouth taking the load he shot into my mouth and down my throat.

        Well, that was how the massage evening turned out. I wasn’t expecting things to go that far but it was fun that they did. Well, Joseph and Lizamoa the next story is for you. It is the big one! We are interested to see how you will tell the story of the Ripper Stripper Party.

            Well, this ends another letter so,
                  Bye for now,
                          Love from;
                                Shanti and Mike.


  1. very sexy very hot great lead up and endings for all...loved the sleight of hand partner swap

  2. We like your detailed massage scenes. This is a bit like that story about Mike and Shanti at the beach, Story 17. You almost give us full instructions on how to do these massages. Yes we also noticed that swapping you did so the girls didn't know. That was sexy too.
    I think the massage is extra sexy because the person doing the massage gets to view the other's body very closely. The person getting the massage likes it too because they know what of their bodies can be viewed too. Very Sexy. We are thinking about trying this too.
    Sakura & Tukiko.

    1. Hi Sakura & Tukiko
      Full instructions on how to do a massage. I like that. Yes I suppose when you put the two stories together you do get a lot of detail. Actually the story was about teaching massage too. Yes when you are giving someone a full nude massage like that, you need to watch what you are doing, so yes you do view their body closely too. That is nice too but its also nice for the other person knowing you are looking too. Don't for get that.
      Swapping like the guys did would have been fun for them but turned out to be a total shock for the girls. But notice the girls rolled over and let them do their fronts as well. That was a big step on what they had been doing.
      Glad you liked my story.
