Thursday 4 October 2012

Letter 34 Nudie Night at the Hot Pools.

Index of Letters                  Letter 34 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 33.

Forward to Letter 35.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        Hi again from Lizamoa and me in India. We hope our letter finds you Shanti and you Mike well and both within the best health in New Zealand too.
        We are happy hearing you are planning to visit India and also visit the place where we are staying. We are already going to the making plans for when you are here. Tell us some of the places you will be seeing so we can plan that too.
        Shanti I know Mike is interested in wild animals so we will be able to visit the game park where I am working. There are many different wild animals and many are able to be viewed too.
        Now to begin our next story, where our sexy stories have got to. It was good that you sent us the list of all our adventures. This way we know which ones we get to tell the story and which ones you will be writing.
        So our turn is the second time we went nude in the public. At the “Nudie Night,” I am thinking you are calling it. The time we were at the hot pools again.

        Before that, I must tell you how we came to get an idea of going to the “Nudie Night.”
        We had come home from the nude beach trip and while we were having dinner Lizamoa was telling us how much she was enjoying the exhibition she was doing. She told us she was getting to really like showing off and she especially liked it when people were looking at her too. She wanted to do it again.
        Mike then came up with his suggestion. We had already planned to take a trip to the countryside to visit a farmer's market and a farm show. I think that place was north of the Auckland City, wasn’t it? He said that it was not too far to the same hot pools. Now it just happened he was telling us that the last Saturday night of each month they had the “Nudie Night” at the hot pools. Maybe we could go to that on the day we go to the show.
        “What’s a Nudie Night? Asked Lizamoa.
        “It is a special night when people do not need to wear swimming togs.”
        “Can anyone go,” she asked.
        “Yes, it’s the same as the other nights except some people are swimming in the nude if they want.”
        “So you don’t have to go without the togs if you want,” she asked.
        By now I was becoming interested in where it might be going to.
        “No,” said Mike. “It is up to you. You can wear your togs. You can go topless or without anything on at all. It’s up to you.”
        “Oh,” Lizamoa answered. Then she thought about it for a while.
        “Yes,” suddenly added. “Can we go to that? It might be fun to see.”
        “What Lizamoa? Do you want to show off your body again?” I asked her joking.
        She gave us a big smile. “Of course, Joseph,” she said with a laugh. “I love showing off my body parts.”
        Well, that made the plan so we decided to go to the hot pools after our sightseeing.

        We got to the pools at about 5:30. I was surprised to see that the people there were still in their swimming togs. Mike explained that it didn’t start until 6 o’clock. We went in and changed into our swimming togs. Of course, you girls were wearing their bikinis. You know the ones - the very sexy ones.
        Just before the 6 pm, they started putting a curtain up across the windows which were towards the road. Mike said this is so nobody outside could see in and be offended.
        After this was completed and few people straight away were being undressed. A few more people arrived and quickly joined them in being nude. Mike was saying these people are from a club where people practice nudism. They were the nudists.
        We remained in our togs for a little bit because Mike wanted to watch and see what happened. Soon some people had begun to decide to join those nudists. With the girls sometimes they were topless but most often with the nude. And another two couples arrived and were straight away went into the nude swimming.
        Finally, Lizamoa wanted to know what we were going to do.
        “Shall we go nude too,” she asked us quietly?
        “I’m game,” said Shanti.
        “Do we take off here or should we be getting out first?”
        “Let’s get out,” said Shanti. “It will be more fun to do it that way.”
        “Yes,” Lizamoa agreed with a giggle. “We can do that.”

        Soon the two giggling girls were getting out of the pool and going to where we left our bags. I was thinking they would go to the ladies changing room to change but no they just changed there in front of everyone.
        First, they reached behind and had their bikini tops untied and then they were pulled off baring the girl’s breasts. Next, they just hooked their thumbs into their bikini bottoms and bent over taking the bottoms completely off. Just as quick as that with not even a hesitation, they were both naked. They placed their bikinis on the bench beside their bag and headed back towards the pool.
        Mike and I had taken our togs off in the water and left them on the side of the pool. Lizamoa noticed this as she came to the side of the pool and so she said, “I’ll put these with our bags.” She picked up Mike and my togs and walked back with them to the bags. Then she returned to us in the water.
        She told me later she did that because she was enjoying walking around showing off nude. She knew the men by the stairs were watching her walking and so she volunteered so she could walk past them again so they could see again too.
        We moved into the cooler pool after a while when the water felt too hot for us and stayed there until we wanted to get into the warmer water again and so we went to find a spa pool. The only one left had two couples already in it. But they were big spa pools so there was plenty of room for the four of us in it as well. We were sitting within this pool and we were enjoying knowing that everyone within the pool was nude.
        When Lizamoa said she felt hot again she sat up on the poolside with her legs in the water but leaning back on her hands giving us the full effect of her nude body. It was a really sexy display too. Soon you decided to join her that way too. And I was seeing you naked very close up too. This time without any bikini every part of you was open to my inspection. I know you were knowing I was looking at you too because you moved so I could see deeper into your pussy as well.
        Lizamoa told me later that one of the other men in the pool she caught looking smiled at her so she smiled back. Then she made it look casual as she gave him an open view up between her legs of all of her pussy as she was pretending to change her position. She said she felt so hot knowing that the complete stranger was admiring her body as well as every part of her pussy too so close to her.
        Soon we decided it was time to get out. We sat at a table beside the pool. We guys didn’t put anything on and you girls just had towels over the shoulder. We had a sandwich which was toasted and some chips.
        Lizamoa said she wanted to have one last swim in the hot pool so we quickly went back into the water for another half hour before getting dressed and going home. I think one reason why Lizamoa wanted to go into the pool again was to walk close to the people sitting on the steps. I have asked her this but she will not tell, only she smiles.
        Now my wife, Lizamoa is going to tell you about her experience at Nudie Night.

Hi from Liz,
        I don't know what it is about going nude in a public place but it makes me excited. When I discovered we were going to the hot pool for the Nudie Night, I was excited.
        Yes, I admit to being a bit nervous as well. The idea of removing all your clothes in a place with many people can be a bit scary. I knew of this. But I also thought that it would be easier since everyone would be naked as well.
        As I was putting on my tiny bikini to wear under my clothes I was looking at myself within the mirror. I think I have a nice body. I am small in height but my body seems shaped to fit that. I looked at my breasts with their light colouring and dark nipples. It was then I noticed that now my breasts were darker than they had even been before. Too much showing them to the sun.
        I like my body lower too. Flat tummy, slim waist and wider hips. I neatly trimmed bush of pussy hair. Yes, I knew I looked good naked for everyone to see me.

        At the pools, when it was time to be undressed, the men were cheating. They took off their swim shorts in the water. Shanti and I did it the better way. We got out of the pool and stood outside beside our bags as we removed our bikinis. I faced her as I did it, both looking at each other, maybe to gain courage. My top came off first and then we both took of bottoms off at the same time.
        We were naked when we turned back towards the pool. Many of the people were looking at us. Enjoying the viewing of our nude bodies. That was so sexy being like that. Now there was no fear, only excitement. We had to walk down the steps to get into the water again. People were sitting there and they were looking at I walked close by. Some even gave me a smile when they looked at me.

        We tried some of the other pools. A cooler one was nice but a bit deep for me. The spa pools were good. At first, there were only us four but then other people came there. I was even bold enough to sit on the poolside for a while too. I knew Mike was looking at me. I wanted him to see me too. I even made sure I 'accidentally' showed my pussy secrets as I moved.
        Just before we were going home, I wanted to try the very hot pool, the first one we were in. Joseph asked if it was because I had to walk close to those people on the steps. I would never admit it at that time but he was right, I did want a bit more showing before we got dressed and went home.
        OK, that is all from me. I must hand to my husband so he can finish this letter.

Back to me, Joseph,
        So there was the story about the nudie night. Mike told me that to the nudists it wasn’t meant to be sexy but I think to us it was. Especially I think Lizamoa found it very sexy being nude in front of all those people.
        That night Lizamoa was so sexy in the bed. She was so excited at what we had done. I kept telling her sexy things like, 'Did the men see your hot pussy?' 'Did everyone see you nude?' Each time she would give a deep moan. It was sexy seeing her turned on like this and made me sexy too. It made her so turned on and she wanted me as much as I could give to her and then she was still turned on. So I had to finish off by using my tongue on her pussy as she cum and cum many times together.

        So that is all of this letter.
        We wait for the next letter when we shall be reading about the nude massage evening. Am I right?

          Bye for this letter.
                Looking forward to your next letter,
                        We are sending our love too,
                                So Goodbye From Joseph and Lizamoa.

Index of Letters                  Letter 34 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 33.

Forward to Letter 35.


  1. Hi Shandra
    This one is bold and sexy to be doing. I know from Ayaka that you attend these nude night for real. She is saying it is a lot of the fun and I should be attending too. When I come to New Zealand during this summer maybe I will be bold and sexy too.

    1. Hi Asami
      Yes nude night is a lot of fun. I don't mind walking around the pool while the guys check us girls out a bit. We know they are watching, particularly the ones trying to act cool and not appear to be looking. LOL
      Yes I hear you will be in New Zealand next summer. Looking forward to seeing you again too.

  2. Hello Shandra.
    From where I live there would never be such a thing happening. Yes I know these day things are a lot more relaxed than before. Girls wear swimming suits to public pools, even bikinis, particularly the Chinese girls. I also hear that sometime Europeans go topless at some of the resorts on the East Coast. But nude bathing with both males and females together is a lot more. It could never happen in public here.

    I read you take part in this Shandra. I have come to know you are an Indian from my country Malaysia. How did you come to be so bold?

    How does it feel being like that in a public swimming pool. Do the men look at you naked and view your body parts. My impression is that they do and you seem to enjoy showing too. This is a bit sexy when I think about it. I would like to attend a 'Nudie Night' to observe but I believe I would firmly keep my swim-suit on.

    An very sexy story. I like it.

    1. Hi Raviprabha,
      Thanks for your comments.

      So you come from Malaysia. I came from KL and still got relations there too. No things are a bit different there among the Indians there. You would never see them skinny dipping would you. Ha Ha.

      I came to New Zealand when I was 12 so I sort of grew up in a more Western culture. We took to going to beaches first and then when Anne started going to Nudie Night, Susan and I started going too. It takes a bit of doing the first time but once you've gone nude in public it is easier from then on. Oh and being a bit of an exhibitionist helps too.

      Finally I hope you are reading the backgrounds to each story as it will tell about what we get up to in our real life too.

  3. Hi Shandra and the other girls.
    So this answers my question under Letter 28 'Hot Pools Bikinis.' The place is the Parakai Hot Pools and you go there for real too. An interesting idea. And it makes a good story too.

    1. Yes Richard,
      It was the Parakai Pools as we mentioned in the background for his letter. In fact this background will tell you how we came to start going to their 'Special Night' as they like to call it.
      Some times I think we should get a commission for he number of times we mention these pools.

  4. Hi Shandra and the writers Team
    This is finally reached the most sexy of these stories. It is interesting to read the progression from buying a bikini to going nude at a very busy public pools. Of the best will be the way those two Indian girls stripped beside the poolside like that. It was would sexy to see and even sexy to do. Yes this must be one of the best stories we have seen so far.
    From Tukiko
    and Sakura & Kenshin & Masanori. .

    1. Hi Tukiko
      When we wrote this story we thought about actually doing it ourselves. Of course like my background notes say we were a bit chicken to openly strip like those two girls did in the story but most of the rest is similar to what we did.
      Thanks for giving my story such a high rating. I'm not sure it is that good. I know the theme is a hot sexy idea though.
