Friday 6 February 2015

Story 132 - Ripper Stripper Party 3 (Part A.)

So it is Amita here again.
       After telling the events leading to this story, now I will be telling you of this story itself. It was for me one of the major highlights of our time in New Zealand so I was very keen to ask Shanti if I could write about it. She, of course, was going to do it and had started preparations in the form of some notes. She was willing for me, sent these notes to me and we were happy for me to continue with the story.
       Now before you begin reading, you might be wanting to refresh your memory and go back to read the other two Ripper Stripper Stories, See Story 23 and Story 36. It seems so long ago when those two stories were written. They happened well before I came to know what my friend Lizamoa was getting up to with these people from New Zealand. So much has changed since then. 

So now let’s get straight on with my story.
        I was so excited when they told us we were going to a party like this. I had enjoyed their reports on earlier ones, many times, even imagined I, myself being at one. The thought of being in a club with all those people and the expectations soon we would all be naked was sexy to think. I maybe need to admit it was one of my fantasies that I would like to fulfil. Now I realised it was really going to happen.
        In my last story, I mentioned watching Lizamoa and Katrina preparing for their special dance. I knew I would be doing one too so I selected what I was going to wear and practised how it could be removed in a sexy way. I was looking at myself in the mirror, wearing one of my smaller bra and pantie sets, the one I thought the most sexy when Sarvesh walked into the room and discovered me.
        “What is this?” he asked, a big smile appearing on his face.
       “I’m just trying these on.”
       “For the party tonight?”
       “I was thinking so…...”
       I turned to give him the full effect, watching myself in the mirror as I did.
       “Are they good enough?”
       “Good but not the best.”
       “What? These are my…. They are my most sexy pair.”
      He didn’t answer, just smiled as he took a small packet from his pocket.
      “They were your best, but not now.”
      I took the packet and opened it. There were the most tiny panties I’d ever seen. Just a G-string, nothing more. The bra was a bit more cover but I knew a lot of my breast would be on showing too. I held them against myself looking in the mirror. Wow! Were they small…. Going to be so sexy, wearing them.
        "Where did you get them?" I asked.
        "Ahhh some secrets need to be kept hidden."
        For a moment I wondered what he meant by that. Secrets need to be kept hidden!
        “Well?” he asked. “Are you going to try them on?”
        “Oh….. Ok.”
        He didn’t wait for me to say yes. Before I could do it, he had my bra undone. It fell away from me landing on the floor. I picked up the new bra and found it was fastened in the front between my breasts. Pulled it around me and I clipped it on. A couple of adjustments of the shoulder straps with his help, and we had it fitting well. It looked good, low-cut, with a lot of breast swelling out at the top. The bra was so low I had to carefully adjust it to make sure my nipples were hidden. I knew there was a danger they could pop out at an unexpected moment if I bent over or moved suddenly. So hot and so sexy!
        Then a slipped my panties off. The G-string was tiny. I stepped into it pulling it up. I discovered there were two clips in front which could come in handy when it came to stripping it off. I pulled it over my pussy as much as I could but there was still some hair showing.
        “We better get rid of that,” he smiled.
        He disappeared into the bathroom and returned with his shaving gear. Then he was kneeling in front of me pulling the G-string to one side and then the other as he trimmed and shaved the offending parts. Then I stood before the mirror, posing for us both. I had to admit I looked good in them, looked sexy in them. There was no doubt…. They were going to be the ones I wore tonight.
        He was right behind me his hands reaching up to my breasts. He was rubbing my nipples through the light, almost sheer fabric. They were soon standing out boldly pressing through the bra cups. With his hands working my breasts like that before long both nipples had appeared over the top of the bra. Now his hands went to my pussy. Both hands rubbing me there, both hands giving me a good work-over. I began to get horny and I knew my pussy was getting juicy too.
       “Hey watch out,” I said.
        “Doing that is getting me wet.”
        “So…. What’s the problem?”
        “You’ll make a mess and I can’t wear them.”
        “Oh!” was all he replied. “I can fix that.”
        Two hands went to the clips in front. They sprang apart at his touch and the G-string fell to the fall at my feet.
        “That better?”
        “Well….. Not what I intended….. But yes.”
        His hands had returned to my pussy now and I watched myself, watched him, what he was doing to me. Those fingers were digging into me now. It felt so good. I was just so horny now and I realised I wanted him but there wasn’t time now. I turned to him as his hands slipped around me to my bum. He pulled me to him and we kissed. Not just the light kiss I intended. This was a deep one, as our tongues explored each other, danced with each other.
        Finally, I broke the kiss and pushed him away.
       “We better watch the time. We need to get ready.”
       “There is plenty of time,” he said.
       “Plenty of time for what……?”
       “You know what, honey…..”
        “Ok then…… But we better be quick!”
        He was standing against the bed. One good shove from me, he lost his balance, falling back onto the bed. I leaned over him, had his belt undone, his zipper down and his trousers and pants off in one movement. He was hard and ready for me too.
       Soon I was on top of him, taking his cock with one hand and guiding it to my pussy. Then he was inside me. First just the head but as I lowered my body down he went in deeper. My hips began to move and he started thrusting up to meet me.
       It was good sex, didn’t go on that long though. We were both so ready for it. He cum deep inside me and at that moment I thought, I would be carrying his cum inside me at the party that night. He got me off too with a nice strong orgasm. Then it was over.
      I had a quick shower and when I came out he had his things laid out on the bed. That was unusual for him. I mostly did that for him. He had his shower while I did more preparations before starting to get dressed.
       I had the sexy undies back on when he returned. He grabbed at me again but I ducked away.
       “Behave yourself Sarvesh. We have to get ready.”
       He smiled at that as I reached for the skirt of my sari. Next came my blouse and to my surprise, he pushed my hands away and fastened the many buttons that went down between my breasts himself. Now came the sari itself. Sarvesh held it while I slowly turned so it wrapped around me. It’s much easier with someone to help you.
            “What is Katrina up to?” Sarvesh asked me while he was helping me.
            “Why?” I asked.
            “Why…. did she suddenly change her mind?”
            “I’m not sure….”
             “You saw that little smile she gave as if she knew something we didn’t.”
            “Yes, I did see that,” I replied.
            “Well do you think she might be going to do the dance with Liz?”
            “I thought of that too but I’m not sure she would,” I replied.
            “Don’t you underestimate Katrina. She has surprised us a few times already on this trip. She might just do it again.”
            “Yes Sarvesh, you might be right there. You never know with the new Katrina, we have seen recently.”
            We agreed not to mention it to her. If she was dancing with Liz it appeared that she might be keeping it to herself, maybe to surprise us too.
       By then he was helping me with the last adjustments to my sari and we were on our way downstairs to where the van was parked outside. They were all there already. Katrina was there too, wearing a sari like I did. She was smiling and happy. She seemed to be having no problem with what we were all about to be doing.     

         We arrived at the club just before six and there were already many people there. We had decided to take our evening dinner there before the party started at 7:30. After the meal, we sat at our tables and had a drink while we waited for the rest of the audience to arrive.
        The manager of the club came over to our table, said hello to all of us and asked how we were enjoying New Zealand. Then he asked Lizamoa to go with him. To my surprise, Lizamoa asked Katrina to go too. At that moment Sarvesh looked over at me and gave me a wink. I did notice that when Lizamoa left our table she took a small package with her as well but when they returned they did not have the package with them so I was wondering what was going on.
        Well they were gone for a while, and I saw them returning, Lizamoa and Katrina just before the party began. I could see they were both laughing as they came towards our table. I thought to myself, ‘What is so funny with you two,’ but I kept this to myself because I was now fairly sure they would be performing their dance together in some way. 
       I will not go into too many details for some of the early parts of the party because the format was very similar what they had done before. So first off to get things going there was the usual professional strippers. There were two male and two female and they all did single strips completely to the nude for us.
      I had never been to a stripping club before and so I was interested in seeing their acts and how they would be performed. And yes, they were good and also a bit exciting as I found myself getting turned on by both the boy and girl acts. I enjoyed the way each actor played with the audience and teased us. That was fun and added to their act but also maybe a bit frustrating as I waited to see more of their naked bodies. Sarvesh later said that this was what it is about, striptease meaning to tease of the audience while stripping. That had never occurred to me before how they joined the two parts together to make one word.  

            Then we came to our first contest, the sexy undies contest which is mainly for the women. Three of us, Shanti, Jenny and I got up for that one and Shanti did manage to come second. I felt a bit nervous because the new underwear I was wearing was very tiny but I made my mind that we had come here for fun so we should have fun. Anyway, I felt I looked hot in my new undies and so welcomed the chance to show them off.
           We went into a side room to remove our outer clothes and then we were invited to step out onto the stage. I walked out with the others who were competing, including my two friends, and we walked out and were lined up on the stage where everyone was looking at us. We each had to parade across the stage to reveal our bodies in our sexy underwear, then turned and returned to our place in the line. When we came to the judging some of the girls were now bare breasted so we decided to go like that too. I had no problem with this either as we had done so the resort. Soon my bra was off so the room could see my naked breasts. I was left standing there in just that tiniest of G-strings.  I know I had already competed in that show at the resort but I feel this here was a lot more sexy.
       After the contest, we replaced all of our clothings and returned to our tables. Some of the girls remained in various stages of undress but we decided it was better if we got fully dressed again. We did this so we could take part in the full step by step undressing which to me has always been a major attraction of these parties.
       After this, we came to the first step of our stripping and so all we girls now had our bras on display. This step by step undressing of the entire audience has been one point which has always made me interested in these special parties and now I was actually getting to experience it. 

            By about this time there was one interesting event which occurred with two of the drink waiters. By now all the waiters and waitresses were down to just tiny G-string bikinis and then our waitress arrived at our table.
            “You look very sexy in that,” Steve told her.
            “Thanks,” she smiled back at him.
            “Is it comfortable to wear?” Sharon asked.
            “Yes, very,” she replied. “The material is very soft.” Then stepping close between Sharon and Steve she added, “Here feel it if you want.”
            To our surprise, it was Steve who put up his hand to feel her. Since her sexy little G-string only barely covered her pussy, of course when he touched it, Steve was directly touching her pussy underneath. He gave her a good feel up too and she just stood there and continued taking our drink orders while he did.
            Then he turned to Sharon and said, “Here, have a feel of this material it is so soft.”
            “No,” replied his wife. “If I get to do any feeling I’d like to do it with that dishy waiter over there.”
            Then to her surprise, the waitress answered, “I’ll ask him to come over if you like.”
            With that, she turned and left our table to go and get our drinks.
           “Will he really come over here?” Amita asked.
           “I don’t know,” Sharon said. “We’ll have to wait and see.”
           A little bit later I saw the waitress talking to the waiter and pointing to our table. He looked over in our direction and smiled, then taking her tray of drinks he headed in our table.
            “Which of you girls asked to feel my G-string?” he asked.
            Without any hesitation, Sharon replied, “I did.”
            He stepped up closer to her as she reached up to touch him. But there was not much feeling of the material as feeling what was under the material and before long it was obvious she was getting a reaction from him too. I could see his erection begin to grow and soon it looked uncomfortable inside that little G-string. Then it burst out and his head was clearly viewed above the top. Well, that was all the encouragement Sharon needed as she soon had his G-string pulled down with him all on show.
            But he wasn’t just standing there letting her either. He had reached down to her, pulling her bra cup aside to release one of her breasts too. As we watched, she was playing with his rock hard cock while he played with her breast and erect nipple.
            Then suddenly he stopped saying, “Enough of this fun. I need to get back to my work.”
            “Pity.” Said Sharon. “We could have done some good work together.”
            “I know honey,” the waiter replied. “Maybe another time.”
            When he was gone Steve said, “Sharon, behave yourself.”
            “Why?” she replied. “Didn’t we come here to have fun?”
            “Well, yes……”
            “I’m having fun, honey. Anyway, you are the one who started it.”           

            Then the next section we came to was the stripping contests. First, there was the singles contest and then the couple’s one. I decided to have a go at this one too and some others from our group did too. Peter and Jenny came second in the couples contest but I noticed that neither Lizamoa nor Katrina had entered anything. I also noticed that Shanti and Mike were sitting back as well and did not enter the couple’s one either which I thought was unusual since they always did very well in that contest. I had been looking forward to watching them perform.
       I used my full sari for my performance. Jenny had advised us to time our act so we don’t get naked too soon. Peter had agreed to be the timekeeper for us and we arranged a signal when to remove the next part of clothing. This worked very well for me because up on the stage you have no idea of timing. In the morning I had practised at home so when I got up on stage I was feeling confident I would do it fairly well.
       As I was saying above I started with my sari and we had worked out an interesting way of removing. Soon my sari blouse followed showing by bra which had already been on show. The skirt slipped down to reveal my panties were matching to my bra and then finally came the best part when my bra, then my panties came off. I was nude before that large audience showing all my body parts. It was a sexy feeling and I enjoyed that part mostly, even if I didn’t win the contest. 

            Then an interesting thing happened for the last act in the couples strip contest. Mootie and Hansini were going to go first and then we were to be last because Sarvesh wanted to have a try with me. Another chance to get naked and bare my body. I was happy about that.
           When suddenly Hansini said, “Let’s all go out together?”
            “You mean all four of us?” I asked.
            “Yes! Yes,” she said. “Let’s do a four-way strip?”
            So that was what we did. We all four of us went on stage together.
            When the announcer saw us he said, “Hey! Wait a minute this is a couple's strip contest.”
            “Yes,” replied Sarvesh quickly. “We are a couple. A couple of couples.”
            This brought some laughter and clapping from the audience so the announcer said, “Ok then. Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for our next contestants, a couple of couples.”
            And yes we did perform a strip act like that but when it was time for an article to be removed off us girls it could be either Mootie or Sarvesh who took it off. In our case when we took an item off the boys we changed around a bit too. As the boys took our clothes off they didn't miss the chance for a bit of feeling too. I must be naughty and confess Hansini and I did our share of feeling up the boys too.
            Soon they had us naked and the boys were too. We finished our dance until the music stopped, naked like that. It was very sexy to be like that, in that room, upon the stage totally naked, in front of so many people.
            When we returned to our table none of the four of us bothered to replace our clothing this time, instead just returning to our table the way we had finished our act. We were already nude and since we could only have replaced part of our clothing so we decided to just remain that way for the remainder of the evening. 

            Soon after we arrived back at our seats Lizamoa and Katrina got up and left our table again. By now I was sure they were going to do some sort of special act but since they had missed out on the stripping contests so I was unsure when their dance would be. They had left most of their clothes behind so I was also wondering what they would be using for costumes too.
            Then the club manager made an announcement that there were going to be two very special acts that evening.
            “Those of you who have been to these events before will all remember the beautiful Lizamoa who has won our singles strip contest a number of times. She has not entered the contests, instead, she has offered to do a special show for us.”
            I looked around the room and noted nods of approval and smiles from many of the audience and so I realised that many of them knew her and were happy with this.
            Then the manager continued. “But this time Lizamoa will not be dancing alone. She had brought a friend with her.”
            So now we knew what the big secret was all about. They were going to dance together like Sarvesh and I had guessed.
            “So ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together and give a warm welcome to Lizamoa and all the way from India, her friend Katrina.” 

       To be continued next week.


  1. I love these parties. I helped write the earlier ones in Letter 23 and Letter 36. You how we did it in Brian's Page above in the page bar.
    Now we are into another one. Great to see you doing it again.
    Looking forward to seeing the next two weeks published.

    1. Wow this is a surprise. Do they really have parties like this in New Zealand? I like how everyone is going to get naked and not just those who enter contests. Not sure if I'd be daring enough but the idea is sexually exciting.
