Friday 24 July 2015

Story 152 Donalds Sexy Adventure.

Hi, Sarvesh here.
        Paula was not the only one having fun when we were in India. Let me tell you what happened to Donald as well. Amita has almost completed her story about Paula and she has asked me to continue from where we walked into the bedroom. She has already covered the first part of their visit to India so I won’t bother going over that again.
        Well, it was the 'Nude Day' which I am holding from time to time. We got into an interesting game of chess using the outdoor chess set. I know Donald wanted to win since we had been beaten him at the resort so he challenged me to a game. Maybe thinking without Hansini there he could beat me. Ha! Ha! 
        The game was going well and for most of it, we were fairly even until near the end I made the smallest of mistakes which gave him the chance to beat me.
       While we were playing I noticed what was happening on the other side of the pool. First, my wife Amita was putting suntan lotion on Paula’s back and then I noticed she was doing Paula’s front, giving her breasts a really good going over by the look of it too. The thought came to me to go over and 'help' but no, I stayed at the chess board, just keeping an eye on them. Maybe it was that distraction that caused me to lose the game.
       When they got up, the three of them, Hansini as well, and they headed towards the guest house. Amita looked over and saw me looking so I blew her a kiss.

Story 152 Background

                                                                               Posted by Rajah & Shandra.
         We started this adventure last week when the girls got together with Paula for a pussy party. Suddenly the boys walk in on them. Now in this story, we see what the men do with them or should I say; what the girls do to those two men.
        Like the first part, this part is mostly just sex. My goal here was mainly to introduce Donald and Paula to being with other sex partners. They also got to experience having sex with Indians too. My story mentions they have never done anything like this before but they both seem to have taken to it OK.

        These four stories, those two about Katrina and David and these two about Paula and Donald should be considered as a group as they all took place on the same day. It was first written with these two adventures happening at different times until Susan suggested they should be combined. When her idea proved to make a very big story we divided it into four parts. We went for the idea of including all four stories into one day at a Nude Day up at Sarvesh’s big house. It didn’t take much rewriting to get this working.

Friday 17 July 2015

Story 151 Paula’s Sexy Adventure.

Hi, Amita here.
          Hansini and I first noticed Paula, Donald’s wife, at the resort in Australia on the Great Barrier Reef when we were playing the game of Strip Chess. (See Story 95 Grand Strip Chess) We got to know her a bit better when her group joined ours for the Nude Cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef. (See Story 97 Nude Cruise.) While we were on the boat she came over and talked with us. We both liked her and thought she was a nice lady.
         When Donald first came to visit us in India of course his wife came too. They also brought David with them which I know Katrina was very happy about.
         At that time Sarvesh was very busy so I represented him by going to the airport to pick them up. Of course, Katrina wanted to come with me. It is always a long day by the time we drive all the way to Kadapa and then the return journey. As usual, we took one of the vans because we never like taking the limos into the busy city streets where they are often damaged and scratched by people on purpose.
         When Katrina first saw David she ran forward to meet him, springing at him with a great big hug. This caught us all by surprise, including David. I looked over and saw the van driver watching too and I thought there would be more damage control needed among the staff after this. Strangely enough, I have never heard a word from the staff so obviously this man has kept what he saw to himself. Maybe he knew how much trouble it had caused last time.

Story 151 Background

                                                                               Posted by Shandra & Rajah.
        Donald and Paula first appeared in the Resort stories of Volume 8. They played strip chess in (Story 95 Grand StripChess) where Donald lost to Hansini then they join our group on a nude cruise in (Story 97 Nude Cruise.) Donald then becomes a business partner with Sarvesh but they seemed to have dropped out of the Letter Series for a long time. Now they are back as they come to India on a business/pleasure trip.

          In Anne’s story about Katrina and David, it is mentioned that something was also happening with Donald and Paula. Now we get to find out what was going on. In what is actually a two-part story we see how the girls take Paula off for her first experience of girl/girl sex. She is shown what to do and I believe she makes a fairly good job of it too.
         The story ends with the boys, Donald and Sarvesh walking in on them. I like the way the boys say, "three naughty pussies....... I think they need so cock." Also, notice Hansini's remark at the end. "Ok, I can have seconds." LOL
         We’ll see what happens then, in Part Two next week.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Story 150 David’s Visit to India.

            Hi, its Katrina now. From here I am going to take over from where Amita’s story ended in (Story 143 Katrina Leaves the Big House).
           Well, I had only been working in my new job for about five months when Donald, Paula and David arrived in India. It had been a busy time for me, learning the tasks required of me, even taking a business trip to New Zealand. (Read Story 144) Now this visit by David with Donald and Paula is going to take these next four stories.
           So the waiting was over, David was on his way here. I was talking online with him and he telling they were about to leave for the airport. During the rest of that day and even the night, I could not help from thinking where he was on his journey.
           Next day, one of Sarvesh’s drivers was sent to pick them up in a van and Sarvesh asked if I could go along with him. Amita came with us too.
            We parked the van, then Amita and I went in to meet them. The driver came too to help with the luggage. We met them at the gate as this airport was a smaller local domestic airport, not like the larger international one they had passed through in Hyderabad. When they came through, first I saw Donald, followed by his wife Paula.
            To my shock, David didn’t follow them. For a moment I was in horror! I thought he had not come but then he stepped out from behind the door with a big smile on his face. I realised that he had been tricking to me.
            In my relief, I ran forward springing myself at him, almost throwing him off his feet. He dropped his handbags as I contacted him, his arms wrapped around and holding me tightly to him as my head reached up and our lips met. I felt his body against mine, my breasts pressing to his chest as we kissed again. Somehow we had twisted around because when I pulled my head away, I looked over his shoulder and noticed Sarvesh’s driver who was standing watching us, waiting to help with the luggage.
        “Opps!” I thought. “Had I just done it again?” 

Story 150 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Anne.
        So finally David and Katrina get to meet again. Sure, we have seen how they are writing to each other and talking online every few days, but they needed to meet. So David comes to India, with Donald and Paula on a business trip.
        Did I say ‘business’ trip? Yeah, sure! Some business might have got done but we all know David and Katrina weren’t just doing business together.

        Now to cut through the rest of the story, the highlight of this story is where Katrina teaches David how to eat pussy. It’s done using a conversation but since David has his mouth full of pussy, Katina is the only one talking. She guides him and I hope you can see how she is building towards her hot orgasm as she talks. I don’t think we have ever done anything like this before in the Letters Stories, so I hope you all enjoy a different approach to some hot sexy writing.

Friday 3 July 2015

Story 149 My Big foursome.

         One day I was sitting with Brian watching the TV. The children were within their beds and we were alone. Just about time for our beds I was thinking when Brian began talking.
        “Mega, you know I am going away to Perth next week for a few days next week. They are interested in the flowers we are growing. I am going to meet Donald.”
        I agreed that I knew all about it since he had told me a few times. At first, I thought I would like to go then I knew he was going on business. And of course, we had two kids now too.
        “That’s fine Brian. I will look after the children.”
        “I don’t want you to be lonely so I’ve invited Mike, Peter and Steve to come over.”
        “That will be nice having those couples here. I will cook a special meal for them,” I said.
        “No, it is not the couples coming Mega. Just the men!”
       “Why just the men, Brian?” I asked.
       “Mega have you ever had a threesome? Been with two guys at the same time?”
        I nodded yes, of course, he knew I had done that.
       “Well, now you're going to enjoy three men pleasing you – a foursome.”
       “What? Are they coming for me?”
       “Yes, Mega. I thought you might like some fun while I’m away.”
       “Yes, Brian. But it is Ok. I’ll be fine here with the children.”
       “Well, I’m staying with Donald and Paula. So there could be some extra entertainment for me while I am there. I just thought you might like some sexy fun too.”
       “I just had not thought about it.”
       “It’s OK Mega. I can cancel it if you want.”
      “No don’t cancel Brian. Let them come if they want. I will be happy to try.”
      “Well, I hope they do more than come over. I hope all three of them, and you too, cum…… cum many times.”
      “Brian!” I said giving him a punch on the arm.
      “Well, I mean it Mega. I want you to have a good time with them.”
      “Thank you, Brian. I know I will have a good time.”
       By then I was warming to the idea of having three European men at the same time. I am interested in these men, seeing their naked bodies, so different to Indian ones. I was also interesting in seeing what they would do with me.

Story 149 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Shandra.
       This is the second half of an old story, written a long time ago. The storyline was Mega’s first adventures when she moved to New Zealand to live with Peter. But then the younger writers pushed us to keep Jenny and Brian in the stories. An intensive period of re-writing and re-building began and my story was involved in this too when it was cut into two pieces.
        It survived but was changed in the process with both Mega and Brian now in New Zealand. The original story had been about Mega with 2 guys while Peter was away but now she gets to be with all three of the European guys while Brian is away. Again it’s sexy but not as good as many of our stories. I’ll leave you to judge. 

         Now we have often talked about the different writing styles we have and how during the uploading/publishing process these styles get blended together. These three stories supposedly written by Mega is a good example where this didn’t happen. Look at my two stories; Story 147 Joseph – A Very Big Man and the story here Story 149  My Big Foursome. Now compare it with Kim’s Story 148  Work-Out and I think you will see what I mean. Very different styles! I know it a bit strange how Mega suddenly changes her writing style like that but it can’t be helped unless we do some extensive re-writing.