Friday 3 July 2015

Story 149 My Big foursome.

         One day I was sitting with Brian watching the TV. The children were within their beds and we were alone. Just about time for our beds I was thinking when Brian began talking.
        “Mega, you know I am going away to Perth next week for a few days next week. They are interested in the flowers we are growing. I am going to meet Donald.”
        I agreed that I knew all about it since he had told me a few times. At first, I thought I would like to go then I knew he was going on business. And of course, we had two kids now too.
        “That’s fine Brian. I will look after the children.”
        “I don’t want you to be lonely so I’ve invited Mike, Peter and Steve to come over.”
        “That will be nice having those couples here. I will cook a special meal for them,” I said.
        “No, it is not the couples coming Mega. Just the men!”
       “Why just the men, Brian?” I asked.
       “Mega have you ever had a threesome? Been with two guys at the same time?”
        I nodded yes, of course, he knew I had done that.
       “Well, now you're going to enjoy three men pleasing you – a foursome.”
       “What? Are they coming for me?”
       “Yes, Mega. I thought you might like some fun while I’m away.”
       “Yes, Brian. But it is Ok. I’ll be fine here with the children.”
       “Well, I’m staying with Donald and Paula. So there could be some extra entertainment for me while I am there. I just thought you might like some sexy fun too.”
       “I just had not thought about it.”
       “It’s OK Mega. I can cancel it if you want.”
      “No don’t cancel Brian. Let them come if they want. I will be happy to try.”
      “Well, I hope they do more than come over. I hope all three of them, and you too, cum…… cum many times.”
      “Brian!” I said giving him a punch on the arm.
      “Well, I mean it Mega. I want you to have a good time with them.”
      “Thank you, Brian. I know I will have a good time.”
       By then I was warming to the idea of having three European men at the same time. I am interested in these men, seeing their naked bodies, so different to Indian ones. I was also interesting in seeing what they would do with me.

       On the day Mike, Peter and Steve were due to visit me I worked hard preparing them a special delicious meal for them to enjoy first. It was good having some adults there too because I was feeling a bit lonely without Brian there. Sure I know I have the kids there with me and that was good company, also keeping me busy but it was not the same as having adult companionship.
       After the meal I was telling the girls it was time for bed. But of course, having their “uncles” visiting and playing with them, they didn’t want any part of going to bed. They were being difficult for me and I came to realise we had a problem on our hands.
        Then 'Uncle Mike' came to the rescue. “You go to bed like good girls and I will tell you the story about your auntie who shot a crocodile.”
       Of course at first that started them asking questions. “Who was it? When did it happen?  Were you there Uncle Mike?”
       “No! No questions,” said Mike putting up his hands. “Not another word said..... until two girls are tucked in bed.”
       “Do you know where their things are?” I asked Mike.
        But the older one, Radhika answered before he could reply. “We will show him, Mega.”
        She has started this annoying thing of calling me, Mega. I keep telling her to call me Mummy but its always ‘Mega”.
       “OK,” I said. “You two be good for Uncle Mike.”
       “Yes we will,” they both said together, laughing as they ran towards the stairs.
       As Steve, Peter and I started cleaning up I heard them going up the stairs trying again to get more of the story out of him. So I heard water running and I knew they were having their bath. Later I heard laughing coming from the bedroom.
       Downstairs, Steve took me by the shoulders and pulled me away from the sink. “Enough work for you Mega,” he said. “You sit and relax while we clean up.”
       That was very nice of him. I protested that he was a guest in my house but they both insisted, physically pushing me out when I tried to enter my kitchen until in the end I sat on the other side and watched them while talking to them. 

        By now we had finished the dishes and I was interested in hearing the story too. Sure I know, I have read it in the Letters Book, but I thought Mike might make it more exciting.
      “Let’s go up and listen then,” suggested Steve. “We can stand outside.”
     Steve followed me while Peter stayed in the lounge. Hiding outside the bedroom we were listening to the story. Of course like I expected Mike added a lot to it. That stalking through the jungle was new and sounded very dangerous to me. But I could hear by the girl's comments, they were loving every word of it.
       Then came the big moment where Shanti raised the gun and shot the crocodile. I heard both girls gasp with excitement when he cried out “Bang!” Making the sound of the gun. Then when he would not tell them if she hit it or not, they were pleaded with him to finish the story. 
       Finally, he completed the story for them.

       The story was over and Steve went back downstairs and I went in to kiss the girls goodnight.
       Mike was sitting on the bed with a girl cuddled up each side of him like Brian does with them.
      “Mummy! Mummy!”  Radhika cried out as she saw me. “Uncle Mike told us a…….. a story about a crocodile,”
      “Did he?” I replied a bit surprised she had called me ‘Mummy.’
      I was thinking that was the last thing my girls needed was a scary crocodile story to put them to sleep. But they seemed Ok with it, not in the least scared. I heard some of this story about Shanti and the crocodile again as I tucked them in and gave them a good night kiss. 

       The boys were waiting for me back downstairs.
       But I was ready for these joking men with a joke from me. “Now its time for the chocolate dessert,” I told them.
       They looked at me and one asked, “Chocolate dessert?”
        Trying to keep a straight face, “Yes,” I said.
       They didn’t reply so I knew they were missing my joke.
       “Chocolate! Me!”
      Suddenly they got it and we all laughed. I don’t think they were expecting I’d make a joke such as that about my Indian colour. But when they realised they thought it was funny.
      “Now we get to the fun part for Mega,” Steve said.
      “And the fun for you three to I hope,” I added with a laugh.
      “Yes,” he agreed. “For you......And for us three.”
      I was unsure how we were going to do this since I had never had more than two men at a time before. I was interested in how we were going to do this.
     “Just leave this to us,” Mike said. “We were planning it on the way over.”
      “Do you want to shower first?” Steve asked me.
      “Yes, I think so,” I replied.
      “Ok,” Mike said. “You take her upstairs Steve. We will have some things to prepare down here.” 
       As I left to go upstairs with Steve, I was wondering what preparations the other two were making but I decided not to think of it but just enjoy having three men for my pleasure.
      In the bathroom, Steve began undressing me as I was doing for him. It was making me a bit sexy doing that with him. He was bold with the touching and soon I was too. He is a strong man with the big muscles which I like touching and running my hands over. I had been with him for that sexy time at the gym but still, I was more than ready for him again.
       Then the water set and he was joining me within the shower. We had the soaping all over every part on each of us and we then were washing off too. I was almost finished when I notice through the clear glass door that Mike was in the bathroom. I could see him undressing outside and I realised he was going to come in but I wondered how three of us were going to fit in the shower cubicle. But as he opened the door, Steve stepped out and Mike replaced him with me.
       Now I know I had just been completely washed but Mike did it all again and I did for him too. Steve had disappeared but I had noticed he had not got back into his clothes again. They were still on the floor where we had left them.
        Suddenly Peter appeared in the bathroom and then he opened the shower door to swap places with Mike. Now I washed him and for the third time got the full body treatment on my body in return. 
        With all that shower fun, so much touching and playing with my sexy body parts, I was very turned-on and horny now. I know there was some good sex soon coming my way and I was very ready for it to begin.

       After the shower, we dried each other off. I wrapped a towel around but Peter just remained naked and we just left our clothes in the shower room and bedroom. When I got downstairs and we were in the lounge room I was surprised to discover there was a hot fire going and the sheepskin was pulled up to be replaced with a bed made of towels. I suddenly realised they were planning to do some massaging. And I was happy with this too.
        Just then Steve arrived from the kitchen holding a small bottle with oil. He must have been heating the oil while Peter and I finished upstairs.
         “This is the next part of your special night, Mega. We are going to give you a nice relaxing massage.”
        “Ok,” I agreed. I was happy with that too. "but not too relaxing."
         "No, of course not," Peter agreed. "We don't want you falling asleep on us."
         As I lay down, face down, on the towels I heard some soft music start playing and it was then that I noticed the sweet smelling candles. Mike now had switched off the light so the room was lit with the soft glow of the fire and candles. It was a very nice atmosphere and I was happy with it. These men were going to a lot of trouble for me. I was now even more happy I had made the big effort with the meal before too.
         Now as I lay there, three pairs of hands began applying the warm oil to my body. It was nice and I was beginning to feel dreamy. I shut my eyes to listen to the music and feeling the pleasure of what these guys were doing with my body. It was nice and they were doing every part with so much care not to miss even the smallest part. I even felt a hand running down between my bum cheeks, finding the little hole there before continuing down between my legs to briefly rub my wet pussy.
         The thought came into my mind that soon they will be saying ‘turn over’ and the other side of me will be getting the same treatment. There would be the same careful massaging being done, to my breasts and even onto my pussy now. This thought was the exciting one for me and it sent a shudder of excitement through my entire body.
         The men must have noticed and felt it because Steve said, “Hey, hold on Mega. We haven’t even started yet.”
        I heard them give a laugh but I wasn’t caring at their jokes. I was just enjoying the feelings of these three men as they continued their working on to my naked body.     

       Then he said it. Mike gave me the command, “Turn over Mega.”
        I rolled over on to my back a lay there waiting for them to start. I was going to enjoy this part too as they began to rub the oil on again. This time to the front of my body. It was very good with very nice feelings for me enjoying them.
        As they each did on to my breasts it was even better with my nipples being given the very good treatment until they were hard and excited. But I was excited too with all this that was going on. It was sexy what they were doing to me and I was being sexy too.
       Meanwhile, one man was down to my legs and I felt his gently moving my legs, moving them open. He was opening my legs a bit wider and I was knowing exposing my pussy to him too. This was another exciting thought for me to be enjoying and knowing soon my pussy would be getting the fun too. I was so excited I was not wanting to wait.
         But this was not what they were doing. Another man had joined him and each one started with a foot. Doing all over and even between my toes which tickled a bit too. Now they were starting on my legs. First the lower and them up to my high legs each keeping in time with the other. I could feel them doing my thighs each would run his hand up the inside and almost touching my pussy.
         Once a hand did this and I could feel it almost touched me and my body gave a hump at him so his hand actually touched my pussy.
        “Slow down Mega,” Mike laughed.
         His voice came from up near my head so I knew it was him sitting with a knee each side of my head, reaching over my face, his hands working on my breasts and most of my front.
       “She is so hot now,” Steve added.
       “Look at her pussy,” Peter laughed.
       “Yeah mate! Look how wet she is,” Steve agreed.
       "Looks like she's good to go now."
       "Yes, Mike. Very ready."
       I could not believe what I was hearing. These three men were looking at me. Discussing about me and noticed how wet my pussy was, noticed how horny I was. This had an effect of making me even more and more excited for them. I was now wanting them to do more with me.
      Now a hand had come on to my pussy. He was rubbing me and also up and down my wet lips too. They opened willingly for his fingers and now I felt his fingers into me. His fingers were thrusting into me, pressing in deeply. I was feeling good and feeling sexy for me. He was continuing to do to me and I was wondering what the other men were doing.
       I felt a wet touching my nipple on to my breast. That must have been Mike. Then there was the other man. Which one I was not knowing because I was not wanting to open my eyes. He was licking my other nipple and sucking my nipple. Then over to the other one doing the same was happening for that one too.
         But down lower I discovered a mouth and a tongue was finding my pussy too. It was with long slow licks up the whole length of my pussy to press to my clitty then back down to do again. This was very sexy for me and soon I was humping back to him. He knew I was wanting more and he pressed deeper with his tongue going into me. It was so nice to be feeling.
        Suddenly the feelings were becoming too strong. And my body tightened when the orgasm came on to me. It was the strong one and bursting from my pussy to go right through me. My body was jumping around and I think I was crying out in the intense pleasure of it.
       I got over the peak and was laying there gasping for the breath.
      “Was that good Mega?” Mike asked laughing.
      “You know it was Mike,” Steve said. “She went off like a box of fireworks.”
       “They all laughed at this but I didn’t mind it. Let them laugh because I was happy with the big orgasm I had just been given.      

       But they were not finished yet. I felt the hand back to my pussy. I then felt someone was getting their body between my legs and on to me. I didn’t open my eyes but I knew this was it. This was when one of them was going to fuck me. I was ready for this and wanting it too.
        The hand was guiding the head of a cock to my pussy. I felt it line up with me. It pressed against my pussy lips which resisted for only a second before opening to allow inside me. He first pressed the head to me but then deeper as more and more of him was inside me. It was the nice feeling. Even better when he began moving, pressing into me deep and pulling out again, then into my pussy again. My pussy felt full, was enjoying this feelings and I was too.
        But then the other men were beside me again. I felt a tongue on my neck and moving up to my ear. I opened my eyes to discover it was Mike. I turned and saw Peter was on the other side now. Then I knew it was Steve with the cock into me too. Mike and I were then kissing with the lips and then with the tongue. Peter was going back to nibbling my neck and ear before returning to kiss me too. They were taking turns. They both had their hands playing with my breasts and nipples too.
         But then I discovered what was happening to me was getting me excited again too. I realised that there was another big orgasm coming to me again. I was thinking what this would be like and I was thinking if Steve would be too. Then I feel him gasping and he was not pumping into my pussy so good. I was knowing what happened and I was knowing now my pussy was being filled with his cum. I was so close too that a few hard humps against his hard cock and my next cum had arrived too.
        He rolled off me and we relaxed for a minute or so while we got our breath again. 

        Then they changed positions again. Now Steve was beside me while Mike was pressing his hard cock against my wet pussy. Then he was in me. It was different sex to Steve. Steve had been slow with hard powerful strokes but with Mike, he was faster and shorter stroking too. This was a bit of a surprise for me that the two men would be so different. For a moment I wondered how Peter would be.
       But I didn’t have too long to think of such things before the feelings began building in my body again. It was a surprise how fast I was excited again and also a surprise when my cum was building so quickly too. I knew Mike was not there but I couldn’t wait for him. It was over the top with my cum and bucking around under him but he kept pumping into me.
        My cum had only just finished when I realised there was another one on to me. I was getting more and more excited again. Now it had arrived and I gasped at the pleasure of it. The feeling burst into my body making me bucking under him again. I am surprised he managed to stay on and complete his work too. As I was just as I began to relax again I came to know Mike was with the orgasm too.      

       Mike rolled off me and I think he could relax but for me, a third man had moved between my open thighs. Soon I felt a third cock enter my soaking wet pussy. While the other men played with me. Kissing me and sucking my breasts, Peter gave me a good hard fucking in my pussy.
        I think of the three he was more rough. I think that was how he intended, to also be different from the other two.
        Again the sex was soon good and quickly my body was responding to him. At first, I had better control with my pelvis coming up to meet every stroke but then the strong feelings began to overrun me again. I felt my body was building for yet another climax. So many orgasms I thought. For a moment I couldn’t believe it but it was happening again.
        Peter was by now getting close now too. He breath was power gasps as he continued his work. Just as he was reaching his peak I went over too. My cum was good but not as strong as before. I recovered quickly and was ready for him when he did too.
        I could feel his cock pumping, even more, cum into me but I was able to take over some of the movement, humping up at him to make it better and last longer for him. 

        It was good sex. And very intense for me too. We sat beside the fire and talked for a while. It was good and Steve opened a bottle of one of Brian’s best wines too. They laughed at this making the joke about taking his best wine and fucking his wife too. But I told that Brian was intending to enjoy himself on his trip too.
        “I bet he is,” Mike laughed.  “Paula and Donald will look after him.”
        We laughed at that then Steve said, “And we still need to do more looking after Mega too.” 
        “What Steve? Is there more?”
       “Yes, Mega. We are not finished with you yet.”
       I felt a sudden feeling down between my legs and I realised my pussy was ready for more too.
       The next session took place in the bedroom where all three guys took turns to take me again, each giving me a hot orgasm and having one again for them too. It was good sex but not as intense and exciting as downstairs had been.
       By the time we were finished I was very relaxed and ready to go into a deep sleep. I slipped in under the covers but was a bit surprised when they didn’t follow me. Then I realised they were not staying the night. They sat on each side of the bed and I lay back as we talked a little bit but soon my sleep was coming to me and I could not keep my eyes open. 

       When I woke again they were gone. I quickly remembered what had happened the night before and was thinking how good it had been. I reached down to discover there was a mess in the bed where my pussy had been leaking from so much male cum in me. It wasn't a problem, I just needed to change the sheets. 
       Then with a start, I realised that there must be a mess left in the bathroom and the lounge. I also knew soon the girls would be up too. If I wasn't careful, they might start asking questions.
       I jumped out of bed and discovered the clothes I had worn the night before were neatly placed on the end of the bed. I ran into the bathroom to discover it was all neat and clean as it should be. Going downstairs I discovered the towels we left in the lounge were gone and the sheepskin was back in its usual place.  The kitchen was also clean and tidy, even the wine glasses we had used had been washed and put away. It was almost as if the night before had never happened. The thought even crossed my mind that maybe it had been a dream. But then I discovered the towels in the drier where they had been washed and dried. I knew that the night before had been real.
        Very real and very sexy. I was surprised that my body could take so much sex, have so many orgasms.
       But I must be the honest one and admit that morning I suffered the results of a very hard fucking from the night before, feeling tired all day, with sore nipples and pussy too.

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