Friday 17 July 2015

Story 151 Paula’s Sexy Adventure.

Hi, Amita here.
          Hansini and I first noticed Paula, Donald’s wife, at the resort in Australia on the Great Barrier Reef when we were playing the game of Strip Chess. (See Story 95 Grand Strip Chess) We got to know her a bit better when her group joined ours for the Nude Cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef. (See Story 97 Nude Cruise.) While we were on the boat she came over and talked with us. We both liked her and thought she was a nice lady.
         When Donald first came to visit us in India of course his wife came too. They also brought David with them which I know Katrina was very happy about.
         At that time Sarvesh was very busy so I represented him by going to the airport to pick them up. Of course, Katrina wanted to come with me. It is always a long day by the time we drive all the way to Kadapa and then the return journey. As usual, we took one of the vans because we never like taking the limos into the busy city streets where they are often damaged and scratched by people on purpose.
         When Katrina first saw David she ran forward to meet him, springing at him with a great big hug. This caught us all by surprise, including David. I looked over and saw the van driver watching too and I thought there would be more damage control needed among the staff after this. Strangely enough, I have never heard a word from the staff so obviously this man has kept what he saw to himself. Maybe he knew how much trouble it had caused last time.

          (Later I spoke to Sarvesh about him. He mentioned that such loyalty should be rewarded. I do not know the details but recently Sarvesh had a long talk with him in the office. He has left the house and he has moved to work at the warehouse and been promoted to the role of dispatch manager. I do not know what this role involves but I am pleased to see Sarvesh do this thing for him.)  

Now as Shanti likes to say "Stop chasing rabbits, Amita and get back to my story."
         When we got back to our town, our guests were tired from travelling so we had a quick meal organized where David was staying at Hansini’s house, which was a surprise for Katrina as well, before we returned to our house. Donald and Paula weren’t long before they went off to their room as well.
        We did some sight-seeing for them the next few days, as well as Donald and David, had business at the warehouse to be attending. I took Paula for a walk through the centre of the town. I know some people were surprised to see me walking around with a European woman as I am fairly well known in the town. But I pretended not to notice as I took her into the wet market. I know most people from Western countries are surprised and a bit shocked at the wet market. Ha! Ha!
        The next day we had arranged with Mootie to give them a tour of the Game Reserve. Of course, we made sure to include Shanti’s Retreat too. I like going there. There are the memories of our naughty adventures in that place but also beautiful to see too. We listened to the story of how Shanti shot that crocodile again. While we did, I stood looking down at that beast with its fierce teeth open. Mootie, he has an edited version of that story in a frame on the wall for people to learn about the girl riding on the back of this massive crocodile. (See Letter 54 Crocodile Hunter)

        (Damn tourists! Why does she get all the credit? What did she do? There I was lying on my sandbank, enjoying a peaceful day when along comes this stupid woman and she shot me. Totally stuffed my day, that one did.)
                                                                                                 Signed - The Ghost of the Crocodile!

        (OK you guys! Who did this to my story?)

        Then while the men went into the office for some kind of business meeting I went back home with Paula. I enjoyed spending the afternoon with her and getting to know her better. She is a nice lady, I really like her. I gave her a tour through the rest house and I think she was impressed with it. But then that I shouldn’t be a surprise since when Sarvesh had it designed he was considering the impression it would have on guests.
          Paula especially liked the two lions at the top of the stairs. She said she would like one in her house in Perth. I talked to Sarvesh later and between him and Donald, they have managed to get one shipped over to him.
           Later the guys came home to change and get ready for the evening. We went over to the club where we had dinner and saw the cultural show which we like to show our overseas visitors. Of course, Hansini and Mootie came too and they brought Katrina and David with them so there were four couples to share our evening show followed by a nice dinner with.
         Over the meal, Paula asked me what our plans were for tomorrow.
        “We have a surprise for you tomorrow,” I told her. “All our staff were off for the weekend so we have the house to ourselves."
        "So tomorrow we are having a Nude Day.
        “That sounds interesting,” Paula said.
        “Yes, it will be,” Sarvesh replied.
       “So what happens on a Nude Day?” Paula asked.
      “Well we have some games, swimming in the pool, really anything people want to do, except everyone can be naked if they want.”
        “Well, count us in,” Donald said. “This sounds like fun.”
         “Yes,” said Paula. “I looking forward to this too.”
         I was pleased they were interested in this. I had been a bit worried what their reaction would be and I was prepared to quickly cancel, but obviously, they were fine with our plans. 

         On that next day, it was a beautiful day. The staff, of course, had left the night before and so Sarvesh and I cooked breakfast for all our guests. We like doing that and I enjoyed working alongside my husband like that too. I was thinking one day I would like to cook a full dinner with him like we used to do in that tiny apartment before we could afford servants. Jeevan and Mandara arrived before breakfast and joined us for the meal too. Mootie and Hansini had arrived the night before. Of course, they brought Katrina and David with them.
         During the day we did the usual things, playing games and things while it was cooler but as it got hotter we moved to the pool area where after swimming for a while we were relaxing under shade sipping on drinks. Soon David and Katrina got up and left us, going for a walk she said. I did wonder what else might happen besides walking! 
         I looked over at Hansini and she smiled.
        "Katrina was up early this morning. Preparing lunch for them," she told me.
        Now I was impressed with that girl. I also realised we wouldn't be seeing them for a while. Being naked, I knew they wouldn't go beyond the garden walls. I sort of knew she would take him down into her "Secret Garden." So I knew where she was if we wanted them.

         The men had gone over to the chess board on the other side. Us girls were sitting beside the pool when I noticed Paula was sitting in the sun. She was fairly tanned on her arms and legs but where her swimsuit usually was she was white. I know that these strange European’s will go bright pink if they get too much sun. Ha! Ha! So I felt concerned to mention it to her.
        “You will get burnt if you sit in the sun. It is getting very hot now,” I warned her.
        “Yes, I know. I’d better put some lotion on. Get in the shade like you both are.”
        Then suddenly I had a very wicked idea.
         “Can I put some lotion on your back for you?” I offered.
        “Yes, thank you, Amita,” Paula said. “That would be nice.”
        Little did she know how nice I was intending it to be.
        She came over and sat on the deck chair beside me. I did her back, taking my time to give her a good massage as well. I knew she was enjoying that, particularly when I was doing her neck and shoulders. Then I asked her if she wanted me to do her front as well.
        She looked at me for a minute, considering what I had just said, and then smiled. “Yes, Amita,” she replied as she lay back in her deck chair.
        I began doing her front taking care not to miss any part. Yes, you read that right - I did say, every part. When I came to her breasts when I put my oil soaked hands on them she gave a little start with surprise. I ran my hands over the soft whiteness with their pink nipples crowning their peaks giving them a lot more than they needed just to apply protection from the sun. European women are so different to us Indians. Their nipples seem so much smaller and they are pink against the white of their skin, not like our almost black nipples. Also, I like the way her body went from the brown, almost bronze of her suntanned arms to the pure white of her breasts.
        Then I heard her give a little moan. “Oh, that is nice,” she said. “You are good at this.”
        “It could be nicer you joined Hansini and me in the guest house,” I said.
        Her eyes suddenly opened. She looked at me, then across at Hansini. For a moment I thought she either didn’t understand what I meant or she was totally shocked by my proposal. I couldn’t be sure which. Suddenly I was worried that I might have offended her and caused problems for us.
        “You mean…..”
         “Yes, just us girls together,” I said.
         “And we will be…… You know….. Doing it together?”
        “Yes, that’s right. The three of us,” I replied.
        “I’m not sure. I have never tried it with a woman before.”
        “I’m sorry. Please don’t feel offended.”
        “I’m not offended.”
        “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
        “Oh, I want to. Like I said, I just have never done it before.”
        “Don’t worry. We’ll show you,” Hansini reassured her.
         “Do you want to come?” I asked her.
         “Yes, I think so……”
         “Paula this is a big step for you,” I said.
         “You must be sure you want to do this,” Hansini added.
         “Yes, Amita. Yes Hansini,: she said. “I am sure. I want to join you.” 

         As we got up I looked over and noticed Mandara was still asleep on a deck chair. The boys were over by the chess set on the other side of the pool. I had no idea where Katrina and David had disappeared too. Her secret garden I think. As we moved off Sarvesh looked across and I gave him a little wave. He secretly blew me a kiss, so he had an idea what we were going to get up too.

         Paula and Donald were staying in the big house and so they hadn’t seen the guest house. She was surprised at how large it was. Almost like an ordinary house, she told me. She had a quick look around and then she discovered the big bathroom complete with its own spa.
        We went into the bedroom and Hansini and I got up on to the bed. For a moment Paula stood looking at us and I began to think that she might be going to chicken out.
        “Come on Paula,” I encouraged her. “Come and lay between us.”
        “I’m not sure how to do this,” she said.
        “That’s Ok,” Hansini replied. “We’ll show you.”
        She smiled. Then stepped forward and climbed on to the bed to join us. We got her to lay on her back between us and we each lay on our sides facing her.
        “Now just relax and leave things to us. You’ll enjoy this I think.”
        “Ok,” she smiled back a bit nervous. She lay back on the bed between us.
        My hand reached out to touch her breast as Hansini began doing the same on the other side. My hands go to the nipple which quickly becomes erect under my touch. Even when aroused I noticed that most European women have smaller nipples than us Indian women do.
        I looked up to see that Paula is looking down watching us. Watching what our hands were doing to her breasts. Returning my attention to what I was doing, I roll the hard little nub between my fingers and she lets out a sigh. I glance up at her face again and discover now she is laying back breathing heavy with her eyes closed.
        I look across at Hansini opposite me. She smiles back at me. I was pleased Paula was feeling so relaxed she could enjoy herself.
       Feeling her nipple, hard and erect under my touch, I cannot resist wanting to suck one. I lower my face to her and give her a flick with my tongue. She gasps as her eyes flick open. She sees what I am about to do and she smiles. She lays back with her eyes closed again ready to enjoy what she knew was coming.
        I take the hard little peak between my lips, sucking at it as I flick at it with my tongue. Suddenly she is in heaven. She lets out a moan as her hand comes up to take my head, pressing me down on to her breast. I quick glance across at Hansini tells me Paula’s other breast is getting much the same treatment too. My hand is squeezing and massaging as I continue with the sucking.
        Now my hand begins to trace a line down lower. Lower across her stomach until I discover the little hole of her belly button. Tracking a circle around it my hand then continues my journey lower and lower down her body. Then I meet the first hairs of her pussy. Through these, my fingers move as the forest gets thicker and thicker. By now I have found the peak of her mound.
        As I drop over the peck I find the forest of her pussy has become wet and I suddenly discover just how excited this woman really is with all this. Finally, my fingers find what they are looking for. Her slot is almost dripping with her cum juice as I run my fingertips down the length of her swollen lips. A few more times gently running up and down her pussy and I feel her pussy humping gently against my hand. I realise she is more than ready for the next stage, the main event.
       I move lower down and gently I pull her legs apart. They easily open for me revealing all the glory of her pussy before me. I enjoy the view of a female pussy when its exposed and open like that. I enjoyed seeing Paula too. Kneeling between her legs I lean forward until my face is almost touching her pussy. Then gently I blow on her. At the contact of my breath, she gasps as her pussy comes up to meet me making contact with my face.
       My tongue soon finds what it is looking for and presses into her. I can feel how wet she is. I can taste the sweet taste of her cum juice which soon covers most of my lower face. A quick glance up shows me that now Paula and Hansini are kissing and by the look of it a full on tongue kiss too.
        Now I got into a slow easy stroking with my tongue. As I pressed into her I would push my tongue down the length of her swollen pussy lips before returning with a second stroke back up again. After doing this a few times her lips are more swollen and parted, allowing me even deeper into her. Now my tongue was contacting the soft sensitive flesh inside her outer lips. She could feel this as she began humping back against me. From time to time a gentle moan would escape her lips.
       By now Hansini had moved back to her breasts again. Taking each breast, taking each nipple in turn, giving it some treatment before moving back to the other one.
        I could feel her body responding to us. She was becoming more and more turned on now. I began to increase the speed of my tongue strokes. She responded back by pressing harder against me. She pushed extra hard at me pressing my tongue deeper until I made contact with her clit. She gave a gasp and then a cry out as her orgasm burst over her, flooding her body with its pleasure.
        That had happened a lot quicker than I expected. So I wanted to give her another one, even better than the first. This time my strokes pressed my tongue against her clit each time I came up. This time it did not take her long before she was building towards her next climax. As she neared her peak she began moaning again. Now I changed to just working on her clit. I pulled her open with my fingers so I could press in on it. Flicking it with my tongue, sucking at it, rolling my tongue over it.
        As her second orgasm arrived I moved my hands to hold her against me. She began bucking and humping at me but still, I held her tightly. My tongue still working directly on her clit, making her orgasm go on and on. Now she was crying out. Her strong thighs were clamped each side of my head so I could hardly move. But I didn’t need to move, all I needed was just to flick at her clit with my tongue.
       Finally, she began to subside and I pulled back to just running my tongue against her outer lips. She stopped humping against me just giving a slight moan now and then. Then she lay still her breathing heavy. I stopped what I was doing and pulled away to look up at her. She opened her eyes and looked back at me.
        “Oh, that was so good, Amita.”
       I smiled back and said, “I am happy you enjoyed it.”
      “More than enjoyed it. That second one almost blew my mind. You kept it going for so long.”
        I reached for a cloth to wipe my face. She noticed how wet my face was. 
      “Is that all me?” she asked. “Is that my cum juice?”
       “Yes,” I replied. “You were very excited.”
        Her face became serious. “What does it taste like?” she asked me.
       To her surprise I put a finger to her wet pussy running it up her slot then I brought my wet finger to her mouth. “Here taste it,” I said.
       She took my finger into her mouth and sucked it. Sucking her own cum juice.
      “That is not too bad,” she said.
       “No it isn’t is it?” I agreed, “I kind of like it.”
      “So do I,” said Hansini. “I love eating pussy. The only thing better is when someone is eating me.”
      “Well Paula,” I laughed. “If Hansini wants her pussy eaten then I think we better do it.”
      “Yes,” she replied, feeling a little bit unsure of this.
      “Do you want to try it, Paula?”
      “Yes,” she said again. “But I’m not sure what I am doing.”
      “That’s OK,” Hansini said. “Amita will show you what to do.”

       By now Hansini was lying on her back. Paula looked at her for a while. I think she was enjoying looking at Hansini. Enjoying looking at a naked Indian woman open and exposed for her.
        Then Paula crawled between Hansini’s legs and bent down to her pussy. She first touched her with her fingers. Running her fingers up and down exploring the pussy in front of her. She was new to this so we let her take her time. Her fingers opened Hansini up so we could both see the wet pink flesh inside.
       This was a surprise from Paula. “I didn’t know you would be pink inside,” she said.
       We didn’t say anything. Most Europeans are surprised at that. It is the sharp contrast between the dark black of our pussy lips and the soft flesh inside. It appears a lot pinker. Soon she moved her face down to Hansini’s pussy. In a quiet voice, I told what to do and she began slowly running her tongue up and down the outside of the swollen pussy lips. As Hansini opened up I told Paula how to go in deeper keeping away from her clit. I could see Hansini had her eyes closed now and the look on her face told me how good Paula was doing.
       As Hansini began to hump and moan I encouraged Paula to go a bit faster. As Hansini’s excitement increased Paula’s tongue moved faster to match her. Then I told her to go for the clit.
        Hansini gave a cry and as her body gave a massive jerk, she pushed Paula right out but by then it didn’t really matter, Hansini was over the top. It’s exciting to see a woman climax like that and feel another woman have an orgasm by what you are doing. I enjoy doing that and I think Paula did too.
       Paula sat back watching while Hansini was recovering. I could see Paula was pleased with herself. I must admit for the first time it seems she had done a pretty good job. 

        Then the girls gave me a turn too. Again it is Paula who ate me.  I must say that she was doing a very good job on me too. We were like this with Paula working on my pussy while Hansini and I were tongue kissing when suddenly Donald and Sarvesh walked in.
        “What have we got here?” I heard Donald ask.
        “Three naughty pussies,” Sarvesh answered. “I think they need some hard cock.”
        “I think so too,” agreed Donald.
        “Which one do you want, Donald?” I heard my husband ask. While we lay there, those guys were deciding which of us they were going to fuck first.
        “Amita,” he replied.
        The very thought of that, along with what Paula was still doing to me sent me into a very intense cum. I gasped and my whole body heaved up against her. With a loud cry, I came. As I lay there breathing heavily I opened my eyes and looked up at the four people watching me.
         “Oh wow! Amita, you are hot to go, aren’t you?” Donald said.
        “If you are ready for me Donald, I am ready for you,” I told him with a smile.
        Then I heard my husband say, “It looks like you and me Paula.”
         “I think so Sarvesh. And that’s fine with me too,” she replied.
        “Well,” said Hansini. “I’ll leave you guys to it then.”
        “No Hansini,” Donald told her. “You stay here. I will still have plenty for seconds after Amita.”
       “OK,” agreed Hansini. “I can have seconds.”


  1. We weren't expecting Paula to be into girls. But two sexy Indian girls made the difference. Ginger said she's interested with Indian girls or Japanese girls too.
    Me too. I'm keen too. Ha! Ha!
    Fred & Ginger.

  2. Interested in an Indian girl, maybe two Indian girls, are you Ginger?
    And I see Fred thinks he will enjoy it too. LOL

    When we set up this story we were first going to a simple partner swap between Paula & Donald with Sarvesh and Amita. But doing it this way gave us the chance to get Hansini into the action again. In part two of this story, to be publish tomorrow, I wanted to get into how Amita and Hansini get together and turn sex into some kind of battle. Donald got caught by them this time. So this story above is setting things up for that.

  3. Why shouldn't Paula want to try a girl/girl sex session. I think many might have an interest if they were bold enough to admit it. A friend of mine has has been fantasizing about it for years but has never dared to try.

  4. You are right there Shandra. You have written before how Amita and Hansini turn sex into a fight. Poor Steve has found that out a few times too. What is it with you girls? Have you a need to dominate us men?
