Friday 21 August 2015

Story 156 Camping with Greeshma

Hi again, it is Lizamoa.
         Not too long after Shanti’s father died, my mother-in-law, Greeshma came over to visit us. We thought she would probably move back in with us but she decided to stay on with Mary, Shanti’s mother. I thought because they got on so well together both being similar ages.
         Like I said, Greeshma and I were sitting outside beside our pool, under some shade since it was a hot afternoon. I had just brought out cold drinks for us while we were waiting for Joseph to come home from work.
        Suddenly Greeshma asked, “What happened to that book of letters which you had? Do you still have it?”
        “Yes, we do,” I replied not really sure where this was leading too.
        “I would like to see it again sometime. Maybe borrow it so I can read all the stories. I didn’t have much of a chance in India.”
         “But you know what these stories are about. Some are very sexy too.”
         “Yes dear, I know that. That doesn’t bother me. Maybe I will enjoy them too.” 
        Now I was surprised. What could I say? Finally, I decided to go for a safe reply by saying, “Joseph wouldn’t like it.”
       “Yes I know that, but he doesn’t need to know does he?”
       “It will be hard to hide it from him if he finds a volume missing.”
       “That is a pity; I would have liked to read it.”
       Then I had an idea. “I will ask Shanti and see if she can let you read her copy.”
       “Thank you, dear,” she said.  “That would be nice if you could.” 

       A few days later I talked with Shanti and she said she would see what she could do. Well, the following week I was up at Mary’s house and Greeshma was thanking me for the letters books. I was surprised and she showed me the copy she had. I opened it and on the first page it said: 'To Greeshma from Lizamoa and Shanti.' It seemed that Shanti had printed her a copy of the entire series including a couple from the new Volume Ten.
       “Well, are you reading them?” I asked.
        “Of course, dear,” she replied. “I am about halfway through volume one now.”
        I was becoming a bit interested now so I ask her which stories she liked.
       “Oh they are all good but there are two of you which I think are very sexy.”
      “About me?”
      “Yes about you dear. There is the story about you putting on the stripping show for your neighbour. Then there is the one doing the photos at the lake. Both are very sexy stories.”
                  (See Letter 10 - Lizamoa in the Court-yard;        Story 14 - Nude Photography by the Lake.)
       “I am surprised! You like those two?”
       “Why shouldn’t I? I think what you did in front of the man at the lake was a very sexy thing. I would have liked to have seen that.”
       “Did you know that man was Mootie?” I told her. “He was here in New Zealand with that group from India.”
       “Wasn’t he the man who took Joseph’s job in the Game Reserve?”
        “Yes, it was,” I confirmed.
        “You were bold doing those things,” she said returning to the stories. “And very sexy too.”
        Now I was so surprised and a bit confused too. Here I was talking with my mother-in-law about some very sexy and naughty things I had done. Anyway, the subject never went any further because we heard Joseph pull into the driveway. He had driven up to collect me. 

        Well now, as you have seen in other stories, later during the summer we decided to go camping again. The plan this time was to stay for a few weeks. Mike and Peter would take turns driving back to the car business. Joseph also had to go to work some days too. But for the rest of us, it was going to be a nice long holiday.
      A few days after we arrived at the camp, I went back to see Greeshma and Shanti’s mother, Mary. We were sitting having a cup of tea when Greeshma asked if she could come for a while too. I tried to stall her off by saying we had no extra tents and camping gear this year. But Mary came into to conversation by offering Greeshma a small two-person tent and a sleeping bag. Greeshma added that she had been there before so she knew what it was like. I knew she was meaning the nudity etc. but she didn’t say so in front of Shanti’s mum. So I agreed to pick her up on the way back. What could I say? I knew Joseph wouldn’t be happy but I couldn’t tell her ‘no,’ could I?  Anyway, she had been at the camp last year and had gone swimming topless so I didn’t really see what problems it would cause her coming again. 

         Of course, Joseph wasn’t happy. He didn’t say anything or try to stop her coming but I could tell he didn’t like it. We picked Greeshma up about mid-morning and drove over to arrive at the camp before lunch.
       After lunch, we were setting up everything and putting up her tent. The kids had fun with all the activity and excitement. They were all naked and running around getting in the road of all of us.
          Steve offered to put up Greeshma’s tent and soon she was moving her things in and making herself comfortable. By the look of it, Mary had really fitted her out well with a small 2 person tent, a sleeping bag and even an air bed.
       After a while, the kids began to get bored with us and started pestering for a swim. Finally, Shanti and I decided to take them down to the pool. When others heard we were going swimming they decided to stop what they were doing and come as well until we were all going. Not bothering to change, Shanti and I just stripped off our clothes and grabbed some towels.
      We were just about to leave the camp when Greeshma emerged from her tent. She was wearing a bikini. I had seen her wearing a swimsuit but a bikini! Yes, last year she had worn, just that bikini bottom she had borrowed off Sharon, but this one was a surprise. Even Joseph took notice. It seemed that she had brought it for this camp so she could go swimming but still be a bit modest. She looked pretty good in it too. I looked over at Mike and he was smiling. Then I knew he had been involved in it somehow too.
       After our swim, Shanti and I went over to the shower block. Greeshma came with us. There were the outside showers for the really bold and then inside the ladies there was a row of open showers down one wall. There were also a few cubicles for the very modest. We both used the open showers while Greeshma went into a cubicle. When she came out she was dressed again but we just remained naked.

       The following day Joseph had to work so he left early. Later in the morning, we took the kids for their morning swim. After swimming Mega and I went for a shower and Greeshma came with us again. We both put our towels on the bench and went over to an open shower. There were two other women there as well. Greeshma stepped under a shower beside us still wearing her bikini.
        A few minutes later I looked across to see her removing her bikini top. Then quickly the bottom followed as well. After our shower, we were drying ourselves off by the benches.
       “This is naughty showering in a group like this,” Greeshma whispered to me.
        “Yes it is a bit,” agreed Mega.
        “But not as naughty as showering outside where all the guys can see you too,” I added with a giggle.
        “You girls don’t worry going nude like that do you?” she asked.
        “No. Not at all. We all like it, including the kids.”
        “And it doesn’t bother you if a man is looking too.”
        “No, that is part of the fun of it,” I laughed.
        “At first I wasn’t going to go like that, but maybe I should try it too.”
        “What, go nude like us?” I asked.
         “Of course dear. That is what I said.”
        She had a small bag which I think contained her clothes. But instead, she just wrapped her bikini in her towel and followed us outside still completely naked. On the way back we met two couples coming towards us. We just greeted them with a ‘Hi’ and walked on. I don’t know how Greeshma felt then but she didn’t rush into her tent to get dressed again. She stayed like that the rest of the day and even went down to the pool again too, going swimming naked as well.
        We were preparing dinner when Joseph drove up. He got out of the car and then saw his mother sitting beside the fire naked.
        “Hi honey,” she called to him.
        Without even saying hi back, Joseph began, “I didn’t think you would go like that mum.”
       “Why not? This is a nudist camp, isn’t it?
        “Well…… Yes, but……”
       “But what?
       “You are my…….”
       “Yes, I am your mother. I have seen and washed your bare bum often enough and so now you get to see my bare bum. So what is your problem?”
        Well, that was a show stopper. No one knew what to say until I couldn’t help it. I started to giggle. Then we were all laughing including Joseph.
         Then Mike said, “Joseph you’ve got to admit, she’s got a point there mate.”
        Joseph just nodded his head.
       After that, I think Joseph accepted his mother being naked although I don’t think he was completely comfortable with it. 
         Peter and Mike were taking turns going back to the car yards. One day Greeshma decided to go back with Peter and visit Mary for the day. That evening when Peter returned he also had Mary with him as well. Now it was Shanti’s turn to get a shock.
        “Mum!” she said in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
        “It was lonely by myself, I’ve decided to join you for a couple of days.”
        “But this is a nudist camp. We all go……..”
        “Yes, I know dear. Greeshma told me and I have read about it in your letters books.”
        “What? Did you see those?”
        “Yes,” added Greeshma. “I showed them to Mary. We both enjoyed reading them.”
        “And don’t worry Shanti. After what you did with Mike on your first date, nothing you could write in those books would ever surprise me.”
        That sure shut Shanti up. Later I heard her asking mother about what she said. Mary again admitted she had been reading the Letters Books too.
        Well, Mary stayed that evening and she slept in the small tent with Greeshma. I noticed Greeshma had quickly got naked but Mary remained dressed. 
        Next day after breakfast we decided to go down to the main beach. Of course being a public beach we had to wear swimsuits although we have gone nude there before. While we were at the beach we went swimming in the surf. Greeshma went in wearing a one-piece swimsuit which I also didn’t know she owned. Mary also wore her one-piece, the one Mike had brought for her. (See Story 138 - Buying a Swimsuit for Mum.
         After the swim, we went for a walk down the beach then headed back to the cars.
         Back at the camp some of us girls decided to wash the salt off by going for a shower. Both Greeshma and Mary were with us. We just used the open showers in the ladies and I was surprised to see that Mary joined us although she kept her swimsuit on. When we left to return to our campsite, Mary and Greeshma were still at the shower block drying their hair I think.
         Well, the kids who had remained at the camp were getting hungry so we started on lunch. I was boiling some water over the fire when I looked up to see Greeshma and Mary coming towards us. To my surprise both of them were naked. Once she had broken the ice, Mary enjoyed it and remained like that for most of the time on the few days she stayed with us.
         Greeshma told me later that while they were still at the shower block Mary had asked her how it felt going naked. Greeshma had told her it was fun once you got used to being like that. Mary had then decided to give it a go too. 
        I also must add that Shanti seemed to have accepted it a lot easier than Joseph had with his mother.

         We decided to go out to the beach again the following day. This time we were going to walk over the hill to the other beach. Since Greeshma and Mary had only been there once, they decided to come with us again.  They asked us about the strong surf and how much fun it was swimming there and I reminded them to take a swimsuit which will stay on in the surf.
        Greeshma was watching me getting dressed by putting on my bikini bottom and my shorts. She then watched as I put a shirt on too.
        “You are not wearing your bikini top, Liz,” she said.
         “No, I normally go topless there, even if there are a few people around.”
         “Oh,” was all she said as I picked up my things to leave the shower block and return to camp.
         A few minutes later Greeshma and Marry arrived back at the camp too. We were all now ready and so we piled into a couple of cars, heading for the beach.  

         When we reached the beach we discovered they were not many cars in the car park again. I knew this was due to it being a weekday. We grabbed our things and headed out on to the beach. Turning right we crossed the shallow stream and followed the track up over the sand dunes to reach O’Neils Beach.
           This beach was completely deserted which was good. We found a place above the high tide level and placed our bags on the sand. By now it was getting warmer so I was ready for a swim.
          I began taking my gear off. Others noticed and were following me. First off came my shirt and then my shorts leaving me topless in just my bikini bottom. I looked over at Shanti and she was the same. She smiled at me as she hooked her fingers into her bikini bottom, slipping it off. Quickly I followed her and became naked as well.
         Not waiting for the others we headed down the beach towards the water. As I reached the surf I turned around to look back. Did I get a surprise?
         The two older ladies were following the rest of our group down the beach. That wasn’t a surprise because I expected they would be going swimming as they did before. What surprised me was what they were wearing. Greeshma had on just the bikini bottom she had borrowed off Sharon. Beside her Mary also just wore a bikini bottom off a bikini I had never seen before. I didn’t even know she owned a bikini.
         Wow! These two ladies had decided to go topless, out here on a public beach. Sure, you might be saying, that wasn’t hard since there was no one else on the beach but someone could have walked along at any time so it still was brave of them.
         We were all in the water enjoying ourselves. It was hot so the coolness of the water was refreshing. In waves like these, it is fun to try body surfing. You find a good wave and dive as it hits you, trying to ride it to the beach. I was trying to show Greeshma and Mary how to do it but it wasn’t going too well since neither of them could swim. They were struggling to put their heads under and so it was hard for them to dive into the wave. Anyway, we all had a lot of fun.
         When we got out I dried myself off a bit then picked up my watch. I was surprised how long we had been in the water. It was now lunchtime. The cold chicken legs went down well along with along with the other items to make our own filled-rolls.
         After lunch, it was time for a walk. When I got up I just slipped my bikini bottom on. I noticed that Shanti and Sharon did the same. I saw Mary take her shirt to put on but she left the front undone. In Greeshma’s case, she just remained topless in her bikini bottom like us.
         We went to the far end of the beach and explored the tunnel cut through a small headland by the waves. When we turned to walk back towards our gear I noticed four people, two guys and two girls had arrived on the beach and were walking towards us. It was very obvious we were not going to reach our gear before we met them. I looked over at Greeshma, wondering what she was going to do. She was still topless and had nothing to cover herself with except her hands.
        We met this other group just before we reached our bags. I noticed that Mary had pulled her shirt closed and done up a couple of buttons, but Greeshma remained openly topless.
        One of the men stopped and asked Mike when high tide was due. Mike replied it was almost high tide then. Shanti and I were standing beside him but the others had continued on to our gear. I then noticed Greeshma had stayed with us too. We were talking to these people for a few minutes as it turned out Mike knew one of them. I noticed both the girls and the guys were checking out our tits. I also noticed they checked out Greeshma too.  She must have realised this but she still stood there making no attempt to cover her bare breasts. I almost got the impression she wanted to show them off.
        We got to our gear and by now it was reaching the hottest part of the afternoon. Mike suggested another quick swim before we headed back to camp.
        Quickly I slipped my bikini bottom off again. Since that other group had settled well along the beach I decided it was OK to go nude again. Of course, Shanti and Sharon followed my example too.
        As I turned to walk down the beach I noticed Mary and Greeshma were standing watching us. As we reached the water I turned back to find they were still standing there. Then I saw Mary say something to Greeshma then at the same time they both reached to take their bottoms off. Soon two totally naked ladies were walking down the beach towards us.
        It is always fun being in the surf naked. I could see the two older women were enjoying it too. Of course being naked in front of us was no problem since they had been doing that back at the camp. But then the other group got up and began walking back towards us.
        Now, this was going to be interesting I thought. I had no problem being nude in front of these people and knew the other two girls weren’t worried either but I wondered what Mary and Greeshma would do. I smiled to myself as I decided to just wait and see.
        They noticed the group approaching but appeared not to be too worried about it. Now in waves like these, there are times when the water comes up almost to your shoulders but at other times the water drains away so your entire body is left out. There was no way these people could miss getting a good view of us. I thought the two older women would turn their backs as the group passed but that was not what happened.
        “We are going to give them a show,” I heard Mary say to Greeshma.
         “Yes I know, “Greeshma laughed. “Let’s make it a good one.” 
         A big smile appeared on Mary's face, "Ok let's!"
          Then just as the group almost reached us, the two women holding hands started walking back out of the water, walking straight towards the people on the shore. I saw they almost met the group and even stopped to speak to them for a minute before the group continued and the two women made their way up to our things on the beach.
         “Did you see that?” I said to Shanti.
         "They did say they were going to give a show," Sharon added.
         “Yes they really gave a show didn’t they,” she replied.
         “So now I see where you two get you exhibitionism from,” Mike added coming up behind us. "I didn't know your mothers were too."
        "Neither did I," Shanti replied with a grin.
         We got out and followed back to our gear. Soon we were on our way back to the cars and back to camp. I still can’t believe our mothers could openly want to show off to complete strangers like that. 

         There is one final thing which happened the second night Mary was at the camp. Shanti told me about it later.
           Joseph and Shanti were awake late at night when they heard a noise coming from the tent next door. It sounded like it was Greeshma and at first, they thought she might have been sick or in pain. Joseph got up to go a check on her when Shanti realised what it was.
       Grabbing his hand she said, “Stay here Joseph. It is alright.”
       “Why Shanti.?” he asked. “It’s my mother. I think she might be sick.”
       “No, that is not sick. It sounds like a good time to me.”
       “You mean she is……..?”
       “Yes, Joseph. Can’t you tell.”
       “But who is she with?”
       “Come on Joseph. Who is in the tent with her?”
      “Yes, I think so.”
        The noises from next-door ended with a slightly louder moan, there was a giggle and then things were silent again. Joseph and Shanti were hot after what they had been doing and so they got up for a quick shower. It took them a while to get back to sleep again. The thought of what those two women had been doing was in some ways a bit of a surprise for Joseph but Shanti said she also thought it was a bit sexy too.
         That day Mary went back home with Mike. Greeshma stayed on until almost the end of our holiday. She was enjoying herself so much. On the last day before we were due to go home she had one other sexy adventure too but then that is another story, isn’t it?


  1. What is this? Now you're getting old ladies naked too. LOL

    1. And why not?
      They are women too you know. Still have women feelings too.
      If those two old ladies want to get out there and have some fun, who are we to stop them.
      I am sure I'll still be having lets of "fun" at their age too.

    2. Fun? What fun is this?
      Do they do more than just get naked?

    3. Of course they do more than getting naked. Read the last part about the noise next door. These two ladies have already started. Good on then I say.

    4. Yes I knew it! Read Story 158. And don't miss the comments at the bottom about shagging horny old ladies. LOL
