Saturday, 5 March 2016

Story 179 background

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                                                                                        Posted by Ayaka & Susan.
Hi from Ayaka,
        When I was starting with this story I did the opening very quickly but then I came to the sexy scenes. There was a mental road-block there for me to suffer. I struggled into the evening and finally gave up when Geoff called me to bed. Next morning I was doing the milking with Susan when I informed her of my problem. She agreed to have a look at it.
        Well, Susan did write a good outline of the sex scenes for me. Later we sat down together to work on it. In the end, we seemed to be writing parts each then combining them into the story. It was then that Susan came up with an idea that suddenly changed the whole look of the story.
         “We are writing this story together,” she said. “What if the husband & wife team, Jeremy and Joyce sat down and did the same thing?”
        It sounded like a great idea and so we went for it.

Hi from Susan.
        So now I was involved in the writing. We had to go back over much of the story parts she had written and re-work those. It was interesting how this rewrite just continued into the parts we still had to do and the whole story got completed in one day with us both going back a few times to add things during the day. Then later that evening (Thursday actually) we sat together and tidied up the last bits by reading it out loud to each other. Anne and Allan heard us and came over to listen. They added some suggestions too. So then we were finished and our story began its journey toward publishing on Saturday.
        The story was sent to Reshma, Allan snr and Anne for final proofreading and by Friday afternoon we had Anne’s and Allan snr’s comments back. When Reshma arrived at the farm she went over the story for us too. Their comments fixed a lot of mistakes, improved a few parts, and led to the story growing by another quarter of a page.

        We were ready for publishing Saturday morning. 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 179


  1. I like the process you go through to publish a story. It seems to work mostly.
    Enjoyed this last story although they have all been good recently.
    I promise I'll get my page finished while we are in New Zealand.

    Marceau and I catch the train to Paris on Monday, then we begin our trip to Auckland from there. Like we agreed, we will be there on Friday. You said you like that day. Looking forward to seeing you all again.
    Rochelle & Marceau.

  2. Look forward to seeing you both on Friday.
    Love you. Susan.

  3. We arrived in Singapore early this morning. Doing some sightseeing today. Going into Malaysia tomorrow. We leave here on Thursday and will get there Friday.
    Rochelle & Marceau
