Saturday 5 March 2016

Story 179 David came over for Dinner.

Index of Letters         Story 179 Background         Back to Story 178   

From Jeremy & Joyce.
Jeremy opens the Story.
      After that sexy night with Paula and Donald, Joyce and I began writing our stories for the Letters Books. We invited them for dinner one evening and spent some time talking and getting ideas and notes from them. Of course, David was there too. I had thought that something might have happened that night but I think we were too busy with the writing. Anyway, the stories went ahead and soon we had them both finished. It was about that time that Joyce held our second ‘official’ Australia Team Meeting. She got me to read out my story of the night Paula and I spent together. She then read out her own story of what she had done with Donald.
        They were happy with our stories and after a few minor changes, Joyce was ready to send them to Amita to be included in the Letters Books. In some ways, that was a bit exciting too as here we were sending off stories, the first stories we had completely done ourselves, about us having sexy nights with Donald and Paula. (See Story 176 Sex with Bad Boy Donald  & Story 177  A Night with Paula.)

        Now during that meeting, there was a comment was made by David that led to our next sexy adventure, the one found in this story. He said, since he was away he missed all the fun. He was right too because it did happen while David was over on the East Coast so he did miss out on the fun too.
        “Well when do I get my fun?” he asked.
        “You’re engaged,” Joyce said. “You can’t have ‘fun’ David.”
        I was kind of amused by that but I also had a feeling Joyce didn’t mean it.
        “Who said I can’t?”
        “Katrina will tell you that you can’t.”
        “I think you’ll find Katrina having fun with those in India.”
        “You’re probably right there David,” I added.

        It was wide open for us to arrange something with David but the subject was dropped at that point as we got back into our writing project. We didn’t pick up on his suggestion until Joyce brought it up a few days later when we were at home.
        “I would like to be with David again,” she said. “He did feel a bit left out.”
        “Well, why don’t you invite him over?”
        “Now that’s an idea.”
        “Sure it is. You guys can fuck each other’s brains out.”
        “You guys? You’re included too, Jeremy.”
        “Are you talking a three-some again.”
        “Of course.”
        “Oh, nice! Bring it on!”

Hi from Joyce now.
        When David made that comment during our meeting I began thinking about having sex with him again. Out on the island, it had been a hot, sexy session between the four of us. It was almost unplanned sex, exciting sex as there wasn’t much time to think about it. I wondered if it was just the excitement of the moment or the location. What would it be like doing it with him again?
       I bought the idea up with my husband Jeremy a few days later. It would be easy just to invite David over one evening but my problem was my husband. Since David didn’t have a partner, what would happen with Jeremy? It is obvious my brain wasn’t switched on as the answer was actually quite simple; we go for a three-some like we’d done on the little island. It took Jeremy to mention it.
       Now I must admit the idea of having two guys again was a turn-on. This time I had the chance to plan how the evening would go. Well, actually plan the first part anyway, as once two guys get going with sex who knows how it will go. Now that last thought gave me a shiver of excitement too; the idea of having sex with these two men and not knowing what they might do with me.

       That evening when David turned up I had a nice dinner ready for him. He had called to say he would be a bit late as he was held up at work. What I didn’t find out until later was that his important business was a hot, steamy, sexy session on yahoo with Katrina. So it seems he was a bit horny, a bit turned-on even before he arrived. (See Story 178  Cyber Virgins.)
      We had dinner right ready so the three of us sat down almost straight away.
      Of course, I had dressed for the occasion too. A sleeveless sheep-skin vest, light see-through blouse and short skirt. Yes, I mean short, very short. I noticed David was checking me out too which was exactly what I intended him to do. A couple of times as I moved or bent over I’m sure they both got a shot of my G-string panties too. Again something I intended as I’d worn nice bright pink ones to make sure they couldn’t miss them, getting a view of my partly bare arse too.
      During the meal, I slipped off into the kitchen and took my bra off. I then replaced my blouse and vest but this time leaving the vest undone so as I moved there was a chance of giving an accidental flash through my sheer blouse. Yes, they were looking, both of them, David and my husband as well. I must admit it made me kind of horny being like that and soon I felt ready to take the next step.
       This time when I went into the kitchen to get our deserts, I took my vest off, and then my blouse too. I replaced my vest, this time doing up the toggles again which left an open strip down the middle showing I was wearing nothing underneath. As almost an afterthought, I reached up under my short skirt and slipped my g-string off too. Now that was damn hot, going back into the dining room dressed like that. I knew it would lead to much more from those men so I wasn’t surprised when it did. Now let me tell you how it happened.
       Now when I returned to the boys with their deserts and leant to place them on the table much of my breasts were revealed for a moment. Yes, you are right, they both noticed that too. This was so hot, displaying myself like that, knowing both guys were openly watching my every move. Waiting for a flash, either accidental or intentional, watching to see what would be revealed.
         “Not wearing anything under that jacket,” Jeremy said.
         No, it wasn’t a question.
         “Nothing,” I replied undoing two toggles and pulling one side open to give a nipple flash. “And I’m not wearing anything under my skirt too.”
        As I said that last bit, David was just placing a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. He gave a sort of choking noise and the ice cream exploded off his spoon. It went everywhere. There were drops all over the table. Quite spectacular actually. I was kind of amused as I watched him trying with wipe the ice cream off his shirt.
       I was sitting opposite him and there was a drop on the table beside me. I wiped it up with the tip of my finger, then opening my jacket again, I began painting the ice cream over a nipple. When I needed more, I borrowed some from my own plate to do the other nipple. Meanwhile, my wide open jacket had now slipped off my shoulders leaving me effectively topless.
        When I looked up, the shirt cleaning had stopped across the table, two pairs of eyes were now fixed on me. Well more like focused on my nipples actually.
        “You guys like that do you?”
        There was no verbal answer to that one. They jumped up, they desert now abandoned. In a moment they were around the table and had grabbed me between them. As they pulled me up my chair fell back and crashed on the floor. It would stay there until we found it the following morning.
         Yes, they grabbed and pulled me into the lounge but it must be said, I wasn’t resisting very much. Along the way, I felt the clip and zip on my hip undone as my skirt fell away too.

Hi from Jeremy again.
        When I came home from work and discovered what Joyce was wearing I was a bit surprised.
       “That is hot, Joyce,” I said.
       “Yes it is,” she replied. “Think David will notice?”
       “Damn right he will,” I said grabbing her.
       “Now! Now! Calm down Jeremy,” she laughed. “We’ll get to that later.”
       “I’m just warming you up.”
       “Don’t you think I've warmed up enough already… wearing this?”
       “Well maybe,” I said backing away from her.
        She returned to her dinner preparations while I sat and watch that hot sexy arse under that tiny little skirt. Yes, those panties she was wearing were so tiny she was showing a lot of arse. As she worked she told me David had been delayed but everything would still go on as planned. She added she was expecting to get laid by both us guys too.
       Dinner was an experience. Joyce was really giving us the come on with her sexy flirting conversation and with what she was wearing – wow that was totally sexy. Each trip into the kitchen and she came back revealing more. To be honest I paid more attention to her than I did to my meal.
       I must say she looked pretty good in that new sheepskin vest she had. It was home-made by David’s sister Cathy, she had given it to Joyce when we took a trip out there with David. But without anything underneath a broad strip of Joyce was seen showing down her front while her breasts remained covered. If she kept the toggles done up she could almost be seen outside like that but with the toggles undone, well that was a different story.
       And the toggles didn’t remain fastened. Soon a nipple was flashed. Certainly, doing that, she had my attention and David’s too. Then she dropped the bombshell when she told us she wasn’t wearing panties.
       That spectacular explosion of ice cream was a laugh and it led to the nipple painting with ice cream. That was it for us. Desert was forgotten as together we jumped up, grabbed her, pulling her into the lounge.  
        I don’t know why but it seems we went for continuing the sheep skin theme and did it on the large sheepskin on the floor in the lounge, pulling her down with us on the floor.
        As she lay between us we took a breast each, going for those hard nipples, licking off what remained of the ice cream. It was the start of a great session of sex.

Joyce Again
        What those men were doing to me was so hot, so sexy. They soon had me totally turned on. Jeremy continued to work over my breasts and upper body, kissing me, licking and sucking on my nipples, nibbling on my earlobes. He was good at that. It felt good as he continued driving my desires higher and higher.
        Meanwhile, David had moved further down me, right down, in fact, all the way to my feet. Yes, he was rubbing and kissing each foot. Surprisingly, it felt good too, well great actually. When he began sucking my toes, oh that was amazing. I’m a tiny bit ticklish on my feet and it felt that way at first but as he continued it became more than just nice, sexy as well.
        From here he moved to my ankles then further to my legs. It was good there too with his kissing, nibbling with his lips and massaging with his hands. He was between my partly open legs now so he could move from leg to leg. In the position, I knew eventually he was heading for my pussy. That thought aroused me and my body gave a shudder.
        Both men saw it and I think both men mistook it for a pre-orgasm shudder. But no I wasn’t there yet. It takes more than a bit of toe sucking to get me off, you guys!
        “Hold on Joyce!” my husband said.
        “Yeah!” David agreed. “We haven’t started with you yet.”
        “Damn she is horny. Look at that pussy….. She’s soaking!”
       That was so erotic, them talking about me like that!
        “Nice,” replied David. "Nice and horny aren’t you naughty girl?”
        With that, he gave my thigh a slap.
        “Hey!” I cried out.
        “What are you complaining about, girl? You've been asking for it all evening, now…. Now you’re going to get it!”
        I lay back with a soft moan, waiting for them to continue. Yes he was right, I knew how I had been teasing and turning these two guys on that I was going to ‘get it’ but the truth is, I wanted it too. And yes soon they both returned to their tasks of getting me more and more hornier.
        David had moved again. Further up my legs now, on to my thighs, pulling then open further, exposing more of my pussy and the soft smooth skin of my inner thighs. That was where he went next, the insides of my thighs. I’m very sensitive there and it seemed as if he knew just what I wanted from him. Fingers raking over the soft flesh of my inner thighs to be followed with his kissing me there too. As he got closer and closer my body began to make little humps at him, telling him where to go but he stayed away, avoiding going for my pussy.
        It was driving me mad! I wanted him to touch me, plunging his face into my pussy and eat me. But still, he held back remaining on my thighs. My juice was running and I wanted him to lick it up, lick all over my pussy and swollen open lips. He must have seen it with his face so close like that but he wouldn’t touch me there.
        While I was frustrated with the progress he was making, but it was exciting too. There was that anticipation of what I knew was coming. I knew soon he would get to my pussy. Soon I’d experience all those feelings a girl gets when her pussy is eaten well. While one part of me was enjoying it, still another part of me was saying hurry up! Get on and do it!
        But still, he held back. Those little kisses deep down on my thighs were great. So nice on that soft sensitive skin. When he ran across my skin with just the very tip of his tongue, which was great too, so arousing, I was almost ready to cum. What he was doing to me was good, well it all was great actually. 

        Finally, he made his move, coming to my pussy. Suddenly, two hands reached for me there. His fingers pulling my swollen lips open further then his head came forward. There was no playing around now, licking at the outside or anything like that, he went straight in, driving in with his tongue deep into me.
        God, it was good. Damn good! Too good actually! There was only one touch of me there. That was all it took. I went off.

Jeremy again.
        That must have been some cum! Her whole body shook as it hit her. She was moaning, crying out, bucking around as he tried to continue eating her. He must have got on to her clit because she went on and on for ages, well what seemed like ages but really probably only a few moments.
        By now she was over her peak and more relaxed. Her thighs that had been gripping David’s head had drifted open again, giving him full access to her pussy. He took advantage of it too, giving her long deep licks up the swelled open lips of her wet cunt. It must have been good. It certainly looked good but soon she was ready for more.
         As she recovered she was reaching down to pull him up toward her. He didn’t need any more encouragement than that. He lined himself up and was into her.
       He was sitting up over her and in that position, all three of us could watch his cock slid into her and begin working. As he settled into fucking her, David fell forward so his body came down on top of her so her body took most of his weight.
       I sat back to watch. It was wild rough sex, neither of them held anything back either. From where I was sitting I could see him plunging down against her. She was soon meeting his every thrust with one of her own. It was sexy to watch, erotic too watching my wife fucking another man.
       Watching my wife fuck like that I was surprised at her. You think of women, particularly smaller women like my wife, as being delicate but there was nothing delicate about the pounding David was giving her and she was loving it too.
       As they continued, it became clear my wife was getting there again. There was that quickness of her breath, her gasping and throaty moans. I knew those signs well. My wife was about to cum with another man’s cock inside her. I think that was what made it so sexy for me, being able to sit back and watch them, watch Joyce’s face as she built towards her second climax.
       Yes, soon it hit her. Her pelvis humped up against David then she fell back on the floor, her body giving shudders as the waves of orgasm swept through her.
       Of course David, who was not there yet, continuing to fuck into her. She quickly recovered and returned to humping back at him, meeting his thrusts with thrusts of her own.
       Before long I began to see the signs of her building again. Was it possible? Would she get off three times before he came? It was sure looking like it. But then suddenly he stopped with a deep moan of his own. I knew what was happening then. Both Joyce and I knew what was happening. David was cumming, filling her pussy with his sperm. I think this sudden stopping caused Joyce to stop too and quickly her approaching cum slipped away.

       They had finished and were lying beside each other. I was on the other side playing with her nipples first, then stoking the wet lips of her pussy. Did I say wet? I mean soaking. She was enjoying that, her body trembling at my touch.
       She recovered first and rolled over towards him, her hands going straight for his cock. It didn’t take much work to get him hard again, and then she was keeling with her head down sucking him.

        With her sexy bum up in the air like that it was obvious where I needed to be as I moved in behind her. I gave her one quick feel up between her legs, rubbing her wet pussy then taking her juice up over her puckered bum hole. Oh, she felt and liked it too, as she gave her whole behind a wiggle.
        I lined up behind her and brought my hard cock up against her. She felt that too, pressing back against me. This girl was just asking for cock, my cock, so that is exactly what I gave her. I wasn’t gentle either. I pressed against her until her pussy opened to take my head and then I just gave a massive thrust at her, straight into her. I went well in too, my cock went in, went in deep.
        Oh yes, she felt that too! She stopped what she was doing, letting out a gasp of surprise.
        It was good for me as well. That warmth of being deep inside a woman’s body. The smooth, slippery wetness of her cum juice, making it easy for me to move. The way the muscles of her pussy gripped me, trying to hold me, but the wetness allowing me to slide easily in and out. For me, this had just become one hot fuck. I was going in deep with my lower body crashing against the cheeks of her arse with each thrust.
         I might admit I discovered I was more turned on than I had realised. It wasn’t long before I felt my own cum beginning to rise. It’s always good like this, fucking a girl from behind. I think coming in from between her thighs and arse cheeks makes her extra tight. So I continued, holding her against me by holding her hips, driving deep inside her with long powerful strokes.
         Then that feeling hit me. You guys all know the one. That moment before a cum, the moment when the cum is rising. You know you can’t stop it but you’re not cumming yet. Finally, it hit me. I stopped fucking her and just held myself deep inside, my cock jerking as I gave her a big load.

Joyce to finish
         Jeremy fucking me from behind was a bit of a surprise but thinking about it now, in that position it probably looked like I was asking for it. Anyway I know he likes that position so for him to get off like that must have been good for him too.
         When I felt Jeremy had finished I moved forward so my pussy was above David’s cock. With what I had been doing to him, he was hard and ready to go. With what Jeremy had been doing to me, I was more than ready to go too. What really turned me on was the fact that I’d just taken a load from my husband Jeremy, now I was lining myself up to take a second load from David.
        Yes, I was wet and juicy when I came down on him. A mixture of female pussy juice and male cum was leaking from the cunt I presented to David’s cock. I didn’t even need to reach down and guide him. With that cock standing up hard like that was easy to guide him into me. Just a slight movement of my hips, he found the hole and went straight in.
        Then still sitting over David, sitting up straight, I began to fuck him. I could feel how wet I was too, slushy wet, you could hear it as I moved. Slushy sex! LOL. But it felt good. I think he enjoyed it too.
        Sitting up like that, my breasts were openly exposed, doing a merry little dance against my chest as I moved. Oh you just know don’t you, breasts jiggling like that will attract guys like a bee to honey. Yes, his hands came straight to them. Feeling them, touching them, rubbing and squeezing them. He rubbed and pinched my nipples, making them hard and later a bit sore.
        Meanwhile, my hips continued to move as I fucked him. Sitting down on him like that I was driving him in deep too. It’s amazing how far my body can take a man in. Sometimes I wonder where he goes.
       That cock rubbing against my clit was getting to me now. It was getting to David too. I could tell by the look on his face he was getting close. His hands had now dropped away from my chest as his mind became focused on what was happening to his cock.
       I felt someone touch me from behind and realised my husband Jeremy was sitting behind me. I felt his body press against me as he reached around to my breasts to take over from where David had left off. He also leaned forward, his head coming over my shoulder to nibble me on my neck and ear.
       Yes the man beneath me was close now. I was too. Suddenly he bucked up at me and I felt his cock jerking as he pumped even more cum into me.
       A voice beside my ear whispered, “Another load of cum, Joyce!”
       That was it for me. With the thought of that, the cock still jerking inside me and those hands on my tits, I went over again too. My cum burst upon me, racing through my body. I went weak and fell back against Jeremy has he wrapped his arms around me.
       I sat there in the afterglow of orgasm looking down at the man in front of me. I could feel the body of the second man behind me his arms still wrapped around me. David was looking back up at me, smiling.
       “Was that good?” he asked.
       I didn’t answer, just nodded slightly, smiling back at him. It was good alright. It had been a great sex session for me. I think Jeremy might have missed out a bit but I knew reliving this story in our love-games would more than makeup for anything he missed now.

       So everyone in India and New Zealand here are the first stories from the official Australian Team. Shanti said they are going to place them in a group together. We hope you all enjoyed them. Maybe not as much as we did making them but then with all you naughty guys we never know, you might get lots of ‘fun’ out of them too.
              Love you all,
                         From the Australian Team.

Index of Letters         Story 179 Background         Back to Story 178   


  1. Dear Ian & Janet,
    Just to let you know other can be into this race too. But I must be honest and admit I cheated a bit too. I have just watched Reshma publish this story. An interesting process. A lot more than I realised.

  2. Yes I know I was involved in the final proof reading of this story but there are still some problems to fix. Also when I was reading it again on my phone I came up with a new idea. What if Joyce was wearing a bright pink G-string. Then it could me mentioned the guys were viewing her mostly bare arse too.

    1. Thanks Reshma,
      Susan and I just made the list of changes. Yes Joyce is wearing a G-string now. Well at least she was for a while.

      Why are you staying at Shandra's house? I thought you were staying with us?

    2. Hi Girls,
      There were some really erotic parts in this too. Plus the sense of humour of yours Susan. That exploding ice cream. I laughed at that.
      Now which one of you are the expect at how us guys feel just before we cum? That was an interesting bit too.
      Thanks again for a sexy story.

    3. Looks good Ayaka & Susan, think you've nailed it.
      Yes that g-string does improve it. You've done more than I intended but it looks good.
      Time to move on girls. Have you heard how Kim is going with her story?

    4. Good story.
      How do you girls know what it feels like for a guy to cum?

    5. Hello Raviprabha
      Have you entered a race? So you are first this week, I'm second...if anyone sees Janet could you tell her that she has come at least third

      Great story, yet again, Akaya and Susan, the exploding ice cream....classic Susan.


    6. I agree Ian.
      Exploding ice cream. That was good girl!
      But Susan we are all interested in Jeremy's orgasm. The one in the story I mean. What do you know about that?
      Allan snr

    7. I have a theory about how Susan knows. She is a one of a kind woman, I've never met anyone quite like her. I think she is one of the only women who actually listens to a man!
      [Ian stands back waiting for the onslaught]

    8. Well it looks like this is not going away so I better answer it.

      First why do all you guys think I wrote that bit? It could have been Ayaka. Secondly, what do I know about males cums? I'm a girl. I have a pussy.

      I was thinking about this, what happens when a man cums I mean. Does he feel it before it arrives or does it just burst out? We were sitting together by the pool when I asked that question. I was actually typing that part of the story at the time. They were all a bit stunned I think.
      Then Allan picked it up. "What do you think happens?" he asked.
      "Like us girls you feel the cum building before it arrives?"
      "How does it feel?"
      He asked me that! How the hell would I know. I have a pussy!
      "Like the cum is moving from your balls to your cock?"
      "Something like that," he replied. "Now go write that into your story."
      That was all he would tell me. He said just go and write about it. So I did. And you can see the result above. Now I have one question for all of you guys. Did I get it amazingly right or has Allan set me up big time? No one will tell me.
      Sexy Sue.

    9. Of course it came from you Susan. It has your name all over it.
      And yes your story is amazing! It's amazing you have the "balls" to write about a man having an orgasm.
      Allan snr

    10. So Susan what do you say to that.
      Allan snr thinks you have balls. LOL

    11. No Allan. Just checked. Nothing there. Well nothing like balls anyway. LOL
      Girls, as fascinating as it is, I think we better drop this subject now. Time to move on.

    12. Are you sure about the balls Susan. If you need a second opinion.
      PICK ME!! PICK ME!!
      Raymond. LOL

    13. Boys drop the subject too.
      Before I "Pick you" Raymond we'll need to define what your inspection process will involve.

  3. There are some things that are better not answered, and this certainly comes under the gentleman's code. All I will add is...bloody good answer Allan LOL

    1. You talk for yourself Ian. I am interested in how you men orgasm and I sure many of us girls too. You did I good answer Susan and I suspect maybe right too. These guys can't hide their orgasm secrets from us as we understand. Just remember whose pussies you are in guys when all this is happening and we have feels to you know.

    2. You do have a point Asami but I think Ian is right.
      Male orgasms are male business.
