Wednesday 3 August 2022

Story 287 Robert and Rebecca.

Index of Letters                         Story 287 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 286.   

Forward to Story 288.

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Sarvesh and Shanti’s Group.

Hello from Robert.
        This story-writing thing was a worry for us. Both of us aren’t good writers and had never attempted anything near the scale of this before. But with a lot of help from our new friends, we got it done and since we are both happy with the final result, we have agreed to it being published.
        So, let’s get on with it. Here is our story.

        In case you don’t recognise the name above, I am Robert, my wife, Rebecca and I own the holiday park where all of you stayed while touring in the Rotorua area. When Sarvesh contacted us about using our facilities again both of us were excited. Looking forward to seeing all of you again. We were surprised when we were told there would be a lot more of you this time but since he had booked well in advance, we were easily able to accommodate everyone. Our motel/holiday park near Rotorua is much bigger than the hotel we owned near Waitomo.
        The property we had brought was under development when the investors went bankrupt. It was going for a price we could afford from the sale of our other property but we still needed a hefty mortgage to get the project finished. After a few years of very hard yakka, the project was almost complete. There are just a few more cabins to be finished, work my builder son and I could do ourselves as we get time.
        Now we have a variety of accommodation options from motel units to smaller or larger self-contained cabins. There are also powered or unpowered camp sits for caravans and motor homes or tents. There is a stream that runs down one side of the property and private grounds surrounded by trees where our guests would feel comfortable. Perfect location for a nude resort.
        One of the biggest benefits we have with this property came about when we discovered some of the trees were dying up in the hilly section at the back. When we investigated, we discovered that the ground around the trees was very warm. A few days later, water appeared, and we realised we had a hot water spring. Since we were outside the Rotorua City Water Control Area, we were free to exploit this as we liked. A steady flow of steaming hot water had quickly developed which meant we could have hot water in the pools. An installed pipe was run from the springs down to the camp. We installed six spa pools and two very hot pools for small social groups. The water flowed from these pools into our two existing large pools making them tepid as well. This was a huge thing for our business as it meant we were busy most of the year.

        Since that visit, when your group had stayed at our motel in Waitomo, Rebecca and I have enjoyed being naked outdoors whenever we could. Running a busy motel didn’t give us much time for that, but we did enjoy the feeling of being nude outdoors. Camping and swimming were our favourites. We visited a popular nudist holiday park near Nelson and after an evening talking with the owner, we realised there was a market for that style of accommodation. It seems it was not just nudists who were attracted by a nude holiday. Many couples were willing to try something different that they would never dare do when they were at home. We had seen many shy couples take their clothes off to try social nudity for the first time, quickly finding they liked it.
        We tried marketing this at our older motel and quickly word got around. We became extremely busy. Even during the winter off-season, we were still getting more bookings than other motels nearby. When this new place came onto the market, we could see the potential it had for developing the nude holiday idea. Things worked out well for us, we got the place and completed construction. Now we have the perfect place for people to enjoy the nearby Rotorua tourist attractions while being a place to come back to, where they can enjoy the naked lifestyle too.

        Now we had heard from Sarvesh that he was coming back again. He had visited us a couple of times when he was in New Zealand and so he knew about our new project. I sent him some photos and a promotional video. He was impressed. A few days later, Shanti contacted us and we started working through a rather complicated booking process.
        One evening, in a zoom meeting with Sarvesh, Shanti and a few others, we got everything finalised. It had been a long evening but that big group for a whole week was a good booking.
        “Are you looking forward to them coming?” Rebecca asked me after we had gone to bed.
        “Yes,” I replied as I held her. “They were fun last time.”
        “You mean the games in the pool?” she asked as she pressed her naked body against mine. “That was fun. I got so hot playing those games.”
        “I know you did. So did I,” I smiled. I also remembered how hot the sex was later too.
        “I’d like to spend more time with them. You know have fun with them.”
        “You mean, swimming, playing sexy games or were you thinking more?” I asked her causally.
        “I was thinking a bit more actually,” she replied.
        “You mean sex? Couples swapping?” I asked, trying to clarify what she meant.
        “Yes,” she whispered back. “That is if you don’t mind.”
        I could tell by the way she was rubbing herself against me that she was getting turned on by this idea. I must admit, I was a bit too. I had been attracted by a couple of the women before but since Rebecca had gone so far by getting naked that time, I hadn’t wanted to push things any further. There were some other times I’d thought about trying with couples who had stayed in our motel that we had hit it off with, but Rebecca seemed content with social nudity but nothing much else, so I left it.
        It was her proposing that we opened up our marriage. It took me by surprise a bit but like I said, I had considered the idea myself and so I was fine with it.
        “I’d be ok with that. But only if you are completely sure you want to do this. It is a big step, Rebecca.”
        “I know that. I’m sure, honey. I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently. I would like to try it and see how it goes.”
        We talked some more and established the best would be to try swapping with a couple first. Maybe doing it together so we can see what each other is doing. I thought that last bit was a bit strange, but Rebecca seemed to want it that way. It seems she was excited by the idea of watching me fucking another woman. Amazing! I was learning all sorts of things about my wife and her sexual desires that I didn’t know about.
        “I think we’ll need to check first. I understood their group was a closed group.”
        She lifted her head and looked at me, not sure what I meant.
        “A closed group. They only swap with others within their group Mike told me. It’s mainly for health reasons I think,” I explained.
        “So, would we be able to join them?” she asked looking a bit sad.
        “I don’t know. Let’s ring Mike tomorrow and ask him. No harm in that.”
        That was where the conversation finished as Rebecca pushed me back and rolled on top of me. I was hard and it didn’t take much for her, already wet pussy to find me and we were fucking.
        It was hot and exciting sex. I couldn’t believe how aggressive she was. She rode me cowgirl style to my climax before she was down on my cock, playing and sucking to get me hard again so she could continue. She got me off three times that night before she finally let me sleep. I lost count of how many times she got off. I’d never seen her like that before. Usually, one, maybe two orgasms were enough for her in a sex session. But that night she wanted as much as she could get out of me.

        My phone call with Mike went well. Rebecca was listening in and I thought Shanti might have been too. Mike said it would probably be ok, but it wasn’t his decision to make.
        It was then that Shanti confirmed she was listening. She explained that their group was all about safety for their members. The main thing is we would have to confirm we’d had no other sexual partners for six months and have a letter from a doctor to say we are clean of any sexual diseases.
        “Yes,” I replied. “We can both get tested but I can promise now that we’ll both be clean. We’ve never had partners outside our marriage before.”
        “Oh!” Mike said. “That makes a difference.”
        Suddenly, I felt worried. “Why? Is that a problem?”
        “No, not for us,” he explained. “But it might be for you. You both must be completely sure this is something you want to do.”
        “We’ve talked about it,” Rebecca said. “We are sure.”
        “Ok then,” Shanti said. “I must talk with the other two leaders, Sarvesh and Donald. I’m sure they will be fine with it, but I do need to confirm that with them.”
        “Ok,” I said. “When should we get the tests done?”
        “Any time. Probably the sooner the better.”
        Then Mike took over, “About it being your first time. Maybe you should try with a simple couple swap first. That way you can see how it goes. We’ll be in Taupo about a month from now. Maybe we could stay a couple of nights so we could talk about it more.”
        “Should we get tested before then?” Rebecca asked. “You know just in case…”
        “Wouldn’t be a bad idea,” Mike laughed. “Just in case…”
        We were all sure what that meant. If everything was sorted by then, that evening together might be more than just talk. We needed to be ready. Just in case, you understand.

        Well, things went smoothly. Rebecca and I saw a doctor and a few days later got a letter saying we were both clean. Meanwhile, Shanti had talked with Sarvesh and Donald and confirmed they were ok with us joining their fun. It seemed Sarvesh had been very positive about the idea. I knew he was interested in Rebecca. I think she was attracted to him too.
        Mike and Shanti booked two nights and we decide but didn’t tell them that it would be no charge for them. It was the least we could do after what they were doing for us.
        “So, are you both sure about this?” Mike asked again.
        “Yes,” Rebecca replied. “We’ve talked about it a few times since we talked with you. We are sure.”
        “Ok, great,” he replied. “We’ll see you in a few days then.”
        “Is it going to be talk or will we do more?” Rebecca asked the question we all wanted to know.
        There was a pause then Shanti replied, “Probably more if you want.”
        “Yes,” I agreed. “We are fine with that.”
        Well at least that got everything out in the open so there would be no misunderstandings.

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Swapping with Mike and Shanti.

Hello, it is Robert again for the next part of our story.
        When Mike and Shanti arrived in Rotorua, we heard they had already spent a couple of days with some business in Taupo. Now they were with us to relax for another couple of days before returning to Auckland.
        When they checked in for their unit, I asked if they would rather stay in our upstairs apartment as our personal guests. They quickly agreed but were still surprised when I told them there would be no charge as they were our visitors, not guests of the motel/holiday park. But they were happy with that, I think it was more about being with Rebecca and me rather than any savings in cost because the second night they shouted us dinner at one of the most expensive places in the city.

        So, without checking them in we took Mike and Shanti up to our apartment over the admin and office building. It was quite spacious after our last place, more the size of a modern three-bedroom house. While Rebecca was showing Shanti where everything was, Mike and I brought their bags up from downstairs.
        After that, we invited them to join us for a tour of the motel/holiday park. We were about to leave when I noticed the women had changed to wearing sarongs around their waists. Both women look great like that with their breasts bare. Quickly, Mike and I stripped down to shorts too.
        They seemed very impressed with our motel/campground.
        “It’s perfect for what the group wants,” Shanti exclaimed. And she was already making plans as to who would stay where and what activities they could do here.
        When we arrived back at the office, I gave her a few copies of a printed map of the park. I also wrote on the map how many each cabin could comfortably sleep. She could use that to assign cabins before they arrived.

        Since it was going to be a beautiful evening, Rebecca prepared a meal for a picnic down by the stream. It was nice sitting in the last rays of the sun but being late in the season it was too cold to swim in the stream.
        As the sun dropped behind the trees, we walked up through the park and stopped by one of the spa pools that wasn’t being used. Now the evening had cooled down, it was lovely to strip off our clothes and lower ourselves into the warm water.
        There were lots of other people around, both nude or wearing swimwear, but they used the main pools or the other spa baths. It almost seemed like they could sense those four people in the spa at the far end, were wanting to be left alone. Perhaps they also recognised we were the park owners.
        Having the spa to ourselves meant it was easier to talk. Everything was settled now for their visit during the middle of next summer. It was a huge booking, nearly 50 people plus children, using most of the accommodation we had available. Shanti promised the final numbers as soon as she got them but, in the meantime, I decided to keep the entire place open for them. I knew we could quickly fill any units or cabins they didn’t need once the numbers for their group were finalized.
        We then moved on to talking about our plans for the evening. Once again, Mike asked us if we were ok with this partner swapping and swinging. Once again it had been my wife who answered while I just nodded my head, confirming I agreed with her.
        The conversation continued with talking about sex. How do we like it? What positions do we all like? They also told us a few sexy stories about things they had done. I must confess to being turned on by all this and I was grateful I had some shorts to attempt to hide my erection when we got out of the pool.
        A bit late we decided to return to their apartment for the rest of the evening. I turned on the heat pump against the cool of the evening. I figured that since we were going to be playing sexually, then it was likely we would be naked so I might as well warm the place up so we would be comfortable.

        We sat and talked for a while. I could see my wife was getting nervous. I think Shanti and Mike recognised it too. I knew we had to get things moving somehow so I offered them a drink. Mike came out to help.
        “Is your wife ok,” he asked. “She’s gone a bit quiet.”
        “She’s been talking about this, excited since you arranged to visit. We’ve talked about swapping, so she is ok with it. I think just a bit nervous now we are about to do it.”
        “Then if it is ok, I’ll move to get things started.”
        “That’s fine, Mike. If she wants to back out, then I’m sure she’ll tell us.”
        “Ok,” he agreed. “Shanti and I will just go with whatever you say.”
        I thanked him for that as I knew they wouldn’t push things if Rebecca did suddenly chicken out.
        With that, he left with some of the drinks. A few moments later, I followed him.

        Did I get a surprise when I entered the room? Both women had stripped naked while Mike and I were away. That was good as it showed Rebecca was still committed to the evening. I returned to see that Mike had moved over to sit beside Rebecca. He was naked now too. I looked at Shanti and she smiled, patting the seat beside her. So, slipping off the T-shirt and shorts I wore, I sat down beside her, I realised the next step down this road had been taken.
        We were all naked, sitting with each other’s wives. We didn’t talk much after that move. I think the time of talking was over. Now it was time for the fun to start.
        Mike had turned to Rebecca and leaned forward to kiss her on the lips. For a moment she hesitated before she began responding to him. I also noticed his hand had come up to rub over her breast and play with her nipple.

        “I want some of that,” the woman beside me whispered.
        I turned to her, my hand reaching for the hard, dark nipple of her breast. She sat for a moment, allowing me a chance to play before she moved in closer to me. We tried to kiss like that, but it seemed a bit awkward, her body twisted like that.
        Suddenly, she broke from the kiss and moved, her body turning towards me as one leg straddled mine. She ended up sitting facing me with a leg on each side of mine. It was a sexy position as she ended up with her pussy almost directly over my cock. Of course, having this naked woman so close like that was getting a reaction from my cock too.
        When Shanti moved so she was straddling me, I was a bit concerned that we might be taking things too fast. I quickly looked over at Mike and Rebecca and saw they were still busy kissing. His hand had left her breast and moved down to her pussy. She didn’t seem to be worried about that as her legs had opened to allow him.

        Shanti saw me look around at her husband and my wife. She smiled at me, knew exactly how to distract me, bring my attention back to her, reaching down with both hands to help my cock along. Meanwhile, my hands had gone back to those lovely tits again. When she pulled my head down to her breast, I didn’t hesitate, taking that big hard nipple into my mouth. I heard that contented sigh as I began to suck. She was holding my head with both hands, pulling me tightly against her chest.
        I had reached down now, finding her pussy between her thighs. It didn’t take much before she began to juice up. My fingers were rubbing between her lips and pressing deeper into her. I could feel her pelvis humping against my hand so knew she was aroused by it.
        As my head moved to the other breast, she was only holding me with one hand as the other had returned to my cock. So quickly, we were ready for each other. I was surprised.
        “I want you,” she breathed in my ear. “I want your cock.”
        I didn’t reply to that. Well, not with words anyway.

        I moved so my body slipped lower, bringing my cock directly under her body. She grasped my cock moving her body slightly to line me up until I felt my cock head pressing against her pussy lips. Pressing down with the weight of her body and her lips split open, allowing me to enter her.
        From the moment she took me, I knew I was with a woman who knew what she was doing. The fucking was great as her body worked with mine in short, sharp strokes. I could feel she was taking me in deep, taking nearly all that I could give her.
        It felt good, she felt good. I loved how she moved her body so her pussy worked at my cock. For a woman who’d had three kids, she had kept herself in good shape. She was proving it now, showing how fit she was.
        I think we were both aroused and ready, even before the fucking had started. Perhaps it might have been the talking about sex in the pool. Whatever it was, I quickly discovered I was heading for an orgasm. I would have liked to have slowed down and tried holding out a bit longer but Shanti didn’t seem to want that.
        She continued with those short sharp humps. It was obviously getting to her as well. But she wasn’t worried. She was heading for an orgasm too and didn’t care about making it last. I suppose her idea was to get it over with, and then we could settle down for a longer session next time.
        Suddenly, she moaned in my ear and bucked around on top of me. I was worried that I would stay with her and not slip out. But she recovered quickly and settled down to get me off too. It didn’t take us long before I blew my load, cumming deep inside her pussy.

Hi from Rebecca.
        Since my husband, Robert, was busy with Shanti, I get to tell my part in this story. When Mike and Shanti arrived and we were touring our motel/campground, I looked at Mike and thought about having sex with him. I was confident then. I was experienced with sex and knew I could do a good job with him.
        But when we started talking in the spa, I began to become a bit nervous. It became obvious, that these two people had been swinging for a long time, had many sex partners and had lot’s more experience than either Robert or me. Silly thoughts began to creep in about whether would I be good enough for him. Yes, I know. It was silly when you think about it now.

        We got back to our apartment and I was wearing clothes because of the cool evening outside. I had become a bit nervous and I think Shanti noticed it. When Robert and Mike went off to get the drinks, Shanti suggested we get things going by getting naked for the men. She quickly began to strip and without thinking about it I followed her.
        When the men returned, we were both sitting there naked. I noticed that Mike came straight over and sat beside me. Robert followed his example and sat with Shanti. It wasn’t long before things got started.

        Mike turned to me and tried to kiss me. I was unsure about that at first. Kissing was a very intimate exchange between two people. But I allowed him and quickly I discovered he was a good kisser. My lips parted as he pushed his tongue between them and our tongues met.
        As we kissed, I could feel his hand on my breast, how he caressed me, his fingers stroking and pulling on my nipple. Oh, that felt good, making me even more aroused.
        This kissing probably continued longer than I intended. When finally, we broke apart, I looked over to see what my husband was doing with Shanti. Did I get a shock?
        Shanti had turned to face Robert. She was sitting with her leg on each side of him, presenting her open pussy to his cock. That was a sexy position, I thought, but then I noticed her hips moving. From the position we were in we had a view up between their legs. Between her cheeks with her legs so open, we could see her little black bum hole but lower down the light colour of his cock could be seen thrusting deep between the black lips of her pussy. Wow! That was a sight to see. They were already fucking. So quickly too.

        “They are doing it already,” I said in surprise.
        “Well, that is what usually happens with couples swap,” Mike replied with a grin.
        I laughed, “It’s just they got into it so fast.”
        “Must have been horny,” he laughed.
        “Yeah, I know, right!”
        “Now the question remains, are you ready too, Rebecca?” I said.
        I smiled again. “I guess you need to find that out, Mike,” I laughed.
        His hand reached for me, pressing down between my legs for my pussy. A very wet pussy, I must confess. I couldn’t believe how turned on I was, and we hadn’t even done anything yet.
        “Yes,” he said. “I think that answers my question.”
        “How are we going to do it?” I asked.
        “Any way you like, Rebecca,” he replied.
        “Maybe the missionary way is best for the first time, I think.”
        “Ok, then,” he replied with a grin.

        Taking my hand as he stood up, he pulled me up too as we moved from the couch to the floor. I lay back on the floor, pulling him down on top of me. I didn’t think I needed any more foreplay. Suddenly, I was so hot for him that I wanted him to take me.
        He came down on top of me and I felt his weight on my body. I reached down for his shaft guiding him to my pussy. There was a moment of hesitation then he pushed forward into me. My wet, swollen lips split open to take him. I love that moment when a man enters me and this man didn’t disappoint either.
        A gentle push between my lips, taking his cock head inside. A few more gentle thrusts and I was taking almost all of him. Then he began to move. My experience was at this point the man would ensure things were fully lubricated and then move smoothly towards a proper speed for a successful sexual result for both parties. Well, that was what I expected anyway.
        But Mike didn’t do that. Instead, he continued as he had begun. His long slow strokes pushed in as far as he could go before slowly withdrawing until he almost came out of me. At first, that felt good. Really good. I loved the feeling of the hard shaft of his cock moving between my lips.
        But soon I wanted more. I wanted him to go faster. Get some friction going you could say. Be a good boy scout and know how to start a fire in me.
        “You can go faster, now,” I told.
        “Yeah, I know,” he answered.
        But still, he kept on with that long slow stroke. Frustration was setting in. What the hell was wrong with him?
        “Faster!” I urged him. “Go faster.”
        Was he doing this on purpose? Was he trying to piss me off?
        I humped up at him aggressively.
        “Oh! So impatient,” he laughed.
        “Well, hurry up then. Fuck me properly.”
        “Ok, honey, if that’s what you want.”
        He pulled out and then drove down hard into me. Soon he was thrusting at me with long fast strokes. Suddenly, I realised what he had been doing. By going slowly like that, he had been building my desire and passion. Then by suddenly speeding up he quickly pushed my body into an orgasm. Pumping all the way through that first wave, quickly drove me into a second one.
        A short time later, he had cum and we were finished.

        I looked around to see that Shanti and my husband were finished and watching us.
        “Did you do that to Rebecca?” Shanti asked him.
        “Of course,” he laughed. “Always works on someone new.”
        Shanti just shook her head. She obviously knew her husband well. She probably had that some trick played on her too. But I had no complaints. After all, it had given me two good orgasms. Who am I to complain about that?

Back with Robert again.
        The second time I did it with Shanti that night, we had moved to the floor where I lay on my back while she took me cowgirl style. I like this position and Rebecca and I use it a lot. She likes it too and is quite good at it. I wasn’t surprised when Mike and Rebecca moved down beside us to do it the same way.
        I like watching Rebecca as she lowers herself onto me. How she stretches to reach over me and then brings her pussy down towards my cock. Usually, but not always, then she will use her hand to guide me in. I feel her pussy meet the head of my cock and feel the wet heat as she pushes herself onto me.
        Now I was trying it with a different woman and while she was doing it similarly, it seemed so different. I could tell from the moment she started that this woman knew what she was doing. The way her body worked to draw me in and out of her was great. Her hips and body worked smoothly as she fucked me.
        I was looking up at her as she smiled down at me. I was enjoying watching her body at work. I particularly noticed how her breasts moved with her body, doing a dance of their own on her chest. I also noticed the look on her face. The sign of a woman who was good at fucking and enjoying it too.

        It was then that I glanced over at Mike and Rebecca. Both of them were on the floor beside us naked as she fucked in the same way Shanti was fucking me. I could see her naked body, bolding displayed for the man below her. Her hips moved as she pressed her pussy down on him, taking his cock deep inside her body with each stroke.
        The way her breasts moved in time with her body. Beautiful breasts, crowned with hard pink nipples. A nice contrast to the dark brown nipples Shanti had. As I watched, Mike brought his hands up to her breasts, holding them, rubbing and pulling on her nipples. I saw her expression change as she felt it and heard the soft moan escape her lips.
        I didn’t realise until then how hot and sexy my wife would look while she was fucking another man.

        Shanti noticed my distraction.
        “She looks good, doesn’t she?” Shanti said.
        “Mmmm,” I said, nodding in agreement.
        “She’s enjoying it too.”
        Again, I agreed with her.
        “Do that to me. Play with my tits,” she told me, patting her chest.
        I don’t need to be told twice to play with a lovely pair as she had. My hands went straight for them. A quick run over the swelling mounds before I settled on her nipples. As I worked them with my fingers, I heard Shanti moan as well and felt her body respond as she began moving faster and pressing down harder against me with each stroke.
        I began to realise that I wouldn’t be able to take much more of that. My body was responding as my next orgasm approached. Shanti must have noticed it as she leaned forward so her clitty was contacting my shaft as she moved. We were getting closer now. Both sweating and breathing heavy.
        Her excitement was building, those last few strokes becoming wild and aggressive as she finished herself off. It was a huge orgasm as she lost control and fell forward, her body crashing against me. As her body went through the last throes of orgasm, I used my own body to hump up against her, thrusting into her to finish myself off.

        I was laying there, my arms wrapped around her as I held her on top of me. I heard a familiar moan beside me which caused both Shanti and me to look. Rebecca had just cum, and it looked a good one there too. She humped against Mike, out of control and uncoordinated until she was able to find the strength and will to finish Mike off too.
        Breathlessly, they fell apart and Rebecca rolled onto her back to lay beside her. She looked well fucked and I was pleased for her. I knew she was a bit nervous but now she had proved she had nothing to worry about. Twice now she had done well with a man she had never tried with before.

        I thought it was time to stop for a while after that. While my wife had brought out some savoury snacks she had made earlier, I got some more beer for everyone.
        After a while, once we men had recovered, we decided to do it again.
        “Want to go it again?” Shanti asked.
        “Sure,” Mike replied.
        “What about you guys?” Shanti asked Rebecca and me.
        “I’m in,” Rebecca quickly said as she looked at me.
        “I’m in too,” I said.

        Our last sex session for the evening was two couples, side by side doing it doggy style. Somehow, the women had turned so that they were facing opposite ways. That left Mike and me, facing each other, much as we would have in a spit-roast threesome, except we were with different women.
        An interesting way of doing it as I could watch him fucking my wife while he watched me fucking his wife. We didn’t hold back either and soon had both women, moaning and groaning as we pounded our cocks into them.
        At one point I heard Rebecca cum and I saw Mike reach out his hand and I reached out mine to slap hands together celebrating her orgasm. Not long after, Shanti cum too and again Mike and I slapped hands as we laughed.

        “Let’s swap,” Mike suggested.
        I was surprised at that but willing to go along with his idea. When I got behind my wife and pressed my cock into her, I discovered she was very wet and ready for me. I’d only been going for a few moments when she started talking.
        “How does it feel having your cock in me… my cunt is full of sperm from another man?” she asked.
        “Oh fuck!” I replied.
        That was sexy. Both the idea of what she just said and the words she used to say it. Not like Rebecca to talk like that. She never uses the word ‘cunt.’ She always says she doesn’t like it.
        “Feel how slippery my cunt is,” she continued. “It’s all Mike’s juicy cum.”
        “Soon you’re going to cum. Fill me with even more sperm.”
        This was getting to me.
        “Fill my wet cunt with a big load of cum!”
        “I’ve been fucking another man… He’s cum in my cunt… Put his sperm in my cunt.”
        “Oh fuck!” I moaned. This was so hot. So different to the Rebecca I knew.
        “I’ve been fucking another man! Fill my cunt with your cum. Show me who owns me. Show me you own my cunt!
        That was too much! My orgasm hit me like a freight train. My cock jerked as I pump more cum into her than I ever knew I had.
        Before I could finish, she fell forward and my cock slipped out of her so she took my last couple of shots down the centre of her arse.
        “Yes, now I own you. My cum is in your cunt and over your arse.”
        I reached forward and rubbed a blob of my cum down the split between her cheeks.
        It’s my cum running down your arse now. Over your bum hole, down your cunt lips. I own you now.”
        I could feel her body trembling with excitement. I reached lower, my fingers pushed down along her pussy lips, still lower until I came to the hood over her clitty. I gave it a sharp pinch. That was it for her. She collapsed completely as she cum hard. We could all hear the gentle moans she made as my wife struggled to recover.

        A woman’s gasp made me look over at Mike and Shanti. As he fucked her doggy style as we had done, I could see he was reaching underneath for her pussy. It was very obvious that was working for her and Mike seemed like he was getting close too.
        While Rebecca and I watched, Shanti cum. She cried out and fell forward just as Mike began shooting his cum over her arse. That was great how they had timed things so well like that.

        As I’ve said above, on the second night, Mike and Shanti took us out for what must have been an expensive meal but a very enjoyable evening. They are a nice couple and Rebecca and I enjoyed their easy-going company.
        When we reached home again, none of us discussed what would be happening that night. We just seemed to know we would be swapping again.
        That night we did a full swap for the night with Mike coming to share our bed with Rebecca while I went off to the quest bedroom with Shanti. This time I got to experience Shanti in bed. After the night before I didn’t know how much I had for her but with her encouragement, I easily made it successfully through three sessions with her before we called it a night and settled down to sleep.

        Rebecca told me later that she had another great night with Mike too. They fucked well into the night and even had another session in the morning. No wonder she looked totally shot when she managed to get up for a very late breakfast.

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Shanti Get Disciplined by Sarvesh.

Robert Again Now.
        Life went on as usual. We got the remaining cabins finished and completed other projects such as a playground for the children. The next summer, bookings were heavy. But we keep the place free for our special guests, only letting a few of the remaining cabins that Shanti and Sarvesh didn’t want.
        Since we intended to be free to spend more time with the group, we trained other staff to take over our duties for that week. We would be there, but we’d allow our staff to run things and only call on us if they needed help. Things were running well so we had every confidence in our team for that week.
        Finally, the big day came when our guests would arrive. I knew they had a morning trip to the film set of Hobbiton (Lord of the Rings), so we knew not to expect them until early afternoon. I made sure things were ready so they could settle in quickly after their journey.
        Rebecca was on duty when they arrived so she checked them all in and made sure they knew where they would be staying. After handing things over to our assistant manager, we went upstairs to get ready to be with our guests.
        Yes, you guessed it. Getting ready meant losing some clothing so we’d be ready to join them in the pool naked.

        It was fun being with them again. After all those years, it was almost as if we could pick up from when they left after their stay at our Waitomo motel. They were the same, joking and teasing, enjoying being together. We had a great time swimming with them. When a ball was produced, we joined in that game too. It was the usual, boys and against girls. With almost any tactic allowed to take the ball.
        I noticed, that one of the Australian women threw the ball to Rebecca. Before she could pass it on, one of the Indian men came up behind her. I remember him from before, Joseph I think his name is. Well, my wife wasn’t allowing him to steal the ball and I noticed he spent more time squeezing her tits than taking the ball. Finally, she managed to throw the ball to another lady.
        “You’re a naughty boy!” I heard her tell him as she turned toward him.
        “Maybe, but you enjoyed it didn’t you?” he laughed back.

        Well, most of the adults eventually got out to seek shade over some nearby seats and tables. It was there that they held a sort of meeting where plans were laid out for the next five days. I was happy to tell them that I had approached some of the major attractions in Rotorua itself and arranged good discounts for the group. I also helped arrange catering at the motel or evening meals in the city.
        At the most, there would be up to 10 other people staying so Sarvesh and I decided to throw it open to everyone. Those other guests could join in the meals if they wanted. Some did and some didn’t. It was up to them.

        After that, the group broke up. Some went for other attractions we had in the camp while some others went back to their cabins to rest or do whatever else adults do when their kids weren’t around. There was football and canoeing where the steam was dammed to form a small lake.
        Others took the bush walk up to the spring where our hot water came from. I had built a rock pool to catch the hot water and pipe it away to the camp. It was of course, far too hot to touch. There is a nice view out there, looking out over Lake Rotorua to the city on the other side. It was also a nice walk at night where people could see the glow-worms and the distant lights of the city.
        At about 5 pm everyone was called in to get ready for dinner that was due at 6 pm. The caterers had put on a good spread of different dishes. I was pleased with what we got for what was a reasonable price. After dinner, I set the campfire in the firepit that was down near the stream. It was surrounded by a few tables and seats so people could enjoy the campfire atmosphere. It was always popular with our guests.

        Shanti and Sarvesh got into what I thought was a mock argument when she challenged some of his sightseeing arrangements. I was behind Sarvesh in this. I think Shanti was out of line and just teasing him. Annoying him to get him going.
        Anyway, Sarvesh decided he’d had enough of this ‘rebellious woman.’ (His words, not mine.) Sarvesh decided Shanti needed to be punished. Soon she found herself bent over a table getting bare her arse smacked.
        This sudden show in front of us was affecting Rebecca. She leaned over to me, “This is a bit sexy,” she told me.
        “Look at her. She’s turned on too,” I said.
        “It’s very sexy!” Rebecca said, her voice husky with desire.
        We could both see how Sarvesh was rubbing a very juicy pussy between slaps. We also saw how she was pressing back against his hand as he did it.
        I saw my wife move and squeeze her legs tightly together. She was getting horny. She looked up and when she saw I was watching her, she gave a shy smile.
        Well, you probably all realised where this was going. Sarvesh ended up fucking her and all the time she continued to tell him ‘How useless his small little cock was.’ I can tell you, judging by that performance, Sarvesh was neither small nor useless. Before long Shanti was really taking a pounding and while we watched, I heard a soft moan from my wife.
        Rebecca was now sitting with her legs further open. There was a hand rubbing between her legs, but it was not her hand. A man’s hand from the man next to her. An Australian, Ian I think his name was. It was looking like he might have got her off and made her cum. That was sexy!

        After that wild fucking, Shanti got up and for a while, it looked like she could hardly walk. When she did finally walk, we all heard her as she walked away.
        “That was good, Sarvesh,” Shanti laughed. “With a bit more practice, you might make, Ok.”
        “What!” Sarvesh cried jumping up and starting toward her.
        But Shanti was gone. Away up the path among the trees before he could catch her.
        “I’ll get you for that,” he called after her.
        “Promises! Promises!” she laughed back. “But can you keep them?”
        “That woman!” he said, turning back towards us watching.
        “She gets you every time, doesn’t she?” my wife, Amita laughed.
        “Like a fly attracted to the honey pot. You can’t keep away.” Hansini added.

        I heard Rebecca talking to Amita, Sarvesh’s wife.
        “Sarvesh fucking her like that. It was so hot,” Rebecca said.
        “You liked it, did you?” Amita asked with a grin.
        “I did,” Rebecca confessed. Then her voice lowered so only a few of us nearby heard. “Ian made me cum.”
        I thought so. Now she had just confirmed it.
        “Well, I don’t think Sarvesh has any plans for tonight. Why don’t you and Robert come back to our cabin? You can get some of what Shanti got.”
        “Would Sarvesh be ok with it?” Rebecca asked.
        “Sure, he will,” Amita said. “He told me he’d like to try with you.”
        “Maybe it would be better if you come up to our place. It’s much more comfortable.”
        “I’ve heard that. I heard how comfortable you made Mike when he was here. You can do it again for my husband while I take good care of your husband.”
        A few moments later, Rebecca was back with me.
        “Robert, we have guests visiting us, probably for the night,” she said.
        “I heard that,” I laughed. “Guests with benefits, it seems.”
        Rebecca smiled embarrassingly but she didn’t deny it.

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Swapping with Amita and Sarvesh.

Yes, Robert once again as I continue our story.
        Amita and Sarvesh came up the stairs not long behind us. Talk about travelling light. All they had was his shorts and her sarong around her waist. I invited them in and asked if they’d like a drink.
        To my surprise, Sarvesh said he would rather have something non-alcoholic as he wanted to keep his head clear for tonight. We didn’t have anything other than water, so I had to run downstairs to the vending machine for some soft drinks. Yes, since Sarvesh was going non-alcoholic, we decided to join him.
        “So, you want what Shanti got, Rebecca?” Sarvesh asked her.
        “Yes,” she replied, her voice full of desire.
        “Have you been naughty like her?” he asked.
        “Not exactly like her. I have been lusting after men other than my husband. I want to fuck them,” Rebecca said smiling as she got into his game.
        “Oh, dear. That is very bad!” Sarvesh said. “You are a very bad woman!”
        “I am, Sarvesh,” Rebecca admitted. “What are you going to do about it?”
        “Well, I think Robert will agree. We can not allow this behaviour to continue. I think you are going to need to be punished.”
        We all heard Rebecca suck in air, at the thought of that. Then she gave a soft moan. This surprised me. I wasn’t expecting my wife to go in for this, but it was obvious to all of us that she was becoming very turned on by it.
        “Take your clothes off and bend over the back of that couch,” Sarvesh ordered her.
        We watched her slowly remove her clothing. Her hands were trembling so much that she could hardly undo the buttons of her blouse.

        Amita stepped in beside her and softly said in her ear, “The safe word is ‘New Zealand,’ say that and everything stops immediately.”
        Rebecca nodded that she understood.

        Sarvesh stood in front of her as he removed his clothes revealing his cock. Her eyes went straight for it, his hard erection sticking out towards her. We all heard another soft moan. Sarvesh heard it too as he smiled.
        “I’ll give you a chance to repent,” he said. “Are you going to stop lusting after other men, Rebecca?”
        “No, I’m not!” she replied. “I’m going to fuck all of them. Get their hard cocks in my juicy cunt!”
        That surprised me. There she was again, talking like that. She would never use the word ‘cunt.’ It just proved how turned on she was.
        “Well, Rebecca. You know I’m going to have to punish you?”
        “Yes, I know you do,” she replied. “I know you have to be violent with me to prove you are the boss.”
        That stopped Sarvesh for a moment. “Have you been listening to Shanti?”
        “I heard her down by the river. You are just a big bully!”

        Oh wow! I couldn’t believe where this was going. By now, Amita had joined me sitting on the other couch watching. We both were naked and were touching each other. I loved those little breasts she had, loved her big hard nipples. In fact, I was taken by her slim, almost boyish body. I also loved that neat triangle of forest between her thighs and when my fingers found it, a very juicy pussy.
        Amita had run her hands over my chest and arms. With all the outside work I’d been doing the past few years, my upped body had strengthened, and I had a good, all-over tan. I was probably looking better than I’d looked in years.
        While we continued to watch the show in front of us, Amita’s hands had now settled on my balls and cock. “You do have a nice one,” I heard her say.
        “You are nice too,” I replied as my hand pushed down between her legs to her pussy. “Especially this bit.”
        She was wet and slippery. I was soon pressing a couple of fingers into her. She moaned her approval back to me.

        Rebecca was naked now. Standing there facing Sarvesh.
        “Don’t you do anything you’re told?” he said.
        “What?” she asked, looking a bit confused.
        “Didn’t I tell you to bend over that couch?”
        “Oh, yes,” she replied, jumping to obey his command, presenting the round cheeks of her bum in a very lude display.
        He stepped up beside her, standing to the side so Amita and I could see what he was doing. Sarvesh’s hands began to run all over Rebecca’s naked body. I saw him reach down under her to feel one of her hanging breasts too. I would also see she was enjoying it too.
        Eventually, his hand settled on playing with the cheeks of her bum. His fingers found her crevice, rubbing from her bum hole right down over her pussy to her clitty. I was sure he was touching her clitty because every time he reached that low, her body gave a shudder of pleasure.
        Suddenly, his hand pulled out, lifting above her, then dropping fast to give her cheek a sharp slap. It looked to be hard, harder than I would have thought he would have done. We heard her gasp at the shock of it too.
        “Are you a bad girl?” he asked her as his hand began rubbing her again, his finger running down the crevice between her butt cheeks.
        “Yes,” we heard her softly reply. She knew what would happen if she said ‘yes,’ but she said it anyway.
        His hand raised again and came down sharply on her other cheek. Rebecca’s body jumped again and we heard the gasp she gave.

        Sarvesh returned to working and rubbing her juicy pussy.
        “Are you going to behave, Rebecca?” he asked her.
        “No, Sarvesh. I am going to fuck as many cocks as I can.”
        “Such a naughty girl,” Sarvesh said as his hand came down for his third slap. This time he had returned to her first cheek which had begun to take on a pink tinge. Quickly another slap followed to the second cheek.
        “Are you still going to misbehave?” he asked her.
        “Yes,” Rebecca replied. “I’m going to fuck who I want and you won’t stop me, Sarvesh!”
        Oh wow! Listen to her.

        I noticed he didn’t give her as many as he gave Shanti earlier. I think at that point, Sarvesh decided that six slaps on her bum were enough for Rebecca. He decided to move on to another form of punishment.
        Sarvesh moved up behind Rebecca rubbing his cock in the crack between her cheeks. She knew immediately what was about to happen. She seductively wiggled her behind at him saying, “Come on then, punish me, punish my pussy.”
        Sarvesh grabbed her by her hips pushing against her as her lips parted and he sunk in deep.
        She felt that as she gave a deep moan of approval. A couple more thrusts into her and he was ready to get into some real fucking. Even from the start, he wasn’t holding back. He said it was her punishment and she was getting it too. Nice deep strokes plunging into her open wet pussy.
        It was sexy to watch and soon my cock was hard and looking for action too.

        I looked at Amita and she smiled at me. She looked to know what I was thinking and I wondered if she wanted some fun too until she said, “I’d wait if I was you. Sarvesh has got more fun planned after he finished this.”
        I wondered what he had in mind that his wife wanted to hold things. I decided to trust her and watch the show in front of me.

        By now Sarvesh was pounding into my wife really giving her a huge fucking and she was loving it. She was moaning and crying out, humping back against his as best she could do. It was wild to watch and both Amita and I knew it wouldn’t last long and could only end in one way.
        Suddenly, Rebecca began to cum. That deep throaty moan was enough to turn anyone on. It was so sexy to hear.
        As she finished, he pulled out of her and to my surprise, I noticed he hadn’t cum. The three of us sat watching while Rebecca struggled to recover and lift herself up off the couch back. She saw us watching and smiled, probably wondering why Amita and I weren’t doing anything.

        “Do you want to try a threesome?” Sarvesh asked Rebecca.
        “Two men?” she asked.
        “Of course. You get two men first and then Amita gets her turn too.”
        “Ok,” my wife said. A big smile appeared on her face.
        Sarvesh got her to get down on her hands and knees on the floor.
        “She can suck me while you do her from behind. Then we can swap places he told me.”
        I nodded and moved until I was behind my wife. My hand went in and rubbed an extremely wet pussy before I took my cock and pressed against her pussy lips. It was an easy push and I burst into her. I like fucking like this as the woman always seems tighter. Meanwhile, Sarvesh had moved around in front of her to present his cock to her mouth.
        So, there was my beautiful naked wife, Rebecca, on her hands and knees being spit-roasted by me and another man. Her first threesome, the first time she’d taken two cocks at once. It was hot to see but even better since I was part of it.
        Following what I had seen Mike do to Shanti, I reached under Rebecca and rubbed against her clitty while I continued fucking her. It didn’t take much, just one touch was all it took.
        Sarvesh realised what had just happened and he reached out to give me a high five. “Good one mate,” he laughed.
        “Let’s swap ends now,” he said. “As much as I like her blow-jobs I can’t wait to get into that pussy again.”
        We swapped and while Sarvesh took over fucking her, Rebecca began sucking me. She must have tasted the mixture of her pussy juice and my pre-cum. We continued like that for a while until Sarvesh told me to pull out before I cum and give her a shower. I don’t know what Rebecca thought of that, but she didn’t try and stop. Perhaps she was so caught up in what she was doing that she didn’t hear him.
        The way she was sucking me and pumping with one hand was amazing. I was discovering things about my wife, skills I never knew about. I think that maybe she didn’t know about them either but just went along with what was happening.
        Sarvesh was working her clitty again too and quickly she was into her second cum. He looked close himself and I was beginning to realise I was close too. I heard him groan and pull out of her. Giving his cock some final few pumps with his hand, his cum began to fly all over her back and arse. That was sexy to see.
        I was there myself by then and as Sarvesh had done, I pulled out to give the last few pumps with my hand. I don’t think Rebecca realised what was happening until suddenly my cum was hitting her hair and face. I made quite a mess actually.
        Suddenly Amita was beside her with a towel for her to clean off.

        We sat for a few minutes for a drink and then it was Amita’s turn. Since neither of us was hard, the two women came to help us. I did notice Rebecca went for Sarvesh while Amita came to me. Both women worked with their hands and mouth to get us both hard again.
        And it didn’t take much of that before it began to work. Once, Amita realised I was responding she took me into her mouth, sucking me while her hand pumped my shaft. Since she was kneeling in front of me, Sarvesh just came in to take her from behind.
        His tactic was the same as with Rebecca. We spit-roasted Amita until she cum and then we swapped ends to finish. This time we didn’t pull out. I give her a big load in her pussy while Sarvesh put his load in her mouth. She took us both with style as I would have expected from a woman like Amita.

        “Shanti was right about you, Sarvesh,” Rebecca said.
        “What do you mean?” Sarvesh asked, a bit confused as to why Shanti would be brought into the conversation again.
        “When you told all three of us what to do and how to do it,” Rebecca began. “You do like being the big boss, don't you?”
        Sarvesh smiled. It seemed like he kind of liked what she had just said.
        “Then you better come to bed with me, Rebecca. I'll show you again what a big boss I can be.”
        I looked at my wife and saw the look of arousal in her eyes. She was turned on by the idea of being with him again.
        After another round of drinks and we decided to make it a night. I took Amita to the guest bedroom while Rebecca took Sarvesh to our main bedroom.
        It wasn’t planned that they were going to spend the night. It just happened like that. They are a nice couple and we both enjoyed our evening with them.

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        That wasn’t the end of Rebecca and my fun while that group were visiting us. Every night, we either had someone stay with us or we were off with someone in one of the cabins. There were also a few sexual activities during the days too whenever we got the chance.
        On the last day, they were with us, the two couples, Mike and Shanti; Sarvesh and Amita came to visit. They said they had something important to talk with us about. We sat on our deck that looked out over the camp towards Lake Rotorua while we talked.
        They told us more about the structure of their group, how it was formed and its long history. They also told us that many of their sexual adventures had been recorded in a series of books. Then they asked if we wanted to join. Since we had spent a week already involved in the group’s sexual side, it seemed natural that we should formally join.
        There were a few rules we would be required to conform to but the major one was not having sexual relationships with anyone outside the group. It all seemed easy enough, so we agreed to join. Rebecca also extended an open invitation to anyone travelling to Rotorua saying they would be welcome to stay with us here. As our guests of course, not as guests of the motel/campgrounds.
        They also told us we were welcome to stay with some of them whenever we were in Auckland. They would keep us informed of any parties or trips to visit the other groups in India or Australia.

        Of course, soon after that, they left to return to Auckland. I’d heard they had other plans up there too.
        We didn’t hear much from them until about a month later when a courier arrived with two boxes from a car sale yard in Auckland. It was from Mike and Shanti and they contained an entire set of these books they had told us about.
        After that, MS word files would be regularly sent to us via email with stories to be printed off and added to our collection. When they moved to a new folder, that was also sent to us.
        I’m looking forward to seeing this story when it is included. Thanks, Shanti and Lizamoa for your help and proofreading. Thanks also for your patience with us since neither of us has ever been a good writer.

        As for Rebecca and I, our life and marriage had changed, for the good, of course. It seemed our experiences had opened up some parts of Rebecca I had never known were there. She didn't either.
        All through our life together, I had been careful to always treat my wife as an equal in everything. Something that I thought was very important and something that she often had said that she appreciated. But while that would always continue, now in the bedroom, sometimes that would change.
        There was a new passion for exhibitionism and this tendency towards being submissive. I'd discovered Rebecca was turned on by being dominated by a man. Being told what to do and being punished when she didn't obey. Over the next few months, as we began to explore this new aspect of our sex life, some of the fantasy sex sessions we got into were amazing sex for both of us. Great sex, wild orgasms and a whole new world of sexual activities opened up for us.
        But I also quickly realised that Rebecca want this submissive side to strictly remain in our bedroom and sex life, just with me and a select few others from the sex group. The rest of the time, nothing had changed between us. She still remained the wonderful wife she had always been, my partner and equal in everything.

                        Love from Rebecca and Robert.

        Since the group left New Zealand, there have been some further developments. There were discussions between Sarvesh and me regarding a small restaurant being added to our holiday park. Four months later, when Sarvesh was back in New Zealand on business, he arrived in Rotorua with Mike and Steve. After dinner, we sat down to talk through their proposal for Rebecca and me. An on-site restaurant providing breakfast, light lunches and dinner. The outcome was that the restaurant would be a joint venture, with us providing the land, with Mike and Sarvesh providing the capital.
        Rebecca had a wild night after our meeting was over with three men to herself. We each managed to take her twice before we had to stop for a break. Three men, each taking her twice, that was like a six-man gang-bang. She fell asleep on the couch after that. We had to carry her to the bedroom. Pity, the three of us could have given her much more. We were just getting going. LOL
        Now construction of a building large enough to house seating for around 50 people plus cooking facilities is underway. This will be a big addition to our motel/holiday park being able to provide on-site food and meals. I'm already talking with that caterer to see if he wants to contract to run our restaurant.

Index of Letters                         Story 287 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 286.   

Forward to Story 288.


  1. Wasn't expecting these two characters to be featured in a story again.

  2. Got into an area we have not seen much of on this blog.
    Submission and dominance. Not sure I'm into that but I liked how you wrote about it. I don't think any readers would be offended by it.

    1. Actually, there is a bit of a mix here. But one thing is for sure, Ayaka, you have developed Rebecca into an interesting character. Way to go girl.

    2. You are getting into things a bit aren't you? But the way you wrote it did make it a bit sexy.
      My husband asked if I needed my arse smacked too but I told him if he tried that he'd be in the dog-house for a month. LOL

    3. I don't know about that Grace. I bit of slapping on the arse is always fun. Leads to great sex as we both get turned on. When he started pounding into you, you sort of forget your arse is sore.

  3. Hello everyone, I am Glen.
    I live next door to Mary with my partner. While I've known Mary for much of my life, I never knew she was involved in this writing project. She invited me and my partner to dinner so she could learn more about gay sex, sex between two males, we found out about this website. I must admit while it is not really our style of sex, we have been enjoying the stories. Anne advised us to read the stories together, take our time and enjoy them, which we have been doing.
    Anne also asked us to place comments and join in any comment streams which we might do too. The story we advised her with will be published any day now. I read it last night and completed some background notes for Mary. Now it is ready I think.
