Wednesday 3 August 2022

Story 287 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 287.

Hello readers and other naughty people.

            They are calling this a push-in story, a pop-up, a queue jumper. But if we are going to publish this story then here is the natural place since the final sex scene takes place the first night they stay at the Rotorua motel/holiday park. It happened straight after the events in Story 286 Sarvesh Tries to Discipline Shanti, involving Sarvesh and Shanti. In my story, Rebecca gets turned on watching Sarvesh and Shanti and then Sarvesh and Amita move on to spend the evening with Rebecca and Robert. So my story sort of overlaps Story 286 and develops the theme further.
            This was a tight deadline, as Anne had told me it had to be placed straight after Story 286 which had already been published. I would have liked a bit more time but then, in the end, I just had to work with the time I had. I hope this rush doesn't reflect too much in the story.
            Robert and Rebecca first appeared in Story 121 Swimming at the Motel Pool. and in Story 122 Naughtier Swimming. Both these stories were about swimming in the pool at the motel Robert and Rebecca owned near Waitomo Caves. After that, they dropped out of the stories until now when they are back owning a larger motel/holiday park complex near Rotorua.
            Back in those earlier stories, this couple joined in nude swimming for the first time. Now they want to take that further and try swinging. When Rebecca suggested it, Robert was happy because he had been thinking the same thing but wasn't sure how to approach it with Rebecca. They decided to try it. How will that go? In what ways will it affect their marriage? Read the story to find out.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 287.


  1. You got this story done so quickly, Ayaka. It fits well here so I can see the need to push it in.

    1. Like others, I never thought we would see Robert and Rebecca again but they are back for this story and one in a few stories time when Rebecca is one of the central characters of a group sex session. After that, I don't think we'll see much of them for a while. But I notice you've set things up so they can appear again.

    2. Good job, big sister.
      I liked how Rebecca was excited by the spanking and discipline. That was a good scene. Not that I am into that but I did enjoy reading about this woman exploring new things sexually.
      I think there is room in this blog for a few stories like this.
