Thursday 21 July 2022

Story 286 Sarvesh Tries to Discipline Shanti.

Index of Letters                         Story 286 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 285.   

Forward to Story 287.

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Rotorua Base Camp.

Hello from Sarvesh.
        This was not intended to be a sexy story but there was probably going to include some nudity. But then, with all the sexy women in our group, it was likely something sexy would happen, which it did. Certainly, when others write about our adventures in this motel, there might be some other sexy stories too.
        Back when a large group of us Indians were visiting New Zealand some years before, we were touring parts of New Zealand’s North Island. During our tour, we stayed two nights at a motel near the Waitomo glow-worm caves. I had talked with the owners Robert and Rebecca and they agreed to put up the ‘Motel Full’ sign, so we had the whole motel for two nights. We also had some extra rooms where we could keep the children away from the adult fun.
        One of the features of this motel was how the units were laid out around a swimming pool, making a private courtyard we could take advantage of and go swimming, etc, nude. (See Story 121 Swimming at the Motel Pool.)
        I had kept in touch with Robert and used his motel a couple more times when I’d been in New Zealand on business. The last time, a few years back, Robert told me they were building a much larger motel/campground complex near Rotorua. This motel would be set in a private area with featured its own natural stream, suitable for swimming and even trout fishing.
        Since our visit, Robert and Rebecca had embraced the nude lifestyle catering to groups who enjoyed nudity. Their new motel, motor camp, would be able to cater to more groups and provide better and more private facilities for their guests. Working with Shanti we had managed to book most of their motel for five nights. Shanti had said we will use it as a sort of base camp for our touring in the Rotorua/Taupo area which explains the heading above.

        When we pulled into the motel grounds, I was immediately impressed. As the other vans pulled in behind us, Shanti and I went over to the office. Rebecca was on duty that morning and quickly came around the counter to give us both a hug. She still had that hot little body that felt even better when it was pressed against us.
        I gave her arse a quick squeeze which brought a giggle from her and a rebuke from Shanti.
        “You're just jealous you didn't get your arse squeezed too,” I laughed back to her.
        Both women laughed at that until I grabbed a very surprised Shanti and gave her a hug, ensuring that her arse got some attention too.
        That set the tone for our visit here.

        “We better get down to business,” Rebecca laughed. “Or else this office could turn in an orgy.”
        “I wouldn't mind,” I replied.
        “I sure you wouldn't, you randy sod,” Rebecca replied.
        I've grown to like the way these kiwi women talk once you got used to them.
        Quickly, Rebecca called her husband, Robert, who came down from the upstairs flat. When Robert came into the room, three other people followed him. They introduced them as their daughter and son, plus their daughter’s husband. They would be staying for the days we were there, helping out with running things. There would be some other staff on duty too, but all of these were used to nudity among the guests at the motel as this place was marketed as a ‘nude motel.’
        He shook my hand and then Shanti got a hug but not her arse grabbed this time. A big disappointment for her I'd expect. We then greeted each of the others present.
        Rebecca also said there would be some other guests, arriving and departing while we were there but again, they knew the dressing code and lifestyle promoted by this motel so wouldn’t be offended or a problem for us.

        Using a map, Robert had given us, Shanti and Mike began telling people where they would be staying and soon people began to spread out and move vans closer to their units. We all agreed to settle in and meet at the main pool for a swim in about an hour.
        Amita and I had our own cabin but with only two bedrooms our kids weren’t so keen on sharing the same room. They wanted to swap with others their age which I was kind of more comfortable with that since both our children were now young teens. In fact, in another couple of years, my son Steven / Vishva would be old enough to join in with some of our adult fun. So, there were a few swaps among the kids and my daughter ended up staying with Brian and Mega and Mootie’s son ended up with us. During the six days we were there, I noticed things changed a few times and for the last couple of days, Peter’s twins joined our daughter Nisha and stayed with us in our cabin. But I left all that stuff to the women. They seemed to be on top of what was going on among the kids.

        An hour later, we all assembled by the pool. Of course, almost everyone, including the kids, were naked and soon we were all enjoying the water. Being another nice day, the cool water was a relief from the growing heat of the day.
        After a while, we got out and sat under the shade while the kids and younger adults continued to play in the water.
        “What’s our plans now?” Fred asked.
        We sat a listened while Mike and Shanti explained our touring plans and what attractions we would be visiting in the next few days. Yes, many of us had seen some of these places. Others were new to us too. But for me, the fun is doing things together as a group, not what we were doing.
        While they were talking, I must confess to missing some of what they said. My attention and thoughts were on Shanti. I was watching her standing in front of me. Especially enjoying her naked body. Watching her tits move as she moved, watching the views I got of her pussy between her thighs. She looked to be shaved or trimmed lower down that gave me delicious glimpses of her pussy lips. My mind drifted back to the fun I’d had with that pussy over the years.
        Yes, I was totally distracted by that when my wife bumped my shoulder and I came back from my daydreaming to see Mike was asking me a question and Shanti was looking at me with a wicked smirk on her face. She knew what I had been looking at.
        “Pay attention, Sarvesh,” she laughed.
        “But I was paying attention to you, Shanti,” I smiled.
        “I know. That's the problem, isn't it?”
        “Your pussy has never been a problem for me,” I replied. “It's what's in your head that I have a problem with.”
        By now, everyone else had caught on to what we were talking about. Me perving Shanti's pussy.
        Shanti smiled. She knew very well what I meant about her head too.

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Master Over Shanti.

Hello from Sarvesh again.
        There has always been an unusual relationship between Shanti and me. It’s like I love her to bits but at the same time, she knows how to annoy me. In fact, sometimes I realized she does it on purpose just to get me going.
        Shanti is a lovely woman, she is kind, loving and generous, with a strong will, and a natural leader. Good qualities, I respect that about her. But she has this unhealthy perception of Indian men. Completely untrue, of course, you must understand but once Shanti had it in her head, she would never let it go.
        Sex becomes a battle between us and is explosive, to say the least. It becomes aggressive and completive as we strive to assert dominance over the other person. But I must confess to a round in bed with her has always been great. I would never have it any other way.
        I am amused at our spouses when we get going. Mike and Amita just shake their heads at us and get on with the gentle lovemaking that he is famous for and all the women love.

        The first night at this campground we were all sitting around a campfire down near the river. It was late and the kids were all in bed. On such a warm night many of us were either naked or very close to it.
        We were discussing the plans for the following day. I made some suggestions that I was sure would achieve the objectives in a very efficient manner when Shanti challenged me over my arrangements. Her objections were of little account and could have been easily incorporated into my plans. If only she had suggested them quietly everything would have been fine.
        But, oh no! Not Shanti. She had to challenge me and take me to task over my plans. She had to make a fight out of it.
        “Always the same with you, Sarvesh,” she debated with me. “Always the big boss man.”
        “No that is not true, Shanti,” I replied. “Anything you want to be changed or included. You only have to say so I can consider them.”
        “See, there it is. So you can consider, so you can decide? What about the rest of us? Don’t we get a say?”
        “Shanti, my dear,” I said patronisingly. “Please calm down and we can talk about this. Then I will decide what we do.”
        I knew it. That would get her going which was why I said it.
        “It is always about you, Sarvesh. About getting your own way.”
        I know that sounds rather harsh, but I also saw her trying to keep a smile off her face.
        I noticed that she was just wearing a T-shirt and nothing else.
        “If you don’t behave yourself, Shanti, I going to put you over my knee and smack that bare bum.”
        “Oh, there you go. If you don't get your own way, is that how you do it? Resort to violence!”
        “Shanti, I am warning you. I will do it.”
        I could see it, the flash in her eyes, how her nostrils flared at that. The idea excited her, but she said, “You wouldn’t dare!”
        "That's it! I've had enough from you, woman!"

        I jumped up and stepped towards her. She saw me and jumped back, accidentally falling over the chair she’d been sitting on. It took her only moments to recover but that was all I needed. I was with her, grabbing her around her waist.
        She struggled and screamed and fought me, but I wasn’t letting go. Even when she punched and slapped me, I wouldn't let go. When that didn’t work, she tried to reason with me but I took the advantage, the moment she calmed to change my hold pulling her towards a nearby picnic table. Now Shanti found herself bent over the table with her bare bum out in the air behind her. A lovely view if I must say so myself. The dark folds of her pussy lips between the ligher brown of her arse cheeks.
        I rubbed my hand over her bare cheeks as I held her still with the other hand. My fingers found the split of her bum and ran down her crevice, finding the tight cringle of her bum hole before moving lower to her pussy.
        Yes, just as I thought, I could feel her juices. This was turning her on.
        “Now, Shanti. You know I can’t allow you to disrespect me like this. You know you need to be disciplined, don’t you?”
        “No, Sarvesh. I did nothing wrong!”
        I lifted my hand high off her bum and brought it down with a sharp slap on one of her cheeks.
        “Owe! That hurt!”
        “It was meant to, Shanti. You’ve been a bad girl!”
        My hand rose again and came down sharply on the other cheek.
        “Owe,” she cried out again.
        “Sarvesh! Stop this. You can’t do this to me!” she protested.
        “Who’s going to stop me?”
        “My husband will,” Shanti replied.
        “He isn’t here now,” I laughed.
        She looked around for support to discover her husband Mike had gone. “Damn!” she said. “He’s never here when I need him.”
        “It looks like Ginger needs him more,” Hansini grinned.
        My hand came down on her first cheek again, making her cry out again.
        “Damn it, Sarvesh! Stop that!” as she began to struggle again.
        My hand reached under to feel her pussy again. She was even wetter than before. Soaking! “This tells me you like it.”
        "I don't like it," Shanti complained.
        I gave her pussy a sharp rub and thrust my finger into her.
        She gave a moan.
        I took my fingers to my lips and licked her juice off them.
        “Mmmm, a fine vintage,” I said.
        She looked around at me, “Not a vintage. I’m not that old!”
        “Behave yourself, woman,” I said bringing down yet another hard slap on her bum.
        I think by now, both of us as well as many of those watching knew this was going to end with us fucking.

        Now she really began to struggle and fight me. It was taking both hands to hold her down. I looked around to see almost everyone there was watching. Two men, Brian and Fred stepped forward to help me.
        With the two men holding her with an arm each, they were pulling her body tight against the table so I could return to what I was doing. A few more hard slaps were delivered to each cheek of her bum with each being met by cries and complaints.
        “You guys are supposed to be helping me, not him,” she cried out.
        They just laughed at her.
        Between each slap, I was rubbing the wet lips of her pussy, giving her a few finger thrusts which I could see was getting her more and more worked up.
        “Will be behaving yourself, Shanti?”
        “No!” came her reply.
        Wack! Went my hand on her bum.
        “Will you give me the respect I deserve?” I asked.
        “You don’t deserve any,” Shanti replied. “Not when you use violence on a woman.”
        Wack! My hand hit her bum again.
        “How much more until you know I am the master?” I knew that would get her going again but her reply surprised me.
        “Only if you are man enough to be my master!”
        Now that was a challenge. She'd never said that before.

        We rolled her over so she was laying with her back on the table with her legs hanging off the end. Her beautiful pussy was revealed to me while the men had pulled her T-shirt up so her tits were displayed too. While each man took a breast, playing and sucking hardened nipples, I put my attention on her pussy.
        “Prove you are my master,” she hissed at me.
        “Ok!” I replied, mildly surprised at this sudden change in her. It was like she was inviting me to dominate her if I could.
        “Fuck me! Show me you are worthy.”
        This was new, exciting too. She had my cock as hard a steel."

        The men were still there but they weren’t holding her now. There was no need now so they were fully occupied by her lovely tits. But I could see her primary focus was on me. She was looking directly at my eyes, Taunting me! Daring me! Challenging me to fuck her.
        I grabbed her roughly by her hips, pulling her across the tabletop towards me. I stepped in closer so I could touch her pussy with the end of my cock. Rubbing through her juice, getting the head wet.
        “Is that all you’ve got for me?" she taunted me. "Can't your little cock reach any further than that?"
        I just smiled down at her and continued what I was doing. My intention was to tease and frustrate her. In return she was trying to annoy me, unnerve me and put me off my intentions for her. But we both knew what was going to happen soon. I was going to fuck her, take her roughly.
        “Is that all you can do?” she said again.
        I pressed my cock in so just the head was between her pussy lips.
        “Do I have to jack myself off after to get anything?”
        “Alright, Shanti. You asked for it,” I said.
        “Yes, Sarvesh. I asked so when will I get it? Will you be able to...”
        "Ahhh..." she cried out.
        Pulling back so my cock pulled out of her, I thrust forward using all my strength. My cock plunged between her lips, forcing her open as I went in deep.
        She gave a gasp at that.
        “Is that it?” she said. “Is that all your little cock can do?”
        My pull back took me almost out until I thrust in for the second time, this time driving in as deep as I could go.
        She gasped again as her body took me.
        I paused for a moment.
        “More? Or are you just a two-thrust wonder?”
        This woman was asking for it. I slammed into her again and she groaned as her body took me. I really began to fuck her roughly.

        I was looking down at her as she lay naked on the table before me. Shanti is actually a beautiful woman. She usually had that kind loving personality, a great leader too. She knew how to make things happen, and get things done. But there was this stubborn streak. She enjoyed baiting me and winding me up.
        I was watching how her body moved and humped back against me to meet each thrust I gave to her pussy. In this position, she was fully open for me to view and I could watch how my cock plunged in and out of her pussy.
        “Come on!” she urged me. “Show me what a man you are.
        “Stop that!” I commanded her.
        “Show me who is boss!”
        “Shanti, I’m warning you!”
        “You already said that but nothing happened.”
        But she kept on. Baiting and daring me. Telling me I was a useless fuck. Urging me to fuck her harder.
        I reached out a slapped her across the breast.
        “Oh fuck!” she gasped.
        I heard other women watching gasp too.
        But I didn’t care about them, my focus was on Shanti. Her pussy humped up as she cried out. Suddenly, I realised she was cumming.
        She gasped again as her pussy humped up at me. I could see it in her face, and feel how her pussy responded as she gripped my cock. It must have been a good one.
        "Is that it from you. A tiny tickle of your pussy and you cum. No staying power to satisfy any man."
        "Sarvesh!" she groaned.
        "A useless fuck. No good for any man."
        I was trying to get her worked up now. I saw that angry flash for a moment before she regained her composure again and she smiled.
        "Damn you, Sarvesh!"
        "Don't get angry with me. It's not my fault you couldn't perform, Shanti," I laughed.
        "Well! Someone had to do something. You weren't doing it for me."
        That was a lie. It was me that made her cum. How else would she have?
        But she wasn’t going to get away with just that. I wasn’t finished with her yet. She wanted a good fucking so that is what she was going to get.
        I kept pounding my cock into her. My pelvis slammed against her as I drove in as deep as I could go. She recovered quickly, her orgasm behind her as we continued fucking.

        I must admit, the sex with Shanti was good. Soon I was beginning to realize that I wasn’t far off cumming myself. I wondered about that. But before I got much further, I began to feel her body responding to me again. Could it be possible? Could she be into another orgasm so quickly after the last one?
        She humped up against me, let out a loud moan and cum again. It looked huge. Her eyes were closed, and her body shuddered as her cum consumed her. Wow! That looked amazing watching this woman cum like that.
        Meanwhile, I continued fucking her. Giving this rebellious woman as much as I could. My body was thrusting towards her with powerful strokes as my cock pushed deep inside her body each time.
        As the power of her orgasm left her, her eyes opened as she looked up at me. She was breathing heavily now. Her body was soaked with sweat, her pussy dripping with her cum juice. Damn! She looked so sexy!

        After that second orgasm, I got her to roll over so I could finish too. She was bent over the table, her body resting against it as she presented her arse to me. I stepped in close again, roughly pressing my cock back into her.
        She gave a deep moan as I took her again.
        I was looking down at her naked body. I could see the long sweep of her back leading down to the round cheeks of her arse. Her cheeks were split showing me the hole of her arse and lower down her cunt where my cock was.
        Gathering a big mouthful of spit, I let it fall from my lips so it landed at the top of her arse split. I watched as it started to run down and reached to touch as my spit arrived at her bum hole. She felt the spit reach there and felt my fingers rubbing her.
        I pressed against her hole with two fingers and the tight hole opened enough to take me in.
        She gave a deep moan at that.

        While I continued fucking her pussy with my cock, my two fingers were fucking the hole above. She was wet there, still wet from her juices that ran down when she was on her back.
        By now I knew she was close again but I was getting close too. A few more thrusts were all it was going to take for me to finish. In this position, there was only one way to end this and prove my dominance over her.
        I pulled from her at the last moment, allowing my cum to burst uncontrolled from my cock and rain over the curves of her bum and lower back.
        She felt that and gave a moan as a last cum gently rolled over her.
        Wow! That had been amazing. I looked around to notice all our friends were watching too.

        Shanti stood upright and turned to face me. I noticed that wicked grin on her face and knew I had not mastered her. In all honesty, with Shanti, I knew no man could ever be her master unless she allowed them.
        “That was mildly nice, Sarvesh,” Shanti laughed. “With a bit more practice, you might make, Ok.”
        “What!” I cried jumping up and starting toward her.
        But Shanti was gone. Away up the path among the trees before I could catch her.
        “I’ll get you for that,” I called after her.
        “Promises! Promises!” she laughed back. “But can you keep them?”
        “That woman!” I said, turning back towards those watching.
        “She gets you every time, doesn’t she?” my wife, Amita laughed.
        “Like a fly attracted to the honey pot. You can’t keep away.” Hansini added.
        They were right. I was attracted to her and I can’t keep away. Even though I knew she is going to get me and have the last say.

                        THE    END

Index of Letters                         Story 286 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 285.   

Forward to Story 287.


  1. Ohh Wow! This is getting a bit kinky.
    A bit of dominance and the true meaning of slap and tickle.
    I enjoyed it.

    1. Perhaps Anne needs this too.

    2. I agree, Simon.
      Perhaps she needed much more of that when she was young. But it's a waste of time doing it now, as the story above shows it would just turn into an orgy.

    3. Daddy Dear! How could you and Simon say such bad things about me?
      Don't you know, I am a good girl. It is only all you men who make me bad.
      Loving Annie

    4. I'm sorry but whenever I hear "Daddy Dear" from you Anne I always wonder what this is going to cost me. More money when you've over spent your allowance, the car keys when you learnt to drive. So what is it now Anne? LOL.

    5. What is all this promoting of violence in my blog.
      Very bad people - all of you.
      Awesome Anne!

    6. Oh my "Good" daughter has returned.
      And she is still running around wearing next to nothing, trying to tell us she is good! Yeah right!

  2. I loved what you did here Julie. It is difficult to capture the passion in a scene like this and I think you did. You spent a lot more time with the build-up than with the sex itself which I think works here. There were a few lines that stood out such as "the flash in her eyes, how her nostrils flared" I liked that. It was something a bit different.
    Keep up your good writing Julie.
    Wayne & Janet.

    1. This is a good story. Brett and I liked it.
      We like you in the sarong and yellow bikini too.

    2. I couldn't sleep so I go up to work on my story which will be published next. It is in the coding and final correction stages. As I was working I noticed comments arrived from James and in friends on the story notes page so I've released and published them.
      Thank you for your story Julie and I am pleased it seems to be well received by our group. I enjoyed reading it too.

  3. I was pleased with how this story worked out because, as some above have said, it was a difficult theme. I think you did well with what you captured of the relationship between Sarvesh and Shanti. You showed they have feelings for each other but also showed how they annoyed each other. The out come above shouldn't surprise us. Even if Shanti did get her arse walloped, she was still ready for more.

  4. I always like it when these two get going. Over the years there has been an interesting relationship between these two characters. But while they annoy each other, they are closer than either of them would like to admit. Amita and Hansini in this story hints at that.
    Keep the stories cumming guys. We love reading them here.

  5. Paul and I enjoyed this one too. It's an old theme, been used in various ways, going right back to almost the beginning of Letters. You would have thought they would have sorted it out between them but no, it still continues. Strong personalities like they have always means they will clash from time to time. But the sex is good afterwards. LOL.
    Paul and Kirsten.
