Monday 11 July 2022

Story 285 Cathy - New Zealand Adventures.

Index of Letters                         Story 285 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 284.   

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Cathy - "My Opening."

Hi from Cathy again.
        My husband Gordon and I were travelling with this group from India. We had joined them after they were visiting Perth and accompanied them as they travelled on to New Zealand.
        We had been a bit unsure about joining this group as we had heard about the sexual things that happened. We had heard and seen that both my brothers and their wives were fully involved in all this sexual fun and both women had encouraged me that Gordon and I should join in too. We also had new stories regularly sent to be added to our collection.
        “You’ll have a lot of fun,” Kala encouraged me.
        “A lot of sexy men to try with,” Katrina had added with a giggle.
        We had hesitated as this was a huge step for us. It is not that we were prudes. For as long as I remembered, I had been swimming nude in the river with my brothers. Being a preteen girl, I had nothing to show anyway, just that tiny slit between my legs and a couple of spots on my chest. But then came puberty, when I grew up, developed breasts and grew a pussy, I continued getting naked with my family. Yes, my brothers looked. What male wouldn’t notice that I was becoming an adult woman? I would often catch them looking and knew they were checking out my developing body but they were my brothers, so it didn’t bother me too much. I kind of liked looking at them too.
        The first time I saw Ian get an erection I was amazed but fascinated by it too. I asked him how he did that and he became embarrassed and tried to hide it from me.
        Mum had seen the interest that my brothers had in me and I had in them and so one day, she and Dad sat down with us and we discussed the nudity within our family. They talked about boundaries that should never be crossed and warned us that if ever that happened there would be no more nude swimming. My brothers, and I for that matter, respected those boundaries. Sure, contact was made at times during playing in the river but it was always accidental and never followed up with touching. I can honestly say, I always felt safe with my brothers when we were naked together.

        Time went on and things changed. My brother married Kala who quickly embraced the social nudity lifestyle. Even as they had kids, they continued to join us when we went to the river. My younger brother David married a beautiful woman from India. We went there to visit for the wedding which was an amazing experience. We already knew Katrina would quickly embrace the social nudity side of our lifestyle as she had already gone nude swimming at our usual river swimming place when she had visited us in our outback town. We were sitting there naked when David proposed to her. (See Story 195 Katrina gets Married - Part Three.) (Story 168 I Strike Gold at a Gold Mine.)
        I later heard that she was already into the nude lifestyle in India where they took it further by swapping partners for sex. Soon I discovered that both my brothers and their wives were getting into that too. Katrina, you have a lot to answer for when you came to Australia. Look what you started off! Ha! Ha! (See Story 227 Going the Whole Way.)

        But by then I had a boyfriend which was surprising considering the lack of people my age in our mining town deep in the outback. He was the son of a senior mine manager and he lived in one of those large houses to the south of the main town. Of course, I lived in the centre of town above the restaurant and bar which my parents owned. My father, being a business owner gave our family more status within the town I think.
        I had known Gordon since we were at school. He had always been a shy boy, a bit picked on by the other kids. I must confess to being involved in some of that teasing too. But to my surprise, one day he asked me out. Yes, I did say ‘surprised.’ I was, I really wasn’t expecting it. That must have been a huge step for such a shy boy. But he took the risk I might have rejected him and it paid off, he got himself a girlfriend, me.
        On what you would call our first date, we drove up to the Red Rocks with another couple and did a walk up there. Later, on the way back, the couple in the front were making out while Gordon and I ended up sitting there listening. He reached over, put his arm around me and we kissed. It was a clumsy lip touching more than real kissing. We didn’t get much further than that, other than he touched my breast through my clothes.
        Back in the town, when he asked me for another date, I excepted. From then on, we were sort of together, boyfriend and girlfriend. Sexually, I was interested in him too. I knew he was interested in me too but we didn’t get very far other than a bit of touching through our clothes. One day, I allowed him to see my breasts and enjoyed him touching and playing with my nipples.
        It was soon after, that I took him down to the river and we went skinny dipping. It was the first time we had seen each other naked and our making out on the riverbank afterwards was a lot bolder. I played with his cock while he touched my breasts and pussy. That was the first time that I had made a man erect while holding him. That was kind of nice. I realized we were almost ready to take it further that day but neither of us was sure how. Neither of us had any sexual experience at all.
        I wanted to include him in my social nudity side but didn’t know how to start it. It was at that time that my younger brother David and his wife, Katrina came out from Perth for another visit as they often did. This time they brought another couple Jeremy and Joyce with them. Suddenly, I had an idea of how I could push Gordon and my relationship forward. I decided to talk with Kala about it and she thought my getting outside experience was a good idea as long as it didn’t affect our relationship. She told me I needed to talk with Gordon and be very sure he was fine with the idea.
        I talked with Gordon about it and he was a bit nervous about allowing me to be with another man. I was ready to drop the whole idea but he could see the sense in it. When I talked with Jeremy and Joyce, we came up with the idea of involving Gordon.
        I went back and told Gordon what Joyce had suggested. While I had sex from Jeremy and learnt from him Gordon would be with Joyce, learning from her. To my surprise, Gordon thought that was a great idea. We would both have sex with this other couple, and learn from it so we could continue ourselves. So the next day we were with Jeremy and Joyce at the riverbank. Yes, the sex lessons went well for both of us and my relationship with Gordon quickly turned sexual after that. Within twelve months we were considering getting married. (See Story 246 Will You Take My Virginity, Please?)

        Now, this trip had arrived and we were invited to join them for the trip to New Zealand. Like I've already said above, we hesitated, unsure about all the sex parties that we heard were being planned. But when Kala told us there would be no pressure to do anything more than we felt comfortable with, we agreed to go. The next shock was that we discovered the trip was fully paid for by Uncle Donald’s business. That was a nice surprise as Gordon and I thought it was going to be tight finding the money. (See Story 278 Cathy - This Is All New to Us.)
        It wasn’t until we got to Perth International Airport that I realized just how big this group was going to be and that was just those from India and Australia. We hadn’t met the full group from New Zealand yet. Before our flight, there was time to meet those from India, some whom I knew from my trip there and some whom I didn’t know so well. Of course, my husband didn’t know any of them as he hadn’t gone to India with me.
        As has been recorded in my Story 278, our trip to New Zealand went well and we ended up staying with the couple Mega and Brian at their place out in the rural parts northwest of Auckland. I suppose that from where we came from, they thought we would prefer a more rural place. During the afternoon I ended up picking flowers topless in that hot glass house and then went with Brian to the flower markets. (No topless, of course. Ha!Ha!)
        That evening both Gordon and I joined in the sexy fun with these two Indian couples. Gordon got to be with both Indian women, Sairu and Mega while I got to try with the two men, Brian and Payam. We didn’t plan it that way and certainly didn’t discuss it first as we had agreed we would. It just kind of happened. Perhaps it was partly the drink, certainly, there was the sexual tension between all six of us. But we both had fun with these new sexual partners. I think it was better, that at any time I could look over and see what he was doing and he could do the same and watch me fucking too.
        That night, I was in bed with Gordon as we discussed how much fun we had that evening. It was then that we decided to open our relationship for the rest of the time we were in New Zealand. Anything was open to us along as we talked with each other, and keep each other informed as to what we were doing or what happened.
        This is the background to my story.

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Buying My First Bikini."

        Buying a bikini? I should have been more prepared and purchased one before I left Australia. As it was, I ended up buying an Australian brand in a shop in New Zealand.
        You might think it strange that a woman my age, who grew up in a Western country doesn't own a bikini but living where I do in the Australian Outback, I've never had a need for one. For what limited swimming I do that requires a swimsuit, my old one-piece does the job. Mostly my swimming is nude, either at the river at the back of my brother's farm or in Uncle Donald's pool on the rare occasions that I get into the city of Perth.
        Now we were touring New Zealand, I knew there would be some times when a swimsuit would be required. While I still had my one-piece I decided I wanted something sexier.

        So to continue with my story.
        The following day, our second day in New Zealand, we went sightseeing with the group. We toured the forest park where one of the men from New Zealand, Joseph, was a Park Ranger and then we went to a beach where we could view these ocean birds up close as they were nesting. It amazed us when we were told that these birds flew all the way to Australia each year.
        Next, we visited a large farm park right in the middle of the city. That was a surprise too to see how cattle and sheep could live happily with all those people who visited this park every day.

        Finally that day, we went to a large shopping mall as Mega had asked if she could join the women who were going to buy swimsuits. Gordon and I went in too. I had a one-piece and Katrina had given me a bikini, but it didn’t really fit me that well up top since my breasts are a bit larger than Katrina has. Now, since the other women were wearing bikinis, I wanted one of my own, better fitting and sexier.
        It seemed Gordon was delighted by the idea. Excited about me buying and wearing a bikini, especially if it was going to be a tiny sexy one. Men! They can't help themselves, can they? When I told him he was going to come and help me select one he wasn’t so sure about that until I told him there would be other men there helping their wives too.
        So he bravely followed me into a ladies swimwear shop. Took him way out of his comfort zone I think. I could tell he was a bit nervous but I'm proud of him for doing it.

        It was fun shopping for something so small and sexy, knowing I would be wearing it on public beaches, knowing how much it would be showing off my body. We walked around the shop together, looking at the large range of styles and colours. But it was hard to choose, and we were unable to make up our minds. Then Shanti was with us, asking us how we were going.
        I confessed to her, “We can’t decide which one to buy,” as I held up two possible selections.
        “Leave it with me. I’ll get someone to help you. He selects most of my clothes for me.”
        Before we could say anything more, she was gone so we went back to our own search.
        A voice said behind me, “Can I help you, Cathy?”
        I turned and it was Shanti’s husband, Mike. I looked at Gordon and he was a bit surprised too but I agreed to let him help us. He looked at the two selections we had made and quickly rejected one saying it would be a bad style for my body shape. When I asked him why, he held the top out to show me while he said, "It is your size, Cathy, it was designed for a woman who was larger around her body but with smaller breasts. Your body is slim but in comparison, your breasts are larger."
        "Oh!" I said as I began to realize what he was saying.
        "While both come out as the same bust measurement, your slimmer body makes your breasts look bigger than another woman the same size. Which when you think about it, makes your breasts bigger. So we need to consider the size and shape of the cup in selecting the top."
        For a couple of minutes, we discussed what I was looking for, how daring, and which styles I would like, and then he began to look. We just followed him. I was beginning to see there was more to this than met the eye. But I should have known that because I always think of it when buying a bra for myself.

        A shop assistant came up to us and said, “Hello Mike.”
        “Hello, Shannon,” Mike said. It seemed she knew him.
        “Cathy here is looking for her first bikini,” Mike explained. “Do you have any left of that style we brought a couple of weeks ago?”
        “Yes, I remember, for your daughter and that other Indian girl.” The shop assistant thought for a moment. “I know the one. We just withdrew them from the shop. They were for that special promotion. We still have them as they haven’t been sent back yet.”
        The girl disappeared out the back and soon returned with a bundle of bikinis which she laid out on the table. “I can still sell them at the promotion price,” she told Mike.
        Mike sorted through them until he found the one, he liked. “This might do it,” he said.
        It was red Quite different to any other bikinis we’d seen and very different to what I would normally buy. I was looking for a coloured style where he had selected a solid red with a blue trim around the edges. The colours were much bolder and it certainly seemed smaller than the bikinis we’d been looking at. He held it up against me, almost touching my chest but not quite.
        “No not one,” he said. “Try this one, it will cover your breasts better. Be more comfortable to wear too.” He explained, "Since you might be wearing it most of the day if you go to a beach, you must consider comfort as well as looks."
        “You can mix and match,” Shannon told him
        "No," Mike replied. "A bikini looks better when both parts are the same."
        The next one we looked at was good on the top but Mike rejected the bottom. "See it drops to a single string between the legs. That will cut against those sensitive parts. Also when you have your legs parted, it might reveal some of your lips."
        That was sexy. He was talking about my pussy lips like that in this shop where others might have heard. I must admit, it was a bit sexy having these two people looking closely at me, deciding what would fit best over my breasts and pussy. It was even sexier as they discussed the size and shape of my breasts or the fit around my pussy mound. By the time we were ready for me to try them on, I had to admit, I was feeling a bit horny. Getting into a bit of a state.
        Finally, a selection was made as Mike explained to me how these would fit me best. Taking those two sets along with one Gordon and I had been considering, we went off towards the changing room.

        Yes, it became even more fun when I took three bikinis to the changing rooms to try on. Being a swimsuit meant I had to almost strip completely to try each set on. Being naked behind only that curtain felt a bit daring. Then wearing each bikini as I pulled back the curtain so Gordon, Mike and anyone else watching could see me.
        I would stand there wearing something that barely hid my breasts and pussy while Mike discussed with us the fit etc. How he mentioned my breasts, pussy mound and arse which I was finding quite sexy too. It showed exactly what he was looking at. Checking out my tits and bum. But then, wearing such a tiny bikini there was nothing much else to look at as they only covered those parts of me.
        The other women were trying on bikinis too, Gordon later told me it was a great show for the men watching.
        After trying on all three bikinis, we finally decided on one of the red and blue ones. It was Mike’s choice, but by now those two bold colours were growing on me. Yes, I liked how the colours and the style seemed right for my body too. I had opened the curtain and stood in front of those watching with Gordon and Mike. I was feeling quite confident about myself now.
        “Does the top look ok?” I asked as my hands went to my top as if to adjust it but more to draw attention to the little triangles that tried to stretch over to cover as much of my breasts as they could. And that wasn’t much either.
        “Yes,” replied Gordon, I think a bit surprised to see me wearing such a tiny thing.
        “No,” Hansini replied as she stepped forward and made an adjustment to the tie around my neck, making the top fit better.
        The bottom half was not much more than a triangle covering my pussy hair. You could see the hump of my pussy mound before the fabric pulled under between my legs with a strip that while being narrow would still cover important parts when viewed from any position.
        “What about the bottom?” I asked. My hand had moved down to each hip for I was sort of framing my bikini bottom between them.
        “Looks great!” Gordon said.
        “Yes,” Mike agreed. “That’s the one.”
        I’m not sure how much I could trust Gordon’s judgement at that moment. I think he was a bit distracted by how tiny the bikini was or should I say by how much of my body was left bare.
        But Mike seemed to know what he was talking about. Hansini gave me her nod of approval too. If anyone should know about a bikini it should be her as she seemed to have so many of them.
        “Can we see the back,” Gordon asked.
        I could tell by his voice that he was turned on by all this.
        Now that was a surprise for him too because when I turned to show him, he discovered that the top was just a string around my back while the bottom barely covered my bum. In fact, you could just see the start of my bum crack when I pulled the bottom up as far as it would go. Keep in mind if I pulled the back up too far, I would begin showing pussy hair in the front so it became a balance as to what was showing.
        That was it for Gordon. He liked it best. Mike confirmed it was the right one. Hansini had approved it too, so we went to buy it.
        Paula was standing near the counter when we walked up. “Add that to my bill,” she told the shop assistant before I could say anything.
        “No, we can pay,” I said.
        “Not this time,” Paula replied. “This is a gift from the group for you.”
        What else could I say? I looked at Gordon and he just nodded.
        “Thanks, Auntie Paula,” I said.
        It seemed like every bikini brought that day was paid for by either Sarvesh, Paula or Shanti. All with the trip cards that some of them had.

        I looked around and saw Mike helping Kalki. He was doing as he had done with me, holding a bikini top against her chest. I watched for a few minutes and began to think more about him. He was a good-looking man, much older than me, more my own father’s age but I must admit I found myself attracted to him.
        Then when he thought no one was watching, I saw that hand go up to squeeze her tit and heard her give a nervous giggle as she looked around to see if anyone had seen them.
        But I must confess to being more interested in looking at Mike than her. Yes, I noticed how his body moved under that tight shirt he was wearing. I checked the bulge in front too. I would have been happy if he’d touched my breast too, or for that matter, anything else he wanted to touch. I suddenly realized I was beginning to think about being with him. Sexually I mean.

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Online Exhibitionism.

        That evening we were back at Brian and Mega’s house. I had heard that something was going on with one of the New Zealand couples. It seems a man called Peter had discovered his wife, Jenny, doing sexy online shows. Each week the show had been progressing, getting ever more daring and sexy. Now Jenny had pulled her friend Sharon into the show. Brian had said that he wanted to watch as the husbands of the two women were going to surprise their wives and gate crash during the show that night.
        It seemed like it might be an interesting show so Gordon and I agreed to watch it too. Once all the kids were in bed we settled down with some wine and beers to watch this online show.
        (See Story 280 From Riya’s Diary.) Sub-heading – Wednesday Evening – Sexy Karene’s Last Show.
        Note that many of the events mentioned in my story below here have been covered differently by Riya. But I have a different story of these events that I'd like to share with you.

        Others have talked about this show in their stories, so I won’t give too much detail here other than tell you about what happened to me. It seems Jenny and Sharon intended to put on a show using two men with the biggest cocks they had ever seen. It so happened that the men came from our group too, Joseph from New Zealand and Mootie from India. Both were Indian while the two women were white like me. That in itself made an interesting contrast of colour but with both men sporting large cocks it promised to become a very sexy show.
        They had a website and were going to perform in front of a live audience. Meanwhile, unknown to them, our group led by Mike, had opened a Zoom meeting with people joining from each house so we could talk and see each other while we watched the online show on the other screen.
        Brian showed us the husbands of the two women, Steve and Peter. He said that was a room down in the basement of Peter’s house. They were waiting and had a surprise planned for the women. I'm not even sure Brian knew what their surprise would be exactly.
        Interesting! This looked like it was going to be fun. I was becoming more and more interested in what was about to happen.
        As the two women began playing with the two big guys, others in the Zoom meeting were beginning to play too. Soon it was becoming a very sexy show as we watched the two screens Brian had set up in front of us.
        What I also didn't know at that time was that within a few days I would be trying and enjoying one of those big cocks being displayed in the show, myself.

        I was watching what was happening in the Zoom boxes and I noticed Jasmine. She was naked, sitting with her back against Ragesh as they watched the show. Then I realised that he had his cock deep inside her and they were fucking. That was so daring, her sitting with her legs wide open so everyone could see his cock in her pussy.
        I mentioned it to those watching with me. Sairu told us how Jasmine had only lost her virginity the night before they left Perth for New Zealand. Looks like she had come a long way since then.
        “You like what she is doing?” Brian asked me.
        “It's hot doing it in front of everyone,” I replied.
        “We could do it too,” he said.
        “What? You and me? In front of everyone?”
        “Of course. It will be fun.”
        “I’m not sure I could...”
        I wanted to. It seemed so sexy. But could I?
        “Go on, honey,” Gordon said. “Put on a sexy show too.”
        I looked at him and he was smiling. I looked at the others and they were all watching me too. This was sexy but also a huge step to take. But I must confess, I was getting turned on by the idea.
        “Come on, Cathy,” Brian pushed. “You know you want to.”
        Oh, I wanted to, alright. He was right about that.
        “Go for it!” my husband urged me again.
        It seemed he really wanted me to show myself fucking. It would be sexy too as in that position I would be showing off my whole pussy as well as taking Brian’s cock too. Anyone on zoom would be able to watch his cock thrusting into my wet pussy. Yes, I was already wet just thinking about it.
        “Ok, Brian,” I agreed.
        "All right!" Brian said. "Let's do this!"
        He sure seemed keen!

        Brian was already naked, but I was still wearing my new bikini. I had worn that as I thought since this was going to be a sexy show, I wanted to feel sexy myself. Now I was going even further, I was going to be putting a show on myself. I still had mixed feelings as I removed my bikini. I was stripping in front of the cam.
        The others moved aside so Brian was left sitting in the middle of the couch right in front of the webcam on the laptop. I sat over him with my back resting against him and my legs wide open. Just posing like that was sexy enough, I felt so exposed, so erotic. But I knew it was going to be more, soon I was going to be fucking in front of a Zoom audience. Brian held his cock against my pussy and I eased my body down onto him, rubbing his cock against my now wet lips. A slight adjustment of our position and his cock slipped inside me. First, just his cock head pushing between my wet swollen pussy lips. Then he was pressing deeper, going deep inside me.
        It felt so good that I had closed my eyes at the feeling of his cock inside me. Now I opened my eyes to look directly at the screens in front of me. I quickly found our box in the Zoom meeting and could see what we were showing. That was a total turn-on! That was so hot that I almost cum at that moment.
        “Steady, Cathy,” he said in my ear. “We’ve got a long way to go before this is over.”
        So he wasn’t intending it to be a quick fuck, was he?
        The others moved in to join us on each side as I sat showing all who looked how I had Brian’s cock deep inside my pussy.
        We kind of fucked a bit but it was more gentle movements to keep us aroused rather than fucking towards orgasms. Not that I’m saying orgasms didn’t happen. Well, they did for me, a couple during the show and a big one when we finished together after the show ended. That was when he pumped me full of his cum. When he withdrew afterwards you could see some of his white cum leaking from me on screen.
        They were all watching in Zoom and I got several comments on my 'great show.'

        That night, Gordon couldn’t wait to get me when we got into bed. Again the sex between us was wild and exciting fucking rather than gentle love-making. He must have really been turned on by my exhibitionism session with Brian. I certainly was.

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Touring the Sights of Auckland.

        On Day Three we went to a spectacular viewpoint overlooking Auckland and the harbour. This place is called North Head and it used to be an old military fort to protect the city. Now it is a park and people are allowed to explore the old gun emplacements and tunnels. It was fun and with those naughty men, it became a big scary as in those dark tunnels, they would jump out and touch us sexually.
        One funny thing happened when Simon jumped out from a side tunnel and grabbed a woman, he thought it was Deanna. His arms had gone around her grabbing her breasts. The only problem was it was another woman, not from our group. She screamed and suddenly Simon realised it was not his wife.
        Fortunately, the woman realised he had made a mistake when Deanna was just behind her. She took it ok and joked about some added excitement to her trip through the tunnels. Then the woman giggled as Deanna scolded her husband for molesting strange women.
        “We’re not so strange now,” the woman laughed. "My tits were getting to know him quite well."
        I'm glad she saw the funny side of it.

        We went back to Sayako’s house where we could relax for the afternoon before we had to meet at the Auckland Museum. It seems that Riya was doing this video link with her school in India where she was teaching.
        We were all happy to watch, keeping out of the way of the cam except when they wanted other people to create some background. Gordon and I got into that a few times too.
        I must admit, listening to the talking, I learnt a lot about the native people of New Zealand. It also showed me how little I knew about the native people of my own country.

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Orgy at Steve's house,

        After Riya’s broadcast from the museum, we all went back to a big house owned by Steve and Sharon. It had a spectacular view out over the harbour near where the International Airport was located. I was with the small group standing upstairs while Mike was pointing out many points of interest.
        When I turned around, Gordon wasn’t with me. I wondered where he was. Since the others I was with went downstairs, I went with them. We came out onto a deck surrounding a swimming pool. This is where they had a barbecue going, where we were going to have our evening meal. We had already been warned that this would most likely become a very sexy party too.
        To my surprise, things had already started. The first thing I saw, was that Riya and a few of the other women were already naked in the pool. I looked around, to see where Gordon was. He was standing with a beer talking with Shanti and Amita. Both women were already half-naked, wearing only their bikini bottoms.
        “Come on Cathy,” Sairu asked me. “Let’s join them in the pool.”
        It was a warm evening and the water looked good. I was wearing my new bikini under my clothes because I knew we were going to this pool party. Quickly, I stripped off my clothes but since everyone in the pool was either naked or topless, I decided to join them like that. First, my bikini top came off, then suddenly I decided to get naked, so quickly my bikini bottom was off too. That would be the last item of clothing I wore until after breakfast the next morning.
        Naked like Sairu now was, we jumped into the pool together. It was fun being like that and I found myself enjoying the water. Yes, I know, I had worn that bikini, especially for this party but I won’t wear it again until it was time to go back to where we were staying. Since I was already nude, it was easy just to stay that way for the rest of the party.

        When I got the chance to look around at Gordon again, I found him still with those two women. They were naked now and had him naked too. Shanti was down on her knees in front of him sucking his hard cock. Meanwhile, Amita was behind him, her breasts pressed against him as she held him tightly.
        Oh wow! They were already into it. Looked like he was going to have some fun with them. But they didn’t get much further than that when it was announced that dinner was ready.

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Riya’s Gang Bang!

        So, dinner was ready which got us out of the pool and stopped any other activities going on. We all enjoyed the meal they had prepared, most of us sitting or standing around, naked or almost naked.
        After the meal, Steve got Riya to stand near the end of the table. He said it was something special for her since she had done such a good job at the museum.
        Steve and Riya were standing, facing each other when Riya reached out to touch him. We could see her running her hands over his chest and arms when she said, “I like touching you.”
        Shanti handed her some oil and said, “Why don’t you rub this oil over him.”
        Not realizing she was being set up, Riya smiled. Taking the bottle from Shanti, she began rubbing it over Steve. I must admit, I wouldn’t have minded doing that to him. This continued for a while before suddenly, Steve stopped her.
        “Now it’s time to rub oil over you, Riya,” he said.
        She smiled, thinking she was about to get the same as she had just been giving him.

        Suddenly, he grabbed her hips with both hands, lifting her and stepping forward to place her sitting on the table. I could see she was slightly surprised at that and then she smiled. But Steve had more surprises in line for her.
        Two men, Mootie and Ian, stepped on either side of her, pulling her back so she ended up laying back flat on the table. Another two men, Peter and Jeremy joined in and soon Riya found herself with five men rubbing the oil over the front of her naked body. Five men, ten hands rubbing all over her, with particular attention to her breasts and pussy. That was so sexy!
        I could see how much she was enjoying that. I would have to! When Steve began rubbing at her pussy, she was humping back against him. But it must have got even better when his fingers pushed in between her lips. He was thrusting at her, and we could all hear the moans she made as she was getting finger-fucked.
        Well. Steve did say he had something special for her. But it wasn't over yet.
        That was so sexy to watch. I felt wet between my thighs, totally turned on by what they were doing with Riya.

        By now, I think it was obvious to everyone where this was going. Steve was standing between Riya’s legs that were bent at the knee, hanging off the table. His hand reached for her hips, pulling her towards him until her bum was on the edge of the table. I was in a position where I could watch his cock press against her pussy lips. I saw how her lips were pressed open to allow his cock to enter her.
        I heard that gasp that sort of turned to a moan as he took her.
        I glanced around and noticed that almost everyone was watching now. Watching Riya getting fucked by Steve and enjoying it.
        Steve is a strong man. We could all see that he worked out. It was obvious he was using his strength on Riya too. Those thrusts were going in deep and she was moaning and writhing around on the table. Suddenly, she was into her first cum and it seemed like a big one too. So fast too, like they had only really just got going.
        Meanwhile, Steve had continued steadily fucking her. As she recovered, she opened her eyes and looked up at him.
        “Good, was it?” he asked.
        She just nodded and made a noise that maybe sounded like a ‘yes.’
        By now Steve was getting there too. I think that hot pussy was doing it for him too. I could tell by the look on his face, that he was almost there. When it came, he pulled out of her, allowing his cum to shoot over her pussy and stomach. Deanna and Ginger were on each side of Steve, reaching forward to rub his cum all over Riya’s body.

        Steve, who was now finished, stepped back and I saw my brother Ian quickly move in to take his place. With Ian, there wasn’t much foreplay. It was just straight into sex. Another orgasm for Riya and Ian was shooting his cum over her too.
        Ian was followed by Peter and then Jeremy. It surprised me that Riya was willing to take all of them. Each time Riya got a load of cum over her, those two women would rub it in, making the mess even worse than the men had made. Finally, Mootie would be her last man. As he finished, it was then that Riya called that she had had enough. “New Zealand!” she said. That is the safe word.
        Quickly the men backed away as her mother Mandara and Hansini were there to help her. They got her to sit up and helped her off the table. I could see she looked a bit sore, but I could also see she was happy too.
        The two women took Riya over to some seats where they sat on each side of her for a while.
        That ending was interesting for me. I had been told about the safe word and how it should work. With Riya, it was the first time I had seen it used and it worked well. I noticed the men stepped back quickly and Riya's mother and Hansini were there to help her. It gave me a lot more confidence if I was to get into something I didn't want.

        Meanwhile, the fun continued on the table. It seems Deanna and Ginger were determined to get into some more messy fun. They had disappeared after Riya was finished but having made a raid in Sharon’s kitchen, soon came back with bowls of jam and liquid honey. They had some cream and ice cream too.
        Some men grabbed Joyce who soon found herself laying on her back, on the table. People, both males and females, got around and began rubbing the jam, honey and other messy food all over Joyce’s naked body.
        Brian was between her legs, his hands were working over her pussy. Then he leaned in closer, his mouth going down to her pussy as he began to eat her. The way he was eating her, this could only end up one way. Yes, she had what looked like a huge orgasm.

        After a very messy Joyce had been helped off the table, Brian called who would be next. To my amusement, the Japanese woman Chiharu was quick to volunteer. Before the men could lift her, she was up on the table and laid back. Chiharu got the same as Joyce, with Sarvesh eating her pussy.
        What was different with her was that Sarvesh finished by fucking her. Yes, a few good orgasms for her too as he was pinching her clitty while he pumped his cock into her. He pulled out as he cum so his juice got mixed with all the food covering her body.

        Nishi was next, with a group of people rubbing more food over her too. What surprised many of us was that Paula ate her pussy and brought her to orgasm. But it wasn’t over for her yet, as Mike moved in and began fucking her. I noticed that while Mike fucked Nishi, his wife Shanti had reached in and was rubbing her pussy. Shanti was working on Nishi’s clitty while Mike fucked her. Oh, well! That was sexy. And did Nishi go off at that! It was a big one.
        Mike waited with his cock deep inside her until she was finished and then he withdrew from her. It almost looked like Mike hadn’t cum. I wondered about that.
        I watched as Gaja led his wife over to sit beside Riya. Nishi looked light-headed as if she almost couldn’t walk without help. I was close enough to hear her admit to her husband that it had been so intense that she almost blacked out. Wow! That was amazing. What this group were doing was amazing.

        This party was starting to get pretty wild.
        The men decided Amita was going to be next on the food table. She put up a real fight and was very vocal too. It took four big men to pick her up and carry her to the table. She was playing with them, making out she didn’t want to go, but since the safe word wasn’t used, we all knew her struggling was just an act.
        She ended up getting fucked by Fred who didn’t hold back either. I think Amita cum a couple of times before Fred did, delivering his cum all over her pussy and stomach.

        Kalki was the next to get taken to the food table and she ended up being fucked by Hirohiko. She was followed by Ginger and then they had Deanna on the table. Since both those women had started this food thing, it was fitting that they would get their turn.
        I like Deanna. She is a very beautiful woman and a lot of fun too. Most of the men, including my Gordon, were attracted by her. I decided to join the fun by going to help. I ended up rubbing jam all over one of her breasts and even playing with and pulling her nipple.
        I had a ringside view of how she cum as Mootie was fucking her. Perhaps I was too close as you will see below. As the other men had done, Mootie pulled back from her pussy as he cum. That first shot was so strong that it reached right up to where I had my hand on Deanna’s chest, just below her breasts.
        I got some of his cum on my hand and as I licked it off I got a delicious taste of man cum mixed with strawberry jam.

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My Turn on the Food Table.

        Suddenly, some men grabbed me and began pulling me to the table.
        “No! No!” I protested.
        “Come on Cathy,” Jeevan said. “You liked giving that show last night on zoom. It’s time for another show.”
        “Oh!” I replied, beginning to warm to the idea.
        “We’re going to cover you with food, Cathy,” Ragesh said. “And then I’m going to fuck you.”
        Oh wow! Just like that, he had told me he was going to fuck me.
        “Mmmm!” I replied.
        “I’m going to fuck you in front of everyone watching too.
        I moaned again. I knew that but I must say, when he said it, I found it so sexy. Any resistance I had disappeared as I allowed those two men to take me to the table. Four men lifted me, and I found myself laying back on the table as jam and honey were being dribbled over my naked body. Soon people were moving in to rub the food over me. It felt surprisingly nice how their hands rubbed in the smooth, slippery and sticky food.
        Then someone was licking the jam from my breast. I looked down to find it was Jenny. She took my nipple into her mouth and was sucking it. Oh, that felt good. Others were working over my body their hands touching me everywhere as they spread the messy food. Both men and women were applying and rubbing food over me. Their hands, mouths and tongues were everywhere, I loved how it all felt. I could feel how my body was responding to them, especially with what Ragesh was doing to my pussy. He was rubbing jam or honey over my bush and pussy lips before going in to lick it all off. It was getting to me and I knew I was heading for an orgasm. The way his tongue licked at my clitty had me on the edge now. I was so close.
        It was then that he decided to try something different. When he paused, I knew he was probably reaching for more jam. To my surprise, when his hand returned to grip my pussy mound again, it was full of ice cream.
        I screamed in shock as the cold hit my warm pussy. My pussy humped up at him, my legs tried to clamp together and I cum. The sudden shock of cold was all it took.
        I heard several people, especially the men, laughing at that. I looked up and saw Gordon looking down at me. He was right there beside me.
        "You good?" he asked.
        I just nodded that I was.
        I bucked around as Ragash rubbed the cold all over me there. His cold icy fingers were even thrusting inside me. I tried to clamp my legs together but I couldn't keep his hand away as he rubbed the cold over my hot clitty. Suddenly, I was into yet another orgasm. It was wild how he did that.

        “Now I’m going to fuck you, Cathy,” he told me.
        I gave a soft moan at that.
        “Everyone is going to watch you taking my cock!”
        I moaned again.
        “You want them to watch you, don’t you?” he said. “You want them to watch me fucking you.”
        A huge shudder swept through my body. Just his words were almost getting me off again.
        “I want you!” I moaned.
        “Tell me, Cathy. What do you want?”
        “Stop teasing,” I cried almost in tears of frustration. “I want it. I want your cock.”
        He was enjoying this. Enjoying being mean to me. Making me suffer.
        “Tell me nicely,” he grinned. “Say please.”
        "Please!" I moaned. "Please, I want..."

        Suddenly, Gordon moved. He was down at the end of the table. He shouldered Ragesh out of the way and before I knew it, his hard cock thrust into me. I was so wet, that I offered no resistance.
        “Hey!” Ragesh protested.
        “You’re too slow mate. Cathy wants it now,” Gordon told him.
        While Gordon started pounding his cock into my wet pussy, others were laughing and teasing Ragesh. “That will teach you to play with a horny woman,” his father Joseph told him.
        Fortunately, Ragesh was laughing with everyone else.
        Gordon continued to fuck me, quite roughly actually. Much more than he would normally give me. He must have been so turned on too. I felt some fingers touch my pussy at the top of my slot. I opened my eyes to see it was Ragesh. He was rubbing my clit. Oh, that felt so good.
        He looked down at me and saw me looking. “I’m straight after him,” he told me.
        Moments later, my whole body gave a huge shudder as a massive cum burst over me. My cumming like that must have felt great for Gordon too because moments later he cum too. Like most of the men had done on the other women, he pulled out and shot onto the mess covering my body.
        “Your turn, mate,” Gordon said as he pulled out giving Ragesh a pat on the back. "She's hot and ready for more."
        I realised the significance of that. My husband had just stepped aside and invited another man to fuck me. I found that totally hot too.
        Ragesh took over where Gordon had left off. He had learnt his lesson, there was no playing around now. He was straight into me. I was surprised how Gordon was now rubbing at my clitty. Another cum from me was quickly followed by this second man shooting his load over my stomach.
        I lay there on that table while everyone around me was watching. My chest was rising and falling as I gasped to get my breath back.
        Then Kala was beside me. “You ok, Cathy,” she asked, looking a bit concerned. Some of the women were getting concerned as things were getting quite rough with the men.
        I still couldn’t speak. I was just able to nod yes.
        Gordon was on the other side of me now. Also looking concerned.
        "New Zealand," I said.
        "You don't need to say that, Cathy," Kala said. "We already know. Those two guys really gave it to you! That was a rough one."
        “I’m fine,” I managed to say. “That was amazing!”

        But it finished my time on the table as everyone backed away to watch me recover, and then two men helped me off.
        I saw Gordon turn to Ragesh and give him a man hug. "I'm sorry about mate. She just looked so hot there, I couldn't resist.
        "It's all good, Gordon," Ragesh smiled back at him.
        I was a mess! Food all over me! But there was an outdoor shower that the other women had used so I walked over to use that too. I knew that with a bit of soap the mess would wash off me easily. What I didn’t intend was that there was a naughty Japanese man ready to help me. It seems he had been 'helping' all the women who had found themselves on the food table.
        Naughty Kenshin, pulled me under the falling water, stepping in with me. As the warm water poured over me, his hands were everywhere too.
        His hands went for my breasts, rubbing over them. My nipples were hard and erect from the excitement of what had just happened on the table. Now with how her fingers rubbed over them, pulling on them, rolling them between his finger and thumb, it felt great too.
        Now his hands had moved lower, rubbing over my stomach as he washed the food from me. It felt sexy for him to do that but by then, the thought of what he would be doing lower down was getting to me as well.
        My pussy area was a real mess as the men had given special attention to me, applying lots of the food there. Kenshin’s hands moved there too. I was feeling good about what he had been doing so his fingers were more than welcome there too.

        Those fingers rubbing over my mound and bush. That was nice. Those fingers pressing into my pussy felt so good. I couldn’t help it. He quickly brought me to orgasm again. I gasped and cried out. I became unsteady on my feet and almost fell. Lucky he was there to put his arm around me to support me.
        But it could also be said that if he hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t have gotten into that helpless state in the first place. It was him who gave me that orgasm.

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A Night of Sex with Mike.

        It was getting late in the evening when Mike came over to talk with me. Yes, I had taken an interest in this man when he helped me select that bikini. It was a bit sexy when he talked about how the bikini fitted my breasts and pussy. I had noticed how close his hand was to my breast as he ran his hand over, following the shape. Yes, I had thought about him touching me then. I’d seen him touch Kalki. I don’t think I would have minded if he did. Even there, in a public place, I wouldn’t have stopped him.
        But he didn’t touch me then. He had been the perfect gentleman. But now it was different. We were both naked. Both of us were sexually excited by the events of the evening. Well, I knew I was and by the look of the erection he had, he was too.
        “How did you enjoy the food table?” he asked.
        “It was good,” I replied. "A lot of fun."
        “Yes, I saw that orgasm you had,” he smiled. “Ice cream does it for you?”
        “It was a couple actually,” I smiled. “I was almost there when he did that.”
        “Got the right reaction, I think.”
        “Yes,” nodded.
        My hand reached out to touch his cock. It felt so warm and hard. I must admit, Mike does have a nice-looking cock.
        “Maybe you want ice cream on this,” I grinned.
        “I wouldn’t if I was you. You’d get nothing from me if you do.”
        I giggled at that and then asked, “Who said I want anything from you?”
        “What your hand is doing tells me that you do.”
        His hand reached for me, going straight for my pussy. He pushed in between my legs so his hand rubbed along my pussy lips. “This tells me you want something too,” he said.
        “So, am I going to get anything from you?” I asked cheekily.
        “If you want,” he replied as his fingers pressed between my open lips.
        “Yes,” I whispered to him completely overcome with desire.

        Sharon was near us and saw what Mike was doing with me.
        “Go use our bedroom, Mike,” she said. “Make it special for her.”
        I looked at Sharon, wondering what she was saying.
        “You are lucky,” she said. “He’ll be good with you. I've been watching him holding back for someone special. Looks like it's going to be you tonight, Cathy.”
        “But Gordon…” I began.
        “Don’t worry about him,” Sharon said. “I’ll make sure he's well looked after. What with a titty fuck then him fucking me, I bet he won’t even notice you are gone.”
        “Come on, honey,” Mike said. “Do you want to go?”
        My reply was to reach out and take the hand he offered.

        Oh, I wanted to go alright. I wanted to try this man but I was still concerned about my husband. We watched Sharon leave us and walk over to where Gordon was talking with a couple of the men. After a few moments with her talking to him, we both saw him reach for her tits.
        He looked over at me and I gave a wave. He waved back and smiled. Yes, Sharon was right. He would be busy for a while.
        I turned with Mike, "Let's go," I said. I followed him into the house. Going up to the upper floor, we came to a large bedroom. There was no need for undressing since we were already naked, so I climbed onto the bed and lay back against the pillows waiting for him to join me.
        When I looked back at him, Mike had climbed up behind me, coming up to lay on his side beside me. Leaning forward his head came towards me until his mouth came close to mine and I realised he was going to kiss me. As our mouths met, I felt his lips open and I opened mine to meet him. Our tongues rubbed and danced together, and it felt amazing.
        While I enjoy tongue kissing, my husband isn’t so into it. I was enjoying someone who knew how to do it well. We continued for a while since he must have realised, I was enjoying it. Our bodies pressed together, my breast against his chest. When he finally broke and he pulled away, I was left breathless.
        “Wow!” I said. “That was great!”
        “There is more to come,” he replied. “I’ve only just started with what I’ve got for you tonight.”

        His head left my face to move lower to the side of my neck. He nibbled me there, sort of like love bites but gently so he didn’t leave a mark. I was enjoying it. Softly moaning at the pleasure, he was giving me.
        Next, he moved to my breasts. First, his hand moved over the swelling flesh until he found my hard nipple. First, his fingers brushed gently over it before he took it to roll between his finger and thumb. He even went further pulling and lightly pinching it too.
        All this time, I was breathing heavily as my body trembled. I couldn’t believe myself. How turned on I was, and he had hardly done anything yet.
        As his hand moved on towards my other nipple, his head leaned down to my first one. He gave it a few licks before taking it between his lips. After a few sucks, he withdrew slightly to lick over my hard knob a few times before taking me into his mouth again. Meanwhile, on my other breast, his fingers were playing with and stimulating that nipple as well. It all felt so amazing. I was laying against the pillow with my eyes closed, my mind completely caught up in what was happening to me as I continued giving soft moans from time to time.

        As his head moved over to suck and lick my other nipple, his hand began its journey down my body. His fingers stopped for a few moments to tickle my belly button which made me giggle before he was moving lower again. I knew where he was heading and my body trembled at the thought of it.
Now his head followed where his hand had been. His tongue gave little licks and his lips nibbled as he moved lower. Sticking his tongue into my belly button was kind of sexy and kind of ticklish.         He moved lower until he came to my pubic hair. Instead of jumping over it as Gordon would do, he worked his way through my forest making little nibbles as he went. That felt great, especially as he worked his way over my pussy mound, getting closer and closer to where I wanted him to be.
        He paused for a moment and broke contact with me and I opened my eyes to see that he was changing position. He moved down to my legs, pulling them open so he could get between them. My pussy was open for him to see. I knew he was looking and didn’t mind that he was. In fact, I wanted him to look, to see the pussy I was ready to surrender to him.

        When he moved in closer, I was expecting the usual a man will give you; rubbing over my pussy lips, even pressing his fingers inside but that wasn’t what I got. Instead both his hands came in, fingers going to each side to gently ease the lips back. Then he blew on me.
        It felt so unexpected that it was amazing how his breath touched the soft inner places that usually never see the light of day. He repeated it a few times until I got used to it and then he moved on to his next step.
        Leaning in closer, his tongue reached out to touch those parts he had just blown on. His motion was a long slow lick, starting at the bottom and dragging over my soft inner flesh as he moved towards the top. It felt great too.
        I couldn’t help it, my automatic response was to hump back at him. So, he did it again. A second long slow lick up inside the length of my lips. I couldn’t believe it. It just felt amazing as he repeated that same lick a few more times.
        I had my eyes closed again. Laying back, enjoying what he was doing to me. It had all been so different to what I was expecting which is why it probably felt so amazing. I was giving soft moans as I humped my pussy back at his face. What he was doing was driving me crazy, it felt so good.
        Then he surprised me again. Up until then, each upward stroke had finished by brushing over my clitty. This time it was different. He stopped there, his lips gripping my excited little button and he sucked hard.
        A sharp sensation swept through my body. A few more sucks and he took me out! The orgasm that burst over me caught me by surprise. It was intense and I loved it. It left me laying there gasping for breath as my body struggled to recover. When I could finally open my eyes I found him looking down at me smiling.
        “How was that?” he asked.
        “It was so different...” I gasped. “It was amazing!”

        I think I might have jumped in on his plan because when I said I wanted him, he looked surprised for a moment before he recovered, with that smile returning.
        “Ok then,” he said. “Let’s do this.”
        He pushed me back so I lay out flat on the bed. I knew what was coming and so had my legs open ready for him. His body came down between my legs and his cock quickly found what it was looking for. That moment when a man enters is always good. You feel him press against your pussy. Feel the lips split as his head pushes in. Your lips somehow stretch to open for him and take the width of his cock inside.
        His next stroke pressed in and I could feel the hardness of his shaft sliding between my lips. Damn, that felt good. I didn’t realise how much I needed this. I gave a moan of pleasure. He pulled back so his cock withdrew until just the head was inside me.
        Now came his next forward thrust. A long slow thrust, pressing forward, going in so deep inside me. I could feel it, feel everything he was doing to me. Another long slow withdrawal before the next slow stroke started into me again.
        What was so different about this was the speed he was using. Long slow strokes, showing his strength and control. I’d never had it like this before. Usually, it was a couple of strokes to get into me before things sped up to a normal speed. Mike was doing it so differently and surprisingly; I was enjoying it too.
        I think the way his cock pulled and pushed slowly between my lips was what was doing for me. I think he was watching me closely, reading my body because he seemed to know just when to speed up. Just how much it took to bring me to orgasm.

        After that, the sex with him seemed to be more like I would normally expect. He was moving faster now with a long and steady stroke. I began to meet him, using my body to help him. I must confess to enjoying him. Enjoying the feeling of this strong man. My arms were around him, holding his as he fucked me. I could feel his body working hard, the muscles under his skin working to drive us towards our climax.
        Yes, there would be a climax. Neither of us had any doubts that there would. It was just a matter of getting there.
        I could hear his breathing close to my head as his body sucked in the air to drive his body. He was going faster now. A began to realise that orgasm was getting closer for him. It was getting to me as well. In the end, he got there first but it was only by moments. As his body slowed. He began a series of jerks as his cock pumped into me. My orgasm exploded too. A good one, a big one, leaving me breathless again as he rolled off me.

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Kenshin and Shanti Join Us.

        Mike and I were laying together in the afterglow of what had been a good sex session. I would have liked to have done some more but I wasn’t sure if he wanted that. Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and two people, Kenshin and Shanti walked.
        “Mind if we join you?” Shanti asked.
        Mike was slightly surprised as I was but he agreed they could. It wasn’t like we didn’t have plenty of room. This bed was a big one, more than able to take two couples fucking beside each other.
        “Looks like we’re stranded here for the night,” Shanti said. “Sabreena is taking the van back to our place with that group still playing down by the pool.”
        “Ok,” Mike said.
        “Well, we knew you two would probably be making a night of it. I just let them go do their own thing. Sabby is a good driver and she hasn’t been drinking.”
        “What about Gordon?” I asked, becoming a bit worried.
        “The last I saw of him, Sabreena and Jaynitha were taking turns licking whipped cream off the end of his cock.” Then looking at me, Shanti added, “He said to tell you to have fun and he’ll see you in the morning. I think he’s going in the van to Sabreena’s party at our house.”
        “Jaynitha was in it too?” Mike asked. “I thought she was staying out of our fun because of her boyfriend. She said to me she didn’t want to get into trouble with him like Tukiko did with her boyfriend.”
        “I think our party was a bit much for those girls to watch,” Kenshin laughed. “Both Jaynitha and Simon’s daughter have joined in.”
        “Yeah, and I think her boyfriend, Andrew might be joining us at the beach tomorrow.”
        “Where have Steve and Sharon gone? This is their room,” Mike asked.
        “They both know you are in here it seems,” Shanti replied. “Steve has gone back to Simon’s house for a mother and daughter threesome with Deanna and Roxanne. Sharon is still here somewhere but she said she doesn’t need this room. Got other plans it seems.”
        “Oh wow!” Mike said to me. “Things have been happening since we’ve been in here.”
        I just nodded my head, still a bit confused about what was going on.
        “Well, you two have been in here a long time,” Shanti said.
        “So, Gordon is ok?” I asked again.
        Kenshin, replied this time. “Looks like he is with Gaja, Michael, Masanori and Ragesh. They are going back to party with those younger girls. Nishi and Tukiko were with them. So were Kathy, Riya, Jasmine and Sabreena.
        “That’s going to be some party,” Mike laughed. “Maybe you and I should have gone, Kenshin.”
        Kenshin just smiled, but Shanti said, “I think you two have enough going on with Cathy and me.”
        “Jaynitha is going too if she can convince her Mum to leave her,” Shanti said.
        “So, Brian and Mega are still here?” Mike asked.
        “Mega is but I don’t know where Brian is. I don’t think he is in the house now. It will be pretty quiet here once the young ones leave.”

        They had been laying with Kenshin resting on his back against the pillow while Shanti was on the other side of him on her side while we’d been talking.
        “Come on, Kenshin. I didn’t come here to talk, you know.”
        Kenshin reached to grab her, to pull her over on top of himself. She ended up sitting with a leg on each side of him as she lowered her pussy onto his cock. With ease she lined herself up, allowing him to enter her and she began moving as she fucked him.
        Mike and I watched them for a few moments and I was very interested to see how she did it.

        “It’s your turn, Cathy,” Mike whispered in my ear.
        I looked at him, a bit surprised as I tried to work out what he meant.
        “I’ve been doing all the work here, Cathy. Now it’s your turn to fuck me.”
        “Oh!” I replied.
        “So how do you want to do it? What position do you want me?” he asked.
        “On your back. Mike. Like they are doing,” I said nodding at Shanti and Kenshin.
        “Ok,” Mike agreed but I was wondering what I had committed myself to. I wasn’t so used to the girl-on-top positions. My sexual experience was still fairly limited.
        “I’ll be on top,” I replied trying to work out how I’d do this.
        As he lay back on the bed, I squatted over him with a foot on either side so my pussy was just above his cock. Reaching down, I took his cock, guiding his cock head to my wet lips. Pressing down further, I took him inside me and we began fucking in this position. I was using my thighs to lift and lower my body, making him slip in and out of me.
        While it felt good that way but soon my legs began to get a bit sore. I looked over to see what Shanti was doing and then decided to copy her. She was using the proper cowgirl position.
        Still keeping him inside me, I moved my feet back so I dropped onto my knees in a more normal cowgirl position. This felt better, more comfortable as I continued to fuck him.
        “I wondered how long you would last in the position. It wasn’t very comfortable, was it?”
        I just smiled at him. He was right, it wasn’t that comfortable.

        I realised he was going in so deep because on each downward stroke my body would come right down against his body. I was taking his whole length. It was good but wasn’t quite doing it for me. I think Mike must have realised it because he said, “Lean further forward, Cathy. It will be better.”
        Without thinking, I did what he asked. Suddenly my eyes must have opened wide, my body bucked against him and I cum. What I didn’t realise was that leaning forward had brought my clitty almost in direct contact with his moving shaft.
        When I looked down, he was smiling up at me. “Nothing like surprise orgasms,” he laughed.
        I just nodded and smiled back. It was a surprise one. Not a big one but nice. I must admit to being shocked that my body had been capable of having so many in one evening.

        Shanti must have been watching us.
        “Let’s swap,” she suggested. “Give you a chance to be with Cathy, Kenshin.”
        I was a bit surprised Mike agreed with that, given that he would end up being with his own wife but he seemed ok with it. In my case, ended up with yet another man. A Japanese man this time.
        The men smoothly swapped with Mike pulling back out of the way so Kenshin could come over to me. It looked like he was intending to be on top and take me in the traditional man-on-top position. I was happy with that too, as it meant I didn’t need to do that much other than allow him into me.
        As his body came down on top of me, my thighs parted as he dropped between them. I was reaching to guide him in when suddenly I realised, he was there already. I felt him push against me and my wet lips parted with ease as he pressed in.
        His first few strokes were gentle, as he got used to a new pussy and worked his way in deeper. Then he started to fuck me. Yes, I used the word ‘fuck’ because it was more like that. He had started at a steady but slower speed, quickly building as we got going.
        Of course, I was fine with this too as this is the type of sex I was used to. As he increased in speed and energy, I began responding to him. I was humping my pelvis up to meet each downward stroke.

        I looked over at Mike and Shanti to discover that she was on top again. This time she was laying full length on top of him, using backward thrusts down at his cock as she fucked him. That was another variation of girl-on-top that I needed to try.
        I would have liked to have seen a bit more of what they were doing but there was a man on top of me, a hard cock inside my pussy, demanding my full attention.

        This Japanese man was very different in his sexual style to what Mike had been. He began slowly, of course. That’s always the way to do it, especially when you are with a new person. But I noticed that as Kenshin sped up it became a sharp, quick thrust in to be followed by a slower withdrawal. I must say, I kind of enjoyed this style and decided I’d get Gordon to do it for me too.
        Soon we had settled into fucking at an average speed, but I felt he was putting more effort into it as we continued. Before long he had changed to faster stroking in each direction. Now he realised we were both building towards our peak and he was building his sexual style too. It was becoming more rough and powerful.
        The way he came down at me with each stroke it seemed as if he was pounding me, driving me into the bed below us.
        I was responding to. Gasping for breath and working with him, my body moving in time with his to make it the best for both of us. When he got me to orgasm, I’m not sure he made it too. It certainly didn’t seem like it.

        Finally, later in the evening, perhaps it was morning by then, the two men swapped back again. This time I noticed Kenshin took Shanti, as he had taken me. But it seemed like he might have been a bit rougher than he had been on me.
        I was mildly surprised at how he was pounding into her. But Shanti seemed to be enjoying it. Humping back at him, struggling around underneath him, moaning and crying out too.
        Mike, who was now on top of me, had begun fucking me in a similar position. He noticed me watching Shanti and Kenshin and glanced over too.
        “You want some of that too?” he asked me, returning my attention back to him.
        “We can try it,” I told him.
        “Ok, then, Cathy,” he said. “Just tell me if it’s too much and I ease off a bit.”
        “I’ll be fine,” I assured him, hoping I was right.

        Suddenly it didn’t seem like the same man I’d been with earlier. Then he had been gentle, almost loving, have concern for my comfort. Now, it was different. He was strong and aggressive. Creating some wild and exciting sex. I cum strongly a couple of times before he delivered what would be the last for both of us.
        I’m not saying this last sex was better. Both styles were great and delivered for us both. Where the first had been slow and gentle, this last was wild and aggressive. I like it all. I was so happy I’d got to spend an evening with Mike. Sharon was right, he was good. He did give me a wonderful time as he took me through a range of sexual styles and emotions. Well, done Mike!

        That is how we finished. I had to go to the bathroom and while I was up I took a walk through the house and down to the pool. It was quiet, most of the bedroom doors were closed and there seemed to be a few people asleep on the floor in the downstairs lounge. Not sure who they were.
        When I couldn’t find Gordon anywhere, so I decided he had probably gone in the van going to Shanti and Mike’s house. I was a bit surprised at that but happy that he had found some fun for himself.
        I went back to the master bedroom to find Shanti was almost asleep in Mike’s arms. “Come on,” Kenshin said and I climbed on the bed to rest my back against him. His arms came around me as we both settled down to sleep.

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Day Four – The Nude Beach.

        Going to a public nude beach was an experience. I am not shy about nudity having been skinny dipping with my family ever since I could remember. More recently, since Gordon and I had been involved in this Letters thing, the groups that we’d skinny-dipped with had become bigger. Now we were on the sexy trip to New Zealand there were a lot more people involved. But since everyone else was getting naked it seemed natural to join them too.
        Now we were going to this beach. Yes, as I said above, it was still a public beach, even if it got blocked off during the high tide. All our group from New Zealand, Australia and India were there but no one seemed to worry that others were on the beach with us. Most people stripped for that first swim and then stayed naked the whole time we were there.
        I am very comfortable with nudity. Especially, I enjoy swimming nude. But swimming in rough surf was different again. The waves were so strong they could almost knock you over. But it was great fun. Perhaps the only thing was that I found the water to be a bit salty but then, living so far inland from the ocean, swimming in the sea was a rarity for me.
        There were others on the beach beside our group but that didn’t worry me too much. Even when I was playing ball games with the kids, some people walked close by me. I know the men were checking my body naked but again, I didn’t really care that must. I just greeted them with a “Hi” and they responded with a greeting in return.
        I know up behind the beach in the sand dunes, there was a lot of sexual fun going on with members of our group but both Gordon and I didn’t get involved in that. I think what I’d done the previous night at Steve’s house had been enough for me.
        From what I hear, those young girls had been very demanding of the boys when they got to Shanti’s house. Gordon met me when we got to that house and gave me a big hug. We sat in Kenshin’s van on the way to the beach and he almost nodded off on my shoulder. Certainly, he slept a bit on the way home. Michael and Ragesh didn't look too bright either but Gaja looked fine.
        Seems these young guys can’t take it, can they? Ha! Ha!

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        Since we were travelling the next morning with a very early start, there was nothing planned for the evening after the trip to the nude beach. As can be seen, just above, some of us wouldn't have done much anyway. Gordon and I spent the evening at our host's house. It was getting late and after a few drinks, I was sitting watching Gordon and Jaynitha in the pool. They were close together talking. I began to wonder if that was going somewhere.
        Jaynitha is a lovely girl, a full Indian and also very pretty. She has a slim body and a rather timid nature which is probably why I misjudged her age as being younger than she was. But then I came to learn she was as old as Sabreena and even had a boyfriend. As it turned out, she wasn't a virgin either, being in a current sexual relationship. She first made the decision to keep away from the sexual side of things to honour her relationship with her boyfriend but at Steve's party, which she was allowed to attend as an observer, it all became too much for her and by the end of the evening she was involved with other younger ones her own age. Now it was looking like she was making a play to be with my husband, Gordon. And it was clear he was very interested in her too.
        Jaynitha was wearing a bikini and Gordon was wearing his swim shorts. Not sure why they didn't just go naked. Soon I noticed her bikini top was loose and by the look of it, there might be some other stuff going on under the water. It was confirmed when Gordon had her bikini top pulled aside and had bent down to suck on her nipple. She had her eyes closed as she held his head. Obviously, she was enjoying it.
        I looked over at Brian and Mega and I could see they had both noticed what was going in with their daughter but since she was now in the sexual fun they must have decided to let her do what she wanted.
        A few minutes later, I saw them getting out of the pool. Jaynitha was now holding her bikini bottom in her hand as they walked around towards us. "Do you mind if Jaynitha joins us tonight, Cathy?" he asked as he approached me.
        Yeah, I knew it. I think all of us could see that one coming. But to join me in bed. That was a bit different. What did they expect I'd be doing?
        I nodded it was Ok and then Gordon announced he was going for a shower before bed. I noticed Jaynitha went with him too.
        I looked over at Mega. She had heard Gordon's request and both her and Brian were smiling. They were obviously ok with their daughter being with my husband. Well, they must have seen what she was doing at Steve's party and allowed her to go to Saddy's party afterwards.
        "Oh well," Brian said. "We might as well make it a night. Got a big day tomorrow.
        I watched them get up to leave and decided to go off to bed myself. I expected to find those two in bed, already at it but I found the bed was still empty.

        I was already in bed when the two of them walked in naked. I saw that playful squeeze he gave to her bottom and heard her giggle. As they got into bed with Jaynitha between us, I was wondering how this was going to go with me being there.
        They started with some kissing. Jaynitha was quick to respond to him as she lay on her back between us and Gordon was leaning over her. It was full-on, really into it with their tongues. Wow! It looked like Gordon was doing well. Perhaps his kissing skills had improved in the last few days. I decided that sometime soon I better find out.
        Right in front of me, her brown breast was exposed to me. I could see that large black nipple was erect and suddenly I felt the need to touch it and suck it. She felt it immediately as for a moment she stopped what she was doing to look at me. I wondered what she was thinking with another woman sucking her nipple. But then she smiled and returned to what she was doing with Gordon.
        So she was a bit open to women too. Probably like me, not so experienced with that side.

        Soon they moved to oral sex. The blankets had been pulled off all three of us. Gordon was on his knees beside her as she twisted her body so she could take his cock in her mouth. It was quickly obvious she had done that before, knew what to do with a cock.
        I looked down over Jaynitha's beautiful young body. Different shades of brown all over her according to which parts got more sun than other parts. She had a nicely shaped pussy too. Looked like she kept herself trimmed. I reached down with my hand, running my fingers down over her stomach and onto her thigh. As my hand moved to her pussy, I noticed how her legs parted to allow me better access. She was wet. Very wet and ready for sex.
        Suddenly, I got the idea to take things further. I moved down the bed, lifting over her leg so I was between her thighs with her pussy directly in front of me. She opened even further for me and now I could see her juicy lips. Yes, they were wet, glistening in the soft bedroom light. I leaned forward and decided to do what Mike had done to me.
        She knew where I was and I'm sure she was expecting me to either play with or eat her pussy while she continued with the blow-job she was giving Gordon. But I did something different. I reached with both hands and gently pulled her lips open. Immediately I saw the bright pinkness of her inner flesh, a sharp contrast with her dark, almost black pussy lips. Showing the pink! I'd read about Indian women in the stories, and now I was seeing it for myself.
        But I wasn't there for more than looking. Taking a deep breath, I gently blew on the soft inner flesh. She felt that too. Somehow she gave a moan with her mouth full of cock. Her body jerked in surprise at the sensations of what I'd just done. I did it again and she had to pull off him as she moaned again.
        Opps! Looks like I just stuffed up their blow-job.
        I leaned in closer and began making licks along Jaynitha's wet lips. I could feel her body shuddering with pleasure.

        Gordon was down beside me now so I moved aside to let him take over. I watched for a while and judging by her reactions, he seemed to be doing a pretty good job. But I was involved now so I decided to continue. I've had almost no experience with what to do with a woman so I was winging it, just doing what I liked men doing to me.
        I moved up beside her and as my fingers when to one of her nipples, I brought my face down towards her. She knew what I was going to do and as our lips met, her tongue came out to meet mine. I took her tongue between my lips and sucked on it. Soon she was doing the same for me. It felt different with a woman. Her face was softer, I could feel the softness of her body, and the swelling of her breast as I partly lay on top of her to reach her face. I found Jaynitha was a good kisser. I loved what we were doing to each other.

        Meanwhile, Gordon had finished eating her pussy and had moved up on top of her, ready to fuck her. I lay back to watch, seeing his pink/white cock pressing between her black lips looked pretty good. Jaynitha opened to take him, giving a soft moan as she did. I noticed he was a bit gentle with her but it seemed to be working for her.
        They were good for each other and seemed to blend well together. The fucking went well, ending in climaxes for both of them.
        That was good. Both had done well, I thought. I wanted some myself. I was sure he would have more if I got him hard again. As he lay back between Jaynitha and me, I leaned over to take his cock with my hand. It didn't take much and his cock began to move and grow again. I reached down further to take him in my mouth. I could taste Jaynitha's cum juice still on him as I began to suck. Yes, it didn't take much to get him hard.
        I rode him cowgirl style, surprising him with my new skills at that. I was so horny that it got me off fairly quickly. Much faster than I would have liked. He was still hard as he hadn't cum yet so I offered him to Jaynitha. She smiled as she moved to take him the same way I had. I lay back against the pillow to watch the fun.
        It seems like she knew how to do this, perhaps even better than I was. Since they had both cum already, she had the staying power to last until he was ready to cum too.

        We settled down to sleep soon after that. Gordon was laying on his back between us with his legs slightly parted. His arms went out around each of us as he pulled us towards him. We were both laying on our sides facing him, our breasts pressing against the side of his chest. I put my thigh over his which brought my pussy down against his thigh. I noticed Jaynitha quickly did the same so with her thigh over his other thigh, our knees met between his legs.
        That is how we talked for a few minutes before all three of us drifted off to sleep.

        The next morning, I awoke to find we had changed positions so my body was hard against his back as I was spooning him while his body was against Jaynitha's back as he spooned her. She must have woken at about the same time I had. The three of us talked for a few minutes when I felt a movement. I realized they were fucking again. He was taking her from behind.
        I lay there for a while watching and then I decided to take a shower. As I looked back at them, they were both laying on their sides with him still behind her. I could see her hand between her legs, rubbing herself while he continued to fuck her. I left them to it.
        Just as I finished my shower, they both came in to join me. I moved aside to make room for them in the cubical. As I dried myself off I could see them playing.
        "Don't take too long," I warned them. "We don't want to be late!"
        I was dressed and packing the last of our things when Gordon returned. I notice that Jaynitha didn't come back with him. Obviously, she'd gone back to her room to get ready herself.

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Day Five. Leaving Auckland.

        We had to be up early to get into Auckland to meet the other vans. Our plan was to meet everyone at Simon’s house since they live very close to the Southern Motorway. Once the whole group was assembled, we could spend a few minutes together and even swap between vans if we wanted.
        Gordon asked if I was ok with him going in another van for a while. I noticed he went off with Sairu and got into one of the vans being driven by the Japanese man, Kenshin. I noticed Kalki and David were with them too. I wondered if the two men and those women would eventually end up in bed together.
        I decided to stay in our own van and ride in the front with Brian. Our first stop was down the motorway where there was a food and petrol stop. This is where we had breakfast and all the vans were filled with petrol.

        Our main attraction for this day was Hobbiton where they had filmed the movies for Lord of the Rings. I found it interesting, but it wasn’t as important to me as many in our group as I had never taken much interest in these movies. I am glad that Brian had shown us the first part of the movie films in this place as I could remember scenes seen in the movie when I saw them for real.
        Gordon loved this visit. He was a big fan of Lord of the Rings and he was very happy to see where it had been filmed. I was pleased that he enjoyed it and it became one of the big highlights of his visit to New Zealand.

        From Matamata it was a quick run over the hills to Rotorua and soon we arrived at the motel where we would be staying while we were on this trip. Gordon and I were given our own cabin. Shanti had told me that there was an extra room that some of the kids could use if they wanted.
        I noticed Jaynitha was quick to join us. Peter’s twins were there the first couple of nights. I don’t know how the three of them shared the one big bed but they seemed happy with it. Later, Amita’s daughter Sabreena and Jaynitha were there. I heard during the night they had a couple of male guests but Gordon and I didn’t find out who they were. They didn’t bother us too much, so we just left them. Anyway, we were too busy with our guests, Hansini and Mootie. Yes, the biggest cock I’d ever had, but perhaps that’s another story.

        So that is Gordon and my adventures over the first days in New Zealand. Each day was filled with sightseeing and doing fun things. Each evening was filled with other fun things of a more sexual nature. Yes, we were both having a great holiday with this big group.

                        Good Bye from Cathy.

Index of Letters                         Story 285 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 284.   

Forward to Story 286.


  1. Oh Rochelle,
    This story looks a lot better than what I saw a couple of weeks ago.
    Enjoying reading but not finished it yet. Been a bit dazzled by dots. That bikini looks great on you. honey.

    1. This story gave us some more insight into the orgy party at Steve's house. It really took off I think. I went back to read the two other accounts of it too.
      The part I like best is the food part. I like doing that. It's fun, especially when there is sticky slippery sex to follow. But I'm wondering if you could have put a couple of men on that table too. I'm sure someone like Lizamoa or Hansini would have been happy to get on top of him for messy sex. Just an idea.

      We've done it here a few times and I'm always surprised at those Indian women. Always so neat and tidy, never a hear out of place. And they are prepared to get so messy and dirty. It seems they love it. Food, oil, we even tried mud that didn't work so well. (Not good dirt) Three of us couples, it's a regular part of our fun now.

    2. It's not the Indian ones you should be worried about, James. It's the Thai one called Kimberley. (Kia). that you should be worried about.

    3. Ah! Yes, Kim. I described her exactly in my comment above, didn't I?
      And Reshma - a school teacher. Lucky you claim it's Science you teach and not English, going by that last sentence in your comment above.

    4. Messy sex! I am surprised Kim wasn't involved in this.

  2. Oh wow! Rochelle, another good one. I just heard it's been published.
    I know this one gave you some trouble. Since Raymond has been writing for Allan, I've come to understand how that can be.

    But your story worked for me. I stayed with and read the lot without putting it down. Later today I when back and went over the juicy parts again.
    Keep writing honey. You do a good job.

    1. I hear Susan gave you that technique they use to break through writers block. I've seen them use it the Lion blog too. Seems to work but sometimes you might need a couple of tries.
      My writing parts are tiny compared to your stories so I don't have too much trouble. But if you need any advice or think you could use my help, give us a call, Nina and I will come over.

    2. I might take you up on that Raymond. You are a good writer.
      Do you know anything about the mating habits of pink fluffy snakes. See the background of this story. I am thinking of another story and might be interested in a co-writer.
      That is, assuming Kim hasn't got a copyright/patient on pink fluffy snakes.
      LOL Rochelle.

    3. Sounds like it could be an interesting sex scene. Five women screaming their heads off while getting raped by fluffy snakes.
      That would be fun.

  3. I got one of those group texts this evening and thought I'd come in and see what my naughty daughter and her mischievous friends are up to now. I can't say I've been here for a while since I discovered this guest reader profile gets me into Allan's Lion of the Federation. I much confess I've been hooked on that. But I'll be back here soon.
    Remember Anne - Daddy is always watching.

    1. Yes, Uncle Ryuunosuke, you need to keep a close eye on Anne. She is a very bad girl.

  4. We need to keep to the point of these comments. The purpose is to talk about the good work Rochelle did on this story. We often talk about how hard it is to write a sex or orgy scene and do something different. Well, I think that is what Rochelle did here.
    She took the gang-bang and developed it with a series of other women on the table getting covered with messy food that given a happy ended. There was even a variety on how she wrote the endings for each scene too. Some eaten and some fucked. Each a bit different.
    I must confess to finding the food sex very exciting but my best was how Mike started with Cathy. We all know there is a man in New Zealand who does that same.
    I know first hand as he did it to me. A long slow build up until I'm almost crying out for him to fuck me. Then comes the sex. Again, controlled showing his strength and power over me. Long strokes. Slow strokes going in as deep as he can. Withdrawing until he almost comes right out. The orgasms some, not one usually, more than one. And they are amazing.
    You captured that Rochelle. It brought back memories, emotions, sexual excitement. What I want from a story here. Thank you.

    1. I was working on a page in the Lion blog and saw your comments arrive Sayako. I've just come over to this blog to release them from moderation.

      I like what you said about Rochelle's story. Yes, the food sex scenes were great but there were other scenes for Cathy too. I really agree we shouldn't overlook the good work Rochelle did here. If both you and I can identify who she was thinking about when she wrote about Mike and Cathy, then you can know she did a good job.

    2. Very good Rochelle.
      Your story and background combined has now generated nearly 30 comments. That's a great result.

  5. Oh what an interesting story. We enjoyed learning of the styles of sex that this woman experienced.
    Like above, we thought the food was fun but maybe it would have been good if some men were on the food table too.
    Reen and Joshua
