Friday 28 August 2020

Story 246 Will You Take My Virginity, Please?

Hi from Jeremy.
        Next day, we were down at the river again, playing in the water, enjoying ourselves. I had the ball, someone grabbed me from behind, her body against me as she tried to reach for it. I could feel her body pressed against mine, feel her bare breasts against my back.
        “Hey! Who is that?” I asked.
        “Who do you think?” came back a female voice, Cathy’s voice.
        I struggled with her, finally managing to throw the ball to Ian. As Cathy broke away from me, I turned to face her.
        “Rubbing your tits on my back?”
        “Getting the ball,” she corrected me.
        “Isn’t it a bit sexy?” I asked
        “Don’t you like it, then?” she replied with a question of her own.
        That was a bit cheeky.
        “I didn’t say I don’t like it as such,” I said.
        “Then what are you complaining about?”
        This girl has a bit of spirit in her, I thought, standing up to me. I liked that.
        Cathy, David’s sister, a younger woman, had recently turned eighteen. I’d met her at social occasions with my friend David over the years. She was growing up now, the little girl becoming a good-looking woman. Looked great naked too. Nice tits, not large but had a pair of hot looking nipples with dark rings around them. Slim waist and great looking pussy too. She wasn’t scared to show it all either. More than willing to go skinny dipping and also get involved in the games with the ball. I heard she had a boyfriend too.

        It was the same as the day before, we brought a picnic lunch with us but the main purpose was swimming in the river. Naked, of course. Would it be any other way? Much more fun.
        I had just got out from playing ball in the river. Kala and I were sitting on the bank watching others still in the water. We saw how Katrina and Cathy were attacking Fred. Both had their bodies against him as they tried to wrestle the ball from him. Eventually, they succeeded. But after what happened between them, I wasn’t sure Fred would have been thinking he had lost.
        During the struggle, I’d seen his hand reach out for Cathy. He was obviously going for her pussy. Giving her a quick feel up too.
        “Hey! Naughty boy!” we heard her say.
        “Nice pussy,” he replied.
        “You shouldn’t be touching that,” Cathy said but I also noticed she hadn't pulled back or attempted to pull his hands away.
        Instead, both girls had used his moment of distraction to grab the ball from him.
        “She’s not scared to get into the action, is she,” I quietly said to Kala.
        “No that was a good feel up that time, wasn’t it?” she replied.
        “A good feel up? Do you wish it was you?” I joked.
        “I wouldn’t mind with Fred again. He was fun last night.”
        “I wouldn’t mind you again. You were fun yesterday too.” I told her.
        Kala smiled. “Yes, that was fun. Enjoyed it too.” She said. “Wouldn’t mind doing it again.”
        That was good, this sexy woman beside me saying she was keen to fuck me again. I knew we would too before this holiday was over.

        As we watched, Cathy got into some more action. This time, with her two brothers. Ian and David were trying to take the ball from her. She wouldn’t give it up, forcing them to struggle with her. They were in close; I could see Cathy’s breast squashed against Ian’s chest.
        When David finally took the ball from her, she went after him, coming up behind him and jumping at him so her naked body made full contact with David’s back.
        “Wow! Look at that girl,” I said.
        “She’s into the action alright.”
        “A nice girl too,” I said.
        “Do you like her?” Kala asked.
        “Yes,” I replied, a bit surprised at the question.
        “She likes you too, Jeremy.”
        I was beginning to wonder where this was going. Sure, Cathy was a nice girl, fun to play games within the water, but there was a limit. She was my best friend’s little sister!
        When I didn’t reply, Kala continued.
        “Cathy was asking about you earlier.”
        “What about?” I asked, surprised she was asking about me.
        “About sex. If you are good in bed.”
        “Did she?” Now I was really wondering about this conversation, even more, that Kala was sharing with me, what was obviously girls talk, which should have been kept among girls.
        “She’s looking for a man for her first time. She was thinking about you.” Kala explained.
        “You mean to take her virginity?” I said.
        “Yes, that is what happens the first time for a woman,” with a bit of friendly sarcasm. 
        I ignored that smart remark and continued with, “What did you tell her.”
        “What do you think? I told her you were great in bed and you might be interested.”
        “Well, you are great in bed. We had fun yesterday.”
        “No, not that. The bit about I might be interested.”
        “Aren’t you? I told Cathy I’ll talk with you.”
        “Of course. She is a hot looking girl. I think would be lots of fun too.”
        “Yes, she is,” Kala replied.
        “What about David and Ian. How do they feel about this?”
        “They don’t know, yet, of course. But I don’t think they will have any objection.”
        “I don’t want any problems with them.”
        “Cathy is eighteen now. I don’t think Ian and David would object. They look out for their little sister but she is old enough to decide for herself.”
        “I’d want to be sure with that.”
        “Are you thinking of doing it?”
        “Yes, if Cathy wants me and the guys are ok with it. Yes, I’ll help her out.”
        “Let me talk with Ian.”
        “Make sure you tell Ian, it's not my idea. Ok?”
        “Sure, Jeremy. It’s not your idea. Cathy is asking.”
        That was as far as things went.

        Later, as we had lunch, Cathy was sitting beside me. We chatted a bit but nothing was mentioned about me fucking her. I did take the chance to look at her more closely too. Yes, a great body, slim and looked fit too. Nice tits and from how she was sitting, cross-legged with her legs parted, I couldn’t see her cunt lips under a fairly thick nest of hair. It was obvious she didn’t trim anything down there.
        I think she caught me looking too, but didn’t try and hide it either. I got the impression she was ok with me looking at her pussy. With what Kala had just told me, maybe she even wanted me to look.
        She looked at me a bit shyly. It looked as if she was about to say something but hesitated. I wondered if she was going to mention it.
        “Has Kala talked with you?” Cathy asked.
        “Yes,” I replied.
        “Will you do it, Jeremy? Will you take my virginity, please?”
        Before I could reply, Joyce came to sit beside us.
        “I’ve heard about what’s going on,” she said.
        “I was going to ask you, honey. Not long found out myself.”
        “Are you ok, Joyce?” Cathy asked.
        “Of course, I’m ok,” Joyce answered with a smile. “But I don’t think its fair for your boyfriend.”
        “We’ve talked about this and he is ok with it,” Cathy explained.
        “But it’s still not fair.”
        I wasn’t involved in this, just listening. This whole thing was taking off on its own. I was beginning to wonder where Joyce was going when she dropped the bombshell.
        “I think your boyfriend needs lessons too.”
        Katrina was sitting nearby. I didn't realize she was listening too. “What’s this?” she burst into the conversation. It seems Katrina knew something about what was going on too. “What are you up to Joyce?”
        “Just offering to help them,” Joyce replied.
        “It looks more like Joyce want to help herself,” Katrina laughed. “Help herself to some fresh virgin cock, I think.”
        We laughed at that.
        But Cathy surprised us by saying, “I think it is a good idea.”
        “Do you think he will want to?”
        “Of course, he would,” Katrina butted in again. “What guy will turn down a chance for some hot pussy?”
        “Katrina, it’s not like that,” Cathy said.
        “I bet it is. Go ask him. He’ll be keen as.”
        So that is how it happened. Cathy agreed to come back with her boyfriend the following day and the four of us could go back down to the river. I never did get to find out David and Ian’s thoughts on me fucking their little sister. When Cathy turned up with her boyfriend that following day, it was obvious something was going on. My guess, it seems like the girls must have told them.

Hello from Joyce.
        When Katrina told me, Jeremy was getting into this, fucking Cathy for her first time, I could see what she was doing. Out here there were not many people her age so the local kids didn’t get the same opportunity to socialize and experiment like they do in the big city. I could see that both she and her boyfriend probably lacked the confidence to take the next step. They obviously thought a more experienced couple could be helpful. Yes, I said a couple because I was involved in it by now. I sort of invited myself in, actually.
        When they arrived back the next day, Cathy was driving, her boyfriend was sitting beside her. With Kala’s help, I had prepared some lunch to take with us. Since Jeremy wasn’t so sure on driving on these rough bush tracks, we jumped in the back of the 4x4 Cathy was driving. She seemed confident handling these rough tracks.
        It was only when we got to the river that I finally got a good look at this boyfriend, Gordon. He seemed nice enough, maybe a bit shy, the country type, didn’t say much. Nice-looking body, looked strong, like the tanned muscles of his arms too.
        “Well,” Jeremy said. “Let’s have a swim and then some lunch.”
        We all seemed in agreement with that but when I began to strip off, I noticed both Gordon and Cathy were holding back. Not like Cathy, she usually had no problems getting naked to skinny dip. Maybe it was her boyfriend who was shy. I looked over at Jeremy and he had noticed it too. He just shrugged and turned away as he continued undressing. So, I did the same. Just give them a bit of privacy.
        Once naked, without looking around, both Jeremy and I, climbed down the bank to the water. Wading in up to my knees, I quietly spoke to Jeremy beside me.
        “Think he might chicken out?”
        “Scared you're going to miss out?” he replied with a question. 
        “No! Not like that,” I said, trying to act indignant.
        “He’ll be ok. Just nerves I think.”
        “I hope they are really ok with this.”
        “I’m sure they are,” he said. Then with a grin, Jeremy added, “Be gentle with him Joyce. Don’t come on too strong.”
        I gave a laugh as I plunged forward into the water with Jeremy close behind me. It was only when I was right out near the centre of the river that I stood so I could turn to see where the other two were.
        They were just finishing stripping and now turned towards us stepping down the bank to the water. That was a positive sign. Getting in the same way we did, plunging forward once they were knee-deep, soon they were swimming out towards us. They came out of the water to stand on the sand-bar we were standing on, about waist-deep in water with deeper water all around.
        Like me, Cathy’s tits were above water, but our pussies and the boy’s cocks were below, hidden under the water. Gordon was looking around, obviously not familiar with this place. He should have been looking at me but I’m sure he would get to that soon enough.
        Cathy pointed out the large railway bridge and told him how this sand bar got a bit shallower before dropping away to deeper water. She told him how she, Katrina and Kala had stood there naked displaying their bodies as a train went by.
        “That was bold!” Gordon said.
        “Exciting too,” Cathy replied.
        “They saw all of you?” he asked.
        “Yes, the three of us, completely nude,” Cathy said. “I’d do it again if another train came.”
        “I’d like to see that,” he said.
        “You would see both of us,” I added.
        “Wow! You too, Joyce.”
        I not sure if Gordon actually believed we would do it. Unfortunately, we missed showing him because while we were there, a train never appeared. In another way, I didn’t really want one too because it might have ruined the fucking.
        We explored the pool further by going up-stream a bit and swimming down in the deep water under the bridge. There was a tree that had a thick branch out over the deeper part. We could climb out along this branch and jump off into the water.
        Those already in the water had a grand view up at those standing on the branch. Yes, I’m sure Gordon was looking up at Cathy and me, viewing our pussies from below. I was checking him out too when it was his turn to jump. Nice looking cock the way it hung over his balls like that, was looking forward to seeing him hard.

        After our swim, we were sitting on the bank by our bags talking. I noticed Jeremy was taking his time, giving Gordon a chance to get to know us better and us know him too. He seemed a nice guy, in fact, he was growing on me, I kind of liked him.
        After some time the conversation had gone quiet and I think we all knew that now we had come to the sexual part of the afternoon.
        Jeremy began, “We all know why we’ve come here so first I must ask, are you both ok with this?”
        “Yes,” Cathy said.
        Gordon quickly nodded his head.
        “What I suggest is that Cathy, I give you some lessons in love-making while you, Gordon and Joyce, you guys, copy us.”
        The young two were listening. Not quite sure how this would happen, I think. As for me, Jeremy and I had discussed it so I knew exactly what he was planning.
        “If either of you wants to ask questions or want to stop us, just tell us OK?”
        They both nodded their heads again.
        So far so good, I thought.

        “This may sound a bit silly,” Jeremy said, “but first we are going to look closely at each other’s bodies.”
        “Ok,” Gordon said. “Cathy and I have seen each other naked.”
        “Good,” Jeremy replied. “Now I want you to do more than just look.”
        Gordon gave a shy look at me. I think he suddenly realized; his 'looking, would be with me, rather than his girlfriend. I wonder what he thought, getting very friendly with a woman, older than him whom he had only just met.
        I turned towards him ready for what Jeremy was going to tell us next. Jeremy got Cathy to turn to face him too. Like me, she was kneeling in front of him.
        Then Jeremy started by touching Cathy’s face. He touched the side of her nose, her ear and even ran his finger along the lips of her mouth. Gordon quickly caught on and began doing the same to me. I knew what Jeremy was doing here. Getting Gordon and Cathy used to touch and being touched. As for me, I was kind of enjoying it too.
        Now it was my turn. As Jeremy encouraged Cathy to touch his face, I reached out to touch Gordon too. I couldn’t help straying down on to his chest as well. Jeremy looked across and caught me but didn’t say anything.
        When Jeremy’s hand left Cathy’s face, stroking the side of her neck before moving down on top her shoulder, the man in front of me copied by moving to my neck and then my shoulder too. As Gordon had touched my neck, my body gave a shudder that surprised him. Jeremy noticed it and explained that certain parts of a body are more sensitive and enjoyable so we have to find those on our partners and use them during lovemaking.
        Jeremy’s hand moved lower now, down over Cathy’s chest and on to her breast. I heard the intake of her breath at his touch. So, she was getting sexually turned on too, was she? That was good. As Jeremy explained further, his fingers had moved to Cathy’s nipple.
        Gordon had followed him by moving down to my breast and on down to my nipple. I am bigger than Cathy so he had more to play with. While Gordon was looking closely at my nipple, probably comparing it with Cathy’s nipple, Jeremy explained that I’d recently had a baby and was breastfeeding.
        As Jeremy moved to Cathy’s other breast, Gordon followed by moving to my other breast. I must admit it felt really good. Perhaps it was the anticipation of what was coming next but I couldn’t help it, I let out a soft moan. I think that surprised Gordon a bit too.
        Now, Jeremy got Cathy to change position. He had her sit back with her arms behind her to support her. Gently, Jeremy pulled her legs apart to expose her pussy. Both Gordon and I heard the nervous giggle she gave at being exposed like that.
        Of course, as you will all have guessed, there was no need to tell me to expose my pussy. I was quickly into the same position with my legs open for Gordon to view me. I must admit, this was really turning me on and we hadn’t done anything yet.
        “Just touch the inside of her thigh,” Jeremy said as he reached to touch Cathy. “Go right up high but don’t touch her pussy.”
        Gordon, followed what Jeremy said, his fingers lightly stroking the soft flesh on the inside of my thighs. I knew he must have been looking directly at my cunt too. I also knew in a few moments; Jeremy was going to ask Gordon to touch me there too. My body gave another shudder at that thought.
        I looked over to see Cathy was getting the same from Jeremy too. She was looking down at Jeremy’s hand, knowing that soon he would be touching her cunt.
        Now Jeremy was talking about the female pussy. Telling them the different parts and how they felt to be touched. When he began touching Cathy, Gordon was touching me. First running his fingers down the length of my cunt, then gently pulling it open to view the inner parts. This was so sexy. My body was trembling at his touch like it was my first time. Soaking with pussy juice too. It felt even better when Gordon stuck two fingers in and tried a few finger fucks and then moved on to examine my clitty.
        When Gordon touched my swollen clitty, I jumped and gave a gasp. It felt so good. I noticed that Jeremy got a similar reaction from Cathy too. Both Gordon and I heard her moan which made him smile too. Seems she likes having her cunt played with.

        The next part was that Cathy and I got to play with the men. It seemed a bit funny that Jeremy was instructing Cathy how to touch his body but she seemed to think it was fine. I followed exactly what they were doing. Taking my chance to touch and play with this younger male while he got the idea of how a woman could touch him in a variety of ways.
        I enjoyed running my hands over his arms and chest, feeling his muscles and how strong he was. I touched his face and neck too although this man didn’t seem to find it as sexy as my husband does. But then, that was the purpose of this exercise to get this young couple exploring each other to find out what sexually turned them on.
        Jeremy saved the best until last. Like Cathy was with Jeremy, I was kneeling in front of Gordon. His erect cock was directly in front of my face. I took him with my hand, wrapping my fingers around his shaft, feeling how hard he was. This was going to feel so good when I got him into my cunt!
        While Jeremy we explaining to Cathy how men like their cocks wanked, I didn’t bother waiting for instructions, I went straight in for a play. With my hand wrapped around Gordon’s shaft, I began to pump him, using the loose skin of his cock to move up and down. I also reached down for his balls with my other hand to tickle and gently play with them.
        For a while, Jeremy and Cathy stopped to watch what I was doing. He was telling her how it works and how good it feels for the men. I noticed that soon Cathy was doing the same for Jeremy and doing a pretty good job by the looks too.

        At that point Jeremy told Cathy she could take the man and suck him, she seemed to want to hold back on that and Jeremy didn’t bother pushing the point.
        I didn’t mind, I did a bit more than Jeremy asked us to do or maybe you could say, I added a bit of artistic creativity. Where Cathy was just giving some licks over the head Jeremy’s cock. I actually took Gordon right into my mouth and sucked him. Not much more than a few hand pumps of his shaft while I sucked the head, but I think he got the idea. Cathy and Gordon could work that one out later.
        I noticed that Jeremy allowed Cathy to watch me with her boyfriend so she could get a better idea of how it was done. I think a couple of moans Gordon gave had let Cathy know how much the men enjoy it. I was going to stop before he cum but Jeremy thought it might be better to take Gordon the whole way. Ok then, the whole way was what he got. As Cathy and Jeremy watched, I really got to work.
        With my hand grasping him and pumping him. I began sucking his cock again. I didn’t take him far inside, just not much more than his head. But judging by how his body was reacting, I’m sure it was enough. I was wanking him, keeping in time to my sucking. It soon became obvious Gordon was getting there. As I felt his bodybuilding, I moved faster and faster.
        For a moment I pulled back off him to speak. “Cum on my tits,” I told Gordon.
        I gave him a few more sucks but by now I knew Gordon was almost there. I pulled back and began pumping him briskly. Really wanking him to take him over.
        “So rough!” Cathy gasped.
        “It's ok,” I heard Jeremy reassuring her. "He's enjoying it. Watch what happens next.”
        “Cum for me… Cum on my tits.” I encouraged him again.
        His cock gave a huge jerk. So close now, almost there. I kept working at his cock. My hand gripping him, pumping him.
        “Squirt you cum... Make cum for me... Over me... On my tits.
        His body gave another shudder at that. He was about there now. Gordon gave a deep groan, his cock twitched, the first blob of cum shot from the end of his cock. It hit me on my chest, just above my breast. Quickly. Two more blobs followed the first. I’d aimed his cock lower now so both hit my breasts.
        I looked over at Cathy and saw her wide-eyed as she watched. I’m sure she’d never seen a man cum before, certainly not one go off like that, I suppose it was quite a sight for her. I must admit, as they go, Gordon was quite spectacular. Those first few shots, really launching his cum at me. A couple of lesser ones followed and then I leaned forward so I could wipe his cock head clean against me breast.
        Gordon and I stopped for a while, after that. We were watching as Cathy continued playing with Jeremy. She was picking it up quickly. I think at one point she almost got him off too but I also think Jeremy was saving himself for fucking her.

        Now we came to the penetration part. Penetration! That sounds so mechanical, doesn’t it? Almost medical rather than sexual. Jeremy told Cathy that for her, there would be some pain the first time but she seemed to know about that and was expecting it. Jeremy said in my case, Gordon would find it easier and would with Cathy next time too.
        Gordon moved his body on top of me as I took his cock and guided it to my cunt. With his first push, he thrust down at me a bit hard and fast. I managed to pull back, he just got his head in.
        “Take it easy for this bit,” I warned him. “Let the woman get used to you and get your cock wet with her juice.”
        “Oh,” he said. “Sorry.”
        Next thrust he was gentler. He realised he needed to press a bit harder but not go in too deep. Better that time, more of him went in.
        I heard Cathy cry out and looked to see Jeremy holding still.
        “Are you ok?” he asked her.
        “Yes,” she breathed.
        By now, both Gordon and I had stopped to watch.
        Jeremy pressed in again and again Cathy gave another cry.
        “Ok?” Jeremy asked.
        “Yes,” Cathy replied. “Give me a moment.”
        He held still and waited.
        “Ok,” Cathy said.
        Jeremy pushed in further.
        “Are you inside now?” Cathy asked.
        “Almost. Just a bit more.”
        “Ok,” Cathy replied. “I can take it.”
        One more push and Cathy didn’t seem to notice it so much.
        “That is it. All of me.”
        Her eyes opened wider. There was that moment of realization.
        “So, I am not a virgin now, am I?”
        “Not a virgin now, Cathy.”
        “Neither is Gordon,” I added with a laugh.
        “Come on, you,” I said to the man on top of me as I gave his bare arse a hard slap. “You have a job to do now. Fuck me.”
        I think he was surprised I said that. He pulled up his head to look at me. Perhaps trying to gauge if I was serious or joking.
        “Come on,” I said again. “Show me how good you are.”

        Gordon began to move. He was slow at first, just getting the hang of it. Maybe thinking he needed to be a bit gentle with a woman too. But soon he began to realise he could go faster and harder without hurting me.
        In my case, I was enjoying that young cock inside me. So hard! I was loving it. I could feel how he moved, sliding in and out between my lips. Soon I felt he was beginning to get to me. Now I knew why Jeremy had allowed me to get Gordon off with that blow-job. So, he would have the staying power to get me off when he was fucking me.
        My climax was approaching now. I was bucking around a bit, humping back up at him. Maybe he was surprised by all that, a woman losing the plot. But somehow, Gordon managed to stay with me and keep going. Those long hard strokes he was making, driving deep into my cunt. Damn! That was so good. It was driving me wild.
        It was almost there now. I wondered for a moment about him but you’ll all know that with orgasms, in the end, it is every man, in this case, woman for herself. I couldn’t hold any longer. My cum burst over me and it was a huge one. Would have been longer if the man inside had kept going but in the total shock of what was happening, he stopped.
        My orgasm swept over me. I was consumed by the thrilling feelings surging through me. It was a huge one, built quickly and burst over me but it was short, only for a few moments, I lay there breathless. Then I opened my eyes to look into the eyes of the man on top of me.
        “Are you ok?” Gordon asked me, looking worried.
        “Don’t worry about me. That was just amazing. I’m fine.”
        He managed a smile back at me. I’m not sure he had realised the power of a female orgasm. How a woman could go off like that. Well, now he knew. Talk about sex education, I gave him a lesson then.
        “Go on, now you,” I said. “Get yourself off.”
        Gordon didn’t need telling twice, he began fucking me again. This time he did a lot better. Sort of had got the hang of what he was doing. As he fucked me, I was humping back at him, making it better if I could. It didn’t take him long before he was over the top too. I heard the moan close to my ear. I felt how his body gave that huge shudder. He broke his rhythm and after a few more thrusts, out of time and then he stopped completely.
        I lay still, taking most of his weight, while his cock jerked a few times, the pulsing as he was pumping his cum inside me. He lay there spent for a few moments. His body on top of mine, my body taking most of his weight.
        Suddenly, realizing he was still on top me, he withdrew and rolled off me. For a few more moments, we lay beside each other, our chests heaving as we regained our breath. That had been a good one, good for both of us, so intense, extraordinary.
        “How was that?” I asked.
        “You are amazing,” he said.
        “You were pretty good too,” I replied.
        “I didn’t know it could be like that. You were great, Joyce.”
        “It’s not just me. Cathy will be as good too. You’ll see.”
        Mentioning them, I looked over to see Cathy and Jeremy were finished. They had been watching us.
        “Well done, you two,” Jeremy said to us.”
        “That was awesome!” Cathy added.

Jeremy again to finish this story.
        While it seems the sex between Joyce and Gordon had gone well with them both reaching what seemed like good orgasms, things with us weren’t quite so good. I cum but she didn’t reach orgasm, which was to be expected considering it was her first time. I’m sure she learnt a lot and next time it would be different.
        The way Cathy responded to me; I knew she is going to make a good lover. Sex will come naturally to her and I’m sure she will enjoy it herself. All she needed was a few more fucks and she’d be away.
        When she mentioned it, I told her that the first time is often not so good for a woman.
        “Get rid of the pain and you can focus on making it good, for your partner and for you.”
        She nodded her head, listening to everything I told her about thinking of her partner, making it good for them too.

        Joyce and Cathy organised some lunch and the four of us sat together while we ate it. I noticed now the girls had changed, Joyce was back with me and Cathy was sitting beside Gordon. We talked for a while and Gordon told us more about his life out here. It turned out that like Cathy, he had lived all his life out here. In fact, he had been to a few larger towns closer to the coast but had never been as far as Perth. Joyce was quick to invite Gordon and Cathy to visit and stay with us in the big city.
        We talked about our trip to India and shared memories and stories about that. It must have seemed like another would to Gordon. He was very interested that Cathy had been there too. Cathy asked if there had been sexual things between us and the others there and I said there had been. We then told them a bit about the nude weekend that followed the wedding. I think they were both a bit amazed but then I noticed Cathy noticed Gordon was getting hard. She reached down to hold and stroke him until he had a full erection.
        “With all this talk, I’m getting horny again,” Cathy said.
        Gordon didn’t reply but it was obvious he was too.
        “Can we do it again?” Cathy asked me.
        “Yes, of course,” I agreed. “But this time you are with Gordon.”
        It almost looked as if she was expecting it again with me but I told her my job was done. It was between her and Gordon now.
        “Ok,” she acknowledged, turning to look at her boyfriend.
        They hesitated, seemed not to be sure how to start.
        Joyce must have noticed them too. “I’m horny too,” she said. “Could do with another fuck.”
        With that she turned towards me, pushing me back against the mat with her hand going for my cock.

        I looked over and noticed Cathy and Gordon doing it together. She had laid back and he was on top of her. She was holding his cock, guiding it into her cunt. That was fast, perhaps a bit of foreplay might have been better. I must remember to tell them about that, I thought.
        Both Joyce and I watched how he entered her. She seemed to take it ok and not experience much pain if any at all. That was good. Soon he began to move, following what we had shown them. Starting slowly, ready to build up as their sexual desires built too. Shows they had been listening to their teachers.
        “I want cow-girl,” Joyce whispered to me.
        With her partly on top of me, we were almost in that position anyway so it seemed the natural way to go. Cow-girl also works better on the hard ground too.
        Joyce’s leg stretched over me as she brought her pussy down towards me. Grasping my cock with both hands, she guided me to her open slot, sinking down on top of me. I could feel the warmth of her body as she took me. Being so wet, she could take all of me with the first couple of strokes. Quickly she settled into fucking me.

        Cathy looked over and saw how Joyce and I were doing it. “Let’s try like them,” I heard her ask Gordon.
        Joyce and I watched as they changed. Gordon slipped out of Cathy and moved aside so she could sit up and then he lay back where she had been. Cathy got over him with a leg going to each side. I could see how her legs stretched wide to take him under her. She reached forward to grasp him, guiding him to her pussy.
        “Take it easy Cathy,” Joyce told her. “He’ll go in deeper that way.”
        Cathy looked over at us, I think a bit surprised that we were watching. Then she smiled and nodded, deciding to follow the advice.
        From where I was laying, I could see her cunt lips were open and swollen. That was good, shows she was enjoying herself. I saw Gordon’s cock press against her lips. They opened to wrap around the head of his cock.
        It was a picture to see, them both watching what was happening as she took him. I could see the look of concentration on her face. Her mouth formed as if she was saying “Oh!” similar to what her pussy lips were doing to take his cock.
        Cathy pushed a bit more, using her body weight to lower herself on to him. Some more of him slipped inside her. Now the head was gone and she was starting to take his shaft. She held that for a moment, I suppose getting used to him again before she pressed a bit more. Some more of him disappeared inside her cunt and she let out a gasp at the surprise of it.
        “Pull out a bit Cathy,” Joyce said quietly. “Wet him with pussy juice before you go deeper.”
        Cathy acknowledged with a nod without looking up at us. She lifted off Gordon, lifting a bit high so he slipped completely off him.
        “Opps!” she said with a giggle.
        Grasping him again, she eased him back into her. This time her downward thrust went deeper, perhaps deeper than she intended as she let out another gasp. She had over half of him now and I wondered if she would try for all of him.
        Another pull-back. This time she had the control to stop before he slipped out. Then came her downward thrust taking even more of him. It would take her a couple more attempts before she made the final attempt, the one that took him all.
        A broad smile appeared on her face as she realised she had taken all of his cock and her pussy was right down against his pelvis. She was looking down at him as he reached up to hold her lightly by her hips.
        “So deep!” she exclaimed.
        “Now start to fuck him,” Joyce told her. “Careful you don’t pull off him. It will ruin it.”
        Cathy gave another nod as her hips began to work. She soon figured out what movement worked to make Gordon slide in and out of her cunt. We could see how wet she was by how much juice was on his cock.
        “You can control it, Cathy,” Joyce said.
        Cathy paused what she was doing to look over at us.
        “Try leaning back like this,” Joyce said as she demonstrated on me. “Then lean forward like this. It makes a difference.”
        Cathy tried it, leaning back first. “This is not so good,” she said.
        “Now try leaning forward.”
        Cathy leaned forward as she began to move. Suddenly she let out a loud cry. I think that might have even touched her clitty.
        “See, you can control it now.”
        Cathy had straightened up again and she nodded as she began fucking again.
        “How does that feel?” Joyce asked.
        “Good,” replied Cathy. “Better than the other way.”
        “Cathy, you’ve got to keep these men in their place. Underneath where you can see what they are getting up too,” Joyce told her.
        “Yeah! Yeah!” I said.
        Cathy gave a giggle at that. She looked down at Gordon and said, “Do you like being in your place, underneath?”
        “With you, I love it,” he replied.
        Smart boy, that one!
        After a while, Cathy took another look over at us again. She must have noticed how I was reaching up to play with Joyce’s tits and nipples.
        Looking back at Gordon, her hands when up to pat her own breasts. “Play with my tits, Gordon,” she said.
        His hands copied my hands, reaching up to play with a sexy pair of tits while she continued fucking him.
        Joyce was going for it; her passion had taken over and she was building towards orgasm. The way she was fucking me was driving me forward too. I knew it would soon be coming to a head. She leaned further forward, my moving cock shaft made contact and it set her off. She gasped, cried out as her orgasm overtook her. It was a good one by the looks.
        She was out of rhythm for a few moments until she recovered and then with a couple of well-placed thrusts, she sent me over too.
        I looked over to see both Cathy and Gordon were watching us again. Must have been the noise we were making. She returned her attention to him, saying, “Come on, hurry up! They are finished.”
        “You know what to do,” he replied to her.
        She looked at him for a moment and then smiled. Suddenly realizing what he was telling her.
        His hands had dropped back to her hips as she lowered her body towards him. By now her motion had become more of a back thrust than a downward thrust. I knew that was going to be better for both of them. I just wondered if first time, she would be able to get them both off.
        They continued for no more than a couple of minutes when things began to happen. Gordon went off first and the look on his face told us he was filling her cunt with cum. She realised what was happening, pausing for a moment.
        “Keep going Cathy, I said. “You don’t have much time now.
        She continued. I knew she would have to be quick now before he lost his erection. I think she must have realised it too. She leant forward, positioned herself for maximum stimulation of her clitty. She was moving fast; you could say almost aggressive now. Her body pounding down at him, driving his cock deep inside herself.
        There were only a few more pumps of her pussy for Cathy to send herself over. We all heard Cathy cry out, she lost control, falling forward against his body. Gordon’s arms came up to wrap around her, holding her. We could see the spasms of her body her orgasm overtook her. She bucked against him a few more times but his strong arms held her tightly. Another gentle moan, shudder of her body and she was finished. Her first orgasm from a cock in her cunt.
        They rolled apart, both sitting up to look over at us.
        “Well done,” Joyce told them. “That was amazing.”
        They didn’t reply. Just smiled back at us. I’m sure they both knew how good it had been.


  1. Well done Susan.
    You really captured an interesting scene here. It was certainly your style too.

  2. Very clever story Susan.
    I love how we think this is a story about Jeremy and Cathy and then you twist it to a story about Joyce and Gordon.

  3. A story from my favourite writer. Sexy, beautiful and funny.
    And the story is very good too.

    1. Horny Hirohiko!
      My Hero!
      My favourite reader. Handsome, intelligent, funny, oh did I mention horny.
      Your comment was good too.
      Sexy Sue.

    2. I wonder about you two, Susan and Hirohiko. How much is serious and how much is teasing each other.

    3. Would you believe we make a great team.
      I'm the boss and Horny Hirohiko knows his place.
      Sexy Sue

    4. Actually the truth is the reverse. Man on top, man the boss. But Susan and I are still working on a correct understanding of that.
      She is an unfinished project.
      An uncut diamond.
      An gem waiting to realize her full potential.
      Horny Hirohiko.

  4. I've been looking at your background Rochelle. There seemed to be something different about you. Couldn't work out what it was for a while but now I know.
    You're pregnant there, aren't you Rochelle.

    1. Yes Paul, that was me when I was with child the second time in New Zealand. You will remember it was not long after we moved from France.

    2. This is a nice story Susan.
      Very refreshing and different. Usually the people involved are experienced with the sex but Cathy and Gordon were the virgins.
      Rochelle and Marceau.

  5. Oh wow!
    The name Gordon has appeared. My name! Anne once told me she would do it but when nothing appeared I gave up on the idea.
    Gordon has a girlfriend. Sexy girlfriend too it seems. Lucky man.
    Thank you Susan for risking your life and the wrath of Awesome Anne to put Gordon in. LOL.
    Who would make such a sacrifice for me.
    Again thank you so much. It is so neat to have a character named after me.
    The Real Gordon.

    1. I do not know you Gordon but I must tell you I loved your comment.
      We all enjoyed it here, including Anne.

    2. Many of us have our names used over the years. I am Tom and the farmer from Warkworth is named after me.
      It is an honour that they do that so Gordon, may I welcome you to a very special group of readers of this blog.
      Tom and Rosemary.

    3. Glad I could make your day Gordon.
      Sexy Sue.

    4. As much as I might enjoy that Gordon, there is the small problem of Texas being a long way from New Zealand. Or do you think you shoot that far.
      Your aim better be good to because if you hit Anne instead she's going to kick your arse boy.
      Sexy Sue.

    5. Why do so many men like to cum on tits?
      I know Tom likes that. Do you know another thing, many of us women like it too.
      It cleans off easily. A towel or a damp cloth if it dries, and it is gone. Another way is make the man lick your tits clean. That usually works but will often result in more mess than you try to clean up. No problems he can lick the pussy clean too.

  6. This is an interesting idea. A young woman asking a man to pop her cherry. Then the man's wife wants some fun too.
    Sex lessons with an extra twist.
