Wednesday 12 August 2020

Story 244 Background

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Hello from Brian,

          When my wife Julie took on writing a story about Ginger spending the night with David and Jeremy, I decided to take on the opposite story of what happened with Fred spending the night with the two women, Katrina and Joyce. Hence the name; 'Two Sexy Women.'
          First, I needed a plan, a rough idea as to how this evening would work. It was sort of the classic threesome with two women and one man. I talked with my wife Julie, to see how she was going to do her story, so I could go for something a little bit different. I then laid out of a basic plan of how this will happen first, then this and this and this etc. These ideas were written into a word file with gaps for other text between them. Julie was doing it in a similar way. I could now start writing with the option of working on a number of different sections down the page. 

         Both Katrina and Joyce are very sexy women. Popular with the men and willing to get into the action. Over the years some great stories had been written about them. I wanted to find out more about them so Julie and I decided to visit Rajah and Shandra. No one knows the characters of Letters, as well as Shandra, does. I discovered that evening that she has a notebook with a couple of pages for every character in the stories. 
        Of course, Julie and I were particularly interested in three couples - David & Katrina, Jeremy and Joyce, and the new couple Fred & Ginger. We sat down to read her notes on all six for them. Very interesting and very helpful too. 
        Susan, Anne and Allan were there, that evening, and they gave us some good advice on the construction of sex scenes and writing realistic conversation. 
        The result of all this was we went home with a lot of ideas and notes to help with our writing. 

        Now, the plan was for my mother to look after the kids so we could stay the night with Rajah and Shandra. The other three decided to stay as well. A quick couple of phone calls took care of kids and rearrange milking shifts and we had a group of seven people staying together. You just know with that group, it was going to turn sexual. 
        I am a bit surprised at my wife Julie. Other than a bit of joining in the games at parties, she doesn't really get into the sexual side with other people much. There is no barrier to us doing it, just that she doesn't seem to want it. That night she was different. Maybe it was talking about sex and sex scenes but she really went for it. 
        First, Julie was with Allan. That seemed to go ok from what I saw but I must confess to being preoccupied with Anne & Susan. Then while I moved on to Shandra, Julie was with Anne and Susan. That was a hot session. I think it really took Julie into some new territory but she told me later she enjoyed it. Finally, Julie had that great session with Rajah. 
        All in all, we had some ideas (Planning), some notes (Information) and some great sex, (Inspiration) for our stories.
                    Bye, now,

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 244.


  1. Thanks Brian. A nice story. Been nice to read while locked in this hotel.
    I saw my kids today for the first time in 3 months. My sister brought them over. They stood outside and we were on a balcony. Would have loved to hug them but can't do that for a while yet.
    See my comment under the main story.

    1. I heard Auckland went into lockdown today. Are you involved in that too Janet?

    2. Hey! Why is my photo still in the background? I thought the idea was to change with each story.

    3. Sorry big sis.
      I was busy repairing links on the index page and ran out of time this morning so unfortunately we all have to suffer looking at your face for a while longer. LOL
      Will get it done tonight.

    4. LOL - You are sailing close to the wind with that one Asami.

  2. This must be one of the better 'Backgrounds' that I've seen for a while. It is organised into sections with headings and gives us an insight into where idea and inspiration for this story, and the one before it, came from.
    Not to mention the memory of a fun evening too.
    Sexy Sue.

    1. I agree with you Susan.
      I've seen a lot of backgrounds and this is one of the better ones.
      It gives a clear picture of how this story formed in Brian's mind.
      With Susan and Anne there, it must have been a great evening too. Those two girls with Julie must have been something to watch. No wonder all the men were ready to go again.

    2. I agree. It was a very sexy evening that put Julie and Brian on their course to write this story.

  3. Kia ora,
    Hello everyone,
    COVID is back and grannies like me are locked up by their Whānau (family). Think they can stop me being naughty do they? Ha! Ha! You guys here know different don't you? Gives me more time for reading sexy stories doesn't it? My assigned "Guard" is Mahuiko, and she is as naughty as me.
    A special 'kia ora' to you Brian. A great effort and a very readable story. I enjoyed the whole story. Fred certainly had a fun night with Joyce and Katrina. Sounds like you got the idea from being with Anne and Susan.
    You got into some more unusual things such as a sexy 'girl on girl 69' and playing with breast-milk. Been many a long year since my big ones produced any but I remember having fun with it a few times. Squirted the cat much to his shock. My late husband liked playing with it too.
    Oops, got a bit distracted there. In the first read, your story flowed well and I could understand exactly what was going on. In the second read, I found a few minor mistakes, grammar and spelling. Makuiko read it to me as the third read and we found one paragraph that didn't read well. This morning I sent Anne my email with the details.
    But it was a great story which is worthy of this blog. Thanks Brian and again I say well done.
    As I see it.
    Kia kaka - Kia kaha.
    Be safe - Be strong.
    Moa & Makuiko.

    1. Thanks Moa
      Kia ora.
      But Julie and I enjoyed you comments on this blog but also found your feedback via email to be very helpful.
      Thanks once again. 6⁴4³
