Thursday 20 August 2020

Story 245 Background.

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Ayaka and Shandra. 
Hi from Shandra.
       This story is a joint venture between Ayaka and me. While she wrote most of the first half where Joyce tells her story, I took the second half where Jeremy tells his story. Originally, this was to have been two separate stories but since they weren't that big it was considered better to combine them as their content are both related to the same event, sex beside the river.
       So we started with Ayaka writing about Joyce and Ian together, told through the eyes of Joyce. Ayaka also set the scene of how and why Joyce and Jeremy were out at this small outback town meeting Ian and Kala. In my case, I took Jeremy and Kala together, told through the eyes of Jeremy. I wanted to add some realism to this story by taking the 'man moment' where Ian looks at his old house for the last time before it goes under the bulldozer. I tried to capture the male thing, 'we don't show tears but if we do, true mates pretend not to see it.' Does that work?
       I am unsure why Anne wanted Ian and Kala to move house but you can see she had it planned as far back as December 2019 in Story 228 Part One - Outback Adventures, where it was mentioned that Ian would probably need to sell. Regular readers of this blog will have heard of the big picture, the long term story behind this blog. Some notes are made but most of it is locked up in Anne's head. Like you readers, the rest of us writers just discover it as we go along.
       Our prime characters here are a couple who have been around for a while, Jeremy and Joyce who partner swap with a more recent couple, Ian and Kaka. All four of these characters are named after popular and regular readers of this blog. They have never been together before, so there is that excitement of trying with someone new. How will it go? Will I meet their expectations? Will they meet my expectations? What is actually a simple partner swap has been confused by having two other couples present beside the river with them.

Something Different. 
       The second part of this story features some themes that we don't often see in this blog. These themes at the very least would be considered as controversial but I believe we should be open to exploring something different, something new, from time to time.
           1) A Tittie Fuck. We've seen this one a few times. I've actually done it for real to a few men but it probably works better with women who are larger up top than I am. You also need to consider the lubrication. Skin against the skin can dry out and become uncomfortable friction, particularly when using oil or lotion that soaks into the skin. Plenty is needed and more applied as required. Do it right and it's great for the men. In truth, I don't mind it either, even when it ends with a cock load of cum, all over me. LOL
           2) Arse Fucking. Taking a cock in the arse is quite different from taking it in my cunt. As I've shown in my story, this can be very painful for the person being fucked whether female or male. Again, the secret is taking it slowly during penetration and use lots of lubrication. For the male, some are not too impressed with it while others think it is amazing. Like in the story, feeling so good in that tight hole that he was feeling light-headed.
       So what do you all think of this? I'd love to see lots of comments, even a debate on it. We have been debating it among us writers. Some in favour of exploring something new while others think, "Yuk. Totally gross!" They are against including it here. So what do you guys think? Should we or shouldn't we include stories like this here?

A First For This Blog. 
       This is an important mile stone for this blog. The very first time it has been coded in HTML. It was written in our usual MS Word file but was copied into HTML format. From there each line was given it's correct coding. In this way we hope to avoid errors appearing in the future.
       At the same time, this background was written completely using HTML instead of using the usual editor. Again we are hoping to emulate errors. A code template was copied down the page with the text being added into each paragraph. The end result being this page.

       Kia kaka - Kia kaha.
           Be safe - Be strong.
               Ayaka & Shandra.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 245.


  1. I am sorry about publishing early again. I am still nervous about the new blogspot software and so wanted to publish when I had time to fix any problems.

  2. Yes, I know of that bikini. I borrowed it for a visit to the O'neal's beach. It does look see-through all the time but becomes very transparent when wet. All of my parts could be viewed. It was sexy and thrilling doing.
    I liked the story, it was very good. I read about the arse fucking with great interest in how it was done. The technical details. I have heard of this before and now might even to willing to try if it doesn't hurt.

  3. I borrowed Susan's blue bikini for that beach trip. They dared Ayesha and I but we did it. That bikini gets very transparent too. I know those fishingmen saw all of me through it and I was horny for showing them too.

    As for this story. It was good. Liked how you developed it beside the river on that hot afternoon.
    The arse fucking. I respect others are interested but not me! Totally gross!

  4. On the river bank seems like a good place to have a picnic and orgy. But I would be concerned for the snakes, crocodiles and other nasty things that they have on Australia.
    As a story it was good. Sexy and interesting to read. I was surprised at the more extreme sex towards the end. Not for me but I can read it.

  5. I have to say... as I happen to share a name with one of the main characters in the story, I was very pleased with how it turned out !! I do love the detail put into the man's perspective, a very nice touch, Shandra!

    My only complaint is not being there in person to role-play the story, to test for accuracy, over and over and over...

    1. LOL over and over and over. Is that required Jeremy? Hope so. I like that. Might be fun. Like my name sake in the stories, I have no problems with this style of sex.
      I've even managed to orgasm when doing it which surprised me the first time.
      As far as I can see the details were correct although maybe the lubrication might have been over played a bit.

      Now on a more serious note, anal sex is among the more extreme ways of doing it. I am sure some here will see it as totally gross. To them I say, just skip over parts like this, Anne told me today that they will not come up that often. To the writer team - by all means explore new ideas and themes but keep your loyal readership in mind and most stick to the tried and proven.
      All from me.
      Kala (the real one).

    2. Love that bikini Anne.
      So sexy and see-through. Would be so horny to wear one like that to the beach.
      Kala (real one).

  6. The idea for sex like this, the arse fucking is more common that is mentioned I think. It is just that it is viewed in a negative way by many people.
    I like the detail you used Shandra when describing it. Good lubrication is the secret. Do it right and it can be enjoyable for both partners.
    Rochelle & Marceau.

  7. Kim and I differ on our opinion of this story.
    She thinks it is a great idea to explore new things, new themes and new styles of sex. She says getting fucked in the arse is something exciting and different even if you would never consider doing it yourself. So use it in the stories as writers want to.

    I (Allan snr) disagree with changing to more deeper porn. We have a range of readers, some of whom never read of see any other forms of sexual material or porn. They feel comfortable reading our stories, even with their partner or husband. We don't want to drive them away. Reading about fucking in the arse could gross some people out. We do not want people dropping the blog for that.

    Our suggestion is to explore new forms of sex but make it very clear to our readers it will only be every once in a while and will not become the norm of this blog. There could also be a warning if reader feel it is needed too. Whatever you do, your readers must be considered.
    Kim and Allan snr.

  8. Kia ora
    All my naughty friends.
    I am sorry for the delay in my usual comment but I have not been well. But good news is I'm much better now.
    So "Shagging on the Riverbank" what do I like about it?
    First that title draws you in. It is a promise of things to come.
    Secondly, that opening tells me Joyce and Jeremy are looking for fun and we can guess Ian and Kala will be too.
    What have you just done here? Within a few lines you have captured me. I'm in for this story now because I want to see what will happen.
    There is a long build-up with the travelling to that town and moving house. Personally I found it interesting and well within the scope of the story. The reason for being there you could say.
    Then came a little gem for me. Ian saying good bye to his house. Another man putting a hand on his shoulder and pretending not to see the tear. Well done with that.
    Then after some fun in the water and bit of sexual warm up we come to the sex scenes. They were well done too. Who would have known Kala would be into that?
    See my reaction here. That style of fucking is definently not my thing but I was delightfully surprised by it. Your description was strong which I liked as I really don't have much knowledge of arse fucking.
    I realized some might not enjoy this scene but take it in the context of the full blog. Things can be different than our personal taste. We can enjoy reading about them but no one is asking us to do them.

    Very few minor mistakes. Well done.
    As I see it.
    Kia kaka - kia kaha.
