Friday 28 August 2020

Story 246 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 246.

How do you do?
       My name is Sexy Sue.

           This story was never part of our original plan. Once the riverbank stories were finished our intention was to jump on over to New Zealand. But I thought there was some unfinished business here, another story to be told.
           Cathy - David's younger sister. What do we know about her? How old is she? Is she a virgin? It has never been said in the stories. I talked with Shandra and she gave me a few ideas but really other than being a bit cheeky, a bit daring and comfortable with nudity, it was wide open for me to take this girl anyway I liked. My only limitation came from Anne, she told me that we'd had a lot of new characters in Letters recently, she didn't want to take Cathy very far.
           "One story?" I asked her.
           "Ok. One story," Anne agreed.
           See, just look sad and sorrowful. You can get anything you want out of Anne.
           Now Gordon. As I was planning this story, it quickly became clear that we needed a boyfriend for Cathy. I thought of our naughty online friend, Gordon, whom we sometimes chat with. Ok Gordon mate, I know you read this blog. It's your time to shine! Without asking Anne for permission, I slipped Gordon into my story.

           So that was the characters sorted. Now to my story.
           My first time had been in the backseat of a car. The 'low-life' who took me, just shoved his cock into me and started fucking. To hell with how much it hurt me. He didn't care! I was tough enough to take it ok but I believe a man should give a woman more respect for her first time and be gentle with her.
           I once read a story how a younger girl at a university had selected a professor for her first time and then once she had learnt about sex, goes back to her boyfriend. It was implied in the story that the boyfriend was in on the idea for them to gain the experience they needed. I've wanted to do a similar story and I thought, maybe a teenage couple living in a smaller town, way out in the Australian outback might be a suitable couple to seek out experience from an older couple.
           I began where Jeremy was going to give Cathy her first time but, as you will likely know, I love to put surprise twists into my stories. I had Joyce talk her way into giving Cathy's boyfriend some lessons. This led to much of the story being told by Joyce as she became a bit of an over-enthusiastic teacher. Getting cum all over her tits and then giving Gordon a really good fucking. Very naughty girl, that one!
           Not that Gordon was worried. Two orgasms! I don't really think he was complaining.
           Now, we can't have perfect sex all the time, can we? I wrote that Cathy didn't quite make it her first time but then she made up for it with her second time.
           The second and final scene, Cathy and Gordon, back together again, flying solo for their first time.

           Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                       Sexy Sue.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 246.


  1. We enjoyed this story. Just a little bit different. In places more technical than sexy.
    Just two couples, one showing the other how it's done. Wish I had teachers like that, I'd go back for a refresher course.

    1. Sayako, can I be your teacher?

      Loved the story Susan. It was sexy in a very different way. I particularly like how Joyce lost the plot.

    2. I agree with you both. This story takes sex for a very different point of view. You say you once found a story like this one this.
      The idea of getting an experienced man to take your virginity has some merit. But I think the personality is of greater importance. You want a man who will be gentle and considerate of you. You say yourself you had a bad experience Susan and I came down to you being tough enough to take it.
      But this was a good story. Took us somewhere a bit different. I like that.

    3. Of course you can Sayako. You can be my teacher. I will be a very attentive pupil. I will also excel in the practical exercises too.

  2. So what is this Susan? I clearly told you that you could only use Cathy and just for one story. Ok where did Gordon come from?

    1. Cathy seemed so lonely so I thought she needed a friend.
      It just so happened that the first friend to come along was her boyfriend. Isn't that amazing?
      LOL Susan.

    2. Of course Cathy needs a boyfriend. I support that idea 100%. Make that 200%.

    3. Yes, of course Cathy needs a boyfriend. What use us learning the fine skills of sexual intercourse if you have no one to practice them with.

  3. I think in talking about this story and everything else we've over looked this Background. It's very typical Susan, fun, informative and more fun.
    As good as the story, I think.

    1. You make habit of these pop-up stories, don't you Susan?
      Keep it up they are surprising and fun.

    2. Pop-up stories. I like that.
      As for keeping it up. That might be a bit of a problem. I'm a girl if you haven't noticed. Don't have anything to keep up. I think that is your job Geoff.
      Sexy Sue.

    3. Yes Susan, I did hear some where that you might be a girl but would need further proof to confirm that rumour.

  4. Kia ora all my naughty friends.
    Enjoyed this story Susan. You are writing some of your best recently. You all are, this blog has been of a very high standard.
    Susan, this background was good too. I found it very informative. I like reading where ideas for your stories came from and how you write them. May I remind you that this was the original purpose of these backgrounds.
    The story was technically sound. The subject quite different to usual. I thought the way you handled the sex lessons was good too, even if the teacher's assistant became a bit over enthusiastic.
    Well done Susan.

    I enjoyed our chat the other day, Susan. I'm glad I can be of help. Your next story seems like it will be a good one.
    Kia kaka, Kia kaha.
    Be safe, Be strong.

    1. When you were a teacher Moa, did you teach this subject?
