Thursday 20 August 2020

Story 245 Riverbank Shagging.

Joyce and Ian. 
Hi from Joyce.
        We were reading the stories about what had happened with Ian and Kala when Katrina and David had gone to visit them. I think it is Story 228 Outback Adventures.
        Jeremy said to me, “I’ve heard a lot about that outback town. One day I’d like to go visit Ian and Kala.”
        Notice, he didn't just say visiting the town but particularly mentioned visiting Ian and Kala as well. I decided to pull him up on it.
        “You mean shagging Kala?” I asked. 
        “Yes, that too. I’d think they would be keen now.”
        “Then you’d get to play with her big tits.”
        “Yes,” Jeremy replied with a grin. “And I bet you wouldn’t say ‘no’ to Ian either.”
        I smiled at that, how he turned it back on me.
        “Yeah, I’d be in for shagging him,” I said.
        I’d been attracted to Ian from when I saw him naked at the party. I’d even wondered what he would be like to fuck. Yes, I’d be in for some fun with him.

        A few weeks later, I had the chance to talk to Katrina and she agreed it was a good idea. She also mentioned that in a couple of months, Ian and Kala, who had sold their farm, would be moving to another property they had brought. It seems that their land was worth much more for the gold laying under it than for grazing a few cattle on top. Katrina told me that she and David were going out there to help with them moving. She invited us to join them.
        That night in bed, I was talking to Jeremy, “Do you remember you told me you want to visit Ian and Kala?”
        “Yes,” he replied.
        “Katrina has invited us.”
        “Invited us? To go visit Ian and Kala?” Jeremy said trying to put it all together.
        “Yes, they are moving house and want some help.”
        “Sure, we can help. I’d love to go out there.”
        “And help ourselves with them at the same time,” I added.
        “Yes,” he smiled. “I hope so too.”
        So with Jeremy keen on that too, we both quickly arranged some leave from our jobs to go out to help Ian and Kala. Paula and Donald agreed to care for my daughter to give us time to getaway. Another surprise came when Fred and Ginger heard what we were doing. They decided to come with us too.

        Saturday morning, we took a taxi to the airport. The plane we caught was tiny compared to the huge one we’d taken to India. There were only about 10 passengers and room for some freight and mail at the back. Quite narrow too, only single seats each side with an aisle down the middle. I sat opposite Jeremy so we could talk but also watch the scenery passing below us.
        Katrina had warned us not to bring good clothes so I was wearing my jeans and a shirt. I’d gained a bit of weight at child-birth and been working hard at the gym to get back to normal. I felt proud that I could fit these jeans again and look good in them too. I love how they hug my arse, one of my better features. Even Jeremy had commented when he saw me wearing them before we left.
        The flight took us over two hours and as we went deeper and deeper into the outback, the country below us became more and more barren. As we came lower to land, I could see how wild this place really was. There looked to be nothing out here at all other than scrubby desert land.
        The airport was tiny, just a strip of concrete and a small building, not much more than a shed. There were a few vehicles parked nearby and a few people waiting. Straight off, men began unloading bags and boxes from the back before placing a few other bags back on. By the time we had got out with our things, the plane was ready to leave again.
        Kala and Ian were there to meet us. Yes, got a big hug from him too. A bit steamy for a public place too when he gave my arse a quick squeeze. I notice Katrina got the same from him but when he came to Ginger, he seemed to manage to keep his hands under control. Maybe she was a bit disappointed that he had.
        They explained that we would be staying with them at the hotel in the town for a few days while we moved their things to their new house. Then we would move to stay with them. I was fine with that, sort of knew something like that would be happening.
        Later, we did move to stay with Ian and Kala but since Ginger and Fred were getting on well with David’s mum and dad, they stayed on at the hotel in the town. It wasn’t far from Ian’s new place anyway.

        For the first few days were busy getting Ian and Kala ready. We were out there helping them each day, then coming back for dinner and the evening at the hotel. With Ian and Kala’s kids, we almost took all the rooms upstairs. I was fascinated by that old building. The traditional Australian hotel that used to be everywhere. Bar and restaurant downstairs and bedrooms upstairs. This one had been changed inside a lot with an apartment for David’s parents at the back and the restaurant moved to a more modern adjoining building next-door. You don’t see these old buildings in the cities that much any more but still many in the smaller towns all over the country.
        Later, in the night, once everyone was supposed to have gone to bed, there was a bit of swapping between couples. The first night, I got a good fucking from Fred. The second I was with David again. I heard Ian and Kala played but since they had a couple of larger rooms on the other side of the building, neither Jeremy nor I got the chance to be with them.
        We got them all packed and then everything got moved in one big day. By mid-afternoon, we were finished and their new house mostly set up. I’m sure Jeremy will tell you more about this in his story. It was well organised and everything went smoothly.
        None of us had stopped for lunch so it was decided we would have a late picnic lunch down by the river at the back of their new farm. It would be a chance for a swim too. You will all remember this place it has appeared in a few stories already.

        I stood on the river bank and looked around. It was exactly how Katrina had described it in her stories. The river running through this still pool, overhung with shady trees, with the huge steel structure of the railway bridge at one end. David, who was standing beside me, pointed out the exact place where he proposed to Katrina. That was so neat too. Everything still the same, very much as I had seen in the photos.
        I was taken out of my day-dream by Katrina, when she said, “Come on! Let’s get naked.”
        I smiled back at her. Sure, I had no problems with naked. I was fully expecting it would be nude swimming and hadn’t brought any swimming things anyway. Standing where I was, soon my blouse was undone and placed by my bag. Next, my bra came off baring my breasts. My shorts and panties came off at the same time leaving me naked. I noticed Ian was watching as I did it so I turned to face him so he’d get a better view.
        It didn’t take long for everyone else to join Katrina and me, naked too.

        As I stepped down to the river, I noticed the water looked kind of brown but I understand that is natural for around here in these sluggish, slow moving rivers and not any kind of pollution. As I stepped into the river, I expected the bottom to be muddy but it was made of small pebble stones. Near the picnic area, where the bank sloped down gently it was easier to get down to the water. In other places, the bank appeared to be quite steep.
        The water was shallow at first, getting deeper as I moved towards the middle of the river. Further down, under the railway bridge, it was deep enough to be able to jump from the bridge itself. Not that I had any interest in doing that, of course.
        The water itself was cool, no way what you would call cold but still quite refreshing after the heat of the afternoon. I saw Katrina plunge forward and begin swimming to the other side. I followed close behind her. On the other side, I looked back to see everyone else were now in the water behind us.
        Kala had brought a ball with her and a game started with two couples on each team. There weren’t many rules to this game other than keeping the ball from the other team. What was good about this game was that it got us playing and mixing together. When someone was trying to take the ball from you there would be some contact too. It got a bit close and sexy at times too which made it more fun.
        There was a big fight for the ball in the middle of the pool where the three other girls were trying to get the ball off Jeremy. It was clearly becoming sexual and didn’t stop when Ginger got the ball and threw it to me. I grabbed it and then noticed the other three men were closing in on me. I knew I was in trouble and began to run but it was no good, they were gaining on me. Holding the ball tightly against my chest, I turned to face them. I decided, no matter what they did, I was not going to let them get the ball.
        They did a lot too. Hands all over me. Over my tits, down between my legs, everywhere. Eventually, they managed to get the ball from me but by then, Ginger had arrived and David turned on her. Neither of them had the ball but it didn’t stop the way they contacted each other. Clearly very sexual. Soon it stopped being a fight and became a very passionate and sexual embrace. I could see his hand on her tit and then reach down between her legs. In return, she had her hand on his cock too.
        When Katrina arrived, she went after Fred who now had the ball. I saw Fred throw the ball up onto the bank just before Katrina reached him. As he turned, she realised her danger and tried to avoid him but he still grabbed her, his hands going for her breasts. I noticed she didn’t struggle much after that.
        That left me with the last bad boy, Ian. He held me, pulling the front of my naked body against his. I felt one hand around my back and the other hand going down for my arse, his strong hand gripping it, pulling my pussy against his cock. I could feel his cock pressed between us against my belly and realised he was hard.
        Things progressed quickly from there to cuddling, kissing and feeling. For a while, his head was down on my chest as he lips took one of my nipples. I was standing there, my eyes closed as I held his head against my chest when suddenly I heard a splashing of water beside us. It was Jeremy and Kala passed us heading for the river bank.
        “Naughty girl,” he whispered as he passed close by me.
        “Me naughty?” I said. “It is Ian doing the sucking, not me.”
        “Well I can't see you trying to stop him,” Jeremy replied.
        I just laughed at that.
        But them passing had the effect of breaking our fun too. We turned to follow them, Ian holding my hand as we climbed the slippery part of the bank.

        After the swim, we were all sitting, relaxing on the river bank. The picnic hampers were opened and we enjoyed that well-earned lunch, even if it was probably closer to evening dinner by then. I was watching Ian as he sat opposite me. Actually, to tell the truth, I had been watching him every chance I got since we arrived in that town. I liked what I saw too. A good-looking man, looked strong too, from farm work I expect. I had especially taken the chance to look any time he had taken his shirt off. Loved the look of his lean, strong body. Now, he was naked, a lot more to see.
        My husband, Jeremy had already been playing a bit with Ian’s wife Kala, in the water. I think we all saw his hands all over her larger breasts and I also noticed she did try to stop him either. In fact, it was obvious she welcomed his more sexual attention. Jeremy later told me that he got felt up under the water too. Not just him, I think all us girls were playing in the water as much as the men were.
        So, with Jeremy and Kala pairing up, I considered my chances of being with Ian were good too. I decided all I needed to do was let him know his advances were very welcome. During lunch, I took the chance to check him out too and make sure he caught me looking at his cock. When he noticed, I looked directly at his face, eye to eye contact, as the tip of my tongue poked between my lips, ran along between them before disappearing again.
        He didn’t reply. Just smiled slightly and nodded his head. He had caught my ‘come and get me’ look and it was obviously well received too. I knew that soon I was going to get laid by him.
        I smiled back, knowing I had him.
        “Later,” I quietly said.
        I don’t think anyone else heard it, if so, they didn’t show it.
        “Looking forward to it,” he replied.
        Lunch was over and we were just relaxing under the shade of the trees. It was one of those hot afternoons when the temperature goes right up. On the coast in Perth, it would have been unbearable. Here deep in the outback, it was even worse. A day when you just want to lay around and sleep. Under these shady trees, beside the slow-moving river was about the best we could get, I think. Even in the water, you wouldn’t call it cold. Sure, a lot cooler than the air but still more like tepid than cold.
        Just sitting here, I was sweating. Ian opposite me was too. I noticed a drop of sweat appeared near his neck and slowly began to run down his chest. Making its way down between his shallow man-breasts, it moved down on to his tight, flat belly, gathering a couple of other drops as it went. Now larger it gathered speed as it moved lower. My eyes were caught by it, following as it moved. It dropped the last bit, actually dropping directly onto his cock. My body gave a shudder at that. So sexy! He caught that and gave a smile, obviously pleased I was getting horny for him.
        Yes, it was now the hottest part of the afternoon, but I noticed none of us were thinking about sleeping. Fred who had been laying beside Katrina was now leaning over her. His head came down and his tongue dragged across her nipple. Her body gave a shudder at that contact. Another few licks and his mouth closed over her, taking an erect nipple into his mouth.
        Her soft moan caused others to look.
        “Looks like they’ve started,” Ian said to me.
        “Good on them,” I said. “But I’m not bothered by them.”
        He fell for that, perhaps wanted to walk into that trap.
        “Then what is Joyce bothered about?” he said as his hand came up and his finger traced a line down between my breasts.
        Perhaps ‘bothered’ was the wrong word. But I had said that so it was what I had to work with. “I am bothered about Ian. About what he is going to do.”
        “Ah! That is a good question,” he said. “Maybe he might do this?”
        Ian’s hand now moved sideways, his fingers going for my nipple, giving a little play and feel.
        “Mmm, nice. Is that all he will do.”
        “Maybe more. How about this?”
        His face came down to my nipple, giving a few licks, a quick suck before he pulled back.
        “That is better but the question now is, ‘Does Ian have anything more?’”
        “Ian has more. Much more, you should expect.”
        “I have big expectations, Ian.”
        “I’m sure I can match them.”
        “You are very confident, sir,” I said as my finger traced a line down his chest now.
        By touching him like that, we had moved to a new level. I had shown him I was ready to play and I was now fairly confident we would soon end up fucking on the river bank. Sure, all our friends were here too but a glance around showed them all to be rather busy too.
        “You are very cheeky madam, touching men like that,” as his finger traces a line down between my breasts again.
        “That isn’t cheeky,” I said as I touched one of his man nipples. “This is cheeky.”
        We all know what his reply was. “Yes, nice. But I think you want more than nipple flicking.”
        “Like this?” I asked as my hand reached for his cock.
        “Or like this,” he replied had his hand went for my pussy, his finger running down the length between my wet lips. I was wet and a couple of fingers pressed in, making a few thrusts into me.
        That was it for us. Things began to get serious after that. We started with some kissing. I must confess that I discovered Ian was a good kisser. I was under the impressing that these strong out-door types weren’t good at the finer points of love-making. That afternoon beside the river, Ian proved that theory wrong. He is a great kisser and proved to be a great love-maker too.
        Some hand work began while we continued kissing and necking. His hands explored my bare breasts and then moving back to my pussy again. On my side, I sort of confined myself to his cock which by now had grown into a nice erection. Very promising, I must add.
        Next came the oral exploring of each other. It was a logical step for him to move from my neck, down lower on to my breasts. What his tongue and mouth did to my nipples was amazing. I loved those little flicks he made with his tongue, his tongue-tip just touching the tip of my nipple with each flick. It felt great, sending little shocks through my body but it felt frustrating too as my body craved for him to do more.
        When he began sucking me, it wasn’t just the nipple that he took into his mouth. He opened wider to take a full mouthful of breast too. Oh, did that feel good? My breasts are sensitive, particularly my nipples. While sucking me like that, didn’t actually suck directly on my nipples, they were inside his mouth and felt great too. I held his head against me, enjoying every moment of it.
        After giving both breasts some attention, Ian moved lower. Instead of just jumping from my tits to my pussy. He traced a line down across my tummy with his tongue. The tip of his tongue flicking at my belly button tickled before he moved on lower down.
        My pussy came next, first the fingers and then his tongue. I quickly discovered Ian is good at pussy eating too. He has a very distinctive style where instead of the long licks that most men use, Ian does little flicks with his tongue against the lips of my cunt. It is like lots of little touches rather than one continued contact. He did this for a while until I was humping back at him, my body crying out for more.
        Then he went in deeper with his tongue. The flicks had become his tongue pressing deep between my lower lips maybe more like little thrusts. His tongue, reaching into me as far as he could. I was soaking now so he must have tasted me too, but he didn’t seem too worried at getting my juice all over his face.
        His finale was his licking over my clitty. I loved that, much more and I would have cum. Probably looking back, he might have done too much as it was. Got me to too excited for what happened later.

        Ian was sitting over me now. Having finished his pussy work, he had moved up so he could present his cock to my mouth. This was a different way of doing a blow-job. It was very hard on my neck at first until Ian grabbed a nearby bag to rest my head against.
        I reached up to take his cock with both hands, one going to his shaft and one going lower to his balls. I was impressed with his cock. A handsome looking cock, a wicked upward bend in its length that I imagined would get into some interesting places. I was looking forward to trying with him, having him inside me soon. I gave his cock a few pumps with my hand and then brought it down towards my mouth.
        I did the usual thing, I few licks around and over the head before opening my mouth to take him inside. I didn’t take him in far, just the head really. I noticed he didn’t push to get in further either. A plus point for him.
        I was looking up at him, looking at Ian’s face and saw his eyes were now closed. That good, was it? As I sucked him, I continued pumping with my hand too. With me doing this, he had got noticeably harder. That was good too. My purpose here was to get Ian’s cock nice and hard, ready for my cunt.
        I continued, giving the best bj I could while keeping him from going too far and getting beyond the point of no returned. Finally, I decided he’d had enough.
        “I think you’re ready to fuck me now.”
        “My pleasure,” he replied.
        “Mine too, I hope.”
        “Of course.”

        He took me in the more traditional missionary position with him coming down at me as my legs spread to take him. By now, the passion for each other had grown to the point it was driving us forward. He came in at me, his cock piercing me and going in deep. I gave a gasp at the shock and pleasure of it. Yes, both. I was surprised he took me like that but his driving inside me felt great too.
        He began fucking me with long strokes, not going that extra fast, but going in deep. I was urging him on, humping back at him, moaning at the pleasure of him. He was delivering a good fucking back to me in return.
        As we continued, I began to realise I was getting there. That surprised me a bit because it usually takes a bit to get me going. But it this case almost from the moment he entered me, I was on the road towards orgasm. I think Ian might have quickly realised it too because as my building climax began to consume me, he became just focused on getting me off. I didn’t realise it until it was too late and my orgasm had burst over me.
        I lay there breathless while this strong man continued to stroke me gently with his cock.
        “I’m sorry,” I said when I realised what had happened and how selfish I had been.
        “No, Joyce, it was ok. So beautiful to watch you. Being inside you when you cum felt great too,” he said.
        I smiled thanks back to him.
        “You put your whole body into that one. It was thrilling to experience it.”
        ‘Thrilling?’ I thought.
        “Now what about you?”
        “We can finish when you are ready.”
        “I’m ready now. Which way is best for you?” I asked.
        “We can do cow-girl,” Ian said.
        “Ahh! The cow-boy wants a cow-girl,” I laughed. 
        “Of course.”
        With what I had just done, I was ready to do almost anything for him to make up for it. Cow-girl was good. I like it that way. He pulled out of me and moved aside so I could get up. Then he lay back on the mat where I’d been laying. I moved in so I could lift a leg over his legs and bring my pussy down close to his cock.
        I gave Ian a few pumps with my hand and then brought my pussy lips down towards him. Being as wet as I was, there was no resistance as he burst between them and I sunk down on him. I took him a bit quickly and gave a gentle moan as he went deep inside me. In this position, you could really take a cock in deep. Get all of him, you could say. I felt he was really filling me.
        I began to move, my thighs lifting my body to allow my body weight to press back down against him again. Moving like this, it felt wonderful and I hoped for him too. I could feel him as his cock slipped in and out as I moved, I could feel how he plunged into me with each stroke. Rising off him, I would drop so I’d take as much as I could of him and then I’d pull off until he almost slipped out of me before another plunge down against him again.
        For a while, Ian had reached up to hold my tits. They had been giggling around in front of me as I fucked him. I think caught his attention. Now his hands had dropped to hold my waist again. That was a good sign, he was getting serious, becoming more attracted by what was happening to his cock. It meant I was getting to him.
        I had my eyes closed now. Just enjoying the feeling of fucking. I was still moving, still doing most of the work but I was also enjoying it too. I knew it wouldn’t be too long before I would need to cum but for the moment, I knew could hold myself by controlling the angle he was entering me. I knew it would only take a slight change in my position to send myself over.
        I heard a noise, a soft moan and opened to my eyes to discover he was almost there. I increased the speed and angle I was fucking him so that I made it even better for him. That did it, I sent him over into his orgasm. It seemed like a big one too. A further change in position brought his cock shaft almost in direct contact with my clit. That did it for me too. Just a couple more strokes and I went over into yet another orgasm.
        That had been good. As we fell apart, I looked down at Ian. He was looking back at me.
        “That was good,” I breathed.
        “Yeah, it was,” he agreed. “We must do it again some time.”
        “Sometime soon,” I added.
        “Yes, very soon,” he said, as he reached to give me a hug.

        While Ian and I were busy, others had split into pairs, playing and fucking too. As I’ve already said, Jeremy was with Kala. After she’s given him a tittie wank which resulted in her breasts covered in cum, they had settled down for some good fucking.
        Further over Fred was with Katrina and David was with Ginger again. Those two get on well together, don’t they? Fuck well together too, by the looks.

        When we got back to the house, there was some more sorting out before we set up the BBQ for a light evening supper. After that, there was some playing in their lounge when Ginger was getting very friendly with Ian. That ended up with them doing an oral 69 on the carpet while we all watched. That Ginger, she is always in for some fun. So, you could say, in one day, Ian got both of the women he hadn’t been with before.
        Late in the evening, Ginger and Fred left to drive back to the hotel. We then split off into pairs for more fun in bed. This time I was with David which was another lot of fun for both of us.
        That is all from me. I know my husband Jeremy has some more to tell so I’m going to hand over to him now.

Jeremy and Kala. 
Hi from Jeremy.
        You have already been told how we had arranged to go help Ian and Kala moving house so I won’t go over all that again. I’m going to start from the first time we went out to their old house.
        I was expecting to take that bush track, the one Katrina had described in her story, going down the rough bush road and passing through the river but instead, we drove out towards the main mine, taking a new road just before the mine entrance. It was wide and straight, designed for the huge trucks that would use it. Ian told us this road would be used by the company to assess the new mine at his old place and bring the ore back for processing at the old mine.
        As we approached their place, I could see the bush and landscape had been bulldozed as the company had begun preparing to dig down for the gold. There was only their house surrounded by a few trees, the whole area scrapped down to the orange and brown rock. Ian told us they had given him some extra time to prepare their next property. As soon as they had moved, that would all be gone too.
        Katrina was horrified! She said it had been beautiful and now it had changed so much. She didn’t want to stay anywhere near that area, just get their house empty and get away from the terrible place she said.
        On the day of the big move, we had a few others from the town helping and everyone got stuck in taking everything from the house and sheds, loading on two big trucks. With a couple of utes to help too, we got the whole thing done in one trip. At their new house, most of the furniture was just left outside as Ian wanted to free up the trucks as quickly as he could.
        While the team began sorting out things there, I went back to the old house with Ian. We dropped the kids in at his mum’s house, at the pub/hotel on the way. Since the old house was going to be bulldozed, Ian was allowed to take any fittings that he wanted. The front door was a favourite of his being made with inlaid stained glass. We took that off and some other fitting from thought out the house which Ian wanted. Then with both 4 by 4s and trailers loaded too, we were ready to head back for his new house.
        He stood for a minute looking at the old house. Without its front door and a couple of windows, it looked sad as if it knew what was going to happen the following day.
        “That was it,” he sadly told me. “This place will be gone tomorrow.”
        “How long have you been here?” I asked him putting a hand on his shoulder.
        “Fifteen years,” he replied. “Long before I married Kala. At first, I used to live in town and come out here each day but once we married, I fixed up this beautiful old girl and we moved out here.”
        I could see he was struggling with memories, with his deep attachment to this house, so I just stood beside him and quietly waited. I saw his hand go up to his eye, to wipe a tear and I did the man thing, pretending not to notice.
        Suddenly, he turned to look at me, “Thanks,” he said.
        I did nothing but I knew what he meant.
        I noticed Ian was still a bit quiet for a while so I gave him time with his thoughts, to process what was happening.
        “Come on,” he suddenly said, forcing a smile. “Let’s get out of here.”
        We got into the vehicles to head back into town.

        Back at their new house, everyone was busy. Most of the furniture was inside and the girls were sorting the kitchen. Fred was helping Ian’s father moving some machinery into Ian’s new workshop. Finally, everything was finished. Well finished for the moment.
        “Let’s go for a swim,” Kala suggested. “We’ve prepared a picnic for lunch.”
        Ian’s dad excused himself, saying he had to get back to the pub. Cathy went with him but the rest of us were keen for a swim. We all piled into the utes and headed down to the river.

        The river ran along the back of their property. There was a railway down one side and a road across the front that curved around to cross the river. Ian now owned this large block, roughly a square, of what had been considered wasteland in between. Other than the small area around the house, the rest was just one large area with a fence around the outside. Ian had brought his cattle over there from his old place.
        In the corner where the railway crossed over the river, there was a larger pool. This is the place where David had proposed to Katrina. There was a rough vehicle track from the road, close to where he had placed his new house that ran down through the scrubby bush to the river. Following this, we soon came to a smaller clear area close to the railway line. Now Ian owned the land and run his cattle here, that road had been fenced off.
        Of course, this was swimming nude, no one bothering with swim things, all just stripping on the river bank under the trees before going in. There were eight of us, four married couples. There was Ian & Kala from this town. Then six of us who came from Perth. Joyce & I (Jeremy) and David & Katrina and Fred & Ginger.
        Soon we all were swimming and splashing in the river. After the heat of the afternoon, it was cool and refreshing in the water, shaded under the trees too. We swam down and looked up at the bridge and explored around the pool a bit too. When Kala brought the ball into the water, we all joined in the game. Since this was a river with a slow-moving flow, we had to be careful not to leave the ball unattended otherwise it would float away and be lost.
        Well with such lovely naked ladies, making close contact as they tried to take the ball, who wouldn’t want to play. Perhaps, the best part for me was when three of them ganged up on me to take the ball. I noticed the other men, while being close by, held back to watch. I knew it was beyond me to protect the ball and eventually they would take it so I changed my tactic to having fun instead.
        With Ginger in front of me, I could reach out for her pussy. Her eyes opened wider when my fingers contacted her cunt and pressed into her.
        “Naughty boy!” she exclaimed and then she smiled.
        But I noticed she didn’t try to push my hand away. Maybe she liked it, very happy with this out-come it seems.
        By now the ball had been taken and thrown to Joyce. The other men were now closing in on her and with no support from the other women, I’m sure she knew she was in trouble. She began to run, wading through the waist-deep water but three men were after her, gaining on her.
        As for me, without the ball, now I had both hands free. With one hand feeling Ginger’s pussy, my other hand went for one of Kala’s tits. My fingers found her nipples and rubbed over it. Katrina noticed what was happening.
        “Hey! What about me?” Katrina said.
        “I’ve only two hands, Katrina.”
        “That’s not fair, Jeremy!”
        “You want some pussy play to, do you?” I asked her.
        “Of course. Who wouldn’t?”
        “Ok, then. If Katrina wants it.”
        I released the other two girls who moved back as I went straight for Katrina. She saw me coming and suddenly realised I was serious. She turned as if to run which I thought a bit strange considering she was the one who asked for it. But her turn gave me the time to cover the short distance between us and also meant I came at her from behind. As my body came against her, my hands wrapped around her, one going for her tit and the other for her pussy. My hand was deep between her thighs and then my finger even slipped inside her and I heard her moan. She was obviously getting turned on by all this.
        “Wow! Hot!” I heard Kala say.
        Ginger had now left us, going to help Joyce but Kala came in behind me, her chest going against my back as her hands went around me, one to hold me and the other going for my cock.
        “Who’s a bad boy?” she laughed. “Getting nice and hard, playing with pussy.”
        This sudden distraction, caused me to loosen my grip on Katrina. She saw her chance and escaped from me which I thought a bit strange considering she seemed to be enjoying it. But now with Katrina gone, I could turn my full attention on Kala.
        As I turned towards her, she released me, realizing I wasn’t trying to escape and allowed me to turn. As I faced her, my hands going for both breasts, her hands returned to my cock and balls.
        “Mmm! Nice!” she said. “I’m going to enjoy this later, Jeremy.”
        “I hope so too,” I replied.
        The hand that held my cock, had fingers wrapped around my shaft as she began to pump me. Meanwhile, one of my hands left her breast, going down for her pussy. I could feel the smoothness of her mound, then lower to the opening of her cunt. I ran my fingers down along it a few times and her eyes closed. I pressed two fingers into her and she gave a moan. Another very horny woman it seems.
        Her body came in against me, her larger breasts contacting my chest, as her face came against mine. To my surprise, she kissed me. Yes, kissed me smack on the lips. With one hand now around her back, holding her, my other hand continued to work at her pussy. She was wanking my cock, her hand still around my shaft, giving long strokes. Her lips came back against mine and this time stayed there. I felt her tongue pressing against my lips and opened to allow her in. Our tongues met, slipping over each other as our lips sucked. It was hot. Kala is good at that.
        We must have been there a while. This sexy woman with me was getting hotter and hotter. I now realised she was well on the way towards an orgasm and so decided to take her over if I could. My fingers were pumping into her, thrusting at her pussy, going in as deep as I could. She seemed to be loving it, her pussy humping back at me as she gave moans in my ear from time to time. It also seemed she was getting a bit weakened in the knees, my free hand was holding and supporting her now.
        She was getting close now. Her hand was still holding my cock but I noticed had stopped playing now. I think her full attention was on what was happening in her pussy. So close now. Almost going over. Using my thumb, I reach higher for her clitty. As I continued thrusting two fingers into her cunt, each stroke was bumping my thumb directly against her clitty.
        I think that might have been what did it. Her body gave a massive shuddered as her orgasm overcame her. She let out a cry, her weakened body slumping against me. It had been a good one. I was happy I could get her off like that.
        I continued to hold her, with both hands now, until she was strong enough to stand herself and then we turned towards the others and the river bank. Things were happening there too.
        Katrina was laid back, her legs spread wide with Fred’s head between them. The way she was bucking back at him, it was obvious she was enjoying having her pussy eaten. Close by, David and Ginger were playing. I could see her hand around his cock as he was sucking on one of her nipples. Still in the water, Joyce and Ian were holding each other in a passionate and sexual embrace. They were clearly doing something or would be if they’d had the chance.
        But Kala and my sudden arrival on the riverbank seemed to stop all the action. Three couples breaking apart to look at us.
        “Have fun, Kala?” Ian asked.
        He knew she did. He would have clearly heard her cry out.
        Kala just smiled shyly. Probably embarrassed at the attention.
        As we climbed the short bank to our picnic area, Kala asked, “Do we carry on playing or stop for some lunch first.”
        That brought a few giggles. It was ok for her. She’d had her orgasm. I wondered if the rest of them would want to stop. Since we had sort of interrupted their games, I think everyone decided they were ready for a light lunch. The baskets were opened, cold drinks poured from flasks and lunch was prepared.

        After lunch, we were sitting relaxing under the shady trees. Out in this desert area, the afternoon heat was killing and no one wanted to do much if they could help it. Beside the river here, it was a bit better with the trees and slightly cooler water of the river.
        After what had started in the river, I knew it would only be a matter of time before things turned sexual again.
        I was sitting beside Kala, a lovely woman. We’d played in the river and I was happy for more with her. I liked her, friendly with a great sense of humour. I enjoyed viewing her naked body again too. I hardly need saying, the prominent feature of Kala naked is her large breasts. They are beauties, breasts a man could really get his hands around and his head between. Lower down was a beautiful shaved pussy between her thighs. It seems they liked having Kala’s pussy shaved after Ian shaved her at David’s Party and so decided to keep it. Showing her bare pussy mound with her cunt lips lower down looks damn sexy if you ask me.
        “Checking me out again, Jeremy?”
        “No, just wondering how you want to be shagged,” I replied.
        “Who says you are going to shag me?”
        “I do. You’re going to be a good girl and enjoy it.”
        “I agree with the enjoy it but not so sure about the good.”
        I laughed. “Ok then. Bad girl and enjoy it.”
        “That’s better.” Then her voice lowered as she added, “How are we going to do this?”
        “That’s up to you. I’m fine with any way you like.”
        “Oh, versatile. I like that in a man.”
        “But my question is, ‘How versatile is Kala?’”
        “Let’s find out,” she grinned. “Do you want a tittie fuck?”
        That surprised me. Obviously very versatile.
        “Oh, nice,” I replied.
        I don’t know that many women who have the equipment for a really good tittie fuck. Paula, David’s auntie did. Sharon from New Zealand certainly did, as did that older woman, Betty too. There was a woman we met in India too, Mandara. She was up for it too. Now there is Kala, the woman in front of me had the necessary equipment too. I was in for that.

        She lay back on the ground mat and got me to sit over her body, a leg each side of her. Taking some sun lotion, she squirted some on her hands before applying it generously to my cock. Using both hands to rub all over me, giving me a good handjob in the process.
        Taking the bottle from her, I applied a generous amount between her breasts, my hands going all over them as I did. Actually, she needed it just between them but it looked good with her tits so slippery and shiny. I loved how her oil-covered nipples looked so hard.
        I moved forward to place my cock in the crevice between them as she pressed her breasts together with her hands. My cock disappeared deep between them. That felt good, so slippery and smooth as I began to move. The motion was pulling back and forwards, moving my cock as I did. The ample amount of oil providing the necessary lubrication needed.
        The way she pressed her tits together made it feel good too. I loved how her breasts gripped me but the slick oil still allowed me to work between them. We continued like this for a while, my cock moving and sliding between her slick oily breasts. It was feeling like I could actually cum this way with a bit of a push. When I told her, she encouraged me to go for it.
        “Put on some more oil,” she told me. “Or else it will dry out and feel bad.”
        “Ok,” I acknowledged.
        I could already feel the oil wasn’t working as well. A couple of squirts between her breasts did the trick and we were off again, really going for it this time. Now I knew she wanted me to cum, I wanted to try. I knew how it was going to be, cum all over her tits too.
        She was still gripping the swelling globes of her breasts, pressing them together with her hands so they tightly gripped my cock which was thrusting back and forth between them. I could feel I was getting closer now. My cum was beginning to move. She knew it too and began to verbally encourage me.
        “Fuck me, Jeremy… Fuck my tits… Make a cum for me…”
        “I’m getting close.”
        “Cum for me Jeremy.”
        “Almost,” I replied.
        “All over my tits… Pour cum on my nipples.”
        “Oh fuck!”
        That was what did it. My orgasm swept over me, cum bursting from my cock as I lifted back from her. Blobs of white cum, bursting from the end of my cock, flying through the air to land on her tits. All over her huge globes as her hands lifted to rub it in. There was a lot, sticky cum all over them. It looked a huge amount but was probably no more than a couple of teaspoons full.
        Kala’s fingers were working at her nipples now. Quite rough at them, rubbing over them, even pinching and pulling on them. Her eyes now closed as she enjoyed the pleasure, she was giving herself.
        “Oh, that feels good,” she said.
        By now, my hands had joined in the fun and mess over her breasts.
        “Suck them, Jeremy… Lick them clean.”
        This was something a bit new. I had no problem sucking and licking nipples. In fact, I rather enjoy doing it, particularly when the woman is enjoying it too. But these breasts were covered with my cum. I hesitated for a few moments.
        “Come on, Jeremy,” she encouraged me. “Suck my nipples.”
        ‘Ok then,’ I thought. “Let’s give this a go.”
        My head went down close to her nipple, my tongue going out to give an exploratory lick. I felt the hardened nob against the softness of my tongue. I tasted the saltiness of cum juice that coated it. I tasted the sweetness of the oil too. A nice mixture. Not bad actually. I went in for a few more licks.
        Suddenly, her hands reached up, grasped my head and pulled down. I ended up, my head between her breasts. I could feel the sticky cum over my face now as she held and rubbed my head with her big tits.
        When I finally was able to pull away from me, she was laughing.
        “I’m a mess,” I exclaimed.
        She laughed again. “That will all come off with another swim in the river.”
        I have to admit, what we had just done was extremely sexy and I hadn’t completely gone soft. I knew with a bit of help from her and I’d be hard again.
        “I want you inside me,” she whispered to me.
        Don’t know why she whispered. The other three couples were busy with their own activities. Not the least bit interested in us.
        I just nodded ok. This tittie fucking was a nice warm-up for both of us, I think. Now it was time for the fucking to begin. The one problem was my cock but I knew she could sort that too.
        “Get me hard again,” I told her.
        “Ok then,” she replied.
        Her hands went for my cock, taking it, giving a feel and few pumps.
        “Move closer, so I can suck you,” Kala said.
        I moved up her body so I could present my cock to her mouth. Even with the mess, it was in, she had no problem, licking me, taking me into her mouth and sucking me. With her lips holding me, her warm tongue inside flicking over me, my cock was hardening again. Her hand gripping the shaft helped too. Her fingers gripping me firmly, giving pumps in time to her sucking.
        It felt so good and didn’t take long to get me ready for some more fucking.

        She was happy with me on top. I would have thought Kala would have gone for something different but no, she wanted it with the guy on top. Maybe it was convenient as I was over the top of her with the tittie-wanking. All I had to do was move down her body further and slip it in.
        She was wet and ready, her lips swollen and parted. Using her hands, she guided my cock head against her cunt lips. The tip of my cock, pressing between them. With slightly more pressure, my cock head slipped inside. With a bit more pressure, the shaft of my cock was in her too.
        I heard her moan at the feeling of it. I agreed, it felt damn good!
        I began to move. Thrusting into her, pulling back again with long smooth strokes. As I felt her responding, I began to speed up. As I moved, she began to hump against me. It quickly became obvious; she was heading for a big one.
        “Get me off,” she said. “Then you can do doggy. Even my bum if you want.”
        For a moment I thought about that. Her bum! Maybe it was just sexy talk to get me going too. I was soon pulled back into what was happening below me. This sexy woman was getting there. Exciting to fuck.
        She was so close now. Breathing heavy, giving moans from time to time, her body humping around underneath me, almost out of control. It was amazing to see her, feel her body from inside too. This woman really enjoys sex and knows how to cum too.
        It was a big one, I could feel it too. Feel how her cunt gripped me as powerful surges swept through her body. I was so excited to watch and feel that moments behind her, I cum too. That was great, us both cumming. Two good cums too.
        I rolled off her and was half sat, half laid watching the other couples beside us on the riverbank. They were all still going. It was a bit sexy to watch too. But then I felt a hand touching me. Kala was playing with my cock again. Did she want more? It almost seemed like it.

        I was beginning to get hard again. I couldn’t believe this. Turned on by this sexy woman I suppose. She suggested Doggie style and I quickly agreed. Rolling over, she got up on her hands and knees, presenting her lovely behind to me.
        Oh, a beautiful arse, sexy too. I took a few moments to play, run my fingers over her and explore. Quickly, my fingers were drawn to the crack that ran down the centre and I ran my fingers down it. As the split deepened, I came to her bum hole. As I ran my fingers over it, she gave a moan.
        “You can fuck me there,” Kala said, “but do my cunt first.”
        Yes, her cunt, that was where I was headed. But this fucking her bum hole sounded sexy too. I have never tried that before. Most women I know don’t like the idea.
        My hand went lower and soon I found her soaking wet pussy.
        “Just fuck me for a short while in my cunt to get your cock nice and wet. Then you can try my other hole.”
        “Are you sure.”
        “Yes. I don’t mind it that way. I have even cum like that.”
        “I’ve never tried that.”
        “Well now’s your chance. I'll talk you through it if you like.
        I agreed to it but wondered what this talking me through it was all about.
        Taking my cock, I guided it into her soaking cunt. There was no resistance. I just went straight in deep. Taking long full strokes I began fucking her. It felt good and I could have easily stayed there. I’m sure I would have cum quickly that way too.
        By now the front of her body had dropped, no longer resting on her hands. I wondered why for a moment and then I noticed her hand reaching under herself, down between her legs. She was getting herself off too, I realized.
        I continued, my cock driving into her cunt from behind while she played with her clitty. Suddenly, she gave a loud cry, her whole body jumping as she jumped forward, falling on her face. Of course, I have pulled out as she did and I was left kneeling there looking down at her back as she lay sprawled on the ground.
        Wow! That had been a big one. Sudden too! She later told me she did it by giving her own clitty a hard pinch.

        But she said, “Now try my arse.”
        I asked again if she was sure and she replied she was ok with it.
        Quickly she got back into position, on her hands and knees with her arse pressed back against me.
        Taking my fingers, I rubbed them through the wetness of Kala’s cunt. I returned to her little bum hole, rubbing my fingers around and over her there. I even pressed one finger into her. She was tight, very tight with strong muscles resisting me.
        “You need more juice,” she told me. “Use some of the oil we used on my tits.”
        “Ok,” I said reaching for the bottle.
        “Once you get your cock in, spit works well too.”
        Kala seemed to know what she was doing.
        I gave a generous squirt over her bum hole and got it all over my fingers too. This time I tried two fingers and while she gave a little gasp, they seemed to slip in easier. I gave a few more thrusts and she seemed to loosen up more.
        “Try your cock now,” she said.
        I took the bottle again and rubbed oil all over my cock getting it nicely covered. Then I pressed my cock head against her bum hole. At first, she resisted me and I couldn’t enter her.
        “Press harder,” she said.
        She spread her legs a bit wider to make more room for me and I pushed harder. The tight hole opened and allowed the head of my cock in. Damn! That felt tight. I pushed again and my cock shaft began to enter her. Pulling back a bit, I tried for the third time. She gave a cry as I went deeper than before.
        “You ok?” I asked, a bit concerned.
        “Yes, Yes, fine,” she gasped. “Just give me a moment to get used to you.”
        I held for a moment until she said, “Ok. Try again.”
        Another thrust and I was well into her now.
        “Now move slowly. Fuck me,” Kala told me. “Fuck my arse.”
        I began to move, to thrust in, then pulling back. Her arse hole felt amazing, like nothing I had ever felt before. She was gripping me so tightly, it was going to my head, I was feeling a bit light-headed.
        “More lub,” she said. “Use some spit.”
        Pulling back, almost out of her, I allowed some dribble to land on my cock. Then I pressed into her again. I wasn’t going fast, just a steady pumping in and out of her. She seemed to be taking it ok now. By regularly dropping more slaver on to my cock, I managed to keep it lubricated so we could continue.
        We continued, but not for long. This tight hole was just too much for me. I felt it, I was about to cum. I think she must have felt it too.
        “You can cum in my arse,” she said. “Or all over my bum if you want.”
        That last idea sounded better, so I pulled right out of her just as my cum hit me. I was looking down at myself in amazement. So much cum, after doing it twice already too. I didn’t try to control it, just letting it go everywhere. All over Kala’s beautiful white arse.
        “That was so sexy,” I heard my wife Joyce say.
        I looked up to discover that everyone was watching us. They must have seen what I was doing to Kala and stopped to watch. Certainly, they would have seen my grand finale.

        I was sitting beside Kala as she drove back towards the house. I’d let her drive because I’d never attempt to drive rough bumpy tracks like this but she seemed fine doing it.
        “That was fun,” she said, grinning at me.
        “Yeah!” I replied.
        “So, am I versatile enough for you?”
        “Oh, yes,” I laughed. “Very versatile.”
        She gave a laugh as she continued driving.


  1. Oh wow! This is something a bit different. My wife Shandra said it would be but I hadn't read it until now.
    I see you are taking this exploring new themes seriously. One word of warning, don't drop the old themes either. You have a following for those too.

    1. Enjoyed yet another story by you guys. This time from Shandra and Ayaka. I like the style of your writing. You go into great detail with these two couples but only give hints of what the other two couples did. Leaving it to our imagination. I like that.

    2. You also take us on a ride, a journey say. You play to my emotional feelings. As reading this, I feel horny and excited, interesting about their moving house, funny with their joking but also sad. I almost had the tears reading about Ian seeing his old house before the bulldozers arrived.
      Thank you writers.

    3. You took the words I could say Raviprabha. The emotional journey. That is what many like me enjoy.

    4. I still enjoyed the story. I liked how you challenged us with this story. Whether we expect it or not it is part of sexual activity so should be reflected in your stories.
      Another area not touched by this blog is sex between males. Seen plenty of sex between females here so why not males?
      Hope my comment is not too confrontational.

    5. This can be a favourite story for us.

    6. I once asked that same question. Why no man to man sex and their reply was they were not apposed to it but no one really had any knowledge or interest in how it would go.
      The problem is too much pussy on Anne's farm. The men don't have time for anything else. LOL.
      Kia ora - Moa.

  2. I except the comments of the young Indian woman above. I can see her point but I also can see that she excepted the sexual interests of others too. This will be the success of this blog if we can except and celebrate each other. I personally enjoyed your adventures into different sexual preferences. Well written with good detail.
    I talk my hat off for you Synthisha.

    1. Thank you Jeff.
      I have viewed you in the other photo blog and you have a nice face among another things too.
      I think we are all different. All got different backgrounds that affect our views and tastes. I am into exhibitionism, the showing of my nude body. This is the main interest for me in these stories.

    2. Wow! A great story.
      So bold too. I love the theme of two couples swapping partners for the first time which is kind of what you did here except you packaged it into another theme of a group of people going nude swimming. Nicely done as it leads us to the sexy in a different way.
      I also thought that moment where Ian looked at his old house for the last time was good too. I am all for our stories straying from their sexual content to explore our characters more fully. You captured something special here. A moment when we see Ian as almost a real person with feelings and a history.
      The more intense towards the end. I'm ok with that, in fact, I'd even go as far as saying, I enjoyed it in this story. Just don't let that form of writing take over from what we do the best.

  3. Morning everyone,
    A Saturday in lockdown. Nothing much to do here so we've been reading this story and some of the older ones.
    Susan told me that she has one almost read too. Getting at bit of a treat in this blog now.
    I enjoyed this story but Eileen thought the ending was a bit too much. As Reshma said above, we need to keep a balance here or else we could lose some of our lady readers.
    Simon & Eileen.

    1. This story threw a new light on Kala from the stories. She is obviously I into a lot more than just straight fucking.

    2. We were also surprised at this story. I was sort of with the idea that the sex was more partner swapping and exhibitionism. But here we explore new sexual styles.
      I do not object but think we should limit stories on such subjects. Personally, I would not enjoy too much of them.

  4. If we put aside the debated sex scene towards the end, this story has a lot going for it. I enjoyed the interaction between sexual partners. That is a feature of this blog that makes characters appear more real.
    One highlight for Kim and I was when Ian we viewing his house for the last time. There is a history between him and that house. We compared it to when we moved to our new house recently. I felt that when I moved too. There was a history. I'd been in that house all the years I was married, brought up my kids there. It was hard to walk away. Kim on the other hand was excited for the new house and didn't look back - no history there for her.
    Sex scenes, an important part of these stories, as always, good and enough detail to allow us to know what is going on. You set the scene nicely, had some humour, then got into some good sex. The tittie fuck was great. Loved that.
    Allan snr.

    1. "Riverbank Shagging" I loved that name.
      This is a good story and as usual Allan and I read it together. We enjoyed it. Loved the sex, laughed at the humour, had a couple of tears for Ian too. That is what I like about a good story.
      Then we came to the tittie fuck. I know Allan likes that and most men love cumming on tits too. I don't have tit big enough for that. We tired once but I was pulling at my tits so hard it hurt and we never got a good enough cleavage to do it. Allan says I am too sensitive about my smaller breasts. Most men say they are great but reading that scene did bring back those doubts. But for the positive, isn't this what a good story is about? It challenges you ideas, dreams and fantasies. Makes us examine ourselves.
      When we came to the arse fucking scene there was an uneasy feeling, a tension between us. While I liked the scene, it was very well written, I didn't feel comfortable reading it with the man I love. To me, this is a huge negative.
      But then lets put this into its place, out of 600 pages in this blog, having only once that caused us to feel like that. I'm a big girl now, I can live with that and move on.
