Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Story 304 Background Notes.

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Hello from Ayaka.

            When Julie and Rita were writing Story 303 Naughty Grannies, we saw a chance to add another story. So in the shower orgy scene, I got them to add in that Steven and the twins were caught peeping through the shower room door. They decided that it was Gordon who saw them so I went with that too. They also added that Gordon told Amita which sort of killed the whole orgy as she went off looking for Jenny.
                        (See Story 303 Naughty Grannies.)
            So that tiny part where Gordon saw Steven and the twins has led to this story as seen by one of the twins. It was an easy story to write and the sex scene is very simple too. I wrote it before Julie and Rita had finished their story but it got held up with coding and formatting. Anyway, it's better that we leave at least a few days between each story we publish.
            Now the three main characters in this story are Steven, and the two twins, Kirsten and Carol. At this point, we must consider them to be 17 years old, only a few months off 18. So why the big deal about whether they could have sex when the age of consent in New Zealand is 16? The idea behind this was that we suppose Shanti has a rule that no one under 18 can be a full member of Letters, not that it has ever been tested or to my knowledge, mentioned in any other stories. Not wanting to get into the fine details of this, I went for the idea of a broken trust or promise. The girls had promised their parents that they would wait but when the chance came up they didn't wait.
            The second question was: - Why was this story even written when it could be said that the twins were celebrating something they were being punished for. I went with the idea of them earning their car back in exchange for the story. I also added that their parents Peter and Jenny were getting tired of driving them around. So we can suppose that this was the reason the twins had been given a car to use between them in the first place.
            Since it's not good for a given punishment to be retracted, Peter and Jenny gave their daughters this escape option by writing a story for Letters. It can be assumed that they gave the girls some help along the way and they knew the girls had at least some limited access to the Letters Books. Taking all this into account, I had the makings of another little story. Perhaps not one of the best on this site, but it's a bit of fun and that is what the blog site is about, isn't it?

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Ayaka and Anne.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 304.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! It is a good story.
