Friday 10 May 2024

Story 306 The Older Teens Meeting.

        There is a disclaimer at the bottom of this story. Please read it!

        The leaders of the Letters Group had begun to realise they had a problem with so many young people in their late teens who were growing into the age that they could become full and active members of the group. Even added more to that was there were a lot more females than males in this group.
        Some parents had begun to deal with this problem by allowing their daughters to lose their virginity and become active members of the Group. This trend was led by Jeevan and Mandara with their daughter Riya. See Story 263 Riya’s First Time – Part One. Others had been forced into dealing with this issue such as Sabeena did in Story 256 Part One. My Boyfriend, Masanori. In both these cases it worked out in the end but just a year or so behind these girls was another group who were watching and knew what was happening. These include Sarvesh and Amita's daughter, Nisha, and Peter and Jenny's twins, Kirsten and Carol.
        It all came to ahead in Story 304 Stephen and the Twins, when Amita's son Stephen sneaked off with the twins Kirsten and Carol during the night and ended up having sex together. Group rules were broken and the leaders knew things could get worse to where people could become involved in underage sex. It was decided to call a full group meeting, something which had never been done before. Everyone was expected to attend including the younger girls who had just joined the group or would be looking to within the next year or so.
        So this is a non-sexual story but it has to be told.

        Tom and Betty, with a few of the women, took all the younger children around to the main beach for a swim. Greeshma and Mary were with them too. This time they went in the boats as Deanna drove one boat and Mega could drive the other. It is a nice beach, but since it is an open public beach with a camping ground behind it, the beach would be busy even in the morning.
        Betty was considering wearing her one-piece swimsuit but with encouragement from Tom, she wore her bikini. It wouldn’t be the first time that she had worn it to a public beach. She had worn that same bikini to Point Chev Beach in Auckland only a few days before. That time, it had been a trick played on her by her cheeky husband when he switched the one-piece she was taking with this bikini. There it was a hot afternoon with lots of people watching but she wore it and enjoyed doing so. This time she made the choice to do it herself.
        So, she knew she could do it again and with the weight she had lost recently, she was confident she would look good wearing it. Never in her life had she worn a bikini before and was shocked when Tom suggested it but she did let him buy one. A rather modest one of course. She needed that so a few marks from childbirth were covered.
        Greeshma had no problems wearing her bikini again. A lot smaller than Betty’s but she wore it well. Mary and Deanna wore one-pieces while Mega also wore a bikini.
        Tom and the women, helped with pulling the boats a little way onto the sand at one end of the beach. The kids were soon out and into the water. The women and Tom weren’t too far behind them. Mike had asked that they take at least two hours before they came back. So after swimming, it was up to the beach store, ice creams for everyone.

        Meanwhile, at the camp, Shanti had called a meeting. Everyone was expected to attend including the younger ones who had just joined the group. Most knew what the problem was but some not involved weren’t sure what was happening.
        Shanti began, “We are having a problem with some of the older children, in particular the older girls 16 and 17. It seems they’ve found out about our sexual activities and want to join in the fun. It doesn’t help that some of their friends who are only one year older, are already part of the group. What are we going to do about this?”
        She looked around, waiting for others to reply.
        Ginger went first. “My kids are older and married. They aren’t interested in our group even if they knew about it so some of you could say this is not really my problem. But since the age of consent is 16, why can’t we keep the age 18 rule and turn a blind eye if it gets broken?”
        “Good question Ginger, but you are involved, you are part of this group,” Ian replied.
        Sarvesh continued, “Our problem is with our daughter Nisha. She is 16 and very interested in what her older friends, Riya and Jasmine are doing.”
        Amita looked over at Nisha and saw she was suddenly taking an interest when her name was mentioned.
        “But isn't 16 fine?” Ginger asked. “Perhaps a bit of the young side, considering what we do in our groups but it is still a legal age.”
        “It might be here and in Australia but it is 18 in India,” Amita said.
        “So there you have it. The age of consent is 16 in Australia and New Zealand but 18 in India,” Ian said.
        “It could be problems if the authorities find out we had taken our young daughter away overseas and allowed her to have underage sex,” Sarvesh said.
        “Oh,” Ginger said. “I see the problem now. We would be getting girls used to sex which is illegal in their own country.”
        “Exactly,” Mike said. “That's what we need to deal with today. Our two oldest kids pushed the rules with both each other and other people before we allowed them to fully join the group.”
        He looked over at Kathy and Michael and they both looked a bit embarrassed.

        “Anyway, we have set ground rules for our group,” Peter said. “18 is an age set down as the youngest anyone can join our group and it is only for those related to existing members.
        “I don't think the second part of that would be a problem unless one of our children decides to bring their boyfriend/girlfriend into the group such as Tukiko and Masanori did,” Mike said.
        “Last night, my daughters and Sarvesh’s son broke those rules and all of them were fine according to New Zealand laws but underage according to our own rules.”
        “And they knew the rules too,” Jenny said. “We made that very clear to them.”
        Jenny was looking at her daughters when she said that. She knew they were embarrassed but she didn't have must sympathy for them. They broke the rules so they needed to hear this meeting, hear what the adults were saying as they decided about this. If they wanted to act like adults they had to face things like adults. I bit of embarrassment now wouldn't do them any harm.
        “I talked with the twins today,” Shanti said. “According to them, I’m not sure it was meant to go that far.”
        “But it did. They had sex. But even worse they sneaked out of camp to do it,” Mike replied.

        “There is also the case of my daughter last night. Sandra burst in on Ian and me with Jasmine,” Kala began.
        “What? Jasmine was setting herself up for another threesome. She has a thing about that, doesn’t she?” Mootie laughed.
        Now it was Jasmine's turn to look embarrassed.
        “Yes, she does. She was keen to have both Ian and I involved,” Kala said. “But that’s not my point. Shandra burst into our tent. Lucky we were naked but hadn’t started anything yet.”
        “She went missing and I was waiting for her,” Mike explained. “Kala arrived just after I caught her coming back. We got out of her that she had gone to see what her parents were doing, the twins had told her about all the sex us adults were having so she decided to see for herself.”
        “The twins? So, it wasn’t Riya?” Jeevan asked.
        “Not from what Shandra told us. It seems Riya has been keeping her sexual activities to herself,” Mike said.
        “I told her to do that,” Jeevan replied. “She promised she wouldn’t tell the younger girls.”
        “Which means it’s all coming from our daughters,” Jenny said, her hand going to her head.
        “Maybe, Jesmine too,” Hansini said.
        We had a temper tantrum with Nisha too last night," Sarvesh said. "She was asking about losing her virginity since her older brother had. She said she heard all the details from Jasmine."
        “Do you think my daughter Jaynitha is involved?” Brian asked.
        “I don’t think so. She seems closer to Sabbie.
        Yes, I’ve noticed she and Sabbie aren’t that close to my girls Carol and Kirsten anymore,” Jenny said.
        “It was that fight the twins had with Sabreena (Sabbie),” Joseph explained. “I talked with Sabreena and she called them bitches. I warned her to cut that out but she still seemed angry at the twins.”
        “I think my Kathy got involved in that too,” Shanti said.
        “I thought that was all sorted?” Mike asked.
        “Not according to what I’ve heard from my daughters,” Jenny said.
        “Jagesh complained to me that his sister Sabbie told him she would cut his cock off if he touched either of the twins,” Lizamoa said.
        “She’s a feisty one,” Simon laughed.
        Several other adults sniggered at that. Sabreena looked very embarrassed.
        “It’s not funny,” Shanti said. “We seem to have a problem here which could be part of the problems we are facing now.”
        “So Riya was not involved in this?” Jeevan asked again.
        “No she wasn't,” Jasmine replied. “She told me a lot about sex while we were in the desert town but that was after it was already arranged for me to be with Gaja.”
        “Dad told me about talking on the way to Fred's house for my big night with Hamza and Payam. I have kept that promise, Daddy,” Riya said.
        “We know you have, honey,” Sarvesh said. “You're not involved in this at all.”

        “So, we know the leak to the younger girls is coming from Kirsten and Carol,” Mike said. “I suggest we take them aside and lay down the law to them. Then we take others like Shandra and Nisha and tell them it doesn’t matter what they have heard, rules are rules in this group and they have to be obeyed. Under 18 you DON’T have sex with anyone in the group. We also need to explain that those over 18, who are active in the group will be thrown out if they disobey this rule.”
        He looked around at some of the younger ones present. His eyes fell on Jasmine. She saw him looking and looked down. She couldn’t keep eye contact.
        “That goes for telling the underaged about our sexual activities. Do you hear that Jasmine?” Mike added.
        She looked up at Mike shocked. Then tears appeared in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Uncle Mike,” she said.
        Hansini leaned over to put her arm around her upset daughter.
        He then looked at the twins. "You two are included in this too," he said.
Carol looked to be nearly in tears and her sister had an arm around her. Both girls looked unhappy.

        “Well, that explains our leak,” Sarvesh said watching the young girl still crying. “I don’t think we need to do more. I’m sure Jasmine has learnt her lesson. Haven’t you honey?”
        Jasmine looked up at him and nodded her head.
        “OK, this is settled then,” Shanti said. “I suggest we get all the young girls along with Michael and Jagesh together, then get Mike, Sarvesh and Donald to talk with them. It will seem official coming from the leaders. Warn them they will be excluded from group activities if they break the rules.”
        There were nods all around from most of those attending the meeting.
        Then Peter asked, “Since it is my daughters involved, I’d like to sit in on this meeting. Maybe some of the other fathers would too.”
        “I have no problems with that,” Sarvesh said.
        “A few more men would make it more formal, maybe a bit intimidating for the girls,” Joseph laughed.
        “Good point. Any parent with kids involved is welcome to sit in,” Donald said.
        “Maybe it might be better with only the fathers,” Shanti said.
        “I agree,” Jenny replied.

        So that was how it was left. There will be a meeting that afternoon. Mike went over to Jasmine and Hansini stepped back from her daughter while he hugged Jasmine.
        “I am sorry Jasmine for embarrassing you but you were out of line in talking with those younger girls.”
        “Yes,” she nodded as she looked up at him. “I know that now. I’m sorry.”
        There were more waterworks as Mike held her. He looked over at Hansini and smiled. “She’ll be fine. She knows she had done wrong and won’t do it again.”
        Hansini just nodded. She knew Mike was a comfort to her daughter.

        Word quickly went around that all the older teens had to attend a meeting the leaders were holding that afternoon. There were worried looks and attempts to get more information out of parents. But no one was saying anything.
        After lots of ‘Daddy Dearing,’ Peter told his daughters, “We know how to keep a secret, not like some people!”
        That shut them up! It was a hard hit but they knew they deserved it.
        They met at 2 pm, under the trees on the west side of the camp. This was a shock for Stephen and the twins because unknown to anyone else this is where he had taken the virginity of each of the twins. They thought someone must have seen them which is why they were in trouble.
        But no one knew; it was just a shady, cool place in the afternoon heat. Sitting in the long soft grass overlooking the lake was a private place for this meeting.

        Mike began, “Does anyone know why we are here?”
        “Because of what we did with Stephen,” Kirsten said.
        “Partly that but there is more than just you three involved.”
        “Talking about sex with underage girls?” Jasmine asked.
        “Yes, Jasmine, there is that too but we want to explain more.”
        He paused for a moment before he continued. “As I’m sure you all know by now, the Letters Group is a swinging group. By that I mean we are open sexually with each other. This is not normal with most people but it has worked for us for many years.”
        “Now, it has worked well with us keeping the children away from the sexual things. Not nudity, that has always been open for everyone but I mean the sexual activities. The problem is that now we have a large group of you growing into the age when you have started to realise what is going on.”
        “Everyone of you in this meeting is over the age of sixteen, therefore, in New Zealand or Australia, you are legally able to have full sexual intercourse. In this group, Shanti has insisted that we raise the age to eighteen. Here is our problem, some of you are over eighteen, some of you are under but everyone is at or over the legal age of consent. Some of you, with the consent from your parents, have already joined the group, and some of you haven’t. It has been difficult to apply Shanti’s rules in this.”

        Mike looked around and saw that everyone was silent, listening to him.
        “First, I want to address what happened a couple of nights ago when Stephen and the twins ran off together.” Looking straight at Kirsten and Carol, he continued, “You two lost your virginity that night?”
        Kirsten looked shocked and Carol burst into tears. Kirsten looked at her sister and then moved over to put his arm around her. Peter, who was sitting beside Carol put his arm around both girls.
        Mike continued. “This broke the camp rules but even more, broke the rules as far as your parents were concerned. This matter has been dealt with so no more will be said now. All three of you have punishments to face when you get back home. What concerns us is that quickly every one of you here heard the full story of what happened. That should not have happened.”
        “Now it has led to three instances where one of you has broken the rules attempting to find out more about what the adults are doing. This needs to STOP! NOW!”
        The way his voice raised gave a few of them a shock. But he meant it that way.
        “I am sure all of you have heard of if not seen the Letters Books. These are the history of our group going back to the very beginning when Shanti and I were not much older than you are now. She was eighteen and I was nineteen, I think. Those over eighteen are welcome to read these books and as some have already done, you are welcome to add a story of your sexual adventures. For those under eighteen, it is between you and your parents as to if you can see the books. I don’t want to hear of anyone sneaking looks at the books. That is not only a violation against your parents, it is against all of us in the Letters Groups.

        “So, I want to end by asking each of you to obey the Group rules as to how they apply to you. Up to now, we have gone easy on you but from now on I expect that will change. Expectations are higher; therefore, punishments will be harsher.”
        “Does anyone have any questions?” Sarvesh asked.
        “Why does the age have to be eighteen?” Sandra asked.
        Sarvesh replied, “First, the age of consent in India is eighteen. Second, getting involved in group activities could involve sex in groups. This can be intense so we don’t want anyone dumped straight into that. We think you are more mature at eighteen to handle that.”
        “It wasn’t that long ago that you girls were playing with dolls. Now you want to get into the sexual side of a swinging group,” Peter said. “It’s a big jump. So don’t rush things. Be patient, take your time. Let us guide you.”
        Brian added, “You know we all love you girls and only want what’s best for us. Be good girls and we’ll look out for you. Keep you safe.”
        A number of the girls around the group nodded their heads. It was obvious they were getting the message.

        Donald spoke now. “So, what is the takeaway from this meeting? Obey the rules as they apply to you. Don’t talk with younger innocent children and teens. If you have any questions or problems, talk with your parents. I think you’ll find them to be a lot more open and understanding than you realise.”

        The meeting broke up after that but before anyone could get up, Carol came over and hugged Mike. She then followed it by hugging Donald and Sarvesh. Saying sorry to each of them as she did.
        The rest of the meeting was still sitting there, surprised at what Carol had done. But then it started, a line was formed so each young girl could hug each of the three men. It was a special time, a sincere time for everyone there.

        It was then that Deanna asked if she could talk with Shanti and Mike. Shanti noted that Roxanna was with her mother so Shanti wondered if the younger woman was considering changing her sexual status within the Letters Group.
        “Come on,” Mike said. “Let's go for a walk down by the beach.”
        They walked down to the beach and saw there were a large group playing on the sand. It seemed like the men were enjoying being with the younger kids and got games going for them. With the games and the swimming, everyone seemed to be having fun. As the meetings had ended, some of the older teens had joined in too. But the four people turned away from those on the beach and began walking along the water's edge in the opposite direction.
        “What's going on?” Shanti asked.
        Deanna began, “Roxanna has decided to change her sexual status within our group.”
        “Is this anything to do with what is going on with the girls a bit younger than you?” Shanti asked.
        “Yes, a bit,” Roxanna replied. “But I've also been talking with Kathy. She suggested that I open myself to trying with men from this group rather than with some boyfriend. It made a lot of sense.”
        “You should have talked with your parents rather than Cathy,” Mike said.
        “I know that now,” Roxanna replied. “I didn't know that then and thought Cathy could give me the best advice.”
        “Is there a boyfriend waiting?” Shanti asked.
        “No, no one serious yet. I promised I would tell you if there is,” Roxanna replied.
        “But there is another side to this,” Deanna said. “Roxanna is still a virgin. She is looking for her first man.”
        Roxanna looked embarrassed.
        “It's OK honey,” Mike said, putting his arm around the young woman. “We were all like that. It's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.”
        She smiled up at him. Her bare breasts came against his chest as she hugged him. “Thanks, Mike,” she said.
        “So when is this going to happen?” Shanti asked. “After what has just happened your timing is not the best, Roxanna.”
        Roxanna nodded her head and looked a bit worried.
        “Roxanna is thinking about tonight. If she can find a willing man,” Deanna explained.
        “Is that right?” Shanti asked, turning to Roxanna who was now holding Mike's hand.
        “Yes,” the young woman nodded.
        “OK then,” Shanti began. “We have a plan. We will have to make your status known to all the men in the group but for now, let's keep it quiet. You don't need an announcement being made in front of the group. The night is going to be big enough without that.”
        “What are you thinking, honey?” Mike asked his wife.
        “I'm thinking Roxanna can attend the adult activities tonight but not get involved. Just watch. After that, she can go off for the night with any man she chooses. Let him know this afternoon. As soon as you can, he will need to be prepared. If any man refuses because of your current status, ask him to talk with Mike or me. We will confirm it is fine for him to be with you.”
        Roxanna nodded. She understood what Shanti was doing. She was making things less embarrassing.
        “Tomorrow, after you've had your first time with a man, you can tell me if you want to continue and your new sexual status can be announced to the group. My guess is that there will be a few other men interested in you. Maybe even as few of us women too.”
        Roxanna hadn't thought about the other women part. What Shanti said surprised her.
        “So, have you got a man in mind?” Mike asked.
        “Not yet,” Roxanna replied. “But I have a few possible men, I like.”
        “OK let me know when you decide and ask him,” Shanti said.
        “Can I talk with Riya?” Roxanna asked.
        “Sure, tell Riya that I have OK'ed that. She might be worried about talking with you after the meeting today.”
        Then Shanti continued, “I suppose you have talked with your Mum about birth control and keeping yourself safe.”
        “Yes, we have covered that but perhaps we could talk more,” Deanna said.
        Shanti just nodded. She knew Deanna would be covering all that with her daughter. No need to go over it all here.
        So now they were back to the group playing. By now, most of them were swimming and as Mike and Roxanna went to join them, Deanna and Shanti turned to climb the sandy bank up to the camp.

        Later, when Mike joined Shanti at their tent, she was teasing him.
        “You would like her?” Shanti asked Mike.
        “Of course, she is a lovely young woman. I would be honoured to be her first man.”
        “I don't know why you guys like being with a virgin, She is young, inexperienced, no idea how to please a man. Don't know that it could be much fun. Must be the male ego thing, getting in first,” Shanti laughed.
        “Maybe, but I enjoy helping a young woman on her first time. It is about teaching her as much as enjoying her,” Mike tried to explain.
        “Oh well, you might like that but I would rather men who know how to ring my bell,” Shanti laughed.
        “No, if she chooses me. I will be honoured. But I have a feeling it won't be me.”
        “What makes you say that. She was holding your hand earlier. Everyone knows you are the head pussy-popper round here,” Shanti laughed.
        “Well maybe, but I don't think it will be this time,” Mike said again. “She would have told me on the beach if it was me.”
        Shanti was a bit confused. There was nothing in that conversation that indicated Mike wouldn't be the man Roxanna would pick so why was Mike so sure it wouldn't be him. She had thought there was a good chance he would be the lucky guy.

        So that is how it was left. A day of meetings. Not that much fun so Shanti hoped the evening would be better.

        It has been brought to our attention that some readers are misunderstanding our writing here. This whole blog is under a warning that sexual content appears here. We don't hide this and wish to abide by the Blogspot rules. If you have a problem with a page, please leave a comment at the bottom so we can review and fix your concern. Just reporting to Blogspot doesn't help us to know what exactly the problem is and so we're unable to fix it.
        In all our stories, anyone involved in sexual activities is over the age of 18. The legal age where we live in New Zealand is 16 but we are happy with the age 18 limit. Keep in mind that some characters have featured in earlier stories as children but time has gone by and now they are adults. There are over 25 years between Letter 1 and this story so any babies in those earlier stories will now be adults.
        This blog follows a group of people who belong to a sexual-swapping group based on our real sex-swapping nudist group. As we are in real life, the characters in these stories are mainly married and some do have young children. While these children might be mentioned, in no cases will they be involved in any sexual activities. This follows what we do when the writer's team meet for our real parties. Lots of fun, lots of sex but no kids!
                (This message will appear in all new stories.)
                                Anne and the writing team.


  1. I understand the idea behind this story but I do question why it is necessary.

    1. I know but I think it needs to be done sometime soon. By working these changes into the storyline will be better than just dropping characters for no reason.

    2. This is a big change for you guys.
      We've been helping with the huge project rewriting, recoding many of your early stories, and rebuilding your Index pages. Is this restructuring your characters part of this too?
      Allan Snr.
