Thursday 30 September 2021

Story 263 Riya’s First Time – Part One.

Index of Letters                         Story 263 Part One Background.                         Back to Story 262.   

Forward to Story 263 Part Two.

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“Your first time with a man.”

அனைவருக்கும் வணக்கம். என் பெயர் ரியா
      (anaivarukkum vanakkam. en beyer ria)
Hello! Everyone. My name is Riya.
          For those who need to know, I am Riya, the oldest daughter of Jeevan and Mandara, who are my parents.
          We were on our recent trip to Australia and also New Zealand and we had just arrived in Perth the day before. I, myself and my family were all staying in Donald’s house with my parents staying upstairs while I was down in Katrina and David’s flat, where all us kids were staying. Katrina and David were staying elsewhere in another house nearby while we were here. Yes, the kids were younger than me, and noisy too, but I was fine with our sleeping arrangements. It was a large open room where they had removed the furniture so we could sleep with beds made on the floor. As I said, it was comfortable enough for me but the big advantage was the swimming pool right outside the sliding glass door. I could just walk through the sliding door and plunge into the water, without any thought of wearing clothing.
          It was a hot afternoon and we were outside at the pool. I was swimming as usual. Mum always says I was born like a fish as I loved the water so much. It is my special place. Dad says he installed our swimming pool just for me as I use it more than anyone else. He calls me his water-baby. In our pool at home, it was overlooked by the neighbours next door. That meant no nude swimming but I usually wore a bikini even though I knew I could be seen and often watched by the man and two boys who lived there. When my parents weren't at home, I even wore the very tiny one. I didn't care, it was just a bikini, hiding the important bits so I had no problem there.
          So, here I was in Perth of Australia and I was swimming in Uncle Donald’s pool. Not my real Uncle but we call him that. Meanwhile, Mum and Dad were sitting under the shade watching me. I had just finished a series of fitness lengths, pushing myself as hard as I could to beat my times. Yes, I always compete against myself, striving to do better. It made me super fit which I liked. Made my body look great too, which I also liked.
          I was happy with my performance that time and now I relaxed at the poolside, my breathing still increased as my body recovered from that session of intense physical exercise.
          It was then that something life-changing began as Dad called me to go to him. So, I got from the pool and was walking towards them, around the other side of the pool. They followed watching me until I came to a seat beside them.
          I was aware I was wearing my bikini, the very tiny one; the sexy one, more I could ever dare wear in public. The bottom covered my pussy hair, well mostly it did. I found I needed to cut some hairs on the edges and even shave a bit at the top. As I had grown older my pussy had become quite extensive and so wearing bikinis meant I had to maintain the forest. Even so, when wearing this bikini, I still had to be careful how I fitted it over my pussy mound. To be honest I am still a bit surprised how I was ever allowed to own such a revealing swimsuit.
          Up top, the bikini covered my breasts, well ok I’ll admit it, attempted to cover my breasts but left much of my swelling mounds exposed. Even with this, since the top was unlined, my nipple shapes were showing through, especially when I was wet which for me, it seemed to be most of the time. Swimsuit, swimming, wet! Get it?
          Come on guys stay focused, stay with me please and it might get better further down.
          I could have gone topless or even nude in this pool since it is so private. That wouldn’t have worried me at all. But this time I had selected to wear my smallest bikini. But I did enjoy wearing such a sexy bikini as it made me feel sexy too. Made some of the men here take a second look as well.

          Yes, since we’ve been here, already I had done it a few times, gone nude that is. In fact, my last nude swim had been only a few hours before when I had got up early to meet Donald at the pool for an early morning swim before breakfast.
          He told me the day before, “I like early morning swims, Riya. Do you want to join me?”
          “How early?” I asked.
          “About 7am,” he replied.
          “That’s not early. I’m usually up much earlier than that.”
          “See you at seven then,” he said. “And it’s skinny dipping too.”
          I thought about that for a moment. Skinny dipping, us naked. We might be alone in the pool together, but others would likely be awake and up, so I said, “Ok, I’ll be there.”
          “Naked?” this naughty man asked.
          “Of course. I can be naked,” I replied. “I don’t mind.”
          He smiled at that. Was he thinking he was getting lucky seeing me nude? Well, perhaps, so I decided to make sure he got to see what he wanted to see. Are you thinking, ‘this is a naughty girl?’ Well, you better be, because I am! Here I was planning to show my pussy in detail to this older man. Is that naughty or what?
          This morning I had met him outside beside the pool, wearing only my bathrobe. I just had to take it off to get into the water. Yes, both of us, completely naked and he was checking out my body too. I didn’t mind, I found him looking to be rather sexy considering he was more obvious than most other men are. It might be mentioned that I made sure he got to see everything he wanted too, by 'accidentally,' of course. It must be admitted, I took the opportunity to view his cock too. With the cold water, it was soft but I still looked.
          I had got from the pool ready to take a dive. I was standing on the poolside, my legs slightly parted, with him below, viewing up to me. There was no one else around to see what I was doing, so I stood just above him engaging in conversation so he could take longer viewing my pussy from that revealing angle. I must confess to feeling very naughty showing my pussy secrets for this much older man. This man was looking too, enjoying, viewing up at my pussy lips and I was turned on by him doing so. To make things better, he even mentioned it.
          “Nice pussy,” this naughty man told me.
          “Thanks,” I replied. “But aren’t you naughty, looking at me.”
          “No naughtier than you, for showing me.”
          Ha Ha. He got me that time, telling me he knew, I was doing it on purpose but I was kind of enjoying flirting with him. It was harmless, nothing serious but still fun with him. It got to feel a bit sexy displaying my naughty parts while he got to look too. I even thought to sit down closer on the poolside, giving him a much better view but being concerned someone might be watching from the house, I didn’t try that one.
          But just the thought of him looking so close that he might have even touched me. That was waiting as a fantasy when I was alone in my bed and the kids around me asleep. Yes, girls like me have sexual fantasies and some are quite hot too.

          But enough nudity and sexual fantasy, you guys don’t want to know about that do you? Ha, Ha!
          I should be getting back to my story, to Mum and Dad asking to speak with me beside the swimming pool. I was beginning to wonder what was up, what they wanted me for when Dad began to speak.
          “Honey, your mother and I have been watching you. You have grown up now, no longer a little girl but a woman.”
          I nodded and smiled. Pleased that they had finally figured that one out. Parents are funny sometimes, ignoring the obvious when it doesn’t suit them. I’d had tits since age 11 and pussy hair came not much later. At that time, they would have noticed me at Uncle Sarvesh's nude weekends as I couldn’t exactly hide my body changes. Anyway, I didn’t want to hide, during puberty, I was quite proud of my changing body actually. Now at age 19, they’ve decided I’m growing up. Amazing! Aren’t they?
          “You are eighteen now, Riya...”
          “Nineteen,” I corrected him. I can’t believe he missed that. It was not like he could have forgotten. We celebrated my birthday only a week before we left for this trip.
          “Nineteen,” he continued. “We think you are old enough to have your first time with a man. In New Zealand, Kathy and Sabeena already have and they are about the same age as you.”
          It was news to me that Sabeena was no longer a virgin. She is a year younger than me.
          “You mean I can take…?”
          “Yes, if you want. You can select a man from among our friends. A man you like and know will be gentle with you. You can ask him to help you.”
          I was shocked. I could not believe he had just told me that. I looked over at Mum and she was smiling too. Obviously, she agreed with him, she wouldn’t have allowed it if she didn’t. This was earth-shattering news, coming from them, my Mum and Dad. Must have been too long in the hot sun, I think. I came back from my daydreaming to discover Mum talking.
          “When we get to New Zealand, things are going to change, Riya,” she said. “There are going to be some parties and other activities with sexy games and much more than just nudity. If you want to join in with this, your father and I think you should prepare yourself now.”
          “You are saying take my virginity now so I can join in with the sex parties, in New Zealand?” I asked, just to confirm what I was hearing.
          “Exactly, honey,” Dad said. “But only if you want to. No one is forcing you.”
          No one was forcing me! Wasn’t it more like, ‘you try and stop me?’

          This was big. Huge, in fact! And it came at me right out of the blue. I had no idea it was coming. I would not have believed they would even consider this. In fact, I always thought I’d be in big trouble if I asked them about just watching the sexy parties. Now they were suggesting I take my virginity so I could join in sex games in New Zealand. Wow! This was amazing!
          Yes, this was something big. I knew I needed time to think of this and get my head into that space. When I told them, they seemed happy with that. They agreed it was better that I took time to be sure. But I was pretty sure I would go for it. How could I miss this opportunity while my parents were obviously suffering this sudden lapse of sanity?
          I’d heard about these parties from Kathy. The games sounded hot. I had been wondering if they’d just let me watch but wasn’t brave enough to ask. Now here they were saying I could do much more than watching. I could be involved. Join in and play too. Wow!
          Mum then went on to place a few conditions on this:-
                  First - The man I chose must be from among their friends.
                  Secondly - I must tell them who I decide on.
                  Third - They wanted to know before I did it.
          That all seemed reasonable enough. Their conditions were sensible actually.
          It might be a surprise to some of you how a nineteen-year-old was still a virgin but that is the more traditional way with Indians from smaller towns. It might be different in the big cities but here it is more common for girls to be protected as virgins until married to their husbands. In this case, my parents were being much more progressive than would be considered the norm in our town.

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At The Restaurant / Bar.

          That evening, all the adults went out for a meal and drinks at a bar. The kids had their own night out with a kid’s movie and dinner at McDonald’s then back to Donald’s house for a kid’s party by the pool.
          Mum said, since I am an adult, I was welcome to join them if I wanted. Wow! Of course, I wanted to go with them instead of going with the kids. I’d never been to a bar before so was interested in seeing what went on. My friend Jasmine wanted to come too but her father, Uncle Mootie was firmly against that since she was two years younger than me. I could see she was a bit annoyed.
          The man at the door asked my age and when Dad said eighteen, he said it was better that I didn’t drink alcohol which I was kind of happy with, anyway. But I thought I had sorted this eighteen/nineteen business with Dad. What was wrong with him? But then with what they had told me earlier, maybe it was better I didn’t rock the boat. Eighteen, nineteen, twenty, any age you like Dad, I don’t mind. Just as long as I get to go to one of these sex parties Kathy told me about.
          We had a while before dinner and so there was time for a few drinks and some of us played some games like darts or pool. That was fun too. Jeremy and I took on Fred and Dad at the pool table. We beat them too.
          After dinner, we moved to a smaller lounge area that Donald had booked for us. Again, everyone had their drinks except Auntie Hansini and me. Fred and Donald were driving so they didn’t drink anything more after dinner too. I had fruit juice like Auntie Hansini and it actually looked like some of the drinks the other women had anyway. They even came with cherries, funny little hats and things.

          I got some time to talk privately with Auntie Kalki and tell her what my parents had told me that afternoon. I am closer to her than most of the other women as she actually isn’t that much older than me. She already knew about me, as it seems it had been discussed at our last nude weekend. That news surprised me too.
          “Well, what are you going to do, Riya?” Kalki asked.
          “I’m thinking of doing it. Mum said there is going to be lots of sexual activities in New Zealand and I want to be involved in that too.”
          “Yes, we all thought you might. That is why we all agreed your Mum and Dad should give you the chance.”
          As I said above, I was surprised they had all talked about me like that. It seemed like it might have been a group decision for me to join them.
          “So, who’s going to be the lucky guy?” she asked.
          “I’m thinking about your husband Hamza, if you’ll allow him, that is.”
          “Yes, I don’t mind, Riya,” Kalki said. “He’s a good choice. Closer to your age and you both like each other.”
          “Yes, I like him, too.”
          “I noticed in Singapore you were close to him. Why do you think you were put with us in that hotel? Your Mum was sure he would be your choice.”
          More devious scheming behind my back by my mother and others, it seems! Now that was more news for me too. My parents were full of surprises today. Mum knowing who I would choose for my first time with a man, even before I did. Maybe she is smarter than I give her credit for. I’ll have to think about that. It's a bit earthshaking for a teenage girl to suddenly realise her mother might be smart.
          Then as an afterthought, I asked, “Is he gentle in bed? Mum said to select a man who will be gentle and kind to me.”
          “Of course, Riya,” she said, giving a giggle. Then putting her arm around me in a quick hug. “He is a good choice. He will be gentle with you and he’ll be good for you too. You’ll have fun with him if you know what I mean,” she added with a grin. “He likes you a lot too, Riya.”
          I just smiled but I had a fair idea what her naughty comment about having fun meant. I was happy with that so decided that if I do it, it would be Hamza. He would be the lucky guy if you could call getting selected to be with a totally green virgin like me, lucky. But I told her, I was still thinking about it. Not entirely sure yet. Didn't want to appear too keen, with this scret society I'd just discovered, everything I say would probably get back to my parents.
          I had one more question for Kalki that I needed to ask her. “If I, do it with Hamza, will you be there... you know... with us when he does it?
          “If you want me to, I will, Riya.”
          “I want you to, Auntie Kalki.”
          “No more Auntie, just Kalki.” She corrected me.
          I smiled thanks to her. That made a big difference. She made me feel I was becoming an adult.
          “I want you to be with us, Kalki.”
          “I will, Riya,” she replied as she reached for me and we hugged again.
          I looked up and saw Mum was watching me. I think she guessed what we'd been talking about as she gave me a smile. I smiled back and nodded my head slightly to tell her the answer was yes.

          Some of us went back to the games room and I was sitting on a barstool alone while I watched Hansini playing darts with Sarvesh. She was teasing him and telling him how he was going to lose. So cheeky and competitive with him. I was enjoying watching and it was looking like Hansini might kick his ass. (Her words, not mine.)
          A man, just a few years older than me came and sat on the stool beside me. I was unsure what to do but wasn’t so comfortable with this. When he asked my name, I told him and he told me his name. He asked where I came from and I said India. Then he asked if I wanted to go and sit with his friends. He pointed to a table of four other men who were all looking at me, smiling.
          I just told him I was ok where I was when Sarvesh walked over and asked me to join in their game. Straight away, the man got up and quickly left, returning to his friends.
          As we walked back to Hansini he asked, “What was that about?”
          “He wanted me to go with him to sit with his friends. But I said, ‘No!’”
          “Good girl, Riya. That table looks like it could be trouble.”
          “Why do you say that?”
          “They might want to take you off somewhere for sex with all five of them.”
          I was shocked but I had to admit, they did make me feel a bit uncomfortable, a bit creepy.
          Then Sarvesh said something that I thought was a bit strange. “Don’t say anything about this to your parents until we get to New Zealand.”
          By now we were with Hansini and she added, “Be careful with men like that. He was hoping to take advantage of you.”
          “Oh!” I said, a bit shocked.
          Then Hansini went on, “Like Sarvesh said, let’s keep this to yourself. Your parents are opening things up for you. We don’t want them to have second thoughts.”
          “You both know what they told me today?”
          “Yes, Riya,” Sarvesh laugh. “We all know you are on the hunt for a man. You’re first victim.”
          “Sarvesh! Stop that!” Hansini scolded him.
          “It’s ok, Hansini,” I said. (See no ‘Auntie.’) “I’m so happy today, no one could upset me.”
          Then Sarvesh said something that surprised me. “Remember, Riya. We all love you and want this to go well for you.”
          “Thanks, Sarvesh,” I said. (See no ‘Uncle.’) I reached over and gave him a quick hug.
          I could not believe how suddenly things had changed for me.

          I had agreed not to say anything about those men in the bar but at the time couldn’t quite understand why. But Uncle Sarvesh is a good man and I trust his judgement. And he has known my parents longer than I have. He probably thought Dad might blow a fuse or something if he knew what had happened. And Hansini did say it might make my parents have second thoughts. We don’t want that do we. I was getting to like their new attitude to things regarding me.
          (So Mum and Dad. When you read this, you’ll finally know what happened in the other games room at the bar/hotel. While Mum was getting totally wasted. Dad’s words, not mine.)

          Back in the private room. Mum and Paula were having fun joking and laughing. They were getting noisy and talking loudly. Then a game of truth and dare started among the ladies. Each time someone lost they had to drink a small shot of alcohol. Even Nishi and Hansini had joined in taking drinks too. What they were drinking, came in tiny glasses but seemed quite strong. It was clearly affecting them. Kalki let me have a sip but it tasted gross. They can have that stuff. I'm not interested!
          Mum wasn’t doing so well; she was losing a lot and it was obvious she was getting very drunk. I’d never seen someone drunk before and so it was a bit funny to see Mum like that. She was saying some really silly things. Her talk was getting quite sexy too. That surprised me, coming from her!
          I think things were getting away on them when they began daring each other to show a tit. Ginger did first and Sairu and Amita had too. When it was Katrina’s turn, she showed both of them. I was surprised Kalki showed her nipples too. (Lucky I wasn’t playing; I might have had to flash mine too.) But Mum couldn’t wait to be dared, she just showed them anyway. Not a flash but almost pulling her top right off. It would have been off if she hadn’t got it caught around her head. She was even asking if anyone wanted a suck or feel. In a public bar too where anyone could have walked in on us.
          But then it went even further, things were getting out of hand when a dare came to Auntie Amita, Mum dared Amita to dance on the table with her while they stripped each other naked. I’m surprised Mum of all people, actually said that. Looked like she was ready to do it too.
          That was when Dad and Sarvesh called an end to the game and the evening. We pulled more than a couple of drunk women out of the bar that night. The women were complaining, calling them spoilsports but the men insisted it was time to go home.

          On the way home, Mum and Dad were sitting in the back seat and I was further forward in the front of the van with Uncle Donald driving. Like me, he didn’t have much alcohol that night. Jeremy and Joyce; Sarvesh and Amita were with us too as we would drop them at their house on the way home. That new couple, Nishi and Gaja got off with them too. As we drove off, I was watching the two men almost carrying the two women towards the house. Amita particularly had been in quite a state. Somehow, Nishi seemed to be good enough to walk by herself.
          I heard from Jeremy later that Joyce and Nishi were all over the men as soon as they got inside the house. Somehow, they managed to wake up again, having sex and then swapping partners for sex again. Going hard at it until the two women had passed out and had to be carried to bed. Perhaps they will write more about that themselves. I suppose Amita was in on that too although Jeremy didn't mention her.

          Mum seemed like she was getting horny. “You’re a spoilsport,” she told Dad.
          “You stopped me dancing on the table naked.”
          “You’re so drunk you would’ve probably fallen off.”
          “I not drunk. I’m as sober as a judge.”
          “A very drunk judge,” Dad laughed.
          “You wait until I get you on the bed. Then we’ll see who is drunk,” Mum said.
          Wow! I can’t believe she said that, in front of everyone in the van too. It seemed like now she didn’t care what she said. Perhaps more it was she didn't know what she was saying.
          “My bet is, you’re asleep before anything happens,” Dad said.
          “No, I won’t.”
          I was laughing with the rest when Mum saw me. “Well, Riya? Have you found the lucky man yet?”
          “Mandara!” Dad said.
          “You are embarrassing Riya.”
          “No, it’s ok,” I said. “I think you all know about this. I’m thinking about Hamza.”
          Before anyone could reply Mum started up again. “Oh, Hamza. Now there’s a nice cock.”
          “Mandara, I’m warning you!”
          But Mum didn’t seem to hear him. “We better invite him over in case you are too drunk to perform, old man,” she told Dad.
          “You don’t need him. You won’t even last with me.”
          “Yes, I will. I’ll out fuck you, my dear drunk husband. Then we’ll need Hamza as a backup performer.”
          That was funny, but in a way, I was surprised by what she was saying. That was my mother! Really, I could not believe what I was hearing.

          By then we had reached Donald’s house and as Dad and Donald helped Mum inside, I followed behind with her handbag which she had totally forgotten at the restaurant. David locked the van and followed us in, helping his wife, Katrina.
          Upstairs Mum made a grab at Uncle Donald saying, “Come on big boy. Come play games with me.”
          She made a grab at David next which made us all laugh. I couldn’t believe her. She was out to fuck any man she could get.
          “Looks like you’re got a handful with her tonight, mate,” Donald said.
          “She’ll be gone once she hits the bed,” Dad said.
          We left them in the bedroom and Uncle Donald asked if I’d like to try a wine with them.
          “Sorry about that, Riya. It’s just the drink talking. She has no idea what she is saying.”
          I just nodded as I excepted the glass from him.
          Not long after, Dad arrived back saying Mum had crashed. He noted the glass of wine in my hand and said “Not too much, Riya. We’ve got enough drunk women around here tonight.”
          I looked around to see Paula was asleep, fallen against Donald. On the other seat beside David, Katrina didn’t look much better. That game had got them all, I think.
          “No, Dad. I’m just having one to try it.”
          “Good girl,” he said. “Sorry about your Mum. She lost the plot tonight.”
          “No, I didn’t,” Mum said from behind us.
          I looked to see, there she was standing stark naked. She went over to Dad and half fell on top of him. Her hand went straight to his trousers, trying to get at his cock.
          “I’m not finished with you yet,” she told him.

          I don’t know what happened after that I went downstairs to bed. David told me the next morning that the other two women woke up and there was an orgy. Too much information, I think. It seems all three women, couldn’t get enough from the men.
          “Maybe I should have stayed and watched,” I had told David.
          He said, “No, your father would have probably stopped it if you’d been there.”
          Anyway, the night was a success for me. It opened my eyes to another adult world I’d been kept away from up to now. I saw some of the good side and the bad too. Anyway, my big decision had been made. I had announced it in the van. Hamza would be my first man, if he wanted me, that is. I had made my mind up now.

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“Hamza, Will You Be the One?”

          The next morning, I told Dad and a badly hungover Mum at breakfast what I had decided and they agreed I could ask Hamza later when we saw them. Dad could remember I told them last night but Mum couldn’t remember a thing.
          “I’m sorry you saw me last night, Riya,” Mum told me.
          “It’s ok, Mum,” I replied. “I know you were just having fun with the other women.”
          “No, Riya. I am not usually like that. Like your father said, last night I lost the plot.”
          “It’s ok, Mum,” I said again. “I learnt something important last night.”
          “What?” Mum asked. “Don’t get drunk?”
          “No, Mum,” I replied. “Don’t go out with you ladies. You’ll lead me astray.”
          Mum looked shocked for a few moments before Dad burst out laughing as he saw me joking with her. Then Mum was laughing with us too until she stopped, holding her head.
          “That hurts,” she said. “You’ve got to stop making me laugh.”
          “It’s not our fault. Self-inflected, I think,” Dad said.
          Dad and I began laughing again as Mum held her head with her hands. “Not going to get any sympathy from you two, am I?”
          “No, not one bit,” Dad said as we started laughing again.
          Soon Mum got up and left us, going back to bed to sleep it off.

          Dad looked at me and smiled.
          “So, you’re going to do it, honey? Are you set on Hamza?”
          “Yes, Dad,” I replied. “I like him. I want him as my first if he will have me.”
          “He is a good man. I think he will help you. I think you’ll find he is expecting it.”
          There it was again. Evidence that all this skullduggery going on behind my back. They had all discussed this beforehand. They all seemed to know what I was going to do, even before I even thought about it, it seems. I was struggling to come to terms with the fact my parents seemed to be ahead of me on this. Bit of a shock actually. What? Are my parents smarter than me? My whole world had suddenly turned upside down.
          Dad asked if I knew what I was getting myself into. When I wasn’t sure what he meant, he went on to explain a few things about sex and a woman’s first time. I knew some of what he said but I was interested in hearing it from a man's point of view.
          He also warned me that with this new sexual freedom came new responsibilities. I had to be careful with men outside our group as often they are just after sex. They are ready to take advantage of women for their own desires. For a moment I wondered if Dad knew what happened in the bar the night before because he seemed to be hitting close to the mark but he didn’t say anything about that.
          I am closer to Dad, perhaps more than with Mum but I’ve never seen him as open as this before. We talked about the different ways a woman and a man viewed sex. And we talked about sex within marriage as an expression of their love for each other. While casual sex with others was just for physical pleasure. We even talked about different sexual positions which was an eye-opener for me. I was probably nieve but I only imagined it in a couple of ways.
          We also talked about me protecting myself from sexual diseases and from getting myself pregnant. Now that strange conversation where Mum had put me on the pill made sense. She had told me it was to regulate my body cycles when I could see nothing wrong in that anyway. So she was actually preparing me for becoming sexually active.
          This talk was very enlightening and gave me a lot to think about. When you read this, I want to say, ‘Thanks, Dad. You are a great father.’

          After talking with Dad, I took a phone from Auntie Paula to ring Hamza. Ginger answered and said she would get him. I heard her giggle in the background. Everyone seemed to be in on this and it seemed a big joke at my expense. Anyway, I had to continue.
          Kalki and Hamza were staying with Fred and Ginger. Kalki had told me, it was a lovely house on a hill near the oceanside. She had told me they even had their own beach. Wow! I couldn’t wait to see that place!
          Hi, Riya,” he said, answering the phone. “I’ve been expecting you.”
          “Did Kalki tell you?”
          “Yes, honey. She did but even in India I knew it was coming.”
          There it was again. Everyone knowing. That must have been some conversation on the last nude day. Wish I'd been listening.
          “Is Kalki ok this morning?” I asked, with a laugh. “She looked bad last night.”
          “She was plastered,” he laughed. “Not used to those Rum shots. Never seen her that bad before.”
          “Yeah, can’t get out of bed. I told her to lay off the drink. She didn’t listen. It was that game they were playing, I think. Now she is paying the price.”
          “The women are as bad here too,” I added.
          “I’m not surprised. They were all hitting it pretty hard. Your Mum was the worst.”
          “Yeah, never seen her like that,” I laughed.
          “Watch out! She can be a party girl when she gets going, Riya. But I suppose you’ve worked that out by now.”
          “Have you...? You know, done with her?”
          “Yes, Riya. She’s a wild one in bed.”
          These were revelations about my Mum I was not expecting. Party girl! Wild in bed! Wow, a side of Mum I’ve never seen. So much for her trying to tell me she was not usually like that. To much information, I think!

          The conversation died at that point until he said, “I hear you have something to ask me.”
          “Yes, Hamza. I am allowed... I mean I want... Want to ask… Will you...”
          “It’s ok, Riya,” he laughed. “I know what you want to ask and the answer is, yes. I would love to be your first.”
          “Oh...” was all I could think to say.
          “That was easy, wasn’t it? All you needed to do was ask.”
          “But I didn’t actually ask,” I replied.
          “Yeah, I know,” he laughed. “But I got the message.”
          “Thanks,” was all I could think to say.
          “You’re welcome but I haven’t done anything yet.”

          We talked for a while. I think he was making sure I was completely decided and wasn’t being forced. He then went over a few of the things Dad had said, about it will likely be painful my first time and I might not achieve an orgasm. He also wanted to ask if I was safe and on the pill which I was able to confirm that I was. See, there was that safe thing Dad was talking about.
          I realised that it was what a good man would do. Ensure the woman was protected before he would take sex with her. Shows what a good man, Hamza was. I was pleased as it kind of confirmed my choice although I suppose any of my parent's friends would have been the same.
          “So, when do you plan on doing this?” Hamza asked.
          “Mum suggested as soon as I can. That way I’d be ready for New Zealand.”
          “Yeah, I hear we’re in for some wild parties there.”
          “I’ve heard that too. Don’t know what it will be like.”
          “You a bit nervous?”
          “A bit. And a bit with us too.”
          “Don’t worry, Riya. You’ll be fine. I’ll take good care of you.”
          “When can we do it,” I asked.
          “In that much of a hurry, are you?” he laughed. “Just let me check.”
          He came back in a few minutes. “Yeah, tonight is fine. Doesn’t look like any of the women will be up for anything tonight.”
          Then as an afterthought, he asked, “Tonight is ok, is it?”
          “Yes, tonight is very ok with me,” I agreed.
          “Why don’t you come over here this afternoon. We have a great place here looking over the ocean. We have a nice comfortable room with a big bed too.”
          “What about, Kalki?”
          “She’s going to be here. She said you want her to be with us. Is that still, alright?”
          “Yes, Hamza. I wanted her to be there.”
          So, it was arranged.

          Later that morning, David and Katrina drove me over for lunch. Dad came too and I sat with him in the back seat. I would have liked to have seen Mum too but when I went into her room, she was still asleep.
          It was quite a long drive to get out there. We passed through a small retail centre near a beach before we began climbing a winding road up onto some hills. At the top, suddenly this amazing ocean view came before us. I wanted to stop for a photo but David said the view was even better at the house.
          Fred and Ginger had a lovely house. It was new, just recently been completed. It was on a hillside, overlooking the Indian Ocean. David told me where there was a small private beach down below, only used by some of the local houses.
          Ginger had lunch ready for us and since I had missed breakfast, I was ready to eat. It was bread sliced, along with different items to make your own sandwiches. I like that way of lunch.
          After lunch, Dad left with Katrina and David to return to Perth. Just before he left, he gave me a quick hug. “All the best with tonight, honey. I'll be thinking about you.”
          “I'll be fine, Dad. Hamza is a good man.”
          “I know he is, Riya. You'll be fine with him.”
          Not long after that, Fred and Ginger left too. They would not be back until the morning it seems and it was hinted there might be something going on in town that night.
          That left me at this lovely house with just the two younger couples, Kalki and Hamza, Sairu and Payam.

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Nude Swimming at a Private Beach.

          During the afternoon, they decided to go swimming. Donald had told me that the beach was private and so suitable for my daring bikini. So, since I had only brought my tiniest bikini, that was what I knew I would be wearing. But there could likely be others on the beach, other strangers who could see me wearing such a sexy bikini. Could I bear that? I had worn a bikini to the pool in Singapore but this bikini was a lot less than that.
          But I was mixed feelings about it too. A mixture of exciting and scared. I’d purposely left my more modest bikini behind because I was determined to wear this sexy one. Now I had second thoughts. Does this sound confusing? I was excited, I was nervous, all at the same time.
          But then I made my mind. You could do this, Riya. Anyway, why should I be worried, my personal bits would still be covered. Well, mostly covered.
          Over lunch, Sairu had told me to be prepared as most people down there would be nude. She even added, they had already gone nude and enjoyed it, yesterday. Now, this was really pushing my comfort zone. Going nude, being naked in front of strangers. And here was I worried about a bikini. It seems I had bigger problems than that.
          I got changed in Kalki’s room when she was there. I saw her just putting on only a tiny bikini bottom. It didn’t bother her not wearing the top. It seemed she was intending to go at least topless or more likely, nude. Not being as bold, I put on both halves of my bikini. I would have to see first before I could be bold enough to wear less than that.

          The path down was steep with steps much of the way. We came out onto a smaller beach with a steep hillside and cliffs. There must have been about 10 people on the beach as well as some children.
          We found a place on the dry sand and the men set up a shade cover from the hot sun. Indians don’t like the hot sun. White people like to bake in the sun and get brown while Indians like to keep out of the sun and stay light. Go figure that one out! Haha!
          What surprised me was almost all on the beach were already nude. Just two women with their bottoms. I know, I had been warned this would be the case but for some reason, it didn’t click. Now I was here, seeing them all naked. When it hit my mind, this was a nude beach, it was more than a click. More like a huge bong!
          “Let’s go for a swim,” Kalki suggested almost straight away.
          I was surprised it was her suggesting it as I always thought of her as being the shyest among the women.

          I was ok with swimming. That is what I had come here for. I removed my T-shirt and shorts leaving just my tiny bikini. When I turned around I found both the men were naked. I looked over at Kalki just in time to see her remove her bikini bottom. Both women were going nude too. They were being so bold and here I was thinking my bikini was bold.
          They turned from me and began running down the beach after the men. I was left standing there watching them. What was I to do? Do I get naked or wear my bikini? I wanted to get naked but could I be brave enough? Nudity was not a problem for me in our group. I had been going nude at Sarvesh’s house ever since I could remember. But here in public? With strangers nearby? Could I do it?
          I looked around and everyone seemed busy. No one was looking at me. I looked at my friends, they had almost reached the water and looked so comfortable naked. Yes, I could be the same I told myself.
          Reaching around, I undid the tie behind my back and slipped the top off over my head. Then a hand went to each hip as I pushed the bottoms down. Without looking around at anyone else, I ran off after my friends. Now I was naked like they were.
          The water felt cold after the heat of the beach. It was refreshing for my body as I plunged in after them. Soon I was joining them, swimming and splashing each other. Feeling natural and comfortable being naked with them. I also don’t get to do much ocean swimming since I live at an inland place and so was enjoying that too, although I found the water a bit salty for my liking. I liked the waves though, they were great fun.

          When it came to leaving the water, the five of us walked up together. I noticed they had arranged me in the middle with a couple on each side of me. I could see almost everyone on the beach was now watching us.
          Walking straight towards the people on the beach meant I was showing full-frontal nudity. I was going to cover with my hands but the girls on each side of me linked arms with me, holding my hands away from my body.
          “No hiding now, Riya. Show them everything,” Sairu laughed.
          ‘What? Everything!’ I thought. I realized these girls were intending to show their nude bodies but even more, they were making me show mine too. I felt so exposed. My body, my breasts and even my pussy, displayed to these complete strangers and there was nothing I could do about it as those women held my hands away from my body. It was one of the few times I'd ever been embarrassed about nudity but I discovered, turned on by it too. I did not expect that.
          “How do you feel, Riya?” Sairu asked.
          “They are looking at me,” I said in shock.
          “Seeing everything too,” Kalki giggled.
          “You like doing this?” I asked her.
          “Love it,” said Auntie Sairu, on the other side of me. “ Making me feel so sexy. Like I’m ready to find some hard cock.” She grinned at her husband.
          “It is a bit sexy too,” I admitted.
          I was bold to face them, all the way to our things on the beach. I know the girls gave me no choice but I must also be confessing to a thrill about it doing it. When I sat down I found my pussy was wet too. Just from that! Amazing!

          Back at our towels, I noticed neither Kalki nor Sairu attempted to cover their bodies but rather electing to remain naked as they had for the swimming. I myself, being a bit shy, pulled my bikini bottom but left my top bare.
          You might think that strange after being experienced with mixed nudity almost my entire life but being outside the controlled setting of Sarvesh's compound made it very different as there was less choice on who could view my naked body.
          You might be saying, ‘Silly girl. She was shy for her pussy but left her tits bare.’ Again, it was all about what I could feel comfortable with.

          We opened and shared some cool drinks and snacks and then sat under our shade talking. It was nice and peaceful there, watching the larger ocean waves breaking over the outside rocks to gently lap on our sheltered beach.
          Later the men decided to go exploring. The two girls, Kalki and Sairu wanted to relax and perhaps even sleep. Probably still feeling the effects from the night before. But not me. I was happy to go with the men, Hamza and Payam.
          It was even intentional to leave my bikini top behind. I wanted to do this and was willing to. Of course, the men were bolder to remain naked.
          To get to the other end we had to pass most people on the beach. My breasts are smaller but still big enough to encourage most men to look. I was very aware they were looking but made no attempt at hiding.
          At the far end, we came to the rocks and Hamza went first to climb up. I was watching from below and when he stretched his legs apart to reach foot holes I could see all of his cock with the balls hanging below. I was thinking I would even have that inside me before that night will be over.
          “Are you viewing his cock?” Payam whispered to me.
          I smiled shyly. Yes, I was and I had been caught too.
          “You’re going up next so I get the chance to check out you.”
          “You can’t. There is nothing to see. I am wearing the bikini bottom,” I said.
          “You could take it off for me.”
          “Payam! Do you think I am going to strip my clothes so you can see my pussy?”
          “Yes,” he grinned. “But I don’t require you to take all your clothes. Only one item is enough.”
          “But I’m only wearing one item.”
          “That is good because that is the only one I want off.”
          He was a naughty man asking for my bikini bottom off so he could perv me. Particularly since I was about to climb where Hamza was waiting for us.
          “What’s the problem he called to us?”
          “Riya wants to take her bikini off,” Payam called back.
          “I didn’t say that.”
          “I know but you were going too.”
          “I was not.”
          “Yes, you were. You can’t wait to show off that hot juicy pussy.”
          That made me laugh.
          “Come on. Harry up and get naked. You know you want to.”
          I shook my head and rolled my eyes at that. Men! They were so naughty!
          I did too, my fingers going into each side of my bikini bottom, pushing until it fell to my feet. Catching it with the toes of my foot, I flicked it up at him. To my surprise, he caught it, screwing it up and placing it into a small pack he had over his shoulder.
          “Go on. Climb up now. You don’t get your pants back until you do.”
          “Payam, you are a bad boy. I’m going to tell your wife about you.”
          “She won’t worry. She’d do the same if she was here.”
          Was that she would keep my bikini bottom or was it she would get naked too? Probably both I’d expect. I didn’t reply. Just turned to the rocks and started to climb. All the time aware that this naughty man was looking up at me.

          I got to the hard part, where I had to reach wide for the next foothold. I couldn’t quite reach when a hand came up to guide my foot.
          Once safe, I looked down to see where he was. He was just below me, between my legs, looking up.
          “Are you perving at my pussy?” I asked.
          “Yes. And it’s a nice one too.”
          To my surprise, his hand came up and gave me a quick feel.
          “Hey!” I protested. “You can’t do that!”
          “I’ll do it again if you don’t hurry up.”
          As he said that, his hand came up towards my pussy again. Quickly I left him, scrambling up the rocks as fast as I could.
          “What was that all about?” Hamza asked me.
          “It was him. He was being naughty.”
          “I was just helping you, Riya.”
          “Touching me there wasn’t helping.”
          “Of course it was. You got up so fast after that.”
          I could see the funny side and started to giggle. It wasn’t so bad, actually a bit of fun. I really didn’t mind that he had touched my pussy. But I wasn't telling him that. I had to play along. I don't think either of them had thought at the time but that was the first time ever that a man had touched my pussy lips.
          “You are such a bad boy, Payam.”
          “And you love it, too, Riya.”
          He was right. I was enjoying the sexual attention from these two men.
          Then he said something that really surprised me. “When Hamza is finished with you tonight, don’t forget it is my turn next.”
          What? He was actually planning to be my next man. I hadn’t thought that far ahead but it did seem like a good idea. I get to be with two men.
          “We’ll see, Payam,” I said. “It depends how naughty you are.”
          “Then I'll be very naughty,” he replied.
          I looked over at Hamza and he was smiling too.
          “Then you might get lucky,” I grinned at him.
          Can you believe this! I was still the virgin, not had my first man yet and already I was lining up my second man. Or was it more likely they were lining up for me?

          We were back on the beach now, ready to walk back to the women. “Can I have my back pants now?” I asked him.
          “No,” he replied. “Walk back like that.”
          “But those people...”
          “Don’t worry. Ask them to close their eyes as you walk past.”
          “They won’t do that.”
          “Then you have a problem Riya, don’t you?”
          There was no choice. I had to walk back as I was, naked. And that naughty man was smiling at me too. Even Hamza didn’t try to save my modesty either. Bad boys, both of them were in on this ordeal to make my modesty suffer.

          As we walked back towards the girls, I noticed a guy about my age talking to them.
          “There’s Andrew, Kalki’s boyfriend,” Hamza laughed.
          “Yeah, he’s after her. Better watch out mate.”
          Both guys were enjoying the joke but I didn’t really understand what was going on.
          Then Payam asked, "Do you think he might become a problem?"
          "I'm not sure. It's a bit concerning."
          I looked to both men and neither of them looked happy at that moment. What was going on? I couldn't be sure but something to do with this Andrew man had both Hamza and Payam as bit worried.

          The girls were ready for another swim when we got there. Six of us, nudist people running down and enjoying the refreshing water. Yes, the boy, Andrew came with us. Kalki introduced me to him and I would have liked to have talked with him more but he seemed to have only an interest in Kalki. The others seemed to be quite amused by it.
          Even returning to our clothes wasn’t a problem for me this second time. I just walked boldly with them, displaying my full nude body to everyone on the beach and kind of liking it too. Hamza announced it was time we headed back to the house, making it very clear it was time for Andrew to leave.
          As we watched Andrew walk away, Hamza said in Tamil,
“கல்கி, நீங்கள் திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டீர்கள் என்பதை நீங்கள் தெளிவுபடுத்திய நேரம் இது.”
                    (“Kalki, it’s time you made it very clear you are married.”)
          Kalki had a serious look on her face. “Yes, Hamza. I will if we see him again,” she replied in English.
          Wow! What was going on there? It seemed like Hamza told her off for something. To me, Hamza had always seemed a kind gentleman, always smiling. Suddenly, for a moment I saw a new side of him before the smile returned.
          “Thanks, honey,” was all he quietly said.

          I was just about to put my bikini on when Sairu challenged everyone to walk back to the house naked. It was only a climb up the track and a short walk on a private road. When the others did it, so I did too.
          We met a family coming down the track. We stopped to let them pass by. Two younger women, I think they were the daughters, were topless. They didn’t even care about us. Just said, “Hi,” and walked on.

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My Sexy Evening Companions.

          So that was how my afternoon went.
          Back at the house we prepared burgers for dinner and sat on the deck to consume them as the hot sun dropped towards the ocean. It was looking like there would be a beautiful sunset.

          And all of this time, I had remained totally naked and enjoyed being that one too.
          Over by the barbecue were the two men Hamza and Payam. Both are about the same age, mid to late-20s I guess. Both had similar bodies, you could almost call them brothers. They were close friends, certainly acted like brothers.
          Maybe Hamza was the stronger of the two since his work involves more manual activities. You can see it in his arm muscles the most. Payam was trimmed without the muscle mass of his friend but still looked like a strong man. Otherwise, both men were very similar in size and shape.
          I have always found Payam to be more outgoing. He talked more, joking more and gave the impression of being more confident. He is always nice to me but we have never been close other than he was friends of my parents.
          Hamza with his wife Kalki, are much closer to me as I have stayed with them a few times when Mum has become too annoying. She says it was me annoying her but I know you all don’t believe that one. ‘Time out,’ they called it. For her or for me? LOL.
          With these two men standing together and with what was planned with me later, I couldn’t help comparing their cocks. It is hard to tell size when they are soft because it’s when they are hard that counts, isn’t it? But I still wanted to look. I am thinking that maybe Hamza might be slightly bigger. Cocks are funny things aren’t they, but interesting to see? They hang and flop around most of the time and then suddenly, ‘bong!’ they get hard and stick out straight in front.

          The two women were preparing things for the table. They also were naked like the men, enjoying the freedom of being without clothing on that lovely evening.
          There was Sairu, about the same age as the men. While I liked her, we didn’t have much to do with each other. Don’t get me wrong here. She was a nice lady, always friendly and kind to me but just she had other friends within our open group. Particularly, there was a special attraction between her and Sarvesh. I don’t know half of what goes on but even I could see it between them.
          She was a pretty woman, cheeky to the men and very competitive in games. Probably, about as tall as me but with her body slightly more filled out due to two children. She had bigger breasts than either me or Kalki too. They moved more as she moved than our ones did.

          The last of this four was Kalki. A very special lady, mostly my best friend among the adults. She was younger, actually only a few years older than me having been married at a very young age. Two years younger than I am now. Had her first child when she was younger than my age.
          She had a great personality, a bit shy until you got to know her, but capable of being very cheeky and sexy when she wanted.
          She was not as tall as Sairu or me. She had a pretty face and I thought a great looking body. Her breasts were smaller, about the size of mine. One thing you can always notice is that she kept her pussy shaved. I could never do that as it would leave me too exposed down there, but Kalki did and she wore it with confidence too. Didn’t mind displaying her slit lips it seems.

          So, that was the four people I was prepared to spend my evening and night with. Two couples, Hamza and Kalki, Payam and Sairu, plus one single woman, me. What were they planning for me? About all I knew was that sometime during the evening, I would be with Hamza as it was planned for him to be my first man.
          A hand gently rested on my shoulder, "Are you alright, Riya?" Payam asked me.
          That pulled me from my thoughts as I said, "Yes, fine. Just thinking."
          "Don't worry about tonight. It will be fine. Hamza will take care of you. We all will. Nothing will happen unless you want it."
          I reached up and placed my hand on top of his. "Thanks, Payam," I said.
          It was nice how he showed he cared for me. I didn't tell him what I was really thinking.
          As I got up and walked to where dinner was waiting, he walked beside me, actually put his arm around me too. That was a surprise. The closest interaction I had ever had with him.

          We had a light dinner that we had prepared and were sitting out on the deck watching a great sunset. It was beautiful how the sun seemed to drop towards the ocean leaving a path of reflection across the surface of the water as it did.
          With an almost clear sky, the sun dropped lower and lower until it touched the water and then I was surprised how quickly it disappeared. Soon there was only the very last tip of the sun, then it was gone. After the sun had disappeared, some clouds nearby flamed orange and then red until they also began to fade.
          “That was beautiful,” Kalki said. “Wonder what it was like in India?”
          “Over in India it will still be afternoon,” Payam said.
          “How far ahead are we here?” Hamza asked.
          “About two and a half hours,” I replied.
          “That is not much,” Payam said. “I thought it would be more than that.”
          I have never seen that before. Our sunsets at home are always behind the hills of the Game Reserve. Being into the ocean was something different.
          As it got darker, the first stars were appearing and it got cooler. We went inside ready for our evening to begin.

Index of Letters                         Story 263 Part One Background.                         Back to Story 262.   

Forward to Story 263 Part Two.


  1. I got the email regarding this story and thought maybe they will pull an early publish by going the evening before NZ time. Yes, I'm right. Here it is.
    I loved Riya. In story 261 Leaving India she was fun but here in her own story she has really come out. I loved the digs she made about her mother. I wonder what her mother would think reading it?
    Good work guys.

    1. I've just finished reading the Lion Federation blog and now I find another story here too.
      Yes, I agree with Gordon. You really did a lot with Riya. She is fun. "Maybe my mother is smarter than I thought!" LOL I like that.
      Lets hope my daughter figures that out soon.

  2. Good story everyone. I liked the extra of using Tamil in the story. Especially on the beach where Hamza didn't want Andrew to know what he told his wife.

  3. Great one guys.
    I enjoyed Riya. A fun girl with attitude.
    Potty she has parents who won't behave.
    Rosemary and Tom.

    1. Yes, we enjoyed that too.
      I have a teenage daughter who thinks she is smarter than us. You story captured her perfectly.
      That shock when Mum and Dad out smarted her. Loved it. Pitty you didn't capture Mandara's satisfaction as it happened. It's so sweet getting one over your teenage daughter.

    2. This story reads well as we flow from scene to scene.
      We enjoyed what you did with Riya. Her surprise at her parents when they told her to find a man to have sex with. That is very progressive for parents.
      It was quite an adventure for Riya, I like how it wasn't perfect. Some good and bad but all learning about a new world of sexual things. She saw the fun but was taught the need for responsibility too.
      Looking forward to part two on Friday.
      Hirohiko and Sayako.
