Friday 3 March 2017

Story 194 India - Part Five - Trip to North India.

Part Five - Trip to North India.
          Now, this is part of our India visit that neither Tom nor I were expecting. We were going on a trip to North India. It had been arranged and paid for by Sarvesh and what surprised me, was that we were going with David and Katrina. This was strange! Travelling on the honeymoon with the bride and groom! Anyway, we weren’t alone, we had the young couple from Australia, Jeremy and Joyce, also with us on this surprise trip. I remember reading about a similar trip to this that was taken by a group many years ago. While that trip might have been more extensive our trip but we still covered some very interesting places.
         Our flight to North India landed in Delhi. This large city that brings to life the ancient past of India contrasted against India's modern future. It's divided into two parts, the crumbling old city of Old Delhi, and the orderly and well planned New Delhi.
         Sarvesh had said, “It would be a huge loss to visit India and miss out on seeing the Taj Mahal in Agra. After all, it's India's most famous monument -- and certainly the most identifiable.”
         We stayed one night in Agra, viewing this most beautiful building on the day we travelled there. Back at our hotel, not far from the Taj Mahal we sat eating our dinner as the sun set turning the building to golds and pinks. I thought that was beautiful but there was even better to come. An hour or so later we watched the full moon rise and then used the second part of our ticket, touring it again by moonlight. This was amazing!
        What I didn’t like about this trip to North India was people always approaching us, offering special deals and services. This was a constant hassle that didn’t seem apparent in the small town in South India. Amita told me later that word had got around that these overseas visitors were guests of Sarvesh so we were left alone in that town but that this is a problem for tourists, all over India.
       After a couple more nights in Delhi visiting local attractions, we were on our way back to South India again. Yes, as I said before it was short but very enjoyable. Thank you, Sarvesh. That was a lovely surprise. 

Story 194 Part Five Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 194 Part Five.

                                                                                        Written by Mary.
          Yes, I know, I wrote this story, I am Mary the new writer. They helped me out with the extra writing of backgrounds so I could concentrate on getting the story sections ready. I thought I better at least do one of these. Allan was supposed to be doing this one.   
        This was a big project for me but I enjoyed it. I’m very pleased with the results and seeing more and more of my work appearing online. I think one of the hardest parts was trying to fit in with the existing stories regarding characters and places etc. Other new writers have had the same problem because in many ways there is a ‘world’ that has grown up around these stories. But I did have Susan and Anne to advise and help me. What those two don’t know about this the main Letters storyline, just isn’t worth knowing.
        When I began planning this story it soon became clear it was going to be a number of four or five short stories joined together. I asked if I could keep them as shorter stories and they said I could do as I wanted. In the end, it became five stories of which this is the last. I did consider another about Betty and Tom at the big nude day but this seemed very similar to the true story Ronnie and I are writing so I decided to end here.

        Now, this blog is a collection of naughty, sexy stories and so we really needed some sexual adventures in my stories too. At first, I intended having only a couple but then after talking with Susan, we decided on a scene for each story. This added a lot of extra work because as has been said before, good sex scenes are not easy to write but I hope you'll agree, the end result has been worth it.  

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 194 Part Five.

Friday 24 February 2017

Story 194 India - Part Four - The Wedding.

Part Four – The Wedding.
         The day of the wedding was a complexed day for us with a number of functions we had to attend. First, there was an early breakfast at the restaurant in the Game Reserve. This was a private function before the park opened to the public.
         A beautiful location on a deck overlooking a large lake, it was very early as we wanted to catch the sunrise over the lake; the water was still, hardly a ripple. We watched birds diving over the water, catching small insects that had come in to drink. Hansini pointed out one of the small cabins on the far side which was where the couple would spend their first married night together.
         Of course, David was the guest of honour at this breakfast as it was his big day. His family and all of us from the Letters group were there. There were also a few others from India I didn’t know. Katrina’s father was there too since he couldn’t be with his daughter for her special breakfast on the train.

Story 194 Part Four Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part Four.

                                                                                        Written by Reshma.
          Yes, I know, I didn’t write or publish this story, our new writer Mary did but we’ve decided not to burden her with the extra writing of backgrounds, instead just concentrate on getting her story sections ready.
          By the time Mary got to this section, we were well underway with the writing of Katrina’s Wedding. She was able to read our notes and parts we had completed and she used that to write Betty’s view of the wedding. That took up the first part of her story, the non-sexy part. What she wrote here, also had an effect on our story, we found ourselves making changes to our work as well. For example, we had written that the wedding train had arrived in the main town. Mary and Susan made it into a temporary station on the other side of the river. Remember we had always had the club/hotel placed in the town too until Asami moved it across the river in Story 187 Part Two.

         Now came that big sex scene where these two horny older women managed to arrange a night with a hot, sexy younger guy. In Mary’s case, she worked from her own experience again. One night, Mary and a friend called Deanna arranged to spend their night with a guy called Paul. You'll know Paul from the comments he makes in this blog. What appears in this story is said to be closely based on that night. I even hear that Mary consulted but Deanna and Paul as she wrote this section. Once again the end result was cleaned up with the help of our sex scene expert, Susan (Sexy Sue). 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part Four.

Friday 17 February 2017

Story 194 India - Part Three - On to India.

Part Three – On to India.
         Our flight to India was also with Singapore Airlines. It was really an early flight, still dark when we left the hotel for the airport. It was a bigger group now but didn’t take too long to get through and ready to board our next flight.
        This flight took us out over the Indian Ocean and on to India. This time Mike was sitting beside us and he said he was hiding from Shanti. I wasn’t sure what he meant by that until I read their story about the flight from New Zealand. (Story 187 Travelling to India - Part One.)

         Our first landfall in India was a very large city called Hyderabad. I hadn’t even heard of it until a few days before our trip and it is one of the largest cities in India. Shows how much I know! We’d had been flying over India for quite some time before we came in on final approach, preparing for landing. As we came around towards the airport I caught sight of the city, a cluster of very tall buildings in the distance, surrounded by many small buildings and houses. It looked to be a huge city. We came in fast and low over a busy road and we were down.
        The airport was modern and efficient, we were processed quickly. Once we had our bags we headed towards our smaller flight. Others seemed to know where they were going so Tom and I just followed along with the group. I had Carol, one of the twins, with me again. She seemed to like being with me as long as her mother and sister were close by. Part of the time she walked and partly I carried her.

Story 194 Part Three Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part Three.

                                                                                        Written by Shandra.
          Mary had enough with getting her story sections together without the burden of writing extra backgrounds, we each took a part of her story and provided background notes.

         Mary quickly wrote the first part of this section getting Betty and Tom to India and settled into Jeevan and Mandara’s house. It is not the first time that this journey has been described so I did suggest she jump over it but Mary thought Betty would want to tell us about her first impressions of a new country. So I pointed out two other stories where this had been done before so she could read them before writing her own version.

        Now one day Mary was over at Anne’s place and we were discussing the sex scene. She wanted them to start outside on a deck overlooking the town before moving into the bedrooms. Now we were a bit concerned about this because two couples sitting together had been done a few times and we didn’t want her to repeat this.
       She also wanted Tom to be involved in the story by telling what happened to him as well. So that led to this sort of parallel story where they both gave their account of the conversation leading to Mandara ending up topless. I mentioned that more often than not, two people will give different accounts of the same event. She took this on board too.

       Now finally came that sex with Jeevan. On a few occasions, we have written about how he takes things slowly and builds up to some amazing, mind blowing orgasms for his sex partners. I suggested that perhaps Betty will experience the same thing. Mary loved that idea and what she wrote was really good. There was not much I thought needed changing except in a couple of places where she tended to repeat herself a bit. With Susan’s help, she got these problems sorted, cleaned up so the scene flowed better and here it is Part Three complete. 

        Mary tells us that part of these sex scenes are based on when they invited Bill (Susan's father) and his girlfriend Sally over for the evening. So like most of our stories, there is a true story somewhere in the background. Most likely, it is not the same as you read here but still an inspiration for the writer. 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part Three.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Story 194 India - Part Two - Our Singapore Stopover.

Part Two – Our Singapore Stopover.
Hi Betty again,
          Our trip came up fast. Before we knew it we were in the last few days before we would leave, packing and preparing to go. Since it was almost the off-season, we dried off the cows a bit early so there was no milking on the farm. One of our sons brought his young family up and they stayed to keep an eye on the place, feed the animals etc.
         The day before our trip we drove down to Auckland and stayed with Mike and Shanti. This was to make it easier getting to the airport the following morning. Shanti and the three children were there but Mike was at work. It was nice spending time with them and before long Mike arrived. Shanti had cooked dinner for us that night then we spent a lovely evening with them as they told us about some of the final details of our trip and showed us photos of the town we would be visiting in India.

Story 194 Part Two Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 194 Part Two.

                                                                                        Written by Susan.
          We didn’t write or publish this story, our new writer Mary did. We’ve just taken over the backgrounds so, she can concentrate on getting her story sections ready.

          So Mary had to get Betty and Tom to Singapore and do whatever they were going to do there. We all thought she would write them straight through to India but she didn’t. She wanted Betty and Tom to have some fun in Singapore, soon getting distracted with that sex scene with Donald and Paula. When we heard she was writing that, Allan added a short comment into Story 187 Part One that Betty and Tom did something with Donald and Paula. I like the idea of linking stories together like that. Somehow it makes them feel just that little bit real.
         I thought Mary was quite daring dividing her story into two with a second account of what Tom and Paula did. Writing as a man can be challenging, men don’t think like normal people (LOL), but for the most part, she did well. We just advised and helped a bit as she needed it. So here was are, two stories under her belt and she hasn’t even got Betty and Tom to India yet. But then, it's not really about them just getting to India, is it? It's really all about the fun and sex they have along the way.
         I’m really pleased that Mary tackled this and so proud of what she has done. We have considered her and Ronnie as part of our team for a while now but I want to say to you Mary, “You really are a Writer of Letters now. You can hold your work up and stand proudly beside us.”
         Big hug from me!
                       Sexy Sue.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 194 Part Two.

Friday 3 February 2017

Story 194 India - Part One - Wedding Invitation.

Part One – A Wedding Invitation.
Hi from Betty.        
        I’m new at this. Been enjoying the stories but never tried writing one myself. Now Shanti and Amita want me to tell you about our trip to India. They are helping and advising me with it too, of course.
        I didn’t know where to start with this, so many things have happened, so many things I could tell you. Shanti suggested I start from the very beginning and build my story from there. She said, they would be happy with whatever I could write. Long or short, it wouldn’t matter. So if you enjoy my story then I wrote it. If you are bored out of your tree because it rambles and goes on like, forever, then it’s all Shanti’s fault.

       So before we get to India lets back-track to how Tom and I got involved in all this. My husband Tom is Mike’s, father’s brother, Mike’s uncle you would say. We have a small dairy farm just north of Warkworth. It doesn’t make us much but we are happy, comfortable here. We have a good life. We enjoy having visitors, particularly when Mike and his lovely wife, Shanti come to visit. They often bring their friends with them for camping, fishing and hunting which livens the place up a bit. 
       We have known for a long time that Shanti and Mike had sexual things going on with their friends. Once, long ago, they had all been camping on our farm. We took a walk down to see them one hot afternoon to find most of them down at the river, skinny dipping. They didn’t see us so we backtracked past their camp to go back home. As we passed, Shanti and the Indian man, Joseph emerged from a tent. They were also both naked and by the way she had her arm around him, more than friendly too. Again, lucky they didn’t see us. From then on, we warned them when we were going to visit their camp.

Story 194 Part One Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 194 Part One.

                                                                                        Written by Anne.
          Yes, I know, I didn’t write or publish this story, our new writer Mary did, we’ve decided not to burden her with the extra writing of backgrounds, instead, she can just concentrate on getting her story sections ready.
          Susan gave Mary an open brief for writing this story. The only thing she had to do was fit it in with previous Letters stories. She decided to take it from when Betty and Tom first got involved in the stories so really this first section is about building up to their trip, not the actual trip itself. I told Mary, it didn’t need to be sexy but she insisted she wanted to try some sex scenes.
         Now it has worked out that her story is actually divided into five sections. We said she could combine them but she wanted to leave them as separate short stories. Susan and I were ok with this and they will be published as five short stories. It’s even better that each section has worked out having its own sex scene too.

         Mary tells me the sex scene in this first section is closely based on a night Mary spent with Brian. He is very fit, trains at a gym and does a bit of running too. Mary quickly discovered that her fitness level, even with doing some walking most days, was nowhere near a match for him. Yes, I hear that it was a very physical night for her and like Betty, in this story, Mary was sore and tired next morning after her workout. But, like Betty said in the story, Mary also told us that she had a wild night and wouldn’t have missed a minute of it.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part One.

Monday 30 January 2017

Story 193 Katrina’s Leaving Presentation.

           (Katrina with the senior directors.)
Hi from Hansini.
        The third night our visitors were with us in India, we had arranged a special evening at the club. It had been an interesting day with us all on the two big buses doing a tour of the town. Not all from India could make that tour as some of the men had to work. I notice that Donald and Steve were with Jeevan and Sarvesh in the office. Katrina and David were with them too.
        For the rest of us, it was a fun day. We took them into the town and had a walk through the wet market. It’s fun seeing the shocked looks when people from overseas see how food is being processed and sold here. Once they see the place and smell it too, they just can’t believe how people can eat that food. Of course, it was also fun to see the surprised looks on the local stall-holders when foreigners appeared at their stalls and start discussing their produce. 
       It is really quite clean because all the food is kept clean and washed with lots of water. It is only where food has fallen into the drains that the smell is because in the heat. Each night the entire building is hosed out and cleaned for the new morning.
       We then took them out to a cave temple and up to a scenic location overseeing much of the area. From here it was near to Jeevan and Mandara’s new house so we stopped to view the progress there. I must admit it will be a spectacular house once it's finished. Not as big as Amita’s but still the location is amazing. From here we moved on to Amita’s house nearby and there was a lunch prepared for us beside the pool. The house manager, Amita and Katrina took some of our visitors on tours of the house. At lunch, we were joined by Brian and those from the office as Sarvesh had some things to discuss with us. This meeting was the arrangements for the wedding and assigning tasks. There was then a chance for a swim for those like Shanti.

Story 193 Background

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                                                                                        Posted by Anne.
         We were together on the deck discussing these stories before Katrina’s Wedding. There had a been a series of what was happening at various houses but we were looking for something a bit different. The idea of Sarvesh and the Maid came up which my partner Allan, picked up and ran with. Now we were looking for a second small story. A few ideas were suggested, discussed and rejected but nothing seemed to work.
         Then Shandra came up with the break-through idea. “What about Jeevan and Sarvesh giving Katrina a leaving presentation?” she said. I challenged her and Kim added, “Maybe, a leaving presentation over her office desk.” (We all know where that idea came from Letter/Story 72  Background Extra.)
        Well, the desk became the boardroom table and four directors instead of two became involved. As ideas were batted backwards and forwards a storyline began to develop. Finally, most of the story had been drafted out. The cum shower was first just Jeevan and then all four directors were joining in.
       There remained just a few questions. How do they get Katrina into the boardroom? What happens since her clothes would be ruined? Should David be involved? The first two I took care of while I wrote the story. The last one, Susan suggested that David fucks Elizabeth on the other end of the table. That was a surprise as I considered Elizabeth to be a lesbian but then I thought, why not let her try a guy for once.

        So there it is, you can see how this story was mainly completed in a brainstorming session. All I needed to do was write it. Nothing outstanding as much has been covered in other stories but it all came together as a fun little story that finished off Katrina’s time before she leaves to prepare for her wedding.   

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 193.

Saturday 14 January 2017

Story 192 Europeans in Our House.

         (Hamza & Kalki with Peter & Jenny.)
Hi from Kalki.
         My husband and I were also at the special event put on by Sarvesh and Amita when it was suggested we should have these overseas visitors stay within our own private houses. This was a big thing, not normally done in India I think, but we told we were willing to help.
         We got a European couple from New Zealand. A man called Peter and his wife Jenny. They also had two children with them, two girls, lovely twins. It is funny how my friend Sairu also had a European couple staying with them. Now thinking of this, I’m sure Amita arranged it like that.
        Of course, at the time we agreed to this but later I became concerned as to whom these people were and how we would look after them as we do not have much wealth and a very simple house. Hamza informed me to talk with Amita about it. He also said to read the Letters because this couple featured in many stories. Amita told me they were easy-going and would fit in with us well. I was confused what she meant by ‘easy-going’ until she explained it was a New Zealand term that meant they were very relaxed and adaptable type of people.
        Amita also suggested we might want to video chat with them too. Just so we could be knowing them better. I learnt that Sairu had done the same too. I also learnt she had got very naughty in her chat with Steve. Even taking all her clothes off in front of him. LOL, Very naughty girl! I am too shy to do such as that!
       When we made contact, I sat beside my husband and watched these people on the screen. In my mind were the ideas they would be staying into our house. They were older than us and had their little girls with them at first. I noticed the girls were falling asleep and Jenny soon took them away. After that, it was a good chat and I knew we would be happy with them in our house.
        There was a little bit of sexy in our talk too which made my husband and me sure they would be open to more too. I was surprised that Hamza told Jenny she was hot. I was worried how she would take this but she replied she can be even hotter when she knows him better. Oh wow! Both Hamza took this as meaning she was interested for him, interested in doing more sexy to him. You know of this, interested in the making the love-games with him.
         Now I looked to Peter in a different way. I was wondering about what a man like him would be like to me, into my bed. I was not very experienced with the sex, only for my husband so how would an older white man be to me?
         Then Peter said, “You look hot too Kalki.”
         I know what Hamza had just said but I was even surprised. I think, not knowing how to reply to this so I hesitated longer than I should.
         His face changed for a worried expression. 
         “Sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
         “No! No, Peter….. It is fine.”
         “It’s only the truth...... You do look hot, Kalki. I love that sari you are wearing.”
         “Thank you, Peter. You look hot too,” I replied. A bit silly to say but I had to say something.
         He gave a laugh. “Well, perhaps we should get together and explore all our hotness.”
         I saw his joke and laughed. I also saw the meaning of extra behind his words too. I was sure he was suggesting me to join his love-games. Later, Hamza told he thought so too.
         The chat finished not long after that. When they went away, we went off to bed. 

Story 192 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 192.

                                                                                        Posted by Reshma.
         At a writers meeting a few months back, it was suggested that the European couples from New Zealand would stay with the two younger Indian couples when they visited India for the wedding. Anne’s strategy here was to bring out these two girls by putting them with older, more experienced men. There was also the potential of them being different races and cultures that could be explored as well.
        My sister took the first one where Steve & Sharon stayed with Sairu and Payam. This would eventually expand into three posts and become the great story we all have just enjoyed during December. I took the second story where Peter & Jenny stayed with Kalki and Hamza.
        Now, my brief described them being not as wealthy as others in our stories, also that while Hamza is about 27, Kalki is younger, about 22. It has been suggested that she might be shy and not as confident sexually. Anne also wanted me to include that Hamza now worked for Sarvesh which could be the base for a possible future story. Finally, way out in the future, there will be some stories concerning Jenny’s twins and Amita’s boy Steven when they grow up. That scene at the end was included in continuing developing this theme.

        I remember when I first got involved in the Letters Writers Team that I had only ever had one partner and I was much as Kalki might have been, shy and lacking confidence in my sexual ability. So in writing here, I was able to draw from my own experiences with new sexual partners.
        I also wanted Peter to overcome her shyness with some joking and teasing too. Later, I wrote that Hamza noticed a big change in their lovemaking too with Kalki becoming a lot more assertive and confident in their lovemaking. Also, something that happened with my husband and I, too. He says I'm more bossy now. Ha! Ha! Of course, I know all of you won't believe that.

        So once again, as has happened so often in this blog, we have a story, built around and based on reality. In this case, it is my reality being woven into the words of a fantasy, fictional story. 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 192.

Saturday 31 December 2016

Story191 Our Visitors Steve & Sharon (Part Three).

Part Three  -  Payam & Sharon.

Hi from Payam & Sharon
         When my wife Sairu decided to write about the sexual side of having visitors from New Zealand it was suggested I contribute to this too. Being unsure how this would go, I talked with Sharon online. She quickly agreed to help me. Therefore, as my wife Sairu mentioned in her first section, you must consider this next section to be a collaboration between us even though it all appears written under my name.
         When it was suggested we take a couple to accommodate within our house I was quick to agree. I knew our good friends Sarvesh and Jeevan were in complete support of this. I have also seen the many stories from when overseas visitors had stayed previously in India. Having an Indian couple from New Zealand would have involved no problems at all. Even the mixed couple would be fine although I did consider and wonder about Shanti’s strong personality. But then I came to know our couple would be Europeans from New Zealand. My wife Sairu was in the panic so I counselled her to fully discuss this with her friends Amita and Hansini. But I, myself, was with full confidence they would not be assigned unless Sarvesh and Amita were entirely assured this couple would be suitable with us.

Story 191 Part Three Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part Three.

                                                                                        Posted by Shandra.
         When I had just about completed my story I began to wonder what those other two, Payam and Sharon did. Finally, sitting down at my laptop, I decided to find out. It’s not detailed or long but considering it was an extra add on I think it gets the job done.  
        The idea is that Payam and Sharon had to be busy as well. It has to be asked what an Indian guy would do when he was with a woman like Sharon. She was a bit older than him, European, blonde with bigger breasts and a shaved pussy. Sure that would have been an attraction, something different for him. I’m also sure Sharon would have been interested in him too. 
        But the major factor between them would have been culture. She was an out-there western woman while he was a more traditional Indian man. There would have been differences between them, particularly in their expectations on a woman's role during sexual activities. 

        I know it has been done before but the most obvious thing they would try is a tittie fuck since Sharon is a big girl. This has already been mentioned in Part Two where Steve and Sairu walked in on them so now it was just a matter of expanding on and building a sex scene from there.
        The story which followed is not my best work by far but this is also partly intentional since Payam would not have been a good story writer, therefore we can't expect a superbly written story can we? Having said that, I do admit that more could have been done here while still keeping in with Payam writing his section of the story. 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part Three..

Thursday 29 December 2016

Story191 Our Visitors Steve & Sharon (Part Two)

Part Two  -   Knowing Steve Very Well.

Forward to Story 191 Part Three.

Hi from Sairu again.
         I was outside waiting when the huge bus pulled into our street. Yes, it attracted attentions of many of our neighbours too. They observed Amita dismounting from the bus and saw a western couple of Steve and Sharon enter into our house before the bus left again. When I told Payam of it that night when he came from his office, he laughed that it would give them all something to talk about.
        After greeting them and welcoming them to our house I showed them the room which would be for them and the bathing room so they could refresh. I then returned to my cooking and food preparations as they would be joining us for eating that evening.
        Later Payam arrived home from his working place. I introduced him to our guests so he could greet them. I was interested to see that Sharon stepped towards him and gave him a brief hug which included full contact of her chest against him. I sure he would have enjoyed that too. I was left wondering why Steve hadn’t done that to me. That thought inspired me to comment.
       “I didn’t get a hug like that,” I told, looking directly at Steve.
       He grinned back to me. “Does Sairu want a hug too?”
       “Well, you didn’t when you arrived, Steve.”
       “Ok then, if that’s what Sairu wants.”
       “Yes, Sairu wants,” I said with a cheeky grin.
       He stepped up to me and grabbed me, pulling me toward him. There was no chance of holding back. This was a full contact hug, my breasts pressed hard against his chest. I felt his arms wrap around me and began to realise just how strong and fit this man actually was. It wasn’t a short hug either but rather long lasting.
        Then I felt his hand move down my back, down the curve of my back and onto my bum. Yes, he gave my bum a feel and a squeeze.

Story 191 Part Two Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 191 Part Two.

                                                                                        Posted by Shandra.
       I was thinking how I was going to play this second part. It’s obvious they were going to partner swap but throughout our stories, this had happened so many times that I was looking for something a bit different. Either I could try and follow both couples with two parallel sex scenes or I could follow one couple in much more detail and let you guess what happened with the second pair. I decided for the second idea and then later I added a shorter third part following the other couple. (Story 191 Part Three.)
       I went back to read about Sairu. She has been written in earlier stories as being a little bit cheeky and a bit daring. I discovered they had a little swimming pool in their backyard so I could use this. Get the girls in the pool in their bikinis and then I'm sure the guys would get them naked. After that, I’m sure nature would take its course.
       Now this story actually contains three separate sex scenes. The first two are concerning oral sex on the side of the pool. Actually, it works very well with the giver, standing in the pool while the receiver is sitting on the poolside. Yes, in case you are wondering, I’m speaking from experience here. I’ve sucked more than a few cocks like that and a few pussies too. My pussy has got the treatment like that too. It’s a good position as almost the full genital area is open and exposed. It’s also a great exhibitionism pose too, as everyone else, both in the pool and on the poolside can see what’s going on, or should I say going off.

         They then walk in on a tittie fuck before finding a bedroom of their own. The third sex scene takes place here. This is one of the longer stories on our blog so I hope you don’t feel I ramble and drawn it out too much.

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Thursday 22 December 2016

Story 191 Our Visitors Steve & Sharon. (Part One)

Part One – Getting to Know Steve. 

     (Payam & Sairu with Steve & Sharon.) 
Hi from Sairu,
       I will be writing this story and Sharon will be helping me later. It was rather a different experience writing a story with someone on the other side of the world but we did it and I really like the end result. I’m proud to present this story to all of you in the Letters Teams.
       Now Amita has already told you how she asked us all to attend a dinner up at the big house. From the start, it was obvious this was not a sexy occasion as she had told us to dress up for a formal dinner. So I dressing in a beautiful green/blue sari, Payam wore trousers and a sports jacket. We picked Hamza and Kalki on the way; they also were dressed for the occasion as well.
       We were met at the door by a driver and a doorman. While the driver took our car to park it, the doorman guided us up to the house. I’m not sure he knew that we had already walked these steps many times before. Inside we were met by a maid who showed us through into the formal lounge in a wing of the house below the master bedroom, an area of the house they usually didn’t use during our nude weekends. I had once asked Hansini about this closed off wing but her explanations it was the more formal reception rooms of the house that really didn’t mean much to me then. I knew Sarvesh was a rich and powerful man but I am still learning just how.
       Katrina, Hansini and Mootie were already there. Soon Jeevan and Mandara also joined us. This was so formal with everyone so dressed up like us. I began to realise that Amita and Sarvesh were going all out for us that evening. Hansini whispered to us that as formal guests in this house the staff will treat us as such. Just go along with it until after the dinner. She said this event was also intended as a test practice and training for new staff they had employed.
       Soon Amita and Sarvesh arrived. She wore a most beautiful sari in white and gold while the white jacket he wore was also embroidered with gold too. They seemed a nice match like that. Their entrance was announced by a house butler as we stood to greet them. As staff stood back watching, ready to attend if required, Amita and Sarvesh moved among us, greeting us as honoured guests. She did manage to smile and whisper to Kalki and me, not to feel uncomfortable by this but to enjoy this evening.
       Drinks were served with the staff seeming to know exactly what each of us preferred. Then small finger snacks were offered as well. This room was a surprise. I thought I knew their house, but this was nothing like what I expected. We wandered around the room, admiring paintings etc, the staff ever present, ever alert and ready for our needs. They politely moved aside to allow us to observe items around the room. I saw Katrina talking with a couple of them and they seemed more relaxed with her. I’d heard Katrina once worked for Amita in this house. Yes, the Letters Books telling of this too.
       Three large paintings caught my eye. As I was looking at them Sarvesh came over to join me. One was of him and Amita standing in a forest setting looking through the trees to a large city. This he said was Auckland in New Zealand near where Shanti lived. The second was them both standing in what looked like a desert landscape. This he told me was near where David, the man who is going to married Katrina, grew up. See that river in the background and he told me it was somewhere there that they got engaged. I remembered that story from the Letters Books and mentioned it to him. He just smiled and passed on to the next picture. The third showed them standing with a beautiful lake scene in the background. I recognised it as the smaller lake from the Game Reserve, where some of the stories from the books had taken place. Sarvesh told me these paintings represented the three teams he and Amita were involved with for business.
       I couldn’t help giving a giggle as I asked, “What business?”
       He smiled back and said quietly, “Sairu, behave yourself!”

Story 191 Part One Background.

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                                                                                        Posted by Shandra.
        The first part of this story has the purpose of setting things up for the wedding stories. We also took the chance to build on one of the popular couples in Letters Sarvesh & Amita. It has often been said they are very wealthy so we wanted to show some of this. It was decided there should be a meeting of the India Team and a video conference between all three teams. It was decided to combine this into one evening up at the big house. I was given the task of covering this meeting in my story, like another view of what Joyce said back in Story 187 Part Two

        When then move on to the sexy scene where Steve & Sairu talk on video webcam.  
        A French girl, Rochelle, recently arrived in New Zealand with her husband. While he has taken a job at a local winery, she with be working part-time as a dairy hand for Anne. How Rochelle came to know us is an interesting story and she will be telling it on her own page (See above). One part, concerning an online stripping session, caught my eye and I asked her if I could use that idea in this story. Yes, story ideas have to come from somewhere and more often than not it's from real life experience.
       Would an Indian woman have gone as far as that with a stranger online? I’m not sure but surprising things have happened between strangers online. Anyway, Steve and Sharon were going to be staying with Payam and Sairu in a few weeks so that may have been the reason why Sairu loosened up a bit. She had played with some of the Indian guys, particularly Sarvesh so there is the potential she would be interested in playing with Steve too.
       Sairu admits almost from the start she intended on getting topless, if not naked with him, but I wanted her to play games with him, tease him and play a bit hard to get. This is mainly done with what I hope is fun, punchy conversation. I hope this works for you. Let’s put this another way; if a guy has to work hard for it, the pussy is much sweeter when he gets it.

       So this part could be considered as an introduction to my second part when the New Zealanders arrive in India. (To be published on the 30th Dec,)

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