Saturday 23 June 2012

Letter 21 Alone on the Beach.

Index of Letters                  Letter 21 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 20.

Forward to Letter 22.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph and Lizamoa,
        Again we thank you for a lovely letter and an interesting story too. We are doing well here in New Zealand and we hope you both are doing the same over there too.

        Here are the last four photos of the “Red Sari Series.” Now you can see the end of the story. Yes Joseph you did guess the ending in your last letter. Here is Mike and I on the floor and as you can see we were doing two different sexual positions. Do you like them? I think it is very sexy to know you both will be seeing photos of us like this.

        Now first I want to explain about my stories. Yes, you are right, they are not in order. My first beach story is more recent than my second beach story. In that beach story, I don't consider it skinny dipping even though I was nude on a beach. When I lost my bikini in the surf I had no choice but to be naked as I only had that see-through cover-up to wear.
        In the other beach story, we were down at the beach below the cliffs and I made a decision to remove my clothes and go naked. It was a few years after that other story. It had been a busy time for both of us. Our work had been very demanding so we realised we needed some alone time. That is why we went somewhere where we could talk and spend some time together.
        Does that help explain those two stories? I'm sorry for getting them in the wrong order but we wrote the little beach story first after it had just happened. Then after we sent it to you Mike remembered the beach where I lost the bikini. We knew you would want to read that one too.

        Now about your story. It was a very different subject to our usual stories of being watched and showing our bodies off. And we liked the way you worked more speech into the story too. And the ‘love-making sounds’ they were good too. It was a good job both of you because it was obvious that Lizamoa had a lot of input into it too.
        Mike and I have been working together on the stories recently too. It is surprising how different another person sees the same event. Often Mike’s suggestions have added so much more to a story which I was writing for you Joseph.
        Now we have another story for you too. This happened when Mike had to go away for a week. It was a bad day at work. You know those days when whatever you do, whatever you touch seems to go wrong. Well, I was having one of those days. Mike was away. So there I was all alone with no one to comfort me and love me.

Here is my story:-
        It had been a bad day at work. Too many problems, too many hassles and I was left by the end of the day feeling uptight and annoyed. Nothing seemed to be going right that day, and I needed to get away from all my problems and escape from the real world. I drove to my favourite spot, a beach which was fortunately only 15 minutes from our home. It was twilight, and I knew it would be deserted. I needed to let the water calm me down. The sounds and smells of the ocean were what I needed, or so I thought.
        As usual, there were no cars in the car park. I couldn’t believe no one else ever came to this spot. I have been there many times since moving here, and each time there are never more than one or two other cars. Maybe that’s why I loved this particular spot. It was all rocks, no sand. It looked like the West Coast should, wild, rugged, and full of mystery. Huge rocks that the sea had weathered, broken and shattered into pieces.
        I was wearing a long denim skirt, so even if it got windy, I didn’t have to worry about my skirt exposing me. And this late, I doubted anyone else would be stopping here. I locked my car and started walking down closer to the water.
        For a while, I sat on some rocks, just watching the ocean. There was a good-sized rock not too far out, with a group of seagulls circling around, and after that... nothing, just ocean and sky. And at this time in the evening, you could hardly distinguish where they met.
        I felt the tension from the day flowing out of my body. The smell of the ocean and the seagulls calling to me were calming me down. And my mind started to wander. I had come here to forget about reality and ponder the possibilities.

        Mike was away in Christchurch, in the South Island on a business trip. Last night we talked over the internet. Yes, they were just words typed onto a computer screen. But they were so much more. Shared secrets. Tender touches. Words of lovemaking. What I wanted to do to him, what he wanted to do to me. Inner needs, we felt comfortable enough sharing. And not forgetting, the promise of pleasure when he returned home.
        I closed my eyes, as I saw the words in my head. I started getting wet again, just as I had last night. Finally, I admitted to myself why I had come here, and why I had taken off my panties. I needed relief from last night and find the self-satisfaction I craved.
        Mike had written how he wanted to suck on my pussy lips. I hiked up my skirt and began playing with my pussy. I looked around to make sure no one was there. I didn’t see anyone, so I traced my finger over my swollen lips, imagining his mouth on them. They were my fingers, but they were really his fingers, his tongue and his mouth. I opened myself a bit and began to rub my inner lips. I then stuck a finger up inside me. Deep inside my pussy, just as he said he wanted to do. I began to move my finger in and out with the rhythm of the waves. It was his finger. It was him slowly building me towards my climax.

        A sound startled me. It sounded like a stone loosened and rolled down over the rocks.
        I pushed my skirt down a bit and looked around. To the east, the sky was dark, but behind me, it was a lighter blue, tinged with pinks and purples. The moon was low in the sky and only a quarter moon, so not enough to give off any light.
        I didn’t see anything, so I told myself it was just a bird or my imagination. I didn’t see anyone. I was too lazy to get up to see if there was another car in the car park, so I went back to pleasuring myself.
        I faced the ocean, so only the fish and birds could see me playing with myself. Now I imagined Mike’s tongue fucking my pussy, licking up deep inside me. I used my natural wetness and then ran my finger down near my arsehole. I wanted to delay touching my clit for as long as possible and I knew how much he loved playing with my arse. It was one of my secret desires that I had told him, knowing he would understand. I rubbed the outside of my anus and then pushed my finger in part way. My other hand was pulling on my nipples through my shirt and bra, till they were hard.
        I still had the sense of someone else there. The spot where I was sitting was in a small cove, but the area was large enough for someone else to be there, even if they couldn’t see me. I looked around, but once again, I saw nothing, saw nobody. And at this point, I didn’t care.

        Back to my imagination. Mike was in the middle of fucking me in my mind, and I had to continue. My body was building, craving for its release. I was still fingering my arse and I took my other hand and began rubbing my clit. I went from side to side, and then up and down. It was his tongue, licking me. It was his finger inside me. It was his cock thrusting into me. I didn’t know what it was, but it was good. His body pressed next to mine. The waves were his breath on my genital area.
        “Cum for me Shanti,” my mind heard him say.
        My hands and fingers began moving faster.
        “Cum for me, baby,” he whispered in my mind.
        “Oh yes!” I answered out loud, moving my fingers faster and faster until I could no longer control the sensations building up in me. I came loudly, calling out his name as wave after wave of orgasm ran through me like the waves breaking on the beach.

        The tension was gone. I caught my breath and opened my eyes.
        And then I saw him. He was standing over by the trees, and he was fumbling with his pants. I couldn’t see but I knew he had just climaxed too. For some reason, I felt very pleased with myself.
        I straightened my clothes and walked back to my car. I smiled at him in the now darkness and drove away.
        I couldn’t wait to tell Mike the following evening when we talked. I couldn’t wait to tell him how his words had seduced me a second time at the beach.
        When I told him how in the gathering darkness someone had watched me while I fingered myself, making myself cum, he said I should write it all down as it would make a good story for you to read.

        Now Joseph and Lizamoa, our next letter is going to be a really long one because I know I am going to have a good story to tell you. You see, Mike and I are going to a special party this weekend. It’s called a Ripper Stripper Party. They tell us there will be lots of stripping and nudity. Even the audience is going to get to join in and strip nude too. The advert said total nudity by midnight.
        It sounds like fun. I can’t wait until Saturday night. Anyway, we’ll tell you all about it in our next letter.
        Hope you enjoy this letter and we are looking forward to another great letter from you in return.

        Well, that is all I have for this letter.
                Wishing you all the best,
                        Bye for now,
                                Love from,
                                        Shanti and Mike.

Index of Letters                  Letter 21 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 20.

Forward to Letter 22.


  1. hmm the lovely mind so powerful

  2. Thanks for your comments.
    Yes this is an interesting play on the mind where reality and fantasy blend together.

  3. Hello Anne
    I am Kenshin, Sakura's husband.
    A very sexy story. I enjoy the mix you have of fantasy and reality. With her growing sexual excitement, almost it is hard in her mind to tell which is real and which is not. Then that sudden discovery of a man watching. The shock and secret thrill knowing he had watched a most intimate and private moment.
    We have read 21 letters far and I see many more to go. I am enjoying your work more than I expected I would. As we read on in this blog we see the improvement of your writing. You girls are not afraid to experiment and publish the results too. It is a nice story. One suggestion that one or both of the scenes where she talks to her boy friend could have been included. Like a conversation, a fantasy, a conversation. Just an idea from me.
    I enjoyed this but my wife and friends didn't so they told I had to do this comment.

  4. Hi Sakura & Kenshin,
    What were you guys doing up at 5am reading naughty stories? LOL
    Thanks for your comments. Yes I like this story. Allan does too but others in the team have been hard on it. Kenshin you seem to have seen what I was trying to do here. I like the way you summarize the story.
    Now your suggestion. Its not the first time that was considered. A longer story was actually planned at one stage. I think we still have the outline somewhere. It was to have the computer chat, the beach scene above, then the sex when Mike got back from his trip. But like many projects in this blog it never got done. Maybe we might go back and upgrade some of these early stories one day.
    Say hi to Tukiko & Masanori from us. Asami is doing well, She is away on a trip in the truck with Allan today.
    Bye from Anne.

    1. Well Anne, we had been reading "your naughty stories" last night.
      This morning, Sakura and I were awake. I'm sure you can work the rest out yourself Anne.

    2. So is that how you read our letters, Kenshin?

    3. It could be Anne. It could be,
      But don't you want us to "enjoy them?'

  5. Where is Susan? She has been very quiet!
    Come Susan, surely you have something to say about the comments above.
