Thursday 13 December 2012

Letter 41 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 41.

Mike’s First Sexual Experience.

            Out of all the stories in the Letters Series, I think this one must be the closest to an actual real-life story. Hi, it’s Allan Sr one of the writers of The Letters Project.
            When Anne asked me for a story about Mike I wrote this story for her. The theme she gave me was something to do with the word ‘first’. I decided to write about my first sexual experience just changing the names to fit in with Letters.
            Yes, like I said above, this is a real story. There was a real dental nurse but not called Caroline of course. She did take five of us young teenage boys down to Goldie Falls (called Mokoroa Falls today) and we did go on down to the place we called 10 Foot Falls. Before the popular walking track which follows the Mokoroa Stream was established this was a nice private place, perfect for what happened in the story because nobody ever went past there. These days, of course, many hiking parties pass there every day during summer so it's not so private.
            The sex described was as far as I can remember exactly how it happened. She did take on all five of us one after another. First, she gave us all a good blow-job to get rid of our youthful enthusiasm and then she proceeded to fuck us. It was wild sex and she had no concern for our feelings or enjoyment. It was all about satisfying herself, satisfying her own lust and desires. Finally, I will never forget watching her as she finished herself off with her hand once she knew she was going to get nothing more out of us. I have seen other girls doing that since but none have ever been as rough on themselves as she was that day.

            When I showed my story to Anne, she was totally shocked. As far as she was concerned there was no way that story was ever going make it into the Letters Books.
            “It’s not at all sexy,” she said, “How could any woman want to have sex like that?”
            “But it did happen like that,” I protested. I’m not sure she entirely believed me at first.
            “Well maybe it did but it is not normal. It is sick, it is depraved,” she said.

            After Susan and Shandra saw it they decided it would make something a bit different to our usual stories, a big contrast to any of our other Letters’ stories. Eventually, Anne came around to the idea too, took over the letter and added that first section supposedly written by Shanti. I then added that little fun part of playing with the word ‘first’ as an introduction to my main story. You will notice in the next letter that Liz enjoyed that.
            The Story closes with Shanti’s view of the story which was also added by Anne and which sort of reflected how Anne felt about the story anyway.
            The letter finishes with the announcement that now both European couples from New Zealand would be travelling to India. We wanted to throw in a few extra people to add more depth (and more fun) to the second half of our Indian stories so we decided that the two extra couples from New Zealand would join in the Indian adventures too.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Allan Sr.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 41.


  1. I agree with Anne. I think this story is not good to be included. It is not a nice way to do sex.

    1. You must be a lady. LOL
      Thank you for your comment. I do see your point. This story has been hotly debated by us writers. I think the only reason it is still here is because the girls recognise that this story is based on a real story. Yes it did actually happen to my friends and me.

  2. Allan
    I wish to add my bit to this debate. I think this is a good story. I would not say no to having five hot-blooded young virgin males to play with.

    Keep it in. Allan don't let those girls tell you otherwise.

    1. Yes this story should be kept.
      Oh and Janet let me know if you find those hot-blooded virgins. I would like to 'play' too.
      Maybe you could be a standin for one Allan.
      Kirsten (Without Paul) LOL

    2. Just a short question Janet and Kirsten.
      Would one guy be enough? LOL

    3. One would be enough.
      Are you offering Allan?
      Kirsten (Still without Paul)

    4. Hi Kirsten (Still without Paul)
      Maybe I am offering.

  3. Janet
    I do not see your point on this. The idea that a woman employed in a trusted role can do something like that to these young boys is wrong and I don't think it should be celebrated in this story. Delete the story. I do not think it will be missed.

    1. Shandra told me this little debate was going on so I wanted to put in my point too.
      I do not think we should keep this story. It is not a sexy story and it does not add anything to the Letters Series. I do not think it would take much editing to remove it. Allan the delete button is in the top right-hand corner of your kerboard.

    2. Hi Reshma & Anonymous,
      Don't you think your comments might be a bit on the harsh side.
      Oh and I don't think my key-board has a delete button. LOL

  4. So what do we have here? I little party going on! And I see my partner flirting with the girls. NORTY BOY! Janet and Kirsten, don't tempt him. NORTY GIRLS!

    I can see opinion is divided here just as it is among us too. Allan, Rajah and Susan are for it while Shandra, Kim and myself would probably be against the story. As for my cousin Ayaka - well in her eyes Allan can't do anything wrong at the moment.

    Now my final word on the subject. Yes the story should go but no it is going to stay. The very fact that this little debate is going on shows that it creates interest. Since the general theme behind Letters is to explore various sexual ideas, it should be kept for that reason too. Finally my partner, the man I love wrote this, for that alone it should stay.

    Anonymous and Kirsten, I agree with Allan in that I think you delete comments were a bit stong. Yes Allan does have a delete button but I have told him not to use it.

    Now Anonymous you do make a good point about the Dental Nurse. Maybe we should change that even if only for the reason her identity might be guessed by someone. But somehow we do need to find a way of keeping that "playful squeeze' bit in the ending. I like that.

  5. Hi everyone.
    I don't care what anyone says. This is a good story, and it should be kept.
    I agree the sex is not as I would like it to be. I do not think sex like this could possibly be exciting but we must except this is a story based on a real story. I have no doubt that this real story too place. I have actually seen the pool where they went skinny dipping, 10 foot falls he called it. The stream cutting through flat rock before plunging into a fairly deep pool below. I have seen those flat rocks and watched as Allan pointed out where the sex actually took place. Where they sat and had their lunch, where she lay back against those slightly sloping rocks while she drained those guys of their cum.
    Since it happened in the real world then why can it not happen in our stories as well? Why can't that woman be so overcome with the lust and sexual excitement of taking those five young boys. I just wonder what those five boys must feel about it now. Thinking about it now maybe it is a bit sexy after all.
    My final word on this subject is you should either except it in the way it was written or just move on to the next story. It is clear Anne has no intention of changing it, no matter what we might say. It was written from the heart of the man she loves. For Anne that's all that matters.

  6. Well said Ayaka. You have nailed this debate girl.
