Tuesday 18 December 2012

Letter 42 My First Orgasm.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        Hi again from India, that was an interesting story, Mike. I was interested to know that one woman would do that. It must have been a surprise for all of you young guys too. But I don’t think Lizamoa liked it too much. She said it wasn’t very sexy as it didn’t seem too enjoyable doing sex in this way. But she does say Shanti you should not take this story out because it is Mike’s first time. The first time must always be remembered as special.
        Talking about first, also Lizamoa thinks that after all of Mike’s firsts, we all do not need to use that word ever again. He has used enough for all of us. Ha Ha.

        So we will be having four extra guests into India now. This is very interesting news. It will be good to see those two couples once again as we enjoyed knowing them the time we were in New Zealand. Lizamoa is very happy to know they are coming too. We are sure we can have them staying with some close friends because there will not be having the room for everyone in our house.
        We will change a few details but it should be OK for us to travel around to places in India while they are here also. I think it will be a good idea to travel together. It will be a lot of fun too. Those fellows are fun to be being with. They have a lot of the jokes always ready.

        Now we do not have very much time before we must get to the post office with this letter so I will just say that this is the story from Lizamoa and I think you will find it a sexy story like I did.

Hi, Lizamoa here.
        I never knew of my parents. Some people said they left me but the nuns told me they both died when I was very young. Having no other family that I know of, I ended up in an orphanage run by the Church in a Convent. I was lucky I ended up there as I hear many places are much worse.
        The nuns who ran the orphanage were kind and they took care of us physically for the things like the food and clothings but there was always something missing for me. I didn’t realise what this was until I married Joseph and discovered that this was love. This thing was the love that only parents could be giving to their child. We slept in rooms with six girls into each room, we had a larger hall for the eating and the schooling was in a school in the Convent too. So we never really went out very much.
        As I grew older I began to notice some changes into my body. On my girlish flat chest, breasts had begun to swell. Lower down I had a sparse covering of hair. It seems that every time I looked I was growing more. Finally, my monthly woman’s time began and the nuns told me that I was no longer a little girl now but I had become a woman. But I still felt like a little girl.
        When we were in the showers, other girls a bit younger than me had noticed my changes. It made me embarrassed but also a bit proud. I was becoming a woman. When I told them that, they stopped teasing me. I think they were amazed that this thing was happening to me and I think they also knew they would be not long behind me either.

        My story happened one night as I lay into my bed. I had been experienced many new and strange feelings. I was interested in my body changing and had seen each day the developments that were occurring, but I had not explored myself by touch except by the necessary touching of daily personal hygiene.
        As I lay there my right hand slowly moved up under my nightgown to touch my left breast. It was only a small swelling, but it had definitely begun to take the shape of breasts.
        I touched the bottom curve and began circling around the perimeter of its rounded shape. With each revolution I was making around my breast, I moved closer to the centre and slowed down. As I felt the size increasing nearer to the centre, I would pause and gently with a press into it. This pressure caused sensations that I had never even experienced before. I continued to work my way to the centre of my breast until I felt the ring of my nipple.
        My nipples were still smaller like they had always been, but tonight I noticed something different. The ring around was very tight and had some pimples. When I found the nipple, it was erect like if I was cold. It was larger than ever before and this surprised me as I was touching that it was like this.
        I continued to play with the nipple fondling it in my fingers and pinching it between them. My excitement built rapidly and each new touching of my breast brought on sensations that I found exciting and wonderful to feel. My right hand wandered over to my right breast and my left hand found its way to my left breast. I continued to caress with both of my breasts and both of my nipples when eventually had to stop for catching my breath. This was so exciting.

        After I had recovered for a few minutes I realized that I was hot and decided to take my nightgown off. I slipped out of it under the sheets and for some reason, I took off as well as my panties.
        I was somewhat sweaty from my activities, but I was quite surprised at the moisture that I found into my panties. I lay back down, but I couldn't stop thinking about this unusual moisture. I knew that I had not accidentally wet my panties and I never had experienced sweating between my legs like that ever before. The more that I thought about this thing, the more curious it was making me become.
        My right hand slowly started to work its way down my stomach to my pubis to satisfy my curiosity. As my hand reached my pubis, it touched the new pubic hairs that I had recently developed. They reminded me of the recent changes that had been happening. My hand continued down but avoided touching 'that place,' the one the nuns are telling us girls you aren't supposed to touch except in washing. I touched my inner thighs, but they weren't very wet.
        My curiosity mounted until it was enough to cause my hand to slowly move up to rest on my genitals. They were almost dripping wet! Not the wet of water or sweat. This was an oily slimy wet. I was very surprised with this discovery.

        As soon as my hand rested against my private area, a flooding of wonderful sensations ran all over my body. Almost instinctively my hand started to move back and forth, round and round onto my mound. I don't know why, my hand just seemed to know what to do to myself. As I continued I felt the lips down there were swelling. They were parted and they were slightly open. This sudden change was new and exciting for me to know. I had never felt them as large and swollen as this one was. I had my fingertips in between them now. I was running my fingers tips up and down the opening and each time the feelings would burst over me.
        It felt so nice to do this thing. I couldn’t stop from doing it. I just wanted to keep doing this thing as long as I was able to. Such wonderful feelings I had never had like this before. I didn’t know my body could be doing this to me. I didn’t know my body could give me such feelings.
        I continued and the sensations mounted until I reached a point where the flood of sensations was too great for me. I felt something deep inside me pounding as my entire body tightened. This feeling was there, intense for a moment or two and then I fell limp.

        My hands and sheets were soaked in liquid and sweat, but I was quite excited. I never knew this could happen to me! I never knew my body was able to do this thing. It was a feeling so intense that I could never believe there could be such feelings.
        But I was happy and I was excited. I had found a new joy. I made up my mind that I would develop this thing and enjoy it for the rest of my life.
        That is until I married Joseph and he showed me what joy and pleasure the hard male penis could bring to me.

        Some months later, I became brave enough to tell my very best friend about what I was doing at night. She was shocked that I was touching what the nuns told us we should never touch but she was also a bit interested too. Like me, her monthly had started but she only had a bit of hair in the front and no sign of her breasts yet although her nipples did look darker and a bit larger.
        The next morning she told me how amazing it was. She had even found what an orgasm was.
        One day some of us older children went on a trip to a big city. This was a trip I would never forget. I just didn't know cities could be so big and so many people. We stayed at another Convent but this place had only two beds per room. I made sure I had my best friend staying with me.
        That night I was playing with myself when my friend asked, “Are you doing it?”
        At first, I didn't know what to say but then I finally confessed that I was.
        “Can I watch you?” she asked.
        I thought about that for a few moments. But then I decided, we were both girls and had seen each other naked in the showers nearly every day since I could remember so I said, “OK, but I want to watch you doing it too.”
        She came over to sit on my bed and I got out from under the covers too. Both in our nighties without our panties, we spread our legs in front of each other and began to work on our pussies. I think that was a bit sexy as I climaxed very quickly. She was close behind me.
        Usually, I only did it once but this night I continued and so just followed me. It was too exciting to stop. Yes, we both climaxed again which surprised me.
        We never got to try that again because there was no chance back at our own Convent. The nuns watched us closely during showering and we had four other girls sharing our bedrooms too.

        Sometime later, the head nun called me to her office. You only go there if you are in trouble so I sat outside wondering what I had done wrong. Finally, when I was called in I found an older man and woman sitting there.
        The head non told me that since I was older enough, it was time for me to get married. (I later learnt that it was the church policy to get us girls married off as soon as they could to make way for the continual supply of younger children who needed a place to live.)
        "We have found you a suitable man," the head nun explained as she nodded to the couple sitting beside me. "I will allow you to meet this man a few times when he comes to visit his parents. If you like him we will allow you to marry him."
        Yes, she did say she would 'allow' but I sort of had the feeling I was being pushed a bit too. I agreed to meet him not that I felt I had much choice. (Don't feel bad about this Shanti) It was nothing worse than what other young women were getting out in the world with arranged marriages. It would work if both the man and the woman committed and worked to make it work.
        They had a new saree for me and one of the nuns got me ready by doing my hair and even applying some make-up which I had never used before. For the first meeting, I had to go to the town myself. I had never done that before. I took the bus and then walked to the house. Joseph was waiting outside for me and he looked like a very handsome man. I big strong man who I knew would protect me. (It didn't occur to me that big men often have big cocks too.)
        As you know, the meeting with Joseph went well. I liked him and he liked me. Soon wedding plans were being made. I was taken aside by one of the younger nuns who had recently joined the Convent and she told me a lot about being married. She especially talked about my special physical duties to my husband. Then she leaned over and whispered, that after the first time, the sex felt very good too. That surprised me she admitted that as I thought nuns weren't supposed to think about things like that. I sort of had guessed it might be after what I was doing to myself.
        I selected my best friend to be my bridesmaid. Again there was lots of preparations and a new saree for both of us. Mine was a full wedding saree with the red and gold. It was beautiful and made me beautiful too. So there was a big event at the church in the town and I became married.
        The best man for Joseph was a young man from the bank called Sarvesh. He had recently married a lady called Amita. The second man on Joseph's side was a man called Jeevan. He had a girlfriend called Mandara. Since I only had my best friend, Mandara became my second bridesmaid. So I was married and the rest is history.
        Not long after our wedding, Sarvesh and Amita moved to our town as he got a better job in a bank there. We became close friends. Sarvesh saw the chance to help his friend, Jeevan, buy a business in our town too so they became good friends for us too.

Well, we must end this letter quickly now and rush to the post office.

                Bye Bye for now,
                        Love from,
                                Lizamoa and Joseph.


  1. Oh this is the sexy story. It is so nice to discover the sext things for the first time. It is nice the way you were writing Shandra.

    1. Hi Anonymous
      Are you the person who just commented on the hot pool bikini story (Letter 28)?

      Yes I am happy with this story. Glad you like it. Yes it is based on what I actually did to myself one night when I was thinking about what to write. Did you check out the background I wrote. See the link just above.

  2. Shandra
    This is so much a sexy story. I think you did a good job with it.

    1. Thanks Asami.
      I have always thought this was one of my better ones too.

  3. Yes Shandra I like this too.
    It always reminds me of my first orgasm. It reminds me of that moment when first I realised there was more to my body than I had known before. Reading it today, it again brought back all those memories, all those feelings of a young girl's body awakening to sexual desires for the first time.

  4. We agree with the comments above. This is such a sexy story. We all loved it. So open in the way it was written as it captures a young woman discovering the powers of her body for the first time. I think was can all relate to this, both male and us females, that time of experimenting, that time of discovery.
    I also like the way you said it was written in your background Shandra. You said in the heat of an orgasm. I like that. We can imagine you jumping up, pussy still tingling from you cum, and beginning to write.
    Thank you for this nice story.
    Sakura & Kenshin.
    Tukiko & Masanori.
